2012年11月30日 星期五

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Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


Tuition support for students

Reduce water usuage to help TW

The life of a kindergarten principal

●Coming up in today’s show, Tzu Chi volunteers in Vietnam are partnering with a local organization, to distribute scholarship support to needy students.

●As water resource is becoming more precious, many businesses in Taiwan are implementing new steps to reuse, reduce and recycle water.

●And, we meet the principal of a kindergarten, Ceng Meiyuan(曾美媛), who continues to care for the children in her community.





1. 越南新芽發放 Visiting the Binh Tan District

2. 美合作模式併 NGOs expand disaster relief work

3. 南非+愛爾蘭勸募併 Love pouring in from far and wide

4. 同仁募愛助南非 Helping each other’s dreams come true

5. 消失的地平線(3)工業 Industries & its conservation efforts

6. 360幼教員 The life of a kindergarten principal

7. 澎湖素食結緣 A charity fair in Penghu

8. 愛心家園義診 Free dental clinic for Chengshin


1. 越南新芽發放 Visiting the Binh Tan District

In Vietnam, since the establishment of the New Shoots Scholarship program, Tzu Chi volunteers have been helping underprivileged students in various districts. This time, the volunteers joined hands with the Ho Chi Minh City Union of Friendship Organizations and distributed scholarships in the Binh Tan District, helping a total of 146 students.


2. 美合作模式併 NGOs expand disaster relief work

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, Tzu Chi volunteers in the US have been conducting relief distributions to help victims restore their lives to normal. As the short-term relief work has come to an end, the Tzu Chi New Jersey Chapter and the Red Cross have now started planning mid-term relief work. The Red Cross will continue to provide lists of needy people and cleaning tools, while Tzu Chi will offer manpower and aid supplies.


3. 南非+愛爾蘭勸募併 Love pouring in from far and wide

Tzu Chi volunteers around the globe are continuing to contribute their share, to help Hurricane Sandy victims in the United States. One Tzu Chi volunteer in Ireland, Zheng Jijin(鄭濟慬), donated the money from garbage collection and hair cut to Tzu Chi. Meanwhile, Tzu Chi volunteers in South Africa held a food fair in China Mall, Johannesburg, to fundraise for disaster victims. Let’s take a look.


4. 同仁募愛助南非 Helping each other’s dreams come true

Moving toTaiwan, the Tzu Chi Foundation staff in Hualien knows that every year local volunteers from South Africa will return to their spiritual homeland. Despite their hardships, these volunteers are devoted to helping others. Therefore, the foundation staff took the lead to canvass for donations for South Africa’s local volunteers. Within a month’s time, they raised a total of 1 million and 60,000 NTD.

鏡頭轉到台灣,台灣志業體的同仁知道每年南非的本土志工都會回花蓮尋根,而且知道當地志工在貧困的生活條件下仍堅持助人,因此 ,同仁自發性的為南非慈濟志工 募款,短短不到一個月的時間,總共募得106萬台幣。

5. 消失的地平線(3)工業 Industries & its conservation efforts

Although Taiwan receives an abundant rainfall every year, due to the nature of its topography, most of this rainwater runs into the sea, thus water shortages remain an ongoing problem. Today, 9 percent of Taiwan’s water reserves are used by its industrial sector. However, during water shortages, factories cannot cease operation or take more than their allocated share. As water resources slowly become stretched, water-intensive businesses have begun treating water, as a valuable natural resource, and have introduced water conservation and recycling steps into their manufacturing process. Thanks to these steps, companies have managed to cut down on their annual water usage, thus, helping not only themselves, but Taiwan’s environment as a whole. Here’s more.

雖然台灣雨量充沛,但因為地勢的關係大多數的雨水都流入海洋,因此台灣經常面臨缺水危機,目前台灣的水資源有百分之九是工業用水,然而 在缺水期間工廠不能停止作業,或是佔用過量的水資源,正當水資源漸漸吃緊,大量用水的企業,開始重視水資源並且在廠房製程中,引進省水回收的機制,因為這種機制企業得以削減年度用水量,幫助到的不只是自家企業,還有台灣整體的環境,請看以下報導。

6. 360幼教員 The life of a kindergarten principal

Before Ceng Meiyuan(曾美媛) was a kindergarten principal, she was a stay-at-home mom, but with her husband’s support, she started her own kindergarten to help working mothers, take care of their children. In the past 35 years, her kindergarten has seen the expansion of up to 300 students, however, with Taiwan’s declining birthrate, her enrollment has decreased to some 30-40 students. Many ask, why doesn’t she just retire, but Ceng feels that her calling to care and love these children outweighs anything else.

在當幼稚園園長前 ,曾美媛原本在家帶小孩,在先生支持下,從此投入幼兒教育,35年來學生人數多高達三百人,直到現在因為台灣少子化,幼稚園學生數銳減到三、四十人,人們問她,要不要就退休,但只要想到這群孩子能夠有人疼、有人教,再怎麼辛苦 ,她都願意扛。

7. 澎湖素食結緣 A charity fair in Penghu

In Taiwan’s Penghu(澎湖), the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, held a year-end charity fair, where various groups and participants gathered together to show their love to those in need. Local Tzu Chi volunteers sold meatless dishes, in hopes of promoting vegetarianism to more people, and all the money raised was donated, to the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families Penghu(澎湖) Chapter.

在台灣, 澎湖區家扶中心舉辦歲末送暖親子園遊會,來自各界的團體或個人共同來付出愛心,澎湖慈濟志工義賣素食,希望推動素食人文將義賣所得捐贈澎湖家扶中心。

8. 愛心家園義診 Free dental clinic for Chengshin

On November 18th, Taoyuan Tzu Chi volunteers and TIMA medical staff, visited the Chengshin(誠信) Special Home and held a free dental clinic for the children there. As most of the youngsters were afraid of receiving treatment, volunteers and doctors all patiently accompanied the children and treated them as their own family members.



Going into autumn every year, is the season in which Canada experiences a great amount of falling maple leaves. Cherishing any natural resources, Tzu Chi volunteers in Vancouver turned the leaves into rose-shaped flowers and gave them to senior residents at the local nursing home. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.



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Aid distribution for Ocean Township

Reduce groundwater dependency

Ensuring martial arts shines on

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in today’s show, US Tzu Chi volunteers continue to help Hurricane Sandy survivors with a relief distribution in Ocean Township of New Jersey.

●In our feature reports on land subsidence in Taiwan, we find out what the government is doing to help farmers change their farming methods.

●And, we meet a martial arts master, Lin Changxiang (林昌湘), who is doing what he can to ensure this traditional art shines on.

●今天的題要 ,美國慈濟志工來到新澤西海洋城發放,持續幫助風災的受災民眾。

●今天的消失地平線 ,台灣專題中,看看政府如何協助農人們改變耕種方式。



1. 海洋城發放 Ocean Township relief distribution

2.美電話慰災民 Phone calls caring for victims

3.洛杉磯義診 Recipients become givers at free clinic

4. 澎湖西嶼往診 Home visitations in Penghu

5. 消失的地平線(2) 農業 Government helps solve water problem

6. 360武術教練 Ensuring martial arts shines on

7.廣州訪視 Bringing hope to needy families

8. 南非監獄關懷 Seizing every opportunity


1. 海洋城發放 Ocean Township relief distribution

In the United States, the Tzu Chi New Jersey Chapter, carried out its 8th aid distribution, at a local school to help 227 households in Ocean Township and Bar-ne-gat Township.


2.美電話慰災民 Phone calls caring for victims

At the Tzu Chi US Headquarters in San Dimas, volunteers made phone calls to disaster victims on the east coast to show their support. During their conversations, the volunteers learned how some of the residents felt abandoned by the government, as they were ineligible to apply for subsidies. However, there were inspirational stories as well, in which survivors devoted their time to help Tzu Chi volunteers distribute hot meals.


3.洛杉磯義診 Recipients become givers at free clinic

Tzu Chi volunteers in Los Angeles recently held a free clinic, at the Lytle Creek Elementary School in San Ber-nar-di-no County. Serving at the clinics were bilingual local volunteers and Tzu Chings from UC Irvine and other colleges.


4. 澎湖西嶼往診 Home visitations in Penghu

In Taiwan, Northern District TIMA medical staff and volunteers, arrived in Penghu and visited the homes of care recipients in Huxi(湖西) Township, Xiyu(西嶼) Township and Magong(馬公) City.


5. 消失的地平線(2) 農業 Government helps solve water problem

Continuing on our series of reports on the issue of sinking foundations in Taiwan, we find out today what the government is doing to help lessen Taiwan’s groundwater dependency, and how some farmers are already doing their part to help, by changing the ways they grow crops.


6. 360武術教練 Ensuring martial arts shines on

In today’s feature reports on Taiwan’s fading trades, we meet one martial artist, Lin Changxiang (林昌湘), who have taught martial arts in some 40 schools in Taipei and New Taipei City. 12 years ago, the martial arts master, who is also a national coach, even established his own club to pass on the tradition to those interested.

在今天的真情臉譜專題,我們來認識 武學大師林昌湘,先後在台北與新北市的40間學校的武術社教武術,12年前也是國家級教練,他正式開設武館教導有興趣學習的人 。

7.廣州訪視 Bringing hope to needy families

Next, in China, every month, Tzu Chi volunteers in Guangzhou(廣州), visit 37 needy families living in Zhongluotan(鐘落潭) Town. Most care recipients live in poor conditions and volunteers brought care and love into their lives.


8. 南非監獄關懷 Seizing every opportunity

As the first Overseas Volunteers Training Seminar came to an end, local volunteers from South Africa, returned to Tzu Chi’s spiritual homeland in Hualien, where they seized every opportunity to give. The volunteers not only served at the Hualien Tzu Chi General Hospital, but also visited inmates at the Hualien Prison.



We go to Malaysia at the end of our program today, and join the students at the Kuala Lumpur Da Ai Educare Center in Malaysia, as they come together to fundraise for Hurricane Sandy survivors. The youngsters putting away spare coins in their bamboo coin banks and donated them at the monthly parents study group. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.

節目最後,我們帶大家到馬來西亞吉隆坡大愛兒童教育中心,在每個月一次的家長讀書會上為美國風災募心募款 ,捐出日存下的竹筒,一起來看看,感恩收看,再會。(2012.11.29)

2012年11月28日 星期三

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Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I ’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.


Cash card for NYPD officers in the US

Pumping out groundwater, a problem?

Aarchaeologists discovering the past

●Coming up in the show today, US Tzu Chi volunteers arrive at the NYC Police Association, to hand out cash cards to police officers, who are also disaster victims.

●As famers tend to pump ground-water to water their fields; we find out why this process is affecting the lives of Taiwan ’s citizens.

●And in today ’s feature reports on Taiwan ’s unique trades, we meet a group of archaeologists, who are working at a heritage site.

●今天的提要 ,美國慈濟志工來到紐約市警察協會,發放現值卡給73位同樣是受災戶的紐約市警察。

●因為農人抽取地下水灌溉農田,帶大家探討抽地下水後,對人民 所帶來的影響。

●接著,今天的台灣真情臉譜專題中,帶大家認識一群 在遺址地區工作的考古員。


1.紐約警察發放 Helping NYPD officers with cash cards

2. 美湯姆斯河發放 Three townships receiving help

3.漳州冬令初勘 Yearly winter aid distribution

4. 消失的地平線 (1) 惜福之島 The problem of sinking foundations

5. 雪隆新芽(六 )TC ’s scholarship helps many

6. 360考古員 Aarchaeologists discovering the past

7. 身障便利店 Convenience store, a work center

8. 工坊助身障者 Teaching skills for survival


1.紐約警察發放 Helping NYPD officers with cash cards

We kick off today ’s show in the United States, after Hurricane Sandy struck the east coast of the United States, New York City police officers had to work 16 hours a day, to help the disaster victims clean up their homes. However, many police officers were actually disaster victims themselves, who only had the opportunity to clean up their home, when they were off duty. To help these public servants, Tzu Chi volunteers went to the NYC Police Association, in downtown Manhattan, to hand out cash cards to 73 police officers.


2. 美湯姆斯河發放 Three townships receiving help

Last Saturday on November 24th, in the township of Toms River, New Jersey, Tzu Chi volunteers held an aid distribution for a total of 561 residents. The receipients all came from the hard hit townships of South Toms River, Ocean Gate and Toms River. One of those picked up her cash card, was 93-year-old Anne Cas-tog-ma, whose house was destroyed by the hurricane. As the distribution date fell on her birthday, she said the care and supplies given by Tzu Chi, made it one of the best birthdays in her life.

上周六 11月24日在新澤西的湯姆斯河市志工展開聯合發放,幫助561位民眾,這些災民來自於南湯姆斯河海洋門市和湯姆斯河,慈濟志工發放現值卡帶來耶誕節的希望,現場有一位93歲的奶奶房子全毀,她在生日這天領到慈濟的物資,她說這是這輩子最棒的生日。

3.漳州冬令初勘 Yearly winter aid distribution

In preparation for their upcoming winter aid distribution, volunteers in China ’s Zhangzhou(漳州), recently held home visitations in 8 townships, al-together visiting more than 300 families. As volunteers went door to door, they saw traces of past years ’ distributions, proving how much these yearly distributions mean to the community.


4. 消失的地平線 (1) 惜福之島 The problem of sinking foundations

In Taiwan, as rainfall is unevenly distributed throughout the year, the island often faces water-shortage problems. To find ways around this, many farmers tend to pump ground-water to water their fields; however, this has created a problem of land sub-sid-ence. It is predicted that if this problem continues, in 10 years, Taiwan ’s High Speed Rail will no longer be operational, as the land on which it sits, will become uneven.


5. 雪隆新芽(六 )TC ’s scholarship helps many

Since its establishment, Tzu Chi ’s New Shoots Scholarship program has helped lift the burden off many families around the globe. After having helped many families in Malaysia, teachers and students reciprocated Tzu Chi ’s kindness and love through a series of activities.

由於新芽的補助,讓許多家庭減輕了生活負擔 ,在馬來西亞 師生與家長為了回饋慈濟及社會,呈現了一系列愛的回饋。

6. 360考古員 Aarchaeologists discovering the past

Many of us, when thinking of archaeology, only think of the ex-cavation process; however, the work of these archaeologists is much more. In today ’s feature reports on Taiwan ’s unique trades, we travel to Taichung(台中) ’s National Museum of Natural Science, and meet a group of archaeologists, who are working at a heritage site there.


7. 身障便利店 Convenience store, a work center

In Taiwan, the Victory Potential Development Centre for the Disabled, has joined hands with FamilyMart to establish the country ’s 1st convenience store, that is also a work center. Thanks to the collaboration between the two, people with special needs, finally are given a chance to work and become financially independent.


8. 工坊助身障者 Teaching skills for survival

Tainan(台南) ’s Lianxinyuan(蓮心園) Education and Nursing Center, is a place where adults with special needs, can learn skills to make a living. One father took an early retirement, to take care of his daughter, as he fear that after she graduated from school, she would have no where to go. Luckily he found out about the center. The workshop teaches hand and eye co-ordination through simple handiwork. Here ’s more.



Going back to the United States at the end of the show, the Tzu Chi Kindergarten in Mon-ro-via, California recently organized a Thanksgiving celebration, where students, teachers and volunteers prepared a series of performances and also held a blessing ceremony. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.

節目最後,回到美國蒙洛維亞,大愛幼兒園最近舉辦了感恩節活動,師長及志工帶領著小朋友們進行表演和祈福活動,一起來看看,感恩收看, 再會。


2012年11月27日 星期二

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121127

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.


Becoming certified Tzu Chi volunteers

Five rounds of aid distribution in Thailand

A new Jing Si Books and Cafe in Changhua

●Coming up in today’s show, in Taiwan we join the overseas Tzu Chi volunteer certification ceremonies, at the Jing Si Halls in both Sanchong(三重) and Banqiao(板橋) District.

●As weather is getting colder, Thailand Tzu Chi volunteers join hands with the Duang-kaew Foundation, to carry out 5 rounds of aid distributions.

●And, also in Taiwan, we go to the Yongjing(永靖) Recycling Station in Changhua(彰化), to visit the newly established Jing Si Books and Cafe.


●因為天氣漸漸變冷 ,泰國慈濟志工與琉璃光基金會一起進行五場冬令發放。



1. 三重&板橋 上人受證 Becoming certified Tzu Chi volunteers

2. 板橋三重海外志工 Let’s meet TC volunteers

3. 嘉義翻車後續 A tragic accident

4. 星智障義診 Free dental clinic for the handicapped

5. 泰北冬令發放 Five rounds of aid distribution in Thailand

6. 海門社區發放 Relief works never stops

7. 越南桑迪募款 Helping storm survivors

8. 雪隆新芽1900(五) Models of filial behavior

9. 永靖書軒啟用 A new Jing Si Books and Cafe in Changhua

10. 義大大愛感恩 DA.AI Technology in Kaohsiung


1. 三重&板橋 上人受證 Becoming certified Tzu Chi volunteers

In Taiwan, two Tzu Chi volunteer certification ceremonies were held at the Sanchong(三重) and Banqiao(板橋) Jing Si Hall, in which Master Cheng Yen was also present. As many overseas volunteers have been waiting for this moment for a long time, many were moved to tears, when they received their commissioner and Tzu Cheng certification.

在台灣,三重和板橋靜思堂舉行了兩場,慈濟志工受證典禮, 證嚴 上人也親自來到現場,對於許多海外志工來說這是個期待已久的一天,因此接到自己受證的名牌,許多人都感動的哭了。

2. 板橋三重海外志工 Let’s meet TC volunteers

As the first Overseas Volunteers Training Seminar, successfully concluded in New Taipei City’s Banqiao(板橋) and Sanchon(三重) Districts, we meet a few Tzu Chi volunteers, who have gained blessings from giving to others. In meeting all these volunteers, one can see that Tzu Chi volunteers truly comes from all walks of life.


3. 嘉義翻車後續 A tragic accident

On the evening of November 24th, a tragic bus accident took place on National Freeway No. 1, which was northbound for Chiayi (嘉義). The bus overturned, resulting in the death of 3 passengers and 24 injuries. The victims were soon taken to the Dalin(大林) Tzu Chi General Hospital, where Tzu Chi volunteers were on scene to comfort the victims’ families.


4. 星智障義診 Free dental clinic for the handicapped

The Tzu Chi Singapore Chapter, works with the Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore every year, to provide dental check up for mentally handicapped children. To relieve the children’s fear of the dental treatments, TIMA medical staff and Tzu Chi volunteers, prepared a series of performances for the youngsters to enjoy.


5. 泰北冬令發放 Five rounds of aid distribution in Thailand

In Thailand, to help the residents living in the Nan province get through the cold winter, Tzu Chi volunteers worked with the Duang-kaew Foundation, to carry out five rounds of aid distributions, giving blankets and second hand clothes to over 1,000 households.


6. 海門社區發放 Relief works never stops

In the United States, to help the Hurrican Sandy victims in the Sea Gate community of Coney Island, New York, Tzu Chi volunteers worked with the Jewish Community Council, to provide relief supplies to 198 households.


7. 越南桑迪募款 Helping storm survivors

Also to help the storm suvivors, Vietnam Tzu Chi volunteers also wanted to contribute their share by canvassing donations. However, in Vietnam, it is not easy to collect donations in public, so the volunteers decided to raise funds, after study groups and sign language classes instead. Let’s take a look.


8. 雪隆新芽1900(五) Models of filial behavior

Tzu Chi volunteers from the Tzu Chi Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chapter in Malaysia, recently held two New Shoots Scholarship award ceremonies at Kuen Cheng(坤成) High School. Let’s take a look at the story of two scholarship recipients.


9. 永靖書軒啟用 A new Jing Si Books and Cafe in Changhua

This year marks the 10-year anniversary of the opening of the first Jing Si Books and Cafe. Recently another branch of the cafe was opened, on the grounds of the Yongjing (永靖) Recycling Station in Changhua(彰化), Taiwan. Let’s take a look.


10. 義大大愛感恩 DA.AI Technology in Kaohsiung

To promote eco-friendly textile products, DA.AI Technology recently opened a new store at Kaohsiung’s E-Da(義大) Theme Park, giving residents a chance to learn ways to safeguard our environment.



Staying in Taiwan at the end of the show, to help Hurricane Sandy survivors in the United States, more than 300 Tainan(台南) Tzu Chi volunteers in Madou(麻豆) District, gathered to donate their bamboo coin banks, after a Water Repentance Sutra study group. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


2012年11月26日 星期一

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370+ Malaysia TC volunteers

Inter-faith blessing ceremony

Aviation safety inspector

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.

歡迎收看大愛英語新聞,我是陳美瑾 ,感恩有您的加入。

●Coming up in today’s show, we join the 373 Malaysia Tzu Chi volunteers as they participate in this year’s global training seminar in Sanchong.

●US Tzu Chi volunteers in New Jersey are sharing their experiences of the-recent relief distributions at an inter-faith blessing ceremony.

●And, we meet aviation safety inspector, Su Chongyi(蘇崇義), who many refer to as the housekeeper of Taoyuan International Airport.



●另外,我們來認識航務師 蘇崇義,許多人稱他們為桃園國際機場的管家。


1. 三重馬國志工 With Tzu Chi illness does not matter

2. 亞庇父子受證 From bad to good relationship

3. 聖荷西冬令 Helping the homeless in CA

4. 沙加緬度街友 Handing out clothing to the homeless

5. 新澤西宗教祈福 Thanksgiving Day for family gatherings

6. 雪隆新芽 Awarded Best Character Award

7. 九十歲阿嬤做環保 Why join recycling work?

8. 澎湖個案打掃 Skills put to the test

9. 360航務師 Aviation safety inspector

10. 智障友獨立 No longer a difficult task


1. 三重馬國志工 With Tzu Chi illness does not matter

At the first 2012 Overseas Volunteer Training Seminar; of the 453 volunteers at the Tzu Chi Sanchong Grounds, 373 are from Malaysia, and all are learning what it takes to be a certified Tzu Chi volunteer. All participants share a firm commitment to Tzu Chi and its missions around the globe.

2012年慈濟海外志工研習營,453位家人齊聚 三重靜思堂,其中就有373位志工來自馬來西亞,學習授證慈濟會員的過程,所有參與研習營的志工要分享追隨慈濟志業的經驗。

2. 亞庇父子受證 From bad to good relationship

Among this year’s participants at the global volunteers training workshop, is a father and son team from Malaysia’s Kota Kinabalu, who are here to be certified as Tzu Cheng Faith Corps members. The son used to be a misguided teenager with lots of anger issues. However, that all changed after he met Tzu Chi, and his father while accompanying him on the Tzu Chi path, also changed for the better as well.


3. 聖荷西冬令 Helping the homeless in CA

In the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers in San Jose, not only partnered with a local church to provide free breakfast once a week to the homeless people, but also have been holding winter aid distributions since 2001, giving blankets, daily necessities and sleeping bags to those without shelter.


4.沙加緬度街友 Handing out clothing to the homeless

Also helping the homeless in the United States, are Tzu Chi volunteers in Sacremento, who held a winter aid distribution before Thanksgiving last week. Relief items included blankets, scarves, gloves and hot meals.


5. 新澤西宗教祈福 Thanksgiving Day for family gatherings

On the eve of Thanksgiving Day, an inter-faith blessing ceremony was held in New Jersey’s Cedar Grove Township. Tzu Chi volunteers were invited to share the moving stories they came across, at the recent aid distributions for Hurricane Sandy victims.


6. 雪隆新芽 Awarded Best Character Award

Recently, in Malaysia, a New Shoots Scholarship ceremony was held at the Tamil La-dang Coal-field Primary School. Among the scholarship recipients, Ree-shan-than, who comes from a single-parent family, was awarded this year’s Morality Award. To support his family, Reeshanthan taught himself how to fix computers and wants to become a computer engineer one day.


7. 九十歲阿嬤做環保 Why join recycling work?

Moving to Taiwan, in Tainan’s Dingmei(頂美) Recycling Station, one will find 90-year-old Gao Yulian(高玉蓮) happily sorting recyclables. A daily fixture at the recycling station, the senior resident says her time spent in recycling, keeps her healthy and happy.

將鏡頭轉到台灣,台南頂美環保站 有一位高齡九十的阿嬤高玉蓮,她每天一早就會來到環保站,她說來這裡做環保讓她身心都健康。

8. 澎湖個案打掃 Skills put to the test

Also in Taiwan, but in Penghu(澎湖), Tzu Chi care recipient, Mr. Weng (翁) suffers from diabetes, and his arms and legs are covered with wounds which cannot come into contact with water; thus, his living environment has slowly degraded over the past 2 years. On November 18th, 20 Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at the home of Mr. Weng to help him clean his home.


9. 360航務師 Aviation safety inspector

According to statistics, some 500-600 flights depart from and arrive at Taiwan’s Taoyuan International Airport each day, bringing 70,000 travelers in and out of the island on a daily basis. With such a large amount of travelers, flight safety is the main concern of all those working at the airport. It takes not only aircraft maintenance staff and load controllers, both of whom we have met in the past few days, to ensure the safety of those traveling by air, but also the aviation safety inspectors who are in charge of a variety of tasks. Apart from ensuring the runways are clear, these inspectors are on a 24-hour shift, during which they act as the housekeepers of the airport. Let’s take a look.

根據數據顯示, 桃園國際機場 每天約有500~600架的班機起降 ,帶來7萬名旅客進出台灣 ,這樣大量的旅客進出台灣,飛航安全是機場首要任務 ,飛航安全不只需要飛機維修員,還有行李管制員來維持,我們過去兩天認識的人,還有需要負責許多工作的航務師,除了確認跑道的維持,航務師必須24小時輪班,許多人說他們是機場的守護員,讓我們一起來看看 。

10. 智障友獨立 No longer a difficult task

Next, we meet Xiaopang(小胖) who is mentally handicapped and lives in Taichung. With the assistance of the Parents Association for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities of Taichung City, Xiaopang(小胖) has gradually learned to take care of herself. Today, Xiaopang(小胖) keeps herself busy through recycling work and sorting out second hand clothing, and has learned to become more independent in the process.



Back to the United States at the end of our program; to contribute their share to help Hurricane Sandy victims, a local elementary school in Queens County of New York set up a fundraising campaign. Though many students came from low-income families, they all generously donated what they can. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.



2012年11月23日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121123

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today’s show, Tzu Chi volunteers from around the globe are returning to Taiwan, to takepart in the first overseas training workshop. To increase Taiwan’s food self-suffi-ciency rate, the government is encouraging young farmers to return home to grow crops on rented lands. And, in our regular look on Taiwan’s unique trades, we learn the work of a load controller at Taoyuan International Airport.



1. 海外研習報到+三重迎接海外

2. 海南冬令初勘

3. 雪隆新芽

4. 糧危CPR(3)

5. 義賣助美東

6. 360行李管制員

7. 劉文義獲獎

8. 愛心眼鏡

END: 海外營香積

1. 海外研習報到+三重迎接海外

First up in Taiwan, the 2012 Overseas Tzu Chi Volunteers Training Workshop officially began yesterday, November 22nd, at the Tzu Chi Sanchong Grounds and Tzu Chi Banqiao Grounds, with volunteers from 11 countries taking part. As the hosting country of the seminar, volunteers at the Tzu Chi Sanchong Grounds did their best to make their guests feel at home.


2. 海南冬令初勘

In China, Tzu Chi volunteers are carrying out their initial survey for a winter aid distribution, in Haikou City(海口) of Hainan(海南) Province. In the recent years, the economic and cultural situation in Haikou(海口) City has improved greatly, yet for those living in remote villages, life is still difficult and many are in need of Tzu Chi’s help.


3. 雪隆新芽

Next, in Malaysia, the Tzu Chi Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chapter, held 22 award ceremonies for New Shoots Scholarship recipients this month. Since organizing the first scholarship award ceremony here in 2008, Tzu Chi volunteers have continued to provide free health checks and other services, to help Indian families.


《 靜思語 》

If we want blessings from others, first create blessings and we will receive love and blessings in abundance.


4. 糧危CPR(3)

In order to increase Taiwan’s food self-sufficiency rate, the government is encouraging farmers to grow crops on their-now fallow land, by renting it out to willing farmers. Besides the rent income, landowners will also receive a small amount of subsidy. We meet a group of young farmers, to see how they are doing their part, in helping Taiwan maintain its food self-suffi-ciency rate.


5. 義賣助美東

In order to help Hurricane Sandy victims in the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers in Taipei’s Neihu recently held a jewelry charity fair, as a way to gather donations for the victims, and to continue spreading the message of Tzu Chi in the US.


《 衲履足跡 》

On Good Healthcare

The world’s most beautiful smile is the smile of a patient. At the Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, which covers a large area, patients are smiling more than ever. It is a sign that they are getting the best care, whether physically or spiritually, from the volunteers and medical staff.



6. 360行李管制員

Many of us probably have had the experience of traveling abroad, and some might be curious as to how our baggage is loaded onto the planes we are traveling on. In today’s feature reports on Taiwan’s unique trades, we meet one load controller, Chen Ying(陳瑩), and see the hard work that goes into ensuring all cargo and baggage are loaded correctly and in time.

相信大多數的人都有出國的經驗,而有些人或許會好奇我們的行李是如何運上飛機的,在今天的真情臉譜專題,我們來認識一位行李裝載管制員陳瑩,了解原來裝載管制行李並不容易 ,而且必須確認讓行李正確又及時抵達目的地。

7. 劉文義獲獎

In Taiwan, we meet the winner of this year’s Disable Laborer Award, Liu Wenyi(劉文義), who works at the Tzu Chi Humanitarian Center in Taipei. Nine years ago, Liu was diagnosed with third stage colon cancer and wanted to end his life. Luckily, he met Tzu Chi and found the strength to go on.


8. 愛心眼鏡

Buying a pair of glasses may be considered a luxury for impoverished families. To help those in need, the Changhua(彰化) Parent Union Advisory Council invited 50 optometrists, to provide free eye examinations and prescription glasses for poor students in remote areas. To date, 300 students from low-income households have been seen and given free prescription glasses.


END: 海外營香積

With over 850 volunteers gathered at the Tzu Chi Sanchong Grounds for this year’s global volunteers training seminar, 45 kitchen volunteers from the Songshan District were mobilized to help prepare meals. Though most of the volunteers are over 70 years of age, all happily give what they can. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


2012年11月22日 星期四

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121122

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today’s show, Tzu Chi volunteers in China are kicking off this year’s first set of winter relief distributions in Beijing. In our continuing series of feature reports on food crisis, we find out why Taiwan’s farmers are opting to leave their fields in fallow. And, we meet a group of aircraft repairmen in Taichung, who work behind the scenes to ensure our safety when traveling on airplanes.



1. 北京冬令發放

2. 雪隆新芽(一)

3. 唐美雲募大愛

4. 愛爾蘭募款

5. 糧危CPR(2)

6. 陳秋華談難童

7. 美醫師節義診

8. 360飛機維修員

9. 腿傷網拍謀生

END: 南慈中運動會

1. 北京冬令發放

First up in China, Tzu Chi volunteers have kicked off their annual winter aid distributions, with Beijing Tzu Chi volunteers traveling to Wangping(王平) Town in Mentougou(門頭溝) District, to hand out rice, flour, blankets and jackets, helping a total of over 300 residents. Though each bag of flour weighs 30 kilos, volunteers work together to move the heavy supplies outside the warehouse, to give residents the much needed assistance.


2. 雪隆新芽(一)

Now in its fifth year, the New Shoots Scholarship program held by the Tzu Chi Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Chapter in Malaysia, has more students than ever. This year saw an increase of 4,000 applicantions, as well as the addition of three new award categories for good behavior, scholastic achievement, and filial behavior. To deal with the large volume of applicants, 24,000 shift of volunteers were mobilized to help out with home visitations and the mountains of paperwork. However, thanks to their teamwork and the efforts of teachers around the nation, 6,801 students received the scholarship without problems.


3. 唐美雲募大愛

To help Hurricane Sandy survivors in the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers have been fundraising in 17 countries around the globe. Recently a three-day charity sale was held at the Tzu Chi Humanitarian Center in Taipei, Taiwan, and among the items on sale were DVDs and books donated by the Tang Meiyun(唐美雲) Taiwanese Opera Company.


4. 愛爾蘭募款

Also canvassing for donations for Hurricane Sandy victims, are Tzu Chi volunteers in Ireland, who started raising funds from those closest to them, as well as co-workers and shop owners in their community. After volunteers explained the idea behind the donation drive, many took the time to make donations, and also film or write words of encouragement for the disaster victims.


《 靜思語 》

Knowledge does not equal wisdom, for it takes wisdom to benefit humanity.


5. 糧危CPR(2)

As Taiwan’s farm land reform is going into affect on January 1 st of 2013, some senior farmers are opting to let their land lay fallow and receive subsidies instead of renting out their farm land for others to work on, as they are afraid of bad tenants ruining their lifetime of hardwork. Let’s take a look at what the government is doing to help ease these senior farmers’ minds.


6. 陳秋華談難童

As civil war continues to rage in Syria, the number of refugees fleeing the war-torn country to neighboring Jordan continues to mount. Tzu Chi volunteers in Jordon have been doing their best, to find ways to ensure that the young children among these refugees, find some stability in their lives with regular schooling and meals.


7. 美醫師節義診

Recently, TIMA medical staff from the Tzu Chi Northern California Chapter, held a "Community Health Day" on November 11th, in Mil-pi-tas. In addition to the check-ups provided by doctors, dentists, and ophthalmologists, the clinic also offered free flu shots for those that requested them. Everyone was moved by the dedication of the volunteers and many chose to donate a little, to help those still suffering in New York and New Jersey.


《 衲履足跡 》

On Tzu Chi Humanitarian Center

The Tzu Chi Humanitarian Center has a mission to purify human hearts through media channels. Each staff member must take part in documentation of Tzu Chi’s history and development. As the center’s work is about bearing witness to history, the Master reminds the staff to put even more effort into their work.



8. 360飛機維修員

Yesterday, we learned the work of a wind turbine repairman, and in today’s report on Taiwan’s unique trades, we meet another group of repairmen, this time those who work on aircrafts. As we all know, in the past few decades, traveling abroad has been made easy thanks to the convenience of airplanes. However, it takes a special set of skills to be able to inspect and repair these aircrafts, each time they return to base. Let’s go now to Taichung and meet a team of repairmen from the Hanxiang(漢翔) Airline.


9. 腿傷網拍謀生

Looking at a situation differently is often a very effective way to get out of the rut you’re in. 26-year-old Liang Shangcheng(梁尚誠) lost the use of his right leg due to an accident two years ago. He was able to see past his disability, after one nurse told him that he should count his blessings as he still has the use of his other leg. Today, Liang has his own online bakery and continues to make delicious cheesecakes.


END: 南慈中運動會

The Tainan Tzu Chi High School places a strong emphasis on students’ development in the "Five Ways of Life", which is virtue, wisdom, health, community and aesthetics. At the school’s sport day, students demonstrated what they have learned, including etiquette and environmental ideals. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121121

Helping Hurricane Sandy victims in US

How to reduce reliance on foreign crops?

Making sure wind turbines run smoothly

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in the show today, US Tzu Chi volunteers are conducting relief distributions in various areas in both New York and New Jersey.

●As Taiwan only produces 33 percent of the rice needed, we take a look at government’s plan to reduce dependency on foreign imports.

●And, in our feature reports on Taiwan’s unique trade, we meet a group of maintenance staff, who ensures the wind turbines run smoothly.


●因為台灣糧食自給率只有百分之33 ,我們來看看政府要降低進口量的計畫



1.史坦頓第三天 Final distribution in Staten Island

2.布魯克林第二天 Tzu Chings join in aid distribution

3.柏克萊發放 One month since Sandy

4. 發放小志工 Aid distribution at Berkeley Township

5. 糧危CPR(1) How to reduce reliance on foreign crops?

6. 板橋大掃除 Welcome volunteers from abroad

7. 360風機維修 Making sure wind turbines run smoothly


1.史坦頓第三天 Final distribution in Staten Island

We start of the show in the United States, as we enter the 3rd and final day of large-scale distributions in Sta-ten Island, New York, a total of 144 Tzu Chi volunteers from United States and Canada, successfully distributed relief aid to 2,112 families.


2.布魯克林第二天 Tzu Chings join in aid distribution

In Brooklyn’s Ge-rrit-sen Beach Elementary School, Tzu Chi continues to hand out cash cards to disaster victims. Besides the volunteers, Tzu Chings from Boston and New York also joined the aid distribution. Here’s more.


3.柏克萊發放 One month since Sandy

As Thanksgiving falls on this Thursday, November 22nd, it also marks the one month anniversary, since Hurricane Sandy brought severe destruction to residents along the east coast. Hoping to bring some warmth to the victims on the eve of Thanksgiving, volunteers from the Tzu Chi New Jersey Chapter mobilized over 100 volunteers, to ensure the last relief distribution will end on a perfect note.


4. 發放小志工 Aid distribution at Berkeley Township

Also in the United States, at Berkeley Township, New Jersey, Tzu Chi volunteers held their last aid distribution before Thanksgiving. On the scene, many youngsters who came to pick up the relief supplies were inspired to help raise funds. Children who came with their parents, also join the volunteers’ ranks and help the disaster victims with a smile.


5. 糧危CPR(1) How to reduce reliance on foreign crops?

Currently Taiwan’s yearly dependency on imported rice is 140,000 metric tons with a low self-sufficiency rate of 33 percent. To help reduce the country’s dependency on foreign imports, the government is enforcing a new plan, to increase the domestic production of grains.

台灣每年必須進口14萬公噸的米 ,糧食自給率只有百分之33,為了調節稻米產量,政府持續獎勵農民休耕,增加糧食自給率。

6. 板橋大掃除 Welcome volunteers from abroad

On November 21st, overseas Tzu Chi volunteers will return to Taiwan, to receive their commissioner’s certification from Master Cheng Yen. Over last weekend, more than 600 volunteers gathered to tidy up the Banqiao(板橋) Jing Si Hall, which will become one of the host venues.


7. 360風機維修 Making sure wind turbines run smoothly

Wind power has been widely used around the globe over the past decade, and Taiwan is one of the many countries that has invested in this green energy. To ensure these wind turbines run smoothly, a group of maintenance staff are assigned to take care of them. In today’s feature report on Taiwan’s unique trades, we learn the work of a wind turbine maintenance staff.



To encourage more people to donate their bone marrows to help patients in need, Kaohsiung(高雄) Tzu Chi volunteers took to the streets, explaining to passersby the process of donating bone marrows and answer any questions, in hopes of getting more people to become donors. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.

為了鼓勵民眾捐贈骨髓,高雄慈濟志工走上街頭解說捐贈骨髓的過程,也解答大家心中的疑問,希望大家能能成為骨捐者。一起來看看, 感恩收看, 再會。


2012年11月20日 星期二

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121120

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in the show today, New York Tzu Chi volunteers are distributing aid supplies to Hurricane Sandy victims in Ge-rrit-sen Beach, Sta-ten Island and Long Island. Meanwhile, New Jersey Tzu Chi volunteers are also distributing cash cards and relief items to storm survivors in Little Ferry, Union Beach and South Toms River. And, in our feature reports on Taiwan’s fading trades, we meet 45-year-old motorbike repair-man Chen Wuliang(陳武良).



1. 布魯克林發放

2. 史坦頓第二天

3. 長島發放

4. 小渡輪發放

5. 聯合海灘發放

6. 阿難市長志工

7. 360修機踏車

8. 馬幼教畢典

End: 紐約記者會

1. 布魯克林發放

First up in the United States; to help Hurricane Sandy victims in the Ge-rrit-sen Beach area in Brooklyn, New York Tzu Chi volunteers held a relief distribution at the Ge-rrit-sen Beach Elementary School. In just one day, a total of 712 households received financial support from Tzu Chi.


2. 史坦頓第二天

Also in the United States, in Sta-ten Island, New York, a second large-scale aid distribution took place for the affected victims of Sandy, most of which have lost their homes.


3. 長島發放

Over this past weekend, US Tzu Chi volunteers in Long Island, New York, distributed cash cards to residents of Linden-hurst at the Edward W. Bower Elementary School, helping 580 households.

美國紐約慈濟志工,在這週末,在長島林登赫斯特的鮑爾小學舉辦一場現值卡的發放活動,幫助 580戶的受災居民。

《 靜思語 》

Giving others blessings is creating blessings for oneself.


4. 小渡輪發放

As Thanksgiving is just around the corner, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at Little Ferry in New Jersey, to distribute cash cards, relief supplies and much needed emotional support.


5. 聯合海灘發放

After carrying out a relief distribution in Little Ferry, Tzu Chi New Jersey Chapter held a second round of relief distributions in Union Beach Borough. Upon receiving the relief items and cash cards, many residents were moved to tears.


6. 阿難市長志工

As Tzu Chi just finished an aid distribution last week in South Toms River, its mayor, Joseph Champagne showed up at the distribution site at Union Beach Borough, to pay the love forward.


《 衲履足跡 》

On Togetherness

Fate plays a role in bringing individuals into the Tzu Chi family. It is hoped that everyone puts their strength together to spread the seeds of love to more places. By doing so, Tzu Chi’s roots will extend across the globe and turn this world into one big Da Ai Village.



7. 360修機踏車

In today’s feature reports on Taiwan’s fading industries, we meet a motorbike repair-man, 45-year-old Chen Wuliang.(陳武良) Chen began learning the skills to fix bicycles from his father when he was just 18.


8. 馬幼教畢典

Recently, the Tzu Chi Malacca Da Ai Educare Center’s kindergarten held a graduation ceremony for its 11th graduating class. The graduation ceremony means the beginning of a new chapter for these young ones who are already walking on the path of Tzu Chi.


End: 紐約記者會

Back to the United States at the end of the show, on November 18th, eastern standard time, New York Chief Controller John Liu announced to the mainstream media, that Tzu Chi will fundraise 10 millions USD to help Hurricane Sandy victims. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


2012年11月19日 星期一

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121119

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today’s show, Tzu Chi volunteers in China, are carrying out surveys in preparation of the upcoming winter aid distributions. We learn the inspiring story behind 74-year-old Dr. Huang Shengxiong(黃勝雄), who set aside his success to help patients in Eastern Taiwan. And, in our regular look at Taiwan’s unique industries, we meet two city tour guides, Su Xianzhu(蘇仙註) and Zhang Xuyao(張續耀) in Kaohsiung.



1. 長沙冬令初勘

2. 馬星募愛啟動

3. 新山巴生屠妖發放

4. 唯醫不變(4)人醫黃勝雄

5. 德國大衛開唱

6. 360城市導覽員

7. 聾啞環保陳德福

END: 北加街友熱食

1. 長沙冬令初勘

In China, Guangzhou(廣州) Tzu Chi volunteers will be joining efforts, with Tzu Chi volunteers from Hunan(湖南) to carry out their very first large scale winter relief distribution in Changsha(長沙) City. On November 11th, Tzu Chi volunteers from both regions visited residents for an initial survey in preparation of the upcoming distribution.


2. 馬星募愛啟動

To help Hurricane Sandy victims in the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia set up a fundraising campaign, which will run from November 15th to the 25th. Meanwhile, staff from the Tzu Chi Singapore Chapter donated money from their bamboo coin banks and will be taking to the streets to canvass for donations.


3. 新山巴生屠妖發放

In Malaysia, Tzu Chi volunteers in both Klang and Johor areas, have been hard at work preparing for Diwali, the Festival of Lights. In order to get the decorations right, the volunteers have asked local Indian residents, to prepare the food and decorations in the traditional feel.


《 靜思語 》

Those bent on doing good are always at peace; those bent on cultivating wisdom are always tolerant.


4. 唯醫不變(4)人醫黃勝雄

In our series of reports on doctors honored at this year’s Medical Devotion Awards, we meet Dr. Huang Shengxiong(黃勝雄). Before he turned 55 years of age, Dr. Huang was a well-known and respected neuro-surgeon in the United States. However, in 1993, a phrase by Dr. Roland Brown changed his life, and he soon decided to leave his high paying position in the US, and come back to his homeland, to work on behalf of the poor and needy, at Taiwan’s Men-no-nite Hospital in Hualien.


5. 德國大衛開唱

Recently, German Tzu Chi volunteers from Munich held a charity concert, featuring Israeli singer David D’Or and Taiwanese singer, Yin Zhengyang(殷正洋). The concert was also joined by Tzu Chi volunteers from eight different countries, and all worked hard to make sure the event went off without a hitch.


《 衲履足跡 》

On Dharma and the way

Dharma manifests in the daily life. It is in our everyday life that we come closer to the way of the Buddha. Therefore, we need to introduce Tzu Chi and the benefits of volunteerism to more people. The key to attracting more people to join Tzu Chi lies in how volunteers carry themselves and how well they work as a team.



6. 360城市導覽員

In today’s feature report on Taiwan’s unique trades, we meet two city tour guides in Kaohsiung. 58-year-old Su Xianzhu(蘇仙註), used to be a suit maker and has also worked in the construction industry; however, he realized that he enjoys story telling more and decided to become a tour guide. And as for 35-year-old Zhang Xuyao(張續耀), it is the traveling and getting in touch with nature that attracted him to this job.


7. 聾啞環保陳德福

In Taiwan, 70-year-old Chen Defu(陳德福) lost the ability to speak and hear, following a high fever when he was still a child. Chen later began making a living by doing odd jobs, but also acquired the bad habits of drinking and smoking. Luckily, Chen was encouraged by a relative to practice recycling work. Thanks to the support of his relatives and Tzu Chi volunteers, Chen has been able to get rid of his bad habits, and is now a happy recycling volunteer.


END: 北加街友熱食

As Northern California of the United States, is hit by a cold front, Tzu Chi volunteers partnered with the Modesto Salvation Army’s Homeless Shelter, and held a distribution to hand out hot meals and daily necessities to the homeless people. The event began at the end of October, and will continue for the next 6 months. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


2012年11月18日 星期日

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121116

Upcoming large scale distribution

A devoted doctor in Taitung

Taiwan`s wheelchair accessibility

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.

●Coming up in today`s show, New York Tzu Chi volunteers are making the final preparation for a large-scale distribution to help 1,800 families this weekend.

●We meet another recipient of this year`s Medical Devotion Award, Dr. Zhang Guanyu(張冠宇), who is safeguarding the health of residents in Eastern Taiwan.

●And, as buildings are now required to provide wheelchair access, we find out ways to make restaurants handicapped-friendly.
















We kick off today`s program in the United States; and join New York Tzu Chi volunteers as they went to Ger-rit-sen Beach, in Brooklyn, to make the final preparations for a large-scale distribution this weekend, that will help a total of 1,800 households. As well, they also planned on holding a relief distribution at Coney Island. Though Hurricane Sandy caused major damage across New York City, the mainstream media only focused on the condition of its financial center, Manhattan. However, when Tzu Chi volunteers went further into the disaster area, they could deeply sense how helpless and hopeless many disaster victims are.



To help Hurricane Sandy victims in Keansburg Town, New Jersey, Tzu Chi volunteers held a relief distribution last weekend. The mayor of the town, George Hoff, also joined the distribution event. Afterwards, he finally had a chance to clean up his own home which was almost completely destroyed by the hurricane as well.



As rebuilding efforts begin on the east coast of the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers on the west coast continue to help through fundraising. In San Dimas, Los Angeles, a Japanese supermarket owner felt the love for Japan from all around the globe, in the aftermath of the 3/11 earthquake, and feels that he too, should reciprocate the kindness this time. In Sacramento, California, Tzu Chi volunteers took to the streets to appeal for donations. Among them were seniors in their 70`s and ones still bound with flu, but everyone wanted to give what they can.



While US Tzu Chi volunteers continue with their relief work, they have also been sending back progress reports, to the Tzu Chi Headquarters in Hualien. After seeing the reports, staff there realized that the damage is far beyond what they imagined. To help, staff from the foundation`s religious affairs department and the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, decided to start a fundraising campaign to canvass for donations.


《 靜思語 》

Constantly think good thoughts and cultivate ever-growing wisdom.



As we continue our report on those doctors honored at this year`s Medical Devotion Awards, we travel once again to Taiwan`s east coast to meet Dr. Zhang Guanyu.( 張冠宇) Originally from Tainan, Dr. Zhang moved to Taitung 25 years ago to work at the-then recently opened Taitung Mackay Memorial Hospital. He has been there ever since and currently serves as the hospital`s superintendent. When asked about his decision to move to Taitung, Dr. Zhang says that Taipei has all the doctors it needs, and one less would not be missed, but in remote areas like Taitung, doctors are desperately needed and each is a treasure for the community.

醫療奉獻獎專題,今天帶您認識,台東的人醫 張冠宇,本身是台南人的他,25年前選擇到台東服務,當時正好台東馬偕醫院剛啟用,做到現在,他成為醫院的院長,問到他為何決定到台東服務,他認為,台北不缺他一個醫生,但台東這樣的偏遠地區,更是需要醫生等重要的資源。


Recently, the Philippines Tzu Chi Chapter held a two-day charity sale, to raise funds for the construction of a Tzu Chi Ophthalmology Center. The event was joined by various food, electronic and motorbike companies. One company even donated 24,000 US dollars worth of products, to support the cause.


《 衲履足跡 》談成長智慧 On Spiritual Growth and Wisdom

Our ability to tell right from wrong can be developed into infinite wisdom. Being able to give love of the universal kind allows us to treat all living beings as equals and exercise compassion and wisdom on the Bodhisattva path.



Wheelchair accessibility is a term that you might hear often, but most people don`t think it applies to them. Yet for those tempo-ra-rily bound to the wheelchair due to an accident, or pushing around a baby stroller; ramps, elevators and plenty of space suddenly becomes an important factor for restaurant choices. Let`s take a look now, at how making a restaurant handicapped friendly, can be done without much hassle.

無障礙環境,您或許時常聽到,但大多數的人都覺得,自己並不需要,想想那些暫時需要用輪椅的病者,或是推著娃娃車的斜板、 升降梯,無障礙環境其實都是光顧餐廳時,非常需要考量的問題,我們來看看餐廳業者,可以怎麼樣不花大錢,改良無障礙環境。


As winter is fast approaching, Tzu Chi volunteers in China have begin preparations for upcoming winter relief distributions in Fujian Province. Biscuits and cakes donated by a local company are packed into gift bags to be given to the residents. On November 10th and 11th, Tzu Chi volunteers headed into townships located in mountainous areas, bringing warmth and care to the poor, sick and elderly.



We go back to the United States at the end of our program today, and join the group of ”Pick Up America”as they spent the last two and a half years, traveling from the east coast to the west, to pick up garbage. As they recently arrived in San Francisco, students of the Tzu Chi Academy joined in the conservation work. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


2012年11月16日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_ 20121115

Relief work for Sandy victims

Guiding TIMA in East Taiwan

Handicap-accessible application

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.

●Coming up in today`s show, US Tzu Chi volunteers continue to help Hurricane Sandy victims, through disaster surveys, relief distributions and fundraising campaign.

●We meet Dr. Zheng Junliang(鄭俊良), one of the pioneer organizers of Tzu Chi`s free clinic in Eastern Taiwan.

●And, teachers and students of NCTU are designing a mobile phone application, to provide information on handicap accessible restaurants.















Following the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, New York Tzu Chi volunteers carried out yet another aid distribution at Miller Field of Staten Island. The Da Ai news team also seized the opportunity to visit Mid-land Beach, where the death toll was the highest for the entire New York region. Among the 40 known victims who died in the hurricane, 10 were found at Midland Beach, as the houses there were less than 100 meters from the beach. When the floods came, the whole community was submerged under water.

桑迪颶風災後,慈濟志工在紐約史坦頓島 米勒運動場,進行小型發放,同時,採訪團隊探訪史坦頓島的米德蘭海灘,這裡是這次桑迪過後,紐約死亡人數最多的地方,目前已知紐約40名罹難者中,有10人是來自這裡,居民們的房子距離海灘,不到一百公尺,大水一來就淹沒了整個社區。


Also helping Hurricane Sandy victims are volunteers from the Tzu Chi New Jersey Chapter, who went to the Union Beach on November 12th, to carry out a disaster survey and also to discuss the details of a relief distribution with local officials. In the small town of Union Beach, many residents lived close to the seaside, thus, 90 percent of the houses were flooded. Up until this day, many locals are still living in temporary shelters.



Situated at the south end of the state of New Jersey, South Toms River is a coastal city home to some 4,000 people, and it was severely flooded when Hurricane Sandy struck. Following the disaster, the mayor surveyed the local community to assess the damage. Let`s take a look.


While the volunteers on the east coast of the United States, have taken to the front line, to continue with disaster surveys and distributions in the worst-hit areas, their counterparts on the west coast have taken to the streets, canvassing for donations from the public in California, San Diego, Seattle and Las Vegas.



《 靜思語 》

Wisdom is embracing the world and all living beings with a loving heart, a broad mind, and a perspective as boundless as the sky and ocean.



As we continue with our series on Taiwan`s doctors, today, we meet Dr. Zheng Junliang(鄭俊良), who is currently the director of the Changbin(長濱) Township Public Health Center. Dr. Zheng has spent the last 25 years working on behalf of residents, living in some of Taiwan`s most remote regions. For his contribution over the years, Dr. Zheng was awarded this year`s Medical Devotion Award, of which his father, 20 years ago was also a recipient. Like father, like son is how one could best describe this family, that has been caring for the poor, sick and needy for many decades.

唯醫不變專題,今天帶您認識 人醫「鄭俊良」,目前是台東長濱鄉衛生所主任,過去25年鄭醫師在台灣,最偏遠的地區服務,幾年來的貢獻後,鄭醫師獲頒醫療奉獻獎,二十年前,他的父親也得此殊榮,可謂是虎父無犬子,他們父子倆數十年來,照顧貧病弱勢的族群。

《 衲履足跡 》談慈悲喜捨 On Kindness, compassion, joy & selfless giving

The more suffering there is in this world, the more Bodhisattvas are needed to save others. They must rise up to the challenges of the times with kindness, compassion, joy and selfless giving. Only with an open mind can you overcome all obstacles and alleviate suffering.



Recently, a group of teachers and students, at the National Chiao Tung(交通) University designed a smartphone application, to help those who suffer from impairments, get around in Taipei. Let`s meet the volunteers who are helping to test out the road conditions and restaurants, for the benefit of all end-users.



In today`s feature reports on Taiwan`s fading trades, we meet bicycle repairman, Chang Jianguo(常建國), a retired military officer who used to repair aircrafts. Apart from the fact that his father made a living through repairing bicycles, Chang is also a man who cherishes all resources, thus, he decided to take on the family baton and helps give old bicycles a second lease of life.

在今天的真情臉譜,我們來認識一位單車維修師傅,常建國 原本是空軍修復士官長,除了因為爸爸就是靠著修腳踏車,養大他們兄弟姊妹,還有就是愛惜物命的觀念,所以現在他退役後,傳承爸爸的事業,並給舊腳踏車新生命。


We go to China`s Fujian(福建) Province at the end of our program today, and join Tzu Chi volunteers in Xiamen(廈門), as they carry out their monthly recycling day. After a year`s promotion of conservation work in the local community, residents are all familiar with Tzu Chi, and brought out their garbage for the volunteers. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


2012年11月15日 星期四

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121114

Helping Hurricane Sandy victims in the US

Medical resources for Taiwan`s east coast

Restaurants not handicap-friendly enough?

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.

●Coming up in the show today, US Tzu Chi volunteers are holding relief distributions in Broad Channels, New York and Keans-burg Town in New Jersey.

●In Taiwan, we meet doctors that are dedicating their time to safeguard the health of residents living in the east coast.

●And as many restaurants in Taiwan are not required to install handi-cap access, we take look at the problems people with disability go through.















First up in the show, in the United States, New York Tzu Chi volunteers carried out their second large-scale aid distribution in Broad Channels, where 705 families received Tzu Chi`s aid supplies which included blankets, scarves and 600 USD cash cards. In just 24 hours following the disaster, Tzu Chi volunteers were on the scene with hot soup to warm up the victims.

節目一開始,美國慈濟志工,在大通道鎮,舉行第二場大型發放,總計幫助了705個家庭,發放毛毯、圍巾,還有六百元的現值卡,災後24小時,慈濟人就來到 大通道鎮,帶來熱湯給災民。


Also helping the hurricane survivors, Tzu Chi volunteers from the New Jersey Chapter arrived in the town of Keans-burg which is an hour`s drive away from New Jersey. The mayor of Keans-burg also took part in the distribution, giving encouragement and support to his people.



In Taiwan, to help the Syrian refugees get through the cold winter, Tzu Chi volunteers started to collect second-hand clothes around the island. After one month of preparation, the clothes collected in Taipei, Taichung(台中) and kaohsiung(高雄) were all loaded onto containers.


《 靜思語 》

Wisdom allows love to remain pure and untainted.



In our new series of reports on medical resources, today we take a look at those safeguarding the health of the residents in Hualien(花蓮) and Taitung(台東) County. Although in terms of medical resources per resident, the Hualien(花蓮) and Taitung(台東) areas look well serviced, but as the counties cover a large area, residents are often faced with the problems of getting emergency care.



In the Philippines, to raise fund for the Tzu Chi Ophthalmology Center, Tzu Chi volunteers held a two-day charity sale at the local Tzu Chi Grounds. The event was joined by more than 1,000 volunteers with most of them being local volunteers, scholarship recipients and care recipients.


《 衲履足跡 》談愛心善念 On Altruistic Thoughts

In order to encourage people to work for the greater good, we need to practice Buddha`s teachings in our daily lives, and devote ourselves selflessly to save living beings from suffering and inspire altruism.



In October of this year, Taiwan`s Construction and Planning Agency passed a law, requiring all new buildings to include handi-cap access into their designs. Although steps have been made in the right direction, for many handicapped such measures have had little effect on their lives so far. Here`s more.



In today`s feature reports on Taiwan`s unique trades, we meet a group of hardworking construction staff in South Taiwan, who have been building bridges and roads for public use. Xu Wenyi(徐文義) led his staff in re-building 42 bridges in Jiaxian(甲仙), after the 8/8 flood in 2009, and Lin Qiwen(林啟文), who has been in the industry for 5 years, has followed his father`s footsteps.



Staying in Taiwan at the end of the show, to help Hurricane Sandy victims, a fundraising event was held at the Taichung(台中) Tzu Chi Hospital. The medical staff all kindly donated money from their bamboo banks, in hopes of contributing their share to help those in greater need. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.

最後還是關心台灣的新聞,為了幫助桑迪風災災民,台中慈院舉辦募款活動,醫護人員慷慨捐贈他們的竹筒,希望盡一己之力 幫助需要的人,最後一起來看看,謝謝收看,再會。(2012.11.14)

2012年11月13日 星期二

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121113

Large scale aid distribution in Lindenhurst

Fundraising for TC Ophthalmology center

Walking together on the Tzu Chi path

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.

●Coming up in the show, US Tzu Chi volunteers are conducting large scale relief distributions in Long Island, Atlantic City and South Toms River.

●In the Philippines, Tzu Chi volunteers are holding a charity sale to raise funds for the construction of a Tzu Chi Ophthalmology Center.

●And we meet Dr. Hong(洪) and his patient Mr. Cai(蔡), who are walking the Tzu Chi path together.


















We kick off today`s show in New York of the United States; the village of Lindenhurst situated at Long Island was one of the worst hit areas after Hurricane Sandy. On November 10th, Tzu Chi volunteers conducted a large scale relief distribution here, handing out cash cards to 430 households.



Tzu Chi volunteers from the New Jersey Chapter also carried out relief distributions in the areas of South Toms River and Atlantic City. Among the recipient, was a Taiwanese lady who had heard of Tzu Chi, when she was still living in Taiwan; she had not imagined that the warmth and love she received came all the way from home.



In addition to a distribution in Atlantic City, another group of Tzu Chi volunteers from the New Jersey Chapter headed to South Toms River to distribute blankets, daily necessities and 600 USD worth of cash cards to local residents.



Staying in the United States, while Tzu Chi volunteers in New York and New Jersey were busy carrying out large scale aid distributions, their counterparts from all around the country also came together to canvass for donations to help Hurricane Sandy victims.


《 靜思語 》

Knowledge is an understanding of what one has learned. Wisdom is an unfettered understanding of deeper principles.



Recently, the Philippines Tzu Chi Chapter held a two-day charity sale, to fundraise for the construction of a Tzu Chi Ophthalmology Center. The first day of the event was joined by more than 20,000 people. To make sure the event ran smoothly, 1,000 volunteers were mobilized.



Today, in our continuing featured series on doctors, we want to share the moving story of a doctor and his patient.

While attending a Tzu Chi training seminar, The patient, Cai Jinming(蔡錦明) meet his doctor Hong Shuosui,( 洪碩穗). And they continue to encourage each other to walk on the Bodhisattvas path.

今天與人醫談心的專題,我們要帶大家看一個,感人的醫病故事,病人蔡錦明和醫師洪碩穗,因為參與志工培訓 結下緣份,兩人相互鼓勵,在菩薩道上更精進。


In Taiwan, the Public Health Department of New Taipei City held its 1st annual Medical Care Excellence Awards. The purpose of the award ceremony was to encourage young doctors to work in New Taipei City. Meanwhile, many doctors were also awarded for their dedication in various medical fields.



In Malaysia, two Tzu Chings volunteered to be the coordinators of the sign language performance of the (2012.11.13)

2012年11月12日 星期一

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121112

Keeping the homeless warm

Doctors` occupational injuries

Train conductor, Zhou Mingrong

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines.I`m Wendy Chen.Thank you for joining us.

●Coming up in today`s show, in Canada`s Surrey, Tzu Chi volunteers are handing out relief supplies at a homeless shelter.

●Doctors work day and night to safeguard the well being of their patients, but in turn, face occupational injuries such as back pain and joint problems.

●And, in our feature reports on Taiwan`s unique trades, we meet train conductor, Zhou Mingrong(周明榮), a guardian angel of train travelers.

















We kick off today`s program in Canada, as the temperature at night dropped below zero, Tzu Chi volunteers carried out a winter aid distribution at a homeless shelter in Surrey, where they handed out water-proof jackets, woolen hats and socks.



The war in Syria has caused many residents to flee to neighboring countries like Jordan. To help the refugees, a second-hand clothes distribution will be held at the end of December; meanwhile, early this month, Jordan Tzu Chi volunteers handed out daily necessities to refugees near the border of Syria and Jordan.



In August, Typhoon Saola left a trail of destruction in Taiwan, and Hualien`s Hezhong(和中) Tribe was one of the hardest hit areas. Government officials have decided to join efforts with Tzu Chi, to repair homes for the needy residents. Tzu Chi`s reconstruction work began on November 6th, with plans to complete before the year ends.


《 靜思語 》

Complete all tasks with total dedication; cultivate wisdom through daily life experience.



Taiwan`s Tree Ferns has been on this planet for over 300 million years, but it is now under the threat of a bacterial, which has already killed 40,000 of the 140,000 Tree Ferns in Taiwan. With a high mortality rate, scientists are worried that the outbreak might eventually lead to the extinction of the Tree Fern species in Taiwan; thus, they have started a Frozen Arc Project, to collect and freeze seeds and spores, so that the possibility of giving birth to a new generation of Tree Ferns is available.



In our series of feature reports on doctors, today, we meet three doctors from the Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital. As doctors have to work around the clock to relieve patients from pain and sickness, long working hours and bad working posture have resulted in occupational injuries such as back pain, joint problems and more. Let`s take a look.



In order to raise funds for a Tzu Chi Ophthalmology Center in the Philippines, local volunteers in Quezon City`s Barangay Tatalon are hitting the pavement, asking residents for funds to host a charity bake sale. As residents and Tzu Chi have developed a strong bond, some did not hesitate to donate all the money they had on hand to help, knowing that it would be put to good use.


《 衲履足跡 》談修行


(On Spiritual Cultivation
Spiritual cultivation is not about personal gain, but about personal gain, but the well-being of others.

The Buddha sought enlightenment not for himself, but for the good of all living beings. Saving others is saving ourselves. )


Most of us probably have had the experience of catching the train. Apart from the driver, there is also another very important staff member, the train conductor, who takes care of all the needs of the passengers. In today`s feature report on Taiwan`s unique trades, we meet train conductor, Zhou Mingrong(周明榮), who has over 24 years of experience, and spend a day with him at work.



Next, we meet a New Shoots Scholarship recipient from Malaysia, 8-year-old Chen Zhixian(陳志賢), who suffers from physical disability on the right side of his body. In spite of his physical condition, the young boy enjoys studying very much. For his hard work, he was awarded the Most Improved Award.



67-year-old Chen Zhengbao(陳正寶), is this year`s recipient of Taiwan`s National Filial Piety Award. Chen`s husband passed away 30 years ago, leaving her as the sole breadwinner for her family of five children. Now, she also takes care of her ailing in-laws.



Tzu Chi volunteers from all around the United States took to the streets last weekend, to canvass for donations for Hurricane Sandy victims. The Tzu Chi US Headquarters also held a media conference to spread the new, and hope to inspire people to give a little of their love. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


2012年11月9日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121109

Relief work continues in the US

Taiwan`s hard working doctors

Topping up petrol for vessels

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


Coming up in today`s show, Tzu Chi volunteers in the United States are continuing with the relief work to help hurricane survivors.

To celebrate the coming Doctor`s Day in Taiwan, we begin a new series of feature reports on hard working medical staff around the island.

And, in our regular look at Taiwan`s unique trades, we meet the crew of a refueling tanker, that provides petrol to needy vessels.




1.南湯姆斯河市勘災Disaster survey in South Toms River

2.洛克威服務點Rockaway beach follow-up

3.福建冬令關懷併Bringing love door-to-door

4.印尼藍衣受證Continuing TC work

5.與人醫談心(1)黃同村Treating patients like family

6.土地的幸福契約(3)Foreign researchers at Nature Valley

7.360海上加油員Refueling tanker

8.張四妹魚鱗癬Fishskin disease


1.南湯姆斯河市勘災Disaster survey in South Toms River

First up in the United States, the South Toms River is another disaster area severely hit by Hurricane Sandy. Its mayor, Joseph Champagne formed a special affinity with Tzu Chi as he recently took part in the musical of the \Sutra of Profound Gratitude to Parents\ in New York. After the superstorm, Tzu Chi volunteers conducted a disaster survey and held a relief distribution over last weekend.


2.洛克威服務點Rockaway beach follow-up

Staying in the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers have been stationing at the Rockaway Beach for three days now. As usual, the volunteers showed up at 4pm to hand out aid supplies, before leaving at 6. As another storm is expected to hit, local residents were evacuated to safer locations.


3.福建冬令關懷併Bringing love door-to-door

In China, Tzu Chi volunteers visited im-poverished families, in the Guandong(廣東) and Fujian(福建) Province. Upon arrival, they witnessed many families either troubled by illness or poverty. Tzu Chi volunteers went door to door, bringing each person the much needed care and support they have been waiting for.


4.印尼藍衣受證Continuing TC work

To become a certified Tzu Chi commissioner, one needs to undergo a series of training classes. Here in Indonesia, a certification ceremony took place on November 4th, at the newly built Jing Si Hall, where 332 grey uniformed volunteers were certified as blue uniformed volunteers.


5.與人醫談心(1)黃同村Treating patients like family

As November 12th is Doctor`s Day in Taiwan, we begin a new series of feature reports related to doctors. First, we meet Dr. Huang Tongcun(黃同村), who is an E.N.T doctor at the Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital. Dr. Huang, who is known to his patients as a loving and caring person, has learned that he needs to take care of his own health, to help even more patients in the future.

在台灣 11月12號是醫師節,從今天開始我們要推出新的專題關於醫生,今天我們來認識台北慈院耳鼻喉科-黃同村醫師,細心是出了名的好,同時他也學習到,只有把自己的身體照顧得好,他才可以幫助更多的病患。

6.土地的幸福契約(3)Foreign researchers at Nature Valley

Due the ecological abundance of the land, Nature Valley has attracted many researchers both local and abroad. Its most recent guest is Alex Blume, a young researcher from Germany, who will be staying at Nature Valley for two months, to track the insect population there. Alex says that she is amazed at the diversity of animal life in Taiwan, which far exceeds her own country of Germany.


7.360海上加油員Refueling tanker

We all know that when our cars are running out of petrol, all we have to do is drive to the nearest petrol station. But what happens when ships or ferries at sea need to refuel? In fact, every harbor has a re-fueling tanker, that goes around providing fueling services to ships in need, 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week. One of these supply ships can carry up to 800 kilo-litres of petrol, equivalent to 40 petro-leum trucks. In today`s feature report on Taiwan`s unique trades, we head to the Keelung Harbor, and join a tanker as they top up petrol for any needy vessels.


8.張四妹魚鱗癬Fishskin disease

Ich-thy-o-sis is a rare genetic disorder that causes the skin to harden and flake, giving the body a scaly look. One sufferer of this disorder is Zhang Simei (張四妹) from Malaysia. Born in 1965, Zhang(張) was often seen as a monster. 30 years ago, upon her first visit to Taiwan`s Chang Gung(長庚) Medical Hospital, she was finally able to receive the treatment she needed to live a normal life. Now 65, Zhang(張) returns to Taiwan in hopes of keeping her vision in her left eye.

魚鱗癬症是一種先天性的罕見疾病,因為皮膚就像魚鱗一樣,一片一片的脫落,一名魚鱗癬症患者,馬來西亞的張四妹,在65年前出生時,從小被叫怪物,三十年前,台灣的長庚醫院免費幫她治療 ,她才能有類似正常的生活,如今六十五歲的她,在次來到台灣,醫治僅存左眼的視力。


We go back to the United States at the end of our program; depsite the first snow fall in New York this winter, Tzu Chi volunteers from all around the nation are coming together, to carry out relief work for displaced victims of Hurricane Sandy. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121108

Continual support for Sandy victims

Volunteers` role in green trust

The crew behind Qijin`s ferry rides

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


Coming up in today`s show, in the United States, we join New York Tzu Chi volunteers, as they hand out environmental blankets to disaster victims.

In our continuing series on Taiwan`s first environmental trust, we find out why volunteers play an important role in the green movement

And, in our regular look at the unique trades in Taiwan, we meet ferry captain Gao Youben(高有本), and his crew in Kaohsiung`s Qijin(旗津).




1.遠洛克威發放Handing out blankets

2.賴索托精進Seminar for local volunteers

3.靜思餐健康煮Simple dishes, healthy eating

4.土地的幸福契約(2)志工群Volunteers play key role

5.360渡輪船長The work of a ferry captain

6.大學生行善Celebrating Lhabab Duchen

7.馬五歲米撲滿Rice in bottles

8.蘇霏安拆線Sofyan leaving hospital in 1 week

9.印阿勇回饋The power to contribute


1.遠洛克威發放Handing out blankets

First of all, it is confirmed that Barack Obama has been re-elected as the president of the United States. Congratulations. Now, back to our program, with New York City been hit by a cold front, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at the Far Rockaway area in Queens County, to handout a total of 380 blankets to local residents living nearby three churches.


2.賴索托精進Seminar for local volunteers

Moving to Africa, Lesotho Tzu Chi volunteers held a local volunteer`s training seminar on September 23rd, with a total of 40 volunteers taking part. Through video clips, the local volunteers learned how Tzu Chi volunteers conduct relief work around the globe, and through the sharing by local Tzu Chi commissioners, they also gained an insight of Master Cheng Yen`s teachings.


3.靜思餐健康煮Simple dishes, healthy eating

Did you know Tzu Chi`s grain powders can be eaten in a few different ways? In Malaysia`s Penang, at a vegetarian banquet held by Tzu Chi volunteers, they demonstrated how these health products can turn into many other delicious dishes. The volunteers hope to teach the participants, how to cook in a simple way, and eat healthily.

在馬來西亞檳城,最近舉辦愛心素宴,分會同仁發揮創意,從靜思天然食品研發出好多道可口的餐點,希望推廣「簡單煮 健康吃」。

4.土地的幸福契約(2)志工群Volunteers play key role

At Taiwan`s first environmental trust, volunteers make up an important part of both the trust`s community outreach, and on-going building efforts on the land. The owners of the trust hope that on-going participation by volunteers, will highlight the importance of such environmental trusts like Nature Valley, and encourage others, to perhaps do the same in future. Let`s take a look.


5.360渡輪船長The work of a ferry captain

The ferry that travels from Kaohsiung`s Qijin(旗津) to Gushan(鼓山) is the main type of transportation used by Qijin(旗津) residents. In the past few years, the area has also become a popular tourist destination. The first ferry takes off at 5am in the morning, with the last one departing at 2am. Though taking turns for the morning or night shift; in each 10-hour shift, the ferry crews are responsible for the safety of hundreds of passengers. In today`s feature reports on Taiwan`s unique trades, we meet Captain Gao Youben(高有本) who has over 30 years of experience in piloting these ferries, and we take a ride with his crew.

高雄旗津往鼓山的渡輪,是旗津居民出入的主要交通船,近年來也成為觀光重點,開始這些交通船的船長,從最早的船班五點開始,到最末班 凌晨兩點,雖然有輪流早班與晚班,但執勤的時間十個小時,面對成千上百的乘客,把渡輪安全駛抵目的地,背負相當大的責任,在今天的真情臉譜專題,我們來認識渡輪船長-高有本,有三十年以上的船長經歷,也跟他們的船員一起撘乘渡輪。

6.大學生行善Celebrating Lhabab Duchen

The 22nd day of the ninth month on the Tibetan calendar, is the day that Sak-ya-mu-ni Buddha descended from heaven to earth, known as Lha-bab Du-chen, which falls on November 6th this year. To celebrate and help spread the positive message of the Buddhist teachings, I-Shou(義守) University`s Buddhist Club in Kaohsiung, partnered with three other Buddhist clubs, to ask fellow students to donate their receipts to charities.


7.馬五歲米撲滿Rice in bottles

The story of \a handful of rice\ of the Burmese people inspired students at the Tzu Chi Kindergarten in Penang, Malaysia, to carry out good deeds in a creative way. There, the students are promoting \Rice in Bottles\ to raise construction funds for a new education center and a dialysis center. Every day, the students will place a handful of rice into their milk bottles that they no longer use, and deposit them in the rice piggybank at school the following day. 5-year-old Zhuang Hejing (莊禾靖) encouraged her 3-year-old sister to join in the cause and together, they gave up their reliance on milk bottles to do charitable deeds.


8.蘇霏安拆線Sofyan leaving hospital in 1 week

Next, we are checking in on the recovery of Sof-yan Suk-ma-na of Indonesia. Two weeks after his 8-hour tumor removal and facial reconstruction surgery, doctors find that he is well on his way to checking out of the hospital. Sofyan is in good spirits and can be seen joking around with the nurses. His mother is happy and grateful for everyone`s help, while the doctors are inspired by Sofyan`s bravery in facing multiple surgeries.


9.印阿勇回饋The power to contribute

Staying in Indonesia, in Jakarta, Tzu Chi care recipient Yulia has suffered from prolonged asthma, and stomach infection, and Tzu Chi has provided her with long term care; this care also extended to her family. When Yulia`s son was diagnosed with pneu-mo-nia at birth, Tzu Chi sub-si-dized their medical costs. As a token of his gratitude, Yulia`s husband A-young collected plastic bottles for Tzu Chi to recycle.

也是印尼的報導,住在印尼雅加達的尤莉亞,多年來患有氣喘和胃病,慈濟志工長期關懷,甚至在結婚生子後,尤莉亞的大兒子一出生就得到肺炎,慈濟協助就醫治療,丈夫阿勇感恩慈濟的幫忙,撿拾寶特瓶捐給慈濟 。


At the end of our program today, we go back to Malaysia, where many students are graduating from the Tzu Chi Kindergartens in Penang, Bayan Lepas and Butterworth. At the graduation ceremony, the youngsters put on a sign language performance and a short skit based on the theme of filial piety. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
