2013年1月4日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130104

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today’s show, in Taiwan, Tzu Chi volunteers in New Taipei City are tending to foreign labor workers who are victims of a recent blaze. As a part of our celebration of the 15th anniversary of Da Ai TV, we go behind the scenes to see the hard work that goes in to broadcasting news. And, generous donors follow Tzu Chi volunteers in Hualien, as they deliver relief items to their care recipients.



1. 土城縱火關懷

2. 廣東敬老

3. 上海+昆山+漳州廈門歲末

4. 歲末陳聰烈

5. 大愛十五周年:社會角色

6. 15周年看大愛(3)

7. 李美瑜看大愛

8. 物資送暖助弱勢

9. 北卡八分飽

END: 泰大學愛灑

1. 土城縱火關懷

On January 1, in New Taipei City’s Tucheng(土城) District, a Vietnamese laborer allegedly murdered his girlfriend and set fire to his company’s dormitory. Though the suspect has been arrested, the dorm remains damaged from the blaze. Some foreign laborers escaped the fire without taking any belongings and to help them, Tzu Chi volunteers brought boxes of second-hand clothes.


2. 廣東敬老

On a lighter note, in China, Tzu Chi volunteers are continuing to bring warmth and love, to elderly residents this winter. Volunteers visited Dongguan Zhongtang(東莞中堂) Nursing Home, where they sang for the residents, as well as help them exercise through a series of activities. While in Guangzhou(廣州), volunteers offered free haircuts for seniors, to give everyone a fresh look for the coming Chinese New Year.


3. 上海+昆山+漳州廈門歲末

Tzu Chi volunteers around the globe are holding year-end blessing ceremonies before the Chinese New Year. In China, at Fujian’s Xiamen(廈門) and Zhangzhou(漳州), among the 2,500 residents at the blessing ceremonies, were many Tzu Chi scholarship recipients and their families. In Kunshan(昆山) City, Jiangsu(江蘇) Province, volunteers mindfully decorated the venue and even made 600 chair covers to keep the participants warm throughout the event. And over in Shanghai(上海), at the Tzu Chi Zhangfeng(長風) Liaison Office, one volunteer, Xie Haiying(謝海英), shares her story of the changes she has made since joining Tzu Chi. Let’s take a look.


4. 歲末陳聰烈

In Taiwan, Tzu Chi volunteer, Chen Conglie(陳聰烈), was a gambler and an alcoholic for 40 years. After taking part in a Tzu Chi recycling event, he was able to commit himself to getting rid of his bad habits. Later, he officially joined Tzu Chi, and has been donating the money earned from selling vegetables to Tzu Chi as a gesture of his gratitude.


《 靜思語 》

Be willing to give and happy to accept whatever comes.


5. 大愛十五周年:社會角色

As Da Ai TV is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year, today we take you behind the scenes, to look at the broadcasting and production teams that make up our station’s news program. Da Ai News not only brings international coverage to its viewers, but also offers a diverse range of topics, such as the environment, health and social issues.


6. 15周年看大愛(3)

Staying on the topic of Da Ai TV, in its 15 years of broadcast, the media station has and continues to inspire people from all walks of life. In our next report, we meet a recycling volunteer, Guo Yongshen(郭永信), who developed bad habits after a failed surgery. Luckily, after tuning into Da Ai TV one day, he decided to change his ways. Now with his new outlook on life, he is safeguarding the planet and devoting himself whole-heartedly to Tzu Chi.


7. 李美瑜看大愛

In Taiwan, Tzu Chi volunteer, Li Meiyu(李美瑜), who have gained wisdom and happiness through Tzu Chi, was not successful at getting her husband to join her. Following the advice of other Tzu Chi brothers and sisters, Li(李) invited her family to watch Da Ai TV. After 2 years of watching Tzu Chi’s program, her husband, moved by the organization’s humanitarian spirit, finally decided to walk the Tzu Chi path.


《 衲履足跡 》

On Gratitude

Taiwan’s residents should be grateful for a year without frequent disasters; and feel blessed for each peaceful moment we are given. With a heart of gratitude, an open mind and happiness is possible.



8. 物資送暖助弱勢

Staying in Taiwan, but we move to Hualien, some members of the public, who have witnessed Tzu Chi’s charity work over the years, decided to donate to the Buddhist NGO, in hopes of extending their love to help the underprivileged families. Recently, Tzu Chi volunteers took a group of residents on home visitations, to deliver aid supplies to their care recipients.


9. 北卡八分飽

In the United States, North Carolina Tzu Chi volunteers have been cultivating blessings in Raleigh for the past 10 years; every year when they hold Buddha Day celebration or year-end blessing ceremony, a large-scale venue needs to be rented. To provide everyone with a suitable place to hold such events, Tzu Chi volunteer Liu Meifeng(劉美鳳) and her husband Wang Xiongshan(王熊山) offered a workshop on their farmland as the local retreat.


END: 泰大學愛灑

We go to Thailand at the end of our program, where the Hua-chiew Cha-lerm-pra-kiet University recently invited Tzu Chi volunteers to hold a tea gathering on the school’s campus. Tzu Chi volunteers not only introduced the Buddhist NGO, but also showcased DA.AI Technology products, which the teachers and students were both impressed. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


