2013年1月7日 星期一

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130107

Rice for needy Filipino families

Helping a refugee family in the US

Year-end blessing ceremonies

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.

●Coming up in today`s show, we join Tzu Chi volunteers in the Philippines as they hand out rice to 5,500 families in Antipolo City.

●In North Carolina of the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers are bringing love and warmth to a refugee family from Eritrea in Africa.

●And, in Taiwan, Tzu Chi volunteers in both Wanhua and Daan of Taipei, are holding their year-end blessing ceremonies at the local office.

















In the Philippines, Tzu Chi volunteers have been helping the poor by handing out rice through aid distributions. On their last rice distribution in 2012, volunteers decided to hold the event at Antipolo City, which is some 30km away from Manila. On the day of the event, more than 200 volunteers were mobilized to hand out rice to 5,500 families.



Da Ai TV has the world`s largest number of reporters. In Taiwan alone, there are over 4,000 of them and they go by the name of media volunteers. These volunteers assist the Da Ai News team, in shooting footage and gathering information from all around the globe.

大愛電視台,擁有全世界最多記者的電視台,光是在台灣 就超過四千多人,其實他們有一個共同的名字,叫做人文真善美志工,協助大愛台,提供相關影視資料和畫面。


In our continuing series on Da Ai TV in celebration of its 15th anniversary, we travel to Europe where Tzu Chi volunteers are few and far in-between. However, thanks to Da Ai TV, these volunteers can remain connected to their Tzu Chi family and Master Cheng Yen`s teachings. The TV station has also been instrumental in bringing many new volunteers on board.


《 靜思語 》

If we are mindful, the truth is near us; otherwise, the truth is distant.



As many refugees flee to the United States, to escape war and conflicts in their home country, we meet Dahaba`s family from Eri-tre-a, who is now settling in North Carolina with her family. While studying English at a community college, she met Tzu Chi volunteer, Liao Wenque(廖雯雀). Knowing that life is difficult for the family of six, Tzu Chi volunteers brought them mattresses, and food supplies.



Staying in the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers have been partnering with the Donate Life Foundation, to decorate their float for the Rose Parade each year. This year`s float featured 72 donors` portraits, including a student from the Tzu Chi New Jersey Academy, Jia Yixiu(賈一修), who`s organs gave six families hope.



At the Tzu Chi Dallas Chapter in the United States, volunteers have been caring for the students at the Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy, for over a year now. As a token of their appreciation, the school`s principal and students, are collecting recyclables and donating the money to Tzu Chi.



In South Carolina of the United States, Charleston currently does not have a Tzu Chi office, and the area only has one commissioner as well. To invite more people to join Tzu Chi, volunteers from near-by, arrived to help organize a tea gathering, to spread the seeds of love to even more people.


《 衲履足跡 》談發揮良能 On Realizing Our Potential

By putting one`s ability to good use, we become guardian angels to many in life; however, misusing our abilities will cause disruption in society.
Those having a healthy body, yet do not make good use of their abilities, are no less different to a person with disabilities.



The end of the year is a time, when Tzu Chi volunteers around the globe hold their year-end blessing ceremonies. In Taiwan`s Taipei, volunteers in both Wanhua(萬華) and Daan(大安) Districts, recently held blessing ceremonies to which they invited many local residents to take part.



In China, the Tzu Chi Suzhou Grounds, held its very first year-end blessing ceremony on December 29th last year. Since agreeing to take part in the musical adaptation of the Water Repentance Sutra, Pan Minxia (潘敏霞) has been working hard to make good use of her time. Let`s hear her story.

在中國 慈濟蘇州志業園區,在12月29日第一次舉辦歲末祝福,自從答應參加水懺演繹開始,潘敏霞懂得善用時間練習,來看看她的故事。


In the Philippines, after Typhoon Bopha left a trail of destruction in Mindanao early December, Tzu Chi volunteers have already carried out a brief disaster survey and decided to organize a large-scale aid distribution and free clinic over last weekend, to help 6,000 households. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


