2013年1月30日 星期三

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130129

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in the show today, we follow Indonesia Tzu Chi volunteers, as they restore their city back to normal, after the recent flood. Next, we go to China and meet a volunteer couple, Li Wei(李偉) and Han Bin(韓斌), to see how Tzu Chi has changed their lives for the better. In our series of feature reports, "Out of the White Tower", we look at the change in attitude, of these Taiwanese doctors, after devoting themselves, to help the Solomon Islanders.



1. 0128印尼慈濟

2. 0127印尼慈濟

3. 山東愛萌芽(5)--韓斌夫妻

4. 基隆三重發放

5. 關渡發願圍爐+關渡葉惠雯

7. 走出白色巨塔(8)

8. 澳伊普貢獻獎

END: 汐止圍爐發放

1. 0128印尼慈濟

We start off today’s show in Jakarta, Indonesia, as the flood-waters have receded, roads are filled with garbage and mud. To help, more than 500 Tzu Chi volunteers, and the Indonesia National Armed Force, joined hands, to restore the roads conditions back to normal.


2. 0127印尼慈濟

Staying in Indonesia, as the flood-waters have receded, many residents have started cleaning up their homes. Since the district of Plu-it in North Jakarata, was one of the worst hit areas, the Jing Si Books and Cafe in that area, also suffered severe damage. To limit their loss, local Tzu Chi volunteers were mobilized, to save the waterlogged items.


《 靜思語 》

We need to cherish current circumstances and be at ease with their passing to avoid disturbing our mind with worries.


3. 山東愛萌芽(5)--韓斌夫妻

In Shandong(山東), China, we meet a volunteer couple, Li Wei (李偉) and Han Bin (韓斌) from the Tzu Chi Qingdao(青島) Retreat. 3 years ago, husband Han Bin(韓斌), made a donation to Tzu Chi, on his child’s birthday, as a sub-stitute for the typical birthday event. Furthermore, the set-up of the local retreat, saw this entire family, devote themselves unconditionally to Tzu Chi.


4. 基隆三重發放

In Taiwan, winter aid distributions are being held all around the island, to help poor families get ready for the upcoming Lunar New Year. In our next report, we join volunteers in both Sanchong(三重) and Keelung(基隆), as they carried out their year-end distribution.


5. 關渡發願圍爐+關渡葉惠雯

Tzu Chi Guandu(關渡) Grounds, also held a winter aid distribution to celebrate the upcoming Lunar New Year. We meet kitchen volunteer Ye Huiwen(葉惠雯) and her boyfriend, who were inspired to join Tzu Chi’s ranks. But first we join volunteers, as they prepare a vegetarian banquet and relief supplies for their care recipients.


6. 宜蘭冬令打包+歲末發放

We stay in Taiwan, as Tzu Chi continues to organize year-end gatherings and winter aid distributions, across the island. This time, we meet care recipients in Yilan(宜蘭), who were invited to attend a year-end banquet by Tzu Chi volunteers. Meanwhile, at the Tzu Chi Luodong(羅東) Liaison Office, volunteers were packing relief supplies, for their upcoming aid distributions.


《 衲履足跡 》

The Lamp in our Heart

In the heart of every person is a lamp. The enlightened have already lit this lamp, while ordinary men and women are unaware that such a lamp exists, or of ways to light it. When studying Buddhism, one should learn how to light this lamp so as to illuminate the path of the self and to guide others along that same path.



7. 走出白色巨塔(8)

In our past series of feature reports "Out of the White Tower", we explored as series of health care problems in the Solomon Islands. Over there, Taiwan’s medical team often faces different obstacles and hardships, while providing medical services to the Solomon Islanders. In today’s feature report, we look into the changes of these Taiwanese doctors, after volunteering their time in this island country.


8. 澳伊普貢獻獎

In 2011, Australia’s Queensland suffered from serious flooding, with Ip-swich being one of the hardest hit. At a celebration event of the Australian Day, the mayor recognized the volunteers’ contribution to the town for its relief work, with a service award.


END: 汐止圍爐發放

We go back to Taiwan at the end of the show, where Tzu Chi volunteers held a re-union banquet for 300 underprivileged people, at the Tzu Chi Xizhi(汐止) Liaison Office. For many care recipients, it felt like home-coming. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130130

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in the show today, Tzu Chi volunteers in the United States, are holding 3 year-end blessing ceremonies in the city of Cu-per-tino. We go back to the Solomon Islands, and discover how Taiwan’s technical teams, are educating the locals on how to grow better crops and vegetables. In our new series of feature reports on "Reading for Love", we take a look at how those with disabilities, overcome obstacles to read.



1. 0129印尼慈濟

2. 美人文歲末

3. 汐止板橋新竹圍爐

4. 照顧戶竹筒愛

5. 走出白色巨塔(9)

6. 為愛朗讀(1)--密碼女孩

7. 美首次聽友會

8. 美靜思語包裝

END: 年前打掃

1. 0129印尼慈濟

We start off today’s show in Indonesia. The torrential rain begining on January 17th, caused severe flooding in many parts of the country. To help the flood victims in West Java, Tzu Chi teamed up with the Indonesia National Armed Forces, and handed out clean drinking water and food to the flood victims.


2. 美人文歲末

In the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers in California, recently held 3 year-end blessing cermonies in the city of Cu-per-tino. The program included a selection from the Water Repentance Sutra, performed by 70 volunteers, ranging from ages 4 to 68. Thanks to the heart-felt performances, many in the audience, decided to sign up as volunteers, to help those in need. Here’s more.


3. 汐止板橋新竹圍爐

Moving to Taiwan, as we count down the days to the Chinese New Year, Tzu Chi volunteers in Hsinchu (新竹), Banqiao (板橋) and Xizhi (汐止) all hosted reunion banquets for their care recipients on January 26th. Apart from celebrating the festivities together, Tzu Chi volunteers also organized free haircuts, medical checkups and relief supplies for the care recipients. Furthermore, many also brought their bamboo coin banks back to Tzu Chi, hoping their contributions, when combined with others, will accumulate into Great Love to help those in need.

回到台灣,在即將到來的農曆新年 ,在新竹、板橋與汐止的慈濟志工,在1月26日一同與照顧戶圍爐,團聚之外,慈濟志工也為照顧戶安排了義剪、義診,以及物資發放。照顧戶將他們的竹筒帶回給慈濟,希望自己的心力結合其他人的心力,會匯聚成大愛,幫助更多需要的人。

4. 照顧戶竹筒愛

As long as we are willing to open our heart, it is easy for anyone to become a giver. At the Tainan(台南) Jing Si Hall, on January 27th, volunteers held a year-end celebration for local care recipients. During the event, recipients had a chance, to donate the money, that they had collected in their bamboo coin banks, over the past year. And several Tzu Chings were also on site, helping guide the guests and also putting on a performance, to remind everyone of the importance of conserving resources. Here’s more.


《 靜思語 》

To prevent spiritual calamities, one needs to learn how to nurture a resilient and healthy spirit.


5. 走出白色巨塔(9)

Since Taiwan and the Solomon Islands established diplomatic relations 29 years ago, the government of Taiwan has been providing various types of assistance to this country, from medical care to agricultural techniques. And to improve the country’s self-sufficiency food rate, Taiwan’s technical teams have established a plan, to educate locals on how to grow better crops and vegetables.


《 衲履足跡 》

On Technology

To stay in touch with our Tzu Chi brothers and sisters around the globe, we rely on technology. Although we have this technology at our fingertips, if not used with good judgment, the mind can go astray, bringing disaster in its wake.



6. 為愛朗讀(1)--密碼女孩

Beginning today, we start a new series of feature reports called "Reading for Love", to see how those with disabilities overcome obstacles to read and how they are enlightened in the process. In the first of our stories, we meet 28-year-old Zhuang Fuhua(莊馥華), who lost the ability to see, speak or move around, after a fire accident when she was 10 years old. Despite the setback, Fuhua(馥華) learned to express herself through Pinyin and eventually turned her thoughts into books and poems.


7. 美首次聽友會

"Tzu Chi World" is a radio program produced by the US Tzu Chi Headquarters for their Chinese community in Los Angeles, California. In celebration of it’s 2nd anniversary, Tzu Chi volunteers held a meet and greet, along with readers of Tzu Chi’s column in the LA World Journal, a local Chinese newspaper. At the event, volunteers and readers a-like shared their stories to inspire and encourage each others.


8. 美靜思語包裝

As Chinese Lunar New Year approaches, traditionally, Chinese business owners hold year-end banquets to thank their employees. In California, the owner of the 99 Ranch Market, in addition to holding a banquet, also purchased 5,000 multi-lingual Jing Si Aphorisms books, as the year-end gifts for his employees. To help, volunteers gathered at the Tzu Chi El Mon-te Liaison Office, to help package the volumes. Let’s take a look.


END: 年前打掃

We go back to Taiwan at the end of the show, as the Lunar New Year is just around the corner, Taichung(台中) Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at the home of care recipient Ms.Zhang(張), to clean up her living environment. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


2013年1月28日 星期一

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130128

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today’s show; the Tzu Chi Foundation are getting ready to hold aid distributions around Taiwan, to help the poor get through the cold winter. In China’s Shandong(山東) Province, love is blossoming in Qingdao(青島) City, as local residents join Tzu Chi volunteers’ ranks. And, we find out the inspiration behind Dr. Patrick Houasia’s determination to stay in the Solomon Islands to serve his people.



1. 人文屏東澎湖冬令打包

2. 亞庇教育開幕

3. 山東愛萌芽(4)--共修凝聚愛心

4. 天津淶源助學

5. 慈青克難聞法

6. 慈青真善美

7. 走出白色巨塔(7)

8. 桃園清屋

9. 母子同行做慈濟

END: 瓜國再發放

1. 人文屏東澎湖冬令打包

Beginning January 26th, last Saturday, to February 3rd, the Tzu Chi Foundation will carry out 36 reunion banquets and winter aid distributions around the island, to help 17,000 poor families get ready for the coming Chinese New Year. We start the first of our report today, in Penghu(澎湖) and Pingtung(屏東), where Tzu Chi volunteers are coming together to pack the aid supplies. But, first, we go to the Tzu Chi Guandu Grounds in Taipei, and join volunteers and foundation staff, as they get ready for the coming event.



2. 亞庇教育開幕

In Malaysia, local residents flocked to the first Tzu Chi Education Center which recently opened it doors to the public in Kota Kinabalu of Sabah. With courses filled with Tzu Chi’s humanitarian spirit, over 60 residents eagerly signed up to learn.


《 靜思語 》

By reducing our wants and worries, we make space in our heart for wisdom.


3. 山東愛萌芽(4)--共修凝聚愛心

In China’s Shandong Province (山東), though most residents in Qingdao City come from well-off backgrounds, they are also willing to reach out to those less fortunate. And the establishment of the Tzu Chi Qingdao Retreat, has inspired more local residents to join the Buddhist NGO.


4. 天津淶源助學

Staying in China, Tzu Chi volunteers carried out a series of scholarship aid programs, for students in both Tianjin(天津) City and Laiyuan(淶源) County of Hebei(河北) Province. Among the recipients was Ge Hailin(葛海林), who’s mother passed away a few years ago, and his father was unable to work following an injury. Despite their financial difficulty, Ge’s father took out a loan, to put his children through school.


5. 慈青克難聞法

Every year, during their winter breaks, Tzu Chings from all over Taiwan will return to their spiritual homeland in Hualien, to attend training seminars. Among the Tzu Chings, some had to conquer physical disabilities, while others had to put aside family responsibilities to attend. Despite all obstacles, nothing stood in their way.


6. 慈青真善美

At every Tzu Chi seminar, one will find Tzu Chi media volunteers on the sidelines, recording in the ins and outs of the event. At this year’s annual Tzu Ching Seminar in Hualien, two Tzu Chings, in addition to filming during the seminar, spent over a month before the start of the event, to put together a film that the 300 or so participants, would remember for a lifetime.


《 衲履足跡 》

On Wisdom

It is the wise who understand how to cherish time and concentrate their energies to accomplish tasks of meaning. It is the wise who understand how to focus their energies to help those suffering and in need. In other words, with wisdom, one understands how to cultivate blessings.



7. 走出白色巨塔(7)

According to WHO, there are 57 countries around the globe that are in serious need of medical personnel, with a total shortage of 4 million medical staff. One of the reasons, is that many medical staff tend to leave their country to pursue a better work environment and higher salary. Today, in our series of feature reports on "Out of the White Tower", we learn why Dr. Patrick Houasia, is determined to stay in the Solomon Islands to help his people.

根據世衛組織統計,全世界仍有57個國家,缺乏4百萬名以上的醫療工作者,其中一個原因,就是許多國家的醫護人員被高薪挖角到別的國家,今天的專題報導,我們來認識骨科醫師Patrick Houasia,一位自己待在索羅門照顧鄉親的醫師。

8. 桃園清屋

Tomorrow, we will look into the changes of the Taiwanese doctors after their visits to the Solomon Islands to help local residents. Back to today’s show; in Taiwan’s Taoyuan(桃園), where Tzu Chi volunteers helped one care recipient, Ms. Huang(黃) clean up her home. As Huang’s mother was staying in the hospital to treat depression, Tzu Chi volunteers seized the opportunity to assist Huang in removing unused items and help restore her house back to order.


9. 母子同行做慈濟

Also in Taiwan, in Tainan’s(台南) Yongkang(永康) District, we meet Xu Yuanfang(許元芳), who at first joined Tzu Chi to kill time, but later became a certified volunteer. After Xu’s father suddenly passed away, and seeing the devastation of the-then 8/8 floods, his mother was inspired to became a certified volunteer as well.


END: 瓜國再發放

As Guatemala was hit by a 7.4 magnitude earthquake last November, Tzu Chi volunteers have since carried out a series of disaster surveys and relief work. Recently, volunteers returned to the department of San Marcos, to help 2,290 families who were affected by the tremor. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


2013年1月25日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130125

Relief work continues in N Jakarta

Devoted Tzu Chi volunteer couple

Global shortage of medical staff

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


Coming up in today`s show, Indonesia Tzu Chi volunteers and TIMA medical staff are continuing to help those affected in the Jakarta flooding.

In China, we learn the inspiring story of the first Tzu Chi volunteer couple in Shandong(山東), Xie Yuzhen(謝玉真) and her husband, Chen Jianting(陳建廷).

And, we look into why developing countries around the globe are all experiencing medical staff shortage, and how this problem can be solved.




1.0124印尼慈濟Love pouring in

As Jakarta, Indonesia is experiencing the worst flooding in 6 years, Tzu Chi`s relief work continues to help those affected by the disaster. To date, thousands of displaced victims are still living in temporary shelters. Seeing the critical situation, a local telecommunication company donated 156,000NTD to Tzu Chi, in hopes of helping the flood victims and inspiring other corporations to do the same.

印尼雅加達發生六年來最嚴重的淹水災情,慈濟也持續協助受災的居民,到現在還有數千人被安置在收容中心,但患難中更見真情,印尼電信公司捐出台幣15萬6千元協助慈濟賑災,也希望能拋磚引玉 。

2.0123印尼慈濟Reaching out to flood victims

At Tzu Chi`s relief work to help the flood victims in Jakarta, Indonesia, over 2,000 volunteers have been mobilized to distribute more than 63,200 hot meals. And the numbers of those seeking temporary shelter at the local Jing Si Hall, have also reached over 1,000. Next, we continue to see what Tzu Chi volunteers and TIMA medical staff are doing to help those affected by the flood.


3.東莞大朗冬令+蘇州姑蘇冬令Winter aid distribution for residents

In China, Tzu Chi continues to hold winter aid distributions in both Jiangsu(江蘇) and Guangdong(廣東) Provinces, to help poor families get through the cold. First let`s take a look at the large-scale distribution held in Jiangsu`s(江蘇) Gusu(姑蘇)District.


4.山東愛萌芽(3)慈濟因緣Tzu Chi`s first seeds in Qingdao

Staying in China, but moving to Shandong(山東), we meet the first Tzu Chi volunteer couple in the province, Xie Yuzhen(謝玉真) and her husband Chen Jianting (陳建廷). After the sudden passing of Xie`s mother, she was introduced to Tzu Chi, and the pair had since become devoted Tzu Chi volunteers.


5.薪傳圓緣皈依Tzu Chings return to spiritual home

As schools throughout Taiwan are now on their winter break, Tzu Chings around the island have returned to their spiritual homeland in Hualien. On January 23rd, over 200 Tzu Chings traveled to the Jing Si Abode on foot, to visit Master Cheng Yen.


6.走出白色巨塔Medical brain drain

In the next of our series of reports on ”Out of the White Tower”, we investigate a serious issue that is not only plaguing the Solomon Islands, but many other developing countries as well. According to a 2006 report by the WHO, with globalization, many doctors and nurses in developing countries are leaving their home to pursue better working conditions and higher pay. How to reverse this trend and find a balance in health care resources worldwide, is a problem that will become ever more urgent in the years ahead. Here`s more.


7.腦中風預防Stroke survival rate 50%

With sudden drops in temperatures, it really is a time for viewers to be cautious about the onset of strokes. As such occurrences happen without any forewarning, everyone should familiar themselves with stroke symptoms, in order to help those around you whenever and wherever needed. Let`s take a look.


8.麻豆建醮勸素Rituals with meatless dishes

In Tainan`s(台南) Madou(麻豆) District, Daitian(代天) Temple is organizing a series of offering rituals from January 16th to 25th. As the organizer wanted to encourage the community to go meatless during this period, Tzu Chi volunteers in the Madou(麻豆) Liaison Office responded by preparing 2,500 vegetarian lunchboxes in two days.


9.素年菜推廣Lunar New Year vegetarian dish

As the Lunar New Year is just around the corner, Tzu Chi volunteers in Banqiao(板橋) of New Taipei City, opened a cooking class in the community, to teach local residents how to cook delicious vegetarian New Year dishes.



Educating children with the right values and belief should begin at a young age; in Taiwan, a group of kindergarteners in Taichung went on a field trip, not to have fun, but to learn how to sort recyclables at the Changan(長安) Recycling Station. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.

從小培養孩子正確的價值觀和思想,在台灣 來自台中市,甲子園幼兒園的小朋友,來到台中市太平長安環保站參訪,不是來玩的,而是學習環保知識。一起來看看,感恩收看,再會。(2013.01.25)

2013年1月24日 星期四

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130124

Indonesia`s capital still under water

Reaching to the poor in Shandong

A gangster`s son turn TC volunteer

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


Coming up in today`s show, as floodwaters have inundated Indonesia`s capital of Jakarta, Tzu Chi and the military are teaming up in relief work operations.

In China`s Shandong(山東) Province, we see how Tzu Chi`s winter aid distribution at the end of last year, are helping residents of Linyi(臨沂) City.

And, we meet Hong Yuliang(洪毓良), the son of a deceased gangster, who gave up a life of luxury to become a devoted Tzu Chi volunteer.




1.0123印尼慈濟Working with the military

2.0122印尼慈濟Bring love in times of need

3.布魯克林發放Misleading info from local news channel

4.山東愛萌芽(2)受災戶回饋First seed of TC in Linyi City

5.菲157義診157th free clinic

6.菲義診個案Free clinic for burn victim

7.走出白色巨塔(4)Doctor-patient relationships

8.黑道太子皈依Looking for contentment

9.照顧戶自立A bumpy path in life


1.0123印尼慈濟Working with the military

Nearly one week has gone by since a heavy downpour triggered severe flooding in Jakarta, Indonesia, with most of the city still submerged under water. Tzu Chi volunteers are working with the military in carrying out disaster relief operations.


2.0122印尼慈濟Bring love in times of need

According to estimates, up to January 21st, Tzu Chi has taken 657 disaster victims under its wings, as well as provided 54,600 hot meals and 826 relief packs to those in need. The items included in the packs were drinking water, cooking oil, milk powder and blankets. As well, 842 shifts of volunteers have also been mobilized during the relief work.


3.布魯克林發放Misleading info from local news channel

In the United States, months after Hurricane Sandy, disaster relief assistance continues on in New York. This time, Tzu Chi volunteers have arrived in Brooklyn to help illegal Pa-ki-sta-ni immigrants. Unfortunately, a piece of misleading information disappointed many of those waiting in line on the day of the distribution, and volunteers had to step in, to explain the correct procedures to receive Tzu Chi`s cash card.

在美國,桑迪風災多月後,紐約居民的救災發放持續,這次慈濟志工們 來到布魯克林區,幫助非法移民巴的基斯坦移民,不過,因為媒體報導訊息的錯誤,讓許多等待在現場的受災戶領不到現值卡而失望,志工也在現場向他們說明現值卡發放的程序。

4.山東愛萌芽(2)受災戶回饋First seed of TC in Linyi City

In China`s Shandong(山東) Province, after Tzu Chi volunteers carried out their very first winter aid distribution in Linyi(臨沂) City`s Cangshan(蒼山), at the end of 2012, they visited the home of a couple who offered volunteers their most precious peanuts, as a token of their appreciation for Tzu Chi`s care. Let`s take a look.


5.菲157義診157th free clinic

On December 7th of last year, Tzu Chi Philippines Chapter organized its 157th free clinic, helping 111 patients undergo cataract surgery. Among the patients, was 91-year-old Antonia, who has been abandoned by her children and came to seek treatment alone. With Tzu Chi`s help, Antonia not only regained her eyesight, but also found a place to call home.


6.菲義診個案Free clinic for burn victim

Staying in the Philippines, we meet 25-year-old care recipient, John Cu-ba-lan. 5 years ago, John became a burn victim in an accident, which injured his eyesight and also left him unemployed. Thankfully, John`s neighbor introduced him to Tzu Chi who helped him recover his vision.


7.走出白色巨塔(4)Doctor-patient relationships

In the Solomon Islands, as the outlying islands lack medical resources, many villagers have never seen a doctor in their lives and therefore, have immense respect for the Taiwanese doctors, that have come from abroad to safeguard their health. In today`s feature report on the Soloman Islands, we investigate the doctor-and-patient relationships that exist in both Taiwan and the Solomon Islands.


8.黑道太子皈依Looking for contentment

The Solomon Islands and Taiwan share the common problem of having local doctors leaving oveaseas in pursue of better salary and life. In tomorrow`s feature report, we look into the shortage of medical staff the two nations are currently facing. Back to today`s show, in Taiwan, we meet Tzu Chi volunteer, Hong Yuliang(洪毓良), the son of a deceased gangster, who gave up inheriting his father`s business, after coming across a Jing Si Aphorism, and now lives a frugal but happy and fulfilling life.


9.照顧戶自立A bumpy path in life

In our next report, we meet Tzu Chi care recipient, Ms. Zeng(曾), who has faced many challenges in her life. 5 years ago, Zeng`s family had fallen into debt, and her husband was unable to work after becoming ill, and her family couldn`t pay their rent. With 3 children to raise, life was difficult. Luckily, it was also then that she met Tzu Chi and with encouragement from friends and volunteers, Zeng has found a new interest in flower arrangement and gardening.



As part of the Chinese New Year traditions, many people put up spring couplets on their wall, as a prayer for a prosperious year ahead. At the Taichung Tzu Chi General Hospital, a group of calligraphers from Central Taiwan, arrived to write these spring couplets for members of the public, in hopes of forming good affinities with others. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


2013年1月23日 星期三

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130123

Experiencing hardship in China

Fungal infection, a serious issue

TC`s Great Love has no boundary

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.


Coming up in the show today, we follow China Tzu Chi volunteers to Shandong(山東) Province, and experience the poor living conditions of the local residents.

In our series of feature reports, ”Out of the White Tower”, we go back to the Solomon Islands, and learn about the most common health issue - fungal infections.

We follow students from the Tzu Chi University, on their visit to Indonesia, and see how Tzu Chi`s Great Love is flourishing in the country.


今天的走出白色巨塔的專題,我們來到索羅門群島,了解最普遍的醫療問題-黴菌感染 。


1.0122印尼慈濟Evacuate 600 local residents

2.印水患救災Communities submerged in water

3.福建助學關懷Bringing hope to students for a decade

4.山東愛萌芽(1)臨沂風土Tzu Chi`s seeds planted in Shandong

5.走出白色巨塔(3)A common health problem

6.三峽獨老關懷Happy 100th birthday

7.新店老人關懷Visiting Ren-ai Senior Citizens` Home

8.慈大訪印尼Tzu Chi Univ. students visit Indonesia

9.小竹筒聚善緣Gathering the power of love

10.回收竹筒傳愛Origin of bamboo coin banks


1.0122印尼慈濟Evacuate 600 local residents

It has been six days since Jakarta, Indonesia has been flooded due to the massive rainfall, with 90 percent of the communities still under-water.


2.印水患救災Communities submerged in water

Staying in Indonesia, although the rain has stopped, the water levels have not sub-sided. A-mid the devastation, Indonesia Tzu Chi volunteers, continue to help disaster victims, by serving hot meals and handing out daily necessities. Currently the volunteers have already, provided more than 20,000 hot meals to flood victims. The local Jing Si Hall, has also been turned into a temporary shelter, to provide a warm and clean place for residents to stay for the meantime.


3.福建助學關懷Bringing hope to students for a decade

On January 19th, Tzu Chi volunteers in Fujian(福建) Province`s Ningde(寧德) City, held a scholarship award ceremony, on behalf of 169 students. Pre-ceding the ceremony, the volunteers also carried out home visitations,to 17 households. The event was the latest in a long line, of similar events, that stretch back 10 years, to when Tzu Chi first started caring for the students in this region of China.


4.山東愛萌芽(1)臨沂風土Tzu Chi`s seeds planted in Shandong

This year,Tzu Chi volunteers in China held their first ever winter aid distribution in Shandong(山東) Province , as Linyi(臨沂) City in Cangshan(蒼山) County, experienced serious flooding in 2012. Its geographic setting, coupled with recent natural disasters, has resulted in long term poverty for residents of the area.


5.走出白色巨塔(3)A common health problem

The Solomon Islands is a country made up of a collection of islands; however, only the bigger islands have clinics. As the country`s medical resources are limited, patients are often left with no access to medical care. To help, Taiwan`s medical team visits the outlying islands on a regular basis to hold free clinics. There, doctors find one of the most common problems are fungal infections.


6.三峽獨老關懷Happy 100th birthday

In the Solomon Islands, many local residents have never seen a doctor in their lives. Therefore, after receiving treatment from Taiwanese doctors, they express their gratitude for being looked after so kindly. In tomorrow`s report, we look at the differences in the doctor-patient relationship between Taiwan and the Solomon Islands. Back to today`s show. Taiwan`s Eden Social Welfare Foundation, has a senior care recipient that is celebrating his 100th birthday. At the grand occasion, volunteers gathered at his home in Sanxia(三峽) and presented the senior with a birthday cake.


7.新店老人關懷Visiting Ren-ai Senior Citizens` Home

In Taiwan`s New Taipei City, Tzu Chi volunteers paid their monthly visit, to Ren-ai (仁愛) Senior Citizens` Home, in Xindian(新店). This time, an overseas visitor, Carey, who has taken part in Tzu Chi`s events in San Francisco in the past, also followed the volunteers, to care for the seniors at the nursing home.


8.慈大訪印尼Tzu Chi Univ. students visit Indonesia

In our next report, we ask what are your children doing for their winter break? In Hualien(花蓮), Taiwan, students from Tzu Chi University used their break to travel to Indonesia. There, they visited a Da Ai Village, a recycling station, a Da Ai school and the local Tzu Chi Hospital. For the students, the trip was a time of discovery and sharing. And despite the language barriers, they found that the Tzu Chi spirit of Great Love remains the same.

接著的報導來看看 ,你的孩子要怎麼規劃寒假呢?在花蓮,慈濟大學的學生跟著老師到印尼一趟心靈之旅,他們參訪大愛一村環保站、慈濟大愛學校與慈濟醫院,對孩子來說,這趟旅程讓他們學到體會與分享,儘管語言有所隔閡,但是慈濟大愛的精神卻是一樣的。
9.小竹筒聚善緣Gathering the power of love

In Taiwan, as winter breaks have began in schools and universities, 211 Tzu Chings have returned to Hualien(花蓮) to attend a training seminar. Among the participants, many have brought along their bamboo coin banks, which they have been saving for a year. One Tzu Ching, Lin Yisen(林奕森), from Hong Kong, who is currently a student of the National Taipei University, shared how she saves the spare change from her grocery money to the coin bank.

在台灣,由於大學與各個學校寒假已經開始了,來自全台 211位慈青幹部齊聚花蓮參加薪傳營,而學員當中,有許多人帶著自己存了一年的竹筒前來,其中一位慈青來自香港的林奕森 ,目前在台北大學讀書,分享她如何在每一天,都存下買菜錢來幫助別人。

10.回收竹筒傳愛Origin of bamboo coin banks

Have you ever wondered where Tzu Chi`s bamboo coin banks come from? In fact, they are made from recycled card-board rolls, donated by textile factories. Every time members of the public, bring back the full coin banks, Tzu Chi volunteers will re-fit the used ones, and hand them out to the next person, in hopes that more people will join in the efforts to help the needy.



We go to England at the end of the show and join London Tzu Chi volunteers at their year-end blessing ceremony, with many local residents and members of the Chinese community arriving to take part. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.

節目最後帶大家到英國,跟著倫敦慈濟志工參與歲末祝福 ,有許多當地居民和華僑一起來參加。一起來看看,感恩收看,再會。(2013.01.23)

2013年1月22日 星期二

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130122

Helping flood victims in Indonesia

Difficult access to medical care

Providing aid to 386 poor families

Coming up in the show today, Indonesia Tzu Chi volunteers , are providing more than 20,000 hot meals and daily necessities to flood victims.

In our series of feature reports, ”Out of the White Tower”, we go back to the Solomon Islands, and learn how difficult it is, for residents to get access to medical care.

In Vietnam, Tzu Chi volunteers are distributing daily necessities, to help 386 families, get ready to celebrate the coming Lunar New Year.

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.





1.印熱食發放Relief work for flood victims

2.海口美蘭冬令Second winter aid distribution

3.海南歲末祝福Year-end ceremony in Hainan

4.海南助學金發放Scholarship aid for 51 students

5.走出白色巨塔(2)Lack of medical resources

6.美媒體感恩會Gratitude to Chinese medias

7.越南歲末發放A prosperous Lunar New Year

8.馬歲末發放20 years of love & change


1.印熱食發放Relief work for flood victims

In Indonesia, the monsoon season brought massive rainfall, forcing over 20,000 residents in Jakarta, to flee from their homes. To help, volunteers from the Tzu Chi Indonesia Chapter, organized a series of relief missions, including the re-location of 166 residents to the Tzu Chi grounds. To date, Tzu Chi volunteers have already provided more than 20,000 hot meals and daily necessities to the flood victims.


2.海口美蘭冬令Second winter aid distribution

Tzu Chi volunteers in China, are holding their second winter aid distribution in Hainan(海南) Island`s Meilan(美蘭) District. Although the district is a populated area, many senior residents, who live on the out-skirts, have no means to make a living, thus, volunteers held an aid distribution here, to help 1,170 households, get through the winter.

中國慈濟志工,在海南的海口市美蘭區,進行今年的第二場冬令發放,美蘭區雖然 人口多,不過,許多長者都居住在郊區,都沒有收入生活困難,因此志工在這個地方,為1170個貧苦家庭發放冬令物資。

3.海南歲末祝福Year-end ceremony in Hainan

In China, after Hainan(海南) Tzu Chi volunteers, organized two winter aid distributions in the area, they also held their first year-end blessing ceremony, over the weekend at Haikuo(海口) City, to introduce Tzu Chi to local residents, in hopes of getting more people to join their ranks.

在中國,海南慈濟志工除了舉辦兩場冬令發放,也於上周末,首次在海口市舉辦歲末祝福,希望讓當地民眾更了解慈濟,也能進一步加入志工行列 。

4.海南助學金發放Scholarship aid for 51 students

In China, Hainan(海南) Tzu Chi volunteers, have partnered with the Haikou(海口) Sanitation Bureau, in providing scholarships to the children of their workers. At the scholarship distribution ceremony, a total of 51 students received tuition support.


5.走出白色巨塔(2)Lack of medical resources

The Solomon Islands, is made up of a collection of more than 990 islands, yet the country`s medical resources are all centered around the capital of Honiara. Today, we follow Taiwanese doctors, on their journey to the outlying islands, to discover how difficult it is, for residents living there, to get access to medical care.


6.美媒體感恩會Gratitude to Chinese medias

In Solomon Islands, children are often seen wearing clothes, that are covered with mold. In tomorrow`s report, we take a look at the problem of fungal infection in the country. Back to today`s show, on January 17th, the US Tzu Chi Headquarters in San Dimas, California, hosted a gathering for local Chinese medias, to express their gratitude, for their role, in enhancing goodness in society.

在索羅門群島,會發現 許多孩子都穿著發霉的衣服,明天帶大家去了解黴菌感染相當嚴重的國家,回到今天的的報導,在聖迪馬斯慈濟美國總會,在1月17號邀請美國當地各中文媒體人員,參與感恩餐會,感謝大家扮演社會提升善的力量。

7.越南歲末發放A prosperous Lunar New Year

In Vietnam, like in China and Taiwan, the Lunar New Year, is an important holiday commonly celebrated. To help poor families before the upcoming holiday, Tzu Chi volunteers delivered rice, cooking oil, and other items to 386 families.


8.馬歲末發放20 years of love & change

Recently, the Tzu Chi Malacca Chapter, held its 125th aid distribution, in which it helped a total of 609 households. Since Lunar New Year is right around the corner, in addition to aid supplies, volunteers also prepared a feast, for the care recipients.



We go back to Malaysia at the end of today`s show, where the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Tzu Chings, visited the Se-la-yang Religious School, to pick up the full bamboo coins banks from the students. The money donated by the children will help Hurricane Sandy survivors in the United States. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


2013年1月21日 星期一

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130121

China`s winter aid distributions

Searching for passion to go on

Turning over a new leaf in life

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


Coming up in today`s show, in China, Guangdong Tzu Chi volunteers are delivering relief items to senior residents at a local nursing home.

We begin a new series of feature reports, ”Out of the White Tower”, to see what doctors in Taiwan are doing, to help citizens of the Solomon Islands.

And, inmates at the Taichung Drug Abuser Treatment Center are turning over a new leaf as they put on Tzu Chi`s sign language performance.




1.東莞發放Receiving aid for family of 7

2.宿遷發放Prayer ceremony before distribution

3.宿遷老人院Warming hands and hearts

4.關丹水災Worst flood in 50 years

5.走出白色巨塔(1)Lack of basic medical care

6.印尼慈大交流Practicing language ability

7.大林感恩懿德+ 懿德水滴燈籠One and only top quality chocolate

8.戒治所入經藏Seeds of compassion planted

9.馬歲末回饋A dance for TC`s event

10.加社區接引80 participants taking part in the seminar


1.東莞發放Receiving aid for family of 7

First up in China, at a recent distribution in Guangdong`s(廣東) Dongguan(東莞), volunteers held the distribution at the Shi Wan(石灣) Nursing Home, which meant that the elderly people, had their aid supplies delivered, right to their doorstep.


2.宿遷發放Prayer ceremony before distribution

In China`s Jiangsu(江蘇) Province, Tzu Chi organized a winter aid distribution in Suqian(宿遷) City, helping over 12,000 poor families. Besides local volunteers, more than 100 Tzu Chi volunteers from all walks of life also joined the relief efforts.


3.宿遷老人院Warming hands and hearts

One of Tzu Chi`s recent aid distribution in Jiangsu(江蘇), was the first entirely hosted by Nanjing(南京) Tzu Chi volunteers. Held in front of the Daxing(大興) Nursing Home in Suqian`s(宿遷) Suyu(宿豫) District, the distribution helped over 1,800 households.


4.關丹水災Worst flood in 50 years

On Christmas Eve of 2012, a heavy rainstorm in Kuantan City, Malaysia, resulted in a severe flooding. On January 6th, 300 Tzu Chi volunteers were mobilized and, after conducting a disaster survey, relief supplies were distributed to 504 households.


5.走出白色巨塔(1)Lack of basic medical care

Starting from today, we begin our new series, ”Out of the White Tower”, in which we travel to the Solomon Islands, located in the South Pacific. As the country lacks adequate medical resources, Taiwan, one of its diplomatic allies, has sent medical staff from the Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, to conduct regular free clinics in this country.

從今天開始,我們推出走出白色巨搭系列報導,要帶您來到索羅門群島,索羅門群島位於南太平洋,因此缺乏醫療資源,為了幫助台灣南太平洋邦交國之一的索羅門群島,高雄醫學大學附設醫院的醫療人員 定期來到此,舉辦義診活動。

6.印尼慈大交流Practicing language ability

Recently, 29 students and teachers of the Tzu Chi University, traveled from Taiwan to Indonesia and followed Tzu Chi volunteers on their home visitations. The students, many who study social work, through the door to door visits, all gained a valuable life lesson.


7.大林感恩懿德+ 懿德水滴燈籠One and only top quality chocolate

To express their gratitude, to the volunteers for their dedication over the past year, medical staff at the Dalin Tzu Chi General Hospital, made lanterns in the shape of water droplets as well as chocolates filled with nuts and dried fruit.


8.戒治所入經藏Seeds of compassion planted

Beginning 2008, volunteers from the Tzu Chi Teachers Association in Central Taiwan, regularly visited the inmates at the Taichung Drug Abuser Treatment Center, and have inspired them to learn the sign language of sutra scriptures. Let`s take a look.


9.馬歲末回饋A dance for TC`s event

At Tzu Chi`s year-end distribution in Malacca, Malaysia, among the performers is 25-year-old Darma Tawar, who was once a scholarship recipient. Today, having become a professional dancer, Darma is reciprocating Tzu Chi`s love by putting on a dance at the year-end distribution.


10.加社區接引80 participants taking part in the seminar

In Vancouver, Canada, at a training seminar, held at the local Jing Si Hall, where 80 volunteers arrived to participate, Hurricane Sandy`s relief work experience was shared and a short skit was also put on to show Tzu Chi`s work in Surrey over the past 5 years.



In the United States, since a large wildfire devastated the community of Fallbrook in San Diego County of California, in 2007, Tzu Chi volunteers have been caring for the local residents. Recently, volunteers returned to hold a free clinic, with medical staff coming from far and wide, to give a helping hand. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


2013年1月19日 星期六

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130118

A warm winter for the needy

Thailand`s year-end ceremony

Keeping rivers clean and clear

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in today`s show, China Tzu Chi volunteers are holding 2 large-scale distributions in Hainan`s(海南) Chengmai(澄邁) and Haikou(海口) to help impoverished families. @

●At Thailand`s year-end blessing ceremony, volunteers not only pass on their blessings but also hand out 20kg bags of rice to over 1,300 residents. @

●And, in the final report on water resource, we learn why keeping our rivers clean helps create a better environment for our future generations.





1. 海南五地志工Winter relief distribution

2. 宿遷冬令併 Winter aid distribution in Suqian City

3. 宿遷冬令家訪Home visitations in Suqian City

4. 羅甸平岩家訪 Sending love to Guizhou

5. 泰歲末大米 Distributing rice to poor people

6. 星歲末照顧戶 Sutra continues to change lives

7. 菲小學治頭蝨 Treating student`s head lice

8. 父女環保 Father-daughter doing recycling

1. 海南五地志工Winter relief distribution

We kick off today`s program in China; starting yesterday, January 17th, Hainan(海南) Tzu Chi volunteers held 2 large-scale winter aid distributions, @ in Chengmai(澄邁) County and Haikou(海口) City. Volunteers from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Guangzhou(廣州) all came to share their experiences and also lend a helping hand.

首先來看中國,從昨天 1月17日起,海南慈濟志工 一連在澄邁縣及海口市舉行兩場冬令發放,包括廣州、上海、台灣、香港等地志工都特地前來協助並傳承經驗。

2. 宿遷冬令併 Winter aid distribution in Suqian City

Staying in China, a winter aid distribution was held on January 13th, in Suqian(宿遷) City of Jiangsu(江蘇) Province, @ where 2,648 households went to a local stadium to pick up aid supplies. As most of the senior residents are physically disabled, Tzu Chi scholarship recipients also showed up to help these elderly people carry their relief items, making the venue one full of love and warmth.

在中國,慈濟在一月十三日,江蘇宿遷市進行冬令發放,2,648戶 來到當地的體育館領取冬令物資,因為多是身有殘疾的老人家,慈濟助學生特地來協助搬運,讓發放現場和樂融融。

3. 宿遷冬令家訪Home visitations in Suqian City

As the winter aid distribution in Suqian(宿遷) City, Jiangsu(江蘇) came to an end, the footsteps of China Tzu Chi volunteers continued into the villages, @ to visit underprivileged families. Volunteers first arrived at the home of 63 year-old Grandma Fei Chunxia (費存俠) and her adopted paralyzed son. Next, volunteers arrived at Kang Xuchao (康須超)`s home, who despite suffering atrophy in both legs since birth, always welcomes people with his friendly smile.


4. 羅甸平岩家訪 Sending love to Guizhou

Also in China, but in Guizhou(貴州), Tzu Chi volunteers arrived in Pingyan(平岩) Township for their next winter aid distribution, @ where many senior residents came to pick up aid supplies. Among the residents, is 87-year-old Wang Yuhe(王玉和), who lost his son in an accident and now has to farm to make ends meet. With Tzu Chi`s help, Grandpa Wang and his grandson are now looking forward to the coming Chinese New Year.

也是在中國,而在貴州的冬令發放,志工來到平岩鄉,這裡有許多年長者來領取物資,像王玉和今年八十七歲 ,因為意外兒子往生,現在爺爺還要下田耕作,慈濟送來的過冬物資,能讓他和孫子過個好年。

5. 泰歲末大米 Distributing rice to poor people

At Tzu Chi`s year-end ceremony in Thailand, volunteers not only delivered blessings, @ but also 20kg bags of rice to more than 1,300 poor residents. Helping at the distribution were students from around the country, and also local residents who previously received help from Tzu Chi.


6. 星歲末照顧戶 Sutra continues to change lives

The Tzu Chi Singapore Chapter brought together over 800 volunteers and residents, @ to perform sections of the Water Repentance Sutra for their annual year-end ceremony. Among those performing were care recipient Chen Mingfu(陳明福) and his family, who in the process, all found themselves changing for the better.


7. 菲小學治頭蝨 Treating student`s head lice

In the Philippines, the sanitary conditions in the local areas are poor, @and many students are suffering from head lice. At Quezon City`s Old Ba-la-ra Elementary School, as 80 percent of the students were affected with this problem, Tzu Chi carried out a lice e-ra-di-cation program by using natural herbs to keep away the lice.


8. 父女環保 Father-daughter doing recycling

Next in Taiwan, 82-year old Wang Qingqin (王清琴) after moving in with his daughter Wang Baoyu (王寶玉) in Zhongli City(中壢), @ was unable to adapt to the new surroundings and remained miserable. After seeing the inspiring stories of recycling volunteers on Da Ai TV, Baoyu decided to take her father to do recycling work and, since then, a smile can be seen on Grandpa Wang`s face.


9. 河苦˙何苦(8) Keeping rivers clean and clear

The world`s rivers currently face the dual problem of overuse and pollution. In previous reports, we`ve looked at the problems that arise from the overuse of rivers; in today`s report, @ we investigate how pollution affects our water sources. In Taiwan, over the past 30 years, government officials have been trying to clear up Tamsui(淡水) River. Although there have been significant improvements, it is still a daily struggle. While in Brazil, the Amazon River is facing similar issues, as towns like Ma-naus face, massive amounts of trash washing ashore and flooding due to clogging. In conclusion, protecting our waters really is a job for everyone.



As the Chinese New Year is just 3 weeks away, Tzu Chi volunteers around the globe are speeding up their pace in holding their year-end blessing ceremonies. In Taiwan`s Hualien, the Tzu Chi Elementary School recently held their once-a-year event, with its students performing the sign language of (2013.01.18)

2013年1月17日 星期四

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130117

Hopeful future for needy students

The importance of our rainforest

20 years of charity work in Malacca

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in today`s show, we meet a former scholarship recipient in China`s Fujian(福建), who is reciprocating Tzu Chi`s love by joining the recent aid distribution.

●In our feature report on water protection, we learn the importance of safeguarding our rainforests around the globe.

●And, we go to Malaysia, where Tzu Chi`s latest distribution in Malacca is helping 609 care recipients celebrate the coming lunar New Year.





1. 廈門助學發放 Distributing scholarships & aid supplies

2. 貴州脫貧見證 Helping residents in Guizhou

3. 杭州歲末祝福 Year-end ceremony in Hangzhou

4. 浙醫志工室 Volunteers in Zhejiang`s hospital

5. 河苦˙何苦(7) Protecting the rainforest

6. 中人醫成果 TIMA doctors helping patients

7. 馬20歲末發放 Year-end aid distribution

8. 雪隆全家經藏 Story of on-stage volunteer Huang Caipei

9. 亞庇經藏日人 Kota Kinabalu`s event


1. 廈門助學發放 Distributing scholarships & aid supplies

First up in China, at the winter aid distribution in Nanjing(南靖) County, Fujian(福建) Province, we meet a former Tzu Chi scholarship recipient, Feng Yifen(馮藝芬), who joined the event as a way to give back. To help more impoverished students go to school, Tzu Chi also handed out scholarships to 196 students in Xiangan(翔安) of Xiamen(廈門).


2. 貴州脫貧見證 Helping residents in Guizhou

Also in China, in Guizhou(貴州), to improve the living conditions of residents living in the mountainous areas, Tzu Chi launched a relocation program and built two Da Ai Villages in Shangwengjin(上翁井) and Mojian(抹尖). Since then, the lives of many residents have changed for the better.


3. 杭州歲末祝福 Year-end ceremony in Hangzhou

At the year-end blessing ceremony, in Hangzhou(杭州) of Zhejiang(浙江) Province, as many doctors have been moved by Tzu Chi`s work to join the organization, their inspiring stories were brought to the stage. And on the same day, Hangzhou`s Jing Si Books and Cafe also opened its doors to the public.


4. 浙醫志工室 Volunteers in Zhejiang`s hospital

Also in Hangzhou(杭州), Tzu Chi volunteers have been acting as a communication channel, between medical staff and patients at the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang(浙江) University for over 13 years. In our next story, we learn how the existence of Tzu Chi volunteers made a deep impact on the life of a Taiwanese entrepreneur.


5. 河苦˙何苦(7) Protecting the rainforest

In recent years, rainforest destruction in Brazil has held steady at 6,000 to 8,000 square kilometers per year; however every time a large scale project is planned, the rainforest is reduced by a little bit more. In continuing our report on the Belo Monte Dam, we take a look at the effects of rainforest destruction and why it`s important for everyone to protect the rainforest.

近年來 巴西的雨林破壞,每年維持六到八千 平方公里,但是每次有大建設雨林就會被減少一些,繼續我們對於美山水壩,我們來看看雨林破壞的影響,還有為什麼大家要保護雨林。

6. 中人醫成果 TIMA doctors helping patients

Tomorrow, in our final report on the Belo Monte Dam, we learn the importance of keeping our trash out of rivers and oceans. Back to today, TIMA medical staff in Central Taiwan has been helping patients in remote areas for 15 years. In the past decade, more than 30,000 shifts of medical staff and volunteers have been mobilized to attend these free clinics, which helped a total of 37,000 residents.


7. 馬20歲末發放 Year-end aid distribution

In Malaysia; since the first year-end distribution in Malacca in 1994, Tzu Chi has held a total of 125 aid distributions to date. At the recent distribution, 609 care recipients were invited to join Tzu Chi volunteers, to celebrate the coming lunar New Year.


8. 雪隆全家經藏 Story of on-stage volunteer Huang Caipei

This year`s blessing ceremony organized by, the Tzu Chi Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chapter in Malaysia concluded on a successful note. Among the on-stage volunteers who performed the Water Repentance Sutra, is Huang Caipei`s (黃彩ㄆㄟˋ) family of five. Huang says, taking part in the show has brought her family closer together.


9. 亞庇經藏日人 Kota Kinabalu`s event

Also in Malaysia, but in Kota Kinabalu, at Tzu Chi`s year-end blessing ceremony, volunteers performed sections of the musical adaptation of the “Water Repentance Sutra”, where they also invited members of the public to take part. Among the the performers, was a father from Japan who, despite the language barrier, was determined to take part in the show.

馬來西亞的亞庇志工為了歲末祝福演繹水懺序曲,邀約民眾一起入經藏,當中有一位父親來自日本,儘管語言隔閡卻還是加入入經藏行列 。


Every homeless person have different reasons for living on the streets, nevertheless, they all deserve to be respected and treated equally. In London of England, Tzu Chi volunteers prepared a delicious banquet and relief packs in hopes of warming the hearts of the homeless people. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.



2013年1月16日 星期三

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130116

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.


Helping Syrian refugees in Jordan

Belo Monte Dam = a big problem

Year-end blessing ceremony in Malaysia

●Coming up in the show today, Jordan Tzu Chi volunteers, are holding a second-hand clothes distribution, to help 1,004 Syrian households.

●In our continue look, on the impact of the Belo Monte Dam, we go to Al-ta-mira, to see the problems residents are facing, and those that may occur in the future.

●And in Malaysia, we meet committed volunteers, who took part in the year-end blessing ceremony, in spite of their physical conditions.





1.約旦冬衣發放 Helping Syrian refugees in Jordan

2. 湖南發放家訪 Aid distribution & visitations in Hunan

3. 貴州志工家訪 Visiting homes of local residents

4. 福州發放志工 Relief distribution in Cangshan District

5. 河苦˙何苦(6) Belo Monte Dam = a big problem

6. 醫師環保站啟用 Yingren Recycling Station opens in Taipei

7. 雪隆入經藏 & 歲末花絮 Year-end blessing ceremony

8. 星歲末祝福 2 day year-end ceremony

9. 蘆洲義剪 Giving haircuts in elderly residents


1. 約旦冬衣發放 Helping Syrian refugees in Jordan

In Jordan, to help the Syrian refugees stay warm throughout the cold winter, Tzu Chi volunteers organized a second-hand clothes distribution, in the city of Ramtha. This time, a total of 1,004 households, received Tzu Chi`s help.


2. 湖南發放家訪 Aid distribution & visitations in Hunan

In China`s Hunan(湖南) Province, at the winter aid distribution, in Ningxiang(寧鄉) County, Changsha(長沙) City, Tzu Chi volunteers handed out aid supplies, including quilts and rice, hoping the local residents, will enjoy a happy New Year.


3. 貴州志工家訪 Visiting homes of local residents

Also in China, it has been more than 12 years, since Tzu Chi volunteers first set foot in Guizhou(貴州). Recently, after a winter aid distribution in Luodian(羅甸) County, Tzu Chi volunteers split into teams, and visited the homes of local residents.


4. 福州發放志工 Relief distribution in Cangshan District

As Tzu Chi volunteers continue with distributions in China, another winter aid distribution was carried out in Cangshan(倉山) District , of Fuzhou(福州) Province, helping a total of 745 households.


5. 河苦˙何苦(6) Belo Monte Dam = a big problem

Due to the construction of dams, since 1950, people around the world, have faced re-location and changes to their way of life. Today, we return to Brazil, for an in-depth look, at Al-ta-mira residents, whom may face relocation, once the construction of the Belo Monte Dam is completed.


6. 醫師環保站啟用 Yingren Recycling Station opens in Taipei

Tomorrow, we take a look at the potential damage, building the dam, may have on Amazon`s rain forest. Moving to Taiwan, the Tzu Chi Yingren (英仁) Recycling Station, which was formerly a clinic, of late Doctor Cai Zongxian(蔡宗賢), opened its door to the public, on January 12th.


7. 雪隆入經藏 & 歲末花絮 Year-end blessing ceremony

Next, we meet a few of the performers, who took part in the year-end blessing ceremony, held by the Tzu Chi Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chapter in Malaysia. Despite their physical conditions, volunteers were committed to take part in the performance. But first, we meet the volunteers, who decorated the venue.


8. 星歲末祝福 2 day year-end ceremony

The Tzu Chi Singapore Chapter, held its year-end blessing ceremony, between January 12th and 13th, with more than 7,000 participants. The event featured four performances of the Water Repentance Sutra, put on by more than 800 volunteers and community residents.

慈濟新加坡分會,從1月12到13日舉辦歲末祝福活動,共凝聚了7千名民眾800多名志工及社區大德,深入經藏 演繹。

9. 蘆洲義剪 Giving haircuts in elderly residents

Back to Taiwan, in New Taipei City`s Luzhou(蘆洲) District, Tzu Chi volunteers turned one nursing home, into a beauty salon for a day. On site were professional hair stylists, who spent the day, cutting the hair for the senior residents.



Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


2013年1月15日 星期二

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130115

Winter aid distribution in China

Belo Monte Dam changing lives

Malaysia`s year-end ceremony

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in the show today, China Tzu Chi volunteers, are holding a winter aid distribution in Luodian(羅甸)`s Muyin(木引) Middle School.

●In our continue look on the impact of the Belo Monte Dam, we take a look at the changes for residents, living along the Xingu River, as construction continues.

●And in Malaysia, the Tzu Chi Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chapter, is holding a year-end blessing ceremony, with more than 10,000 local residents taking part.



●接著在馬來西亞 ,慈濟雪隆分會舉辦歲末祝福,有一萬多位居民參與。


1. 羅甸發放 Winter aid distribution in China

2. 長沙發放 Dedicated volunteer, Lin Xiaoping

3. 廣州援長沙 Providing assistance in Changsha

4. 福州倉山冬令 Winter aid distribution in Cangshan

5. 河苦˙何苦(5) Belo Monte Dam changing lives

6.台中靜思堂 Newly established Jing Si Hall

7. 那空沙旺義診 Free clinic in Thailand

8. 雪隆歲末祝福 Year-end blessing in Kuala Lumpur

9. 東莞敬老院併 Visiting nursing homes


1. 羅甸發放 Winter aid distribution in China

In China`s Guizhou(貴州) Province, Tzu Chi volunteers are holding their winter aid distribution, in Luodian`s(羅甸) Muyin(木引) Middle School. Despite the cold weather, volunteers are doing what they can, to bring relief items to those in need, and their efforts have moved many of the school`s students, to lend a helping hand as well. Let`s take a look.

在中國的貴州省,慈濟志工在羅甸木引中學做冬令發放,即使天氣寒冷,志工們還是為需要的人 展開發放,而他們的精神感動了許多學生一起投入助人的行列,一起來看看。

2. 長沙發放 Dedicated volunteer, Lin Xiaoping

In China`s Hunan(湖南) Province, Tzu Chi volunteers organized a winter aid distribution in Ningxiang(寧鄉) County of Changsha(長沙) City, to hand out aid supplies, to 1,141 families from remote areas. One local volunteer, Lin Xiaoping(林曉萍), who with limited mobility, still managed to help out at the distribution site, in hopes of showing her love, to the neighbors and friends in her hometown.


3. 廣州援長沙 Providing assistance in Changsha

As it is Tzu Chi`s first time, holding a winter aid distribution, in Hunan`s(湖南) Changsha(長沙), in over a decade, local volunteers took on the responsibility of co-ordinating the event. Despite having only participated in past distributions, with help from their counterparts in Guangzhou(廣州), volunteers ensured the event turned out to be a success. Let`s take a look.


4. 福州倉山冬令 Winter aid distribution in Cangshan

Staying in China, but in Fuzhou(福州), on January 11th, Tzu Chi volunteers organized a winter aid distribution in Cangshan(倉山) District. The relief supplies, including rice and other daily necessities, were handed out to a total of 2,211 people. The event was joined by more than a hundred volunteers, and most of them were local children, who said that it was an honor to help those in greater need.


5. 河苦˙何苦(5) Belo Monte Dam changing lives

When it comes to economic advancement, environmental concerns are often pushed to the back burner, and those who live close to nature, receive the brunt of the impact, and little benefit. In continuing with our report on the impact of the Belo Monte Dam, we take a look at how lives will continue to change, once the dam is finished for those who live along the Xingu River. Here`s more.

常常因為經濟開發 ,維護大自然的重要性會被忽略,多半住在靠大自然的居民,受到的只是壞處而沒好處,持續之前對於美山水壩建設的引響的報導 ,我們來看看 ,星谷河邊的居民面臨轉變的威脅,一起來看看。

6.台中靜思堂 Newly established Jing Si Hall

Al-ta-mira, a small town near the Xingu River, continues to expand with the development of Belo Monte Dam. Tomorrow we take a look at how residents there, are preparing themselves for the changes ahead. Moving to our next story in Taiwan, Tzu Chi`s year-end blessing ceremony in Taichung(台中), was held at the recently built Jing Si Hall. Since the construction started on the building 4 years ago, every day, more than 70 working crew and volunteers devoted themselves to the building of the Jing Si Hall. With its completion, Tzu Chi volunteers hope to encourage more people to join the Buddhist NGO.

阿爾塔米拉,星谷河畔的一個小城鎮,因為美山水壩興建面臨快速發展,明天我們看看 ,這些居民的硬軟體準備好了嗎? 接著來看,在台灣台中歲末祝福的場地,是在剛完工的台中靜思堂,台中靜思堂,自從四年多前動工以來,平均每天有七十位的工地同仁,還有許許多多志工,堅守崗位的用心付出,台中靜思堂的完工,希望鼓勵更多人來認識慈濟。

7. 那空沙旺義診 Free clinic in Thailand

Moving to South-east Asia, in Thailand`s Nakhon Sawan Province, which lies around 230 kilo-meters outside of Bangkok, Tzu Chi volunteers held another free clinic, in which TIMA doctors, saw a total of 169 patients. Doctors not only pre-scribed medication, but also took time, to offer their patients advice, on how to live healthier lifestyles. Let`s take a look.


8. 雪隆歲末祝福 Year-end blessing in Kuala Lumpur

In Malaysia, the Tzu Chi Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chapter, organized this year`s year-end blessing ceremony together with the Tzu Chi Klang Branch. Over 10,000 local residents participated in this special occasion, which took place on January 13th. A total of 4,000 stage volunteers, all of whom pledged to a vegetarian diet for 108 days, performed the musical adaptation of the Water Repentance Sutra. The story of Tzu Chi volunteer Chen Minchang (陳抿錩) was also brought to the stage, to inspire members of the audience to reflect and repent.


9. 東莞敬老院併 Visiting nursing homes

Back to China, Tzu Chi volunteers in Guangdong(廣東)`s Dongguan(東莞) have been visiting residents, at nearby nursing homes for several years now. Recently they paid another visit, to two of the city`s nursing homes earlier in January. Also in attendance were several local volunteers, who helped put on performances and bring comfort to the residents. Here`s more.



Staying in China at the end of the show, on January 13th, Guangdong(廣東) Tzu Chi volunteers held a winter aid distribution in Hengli(橫瀝) Town of Dongguan(東莞) City. As most of the recipients were seniors, Tzu Chi volunteers thoughtfully held the event at the local nursing home, as it is more convenient for these elderly people. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


2013年1月14日 星期一

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130114

Free clinic for flood victims

Amazon soon to disappear

Year-end blessing ceremonies

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in today`s show, in the Philippines, Tzu Chi volunteers are helping last year`s flood victims by holding a free clinic in Compostela.

●In today`s report on waterways, we stay in Brazil, to find out how the building of the Belo Monte Dam will change residents` lives forever.

●And, in Taiwan, we join Tzu Chi volunteers in the Northern District, as they continue to hold year-end blessing ceremonies in the local communities.





1. 菲寶發義診 Free clinics for Typhoon Bopha victims

2. 美慈善列車啟動 First stop for volunteer team

3. 冬令物資援助 Helping social welfare groups

4. 河苦˙何苦 (4) Way of life disappearing in Amazon

5. 湖山水庫借鏡 Water reservoir to the rescue?

6. 蘭潭國小省水 Let`s save resources

7. 歲末北慈醫師 & 新竹歲末人醫 Year-end blessing ceremonies

8. 歲末父子行 Father and son TC commissioner

9. 歲末周金發 TC volunteer, Zhou Jinfa

10. 馬經藏老菩薩 Volunteers partake in sutra performance


1. 菲寶發義診 Free clinics for Typhoon Bopha victims

In the Philippines, following the aid distributions to help Typhoon Bopha survivors in Compostela Valley, Tzu Chi volunteers continued their relief efforts by organizing free clinics. Despite the limited resources, TIMA doctors did their best to provide adequate medical services.


2. 美慈善列車啟動 First stop for volunteer team

In the United States, on January 5th, a team of Tzu Chi volunteers, led by Cao Weizong (曹惟宗) stopped by El Monte Service Center, in California, to give a talk on registering care recipients and the procedures that follows the initial application.


3. 冬令物資援助 Helping social welfare groups

Many homeless people rely on meals and blankets provided by social welfare organizations to get through the cold winter days. However, due to the economic downturn, donations have not been as plentiful lately. To assist these organizations, Hualien`s(花蓮) government has donated their spare rice and sleeping bags, to suitable charity groups, to help those on the edge of society.


4. 河苦˙何苦 (4) Way of life disappearing in Amazon

Yesterday, we reported on the Belo Monte Dam that is currently under construction. Once finished, the dam will be used as a source of hydro-energy to feed Brazil`s ever growing energy needs, while reducing the volume of water flowing in the Xingu River by over 4/5ths. Aside from any environment considerations, this drop in the river`s waters, is set to destroy or alter the way of life, of the many village communities, that are located along the river. In today`s report, we take you to the village of Maia, to understand what role the river plays in the resident`s lives there, and how the dam is set to change traditions, that have been around for generations.


5. 湖山水庫借鏡 Water reservoir to the rescue?

Taiwan is currently constructing a water reservoir in Yunlin(雲林) County, to solve the problem of sinking foundations, caused by the overuse of groundwater in the area. The project site is set at the middle of where the Fairy Pittas, an endangered species live, so between protecting these birds and balancing residential concerns, it has really been a struggle for everyone.


6. 蘭潭國小省水 Let`s save resources

In Taiwan`s Chiayi(嘉義), to help children get into the habit of saving resources, volunteers at the Lantan(蘭潭) Elementary School came up with ways to promote recycling concepts. Over a year, the school has saved 8,000 tons of water and was awarded the “Outstanding Water Conservation Award” by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.


7. 歲末北慈醫師 & 新竹歲末人醫 Year-end blessing ceremonies

As Tzu Chi volunteers continue to hold year-end blessing ceremonies all around Taiwan, we join volunteers in Hsinchu(新竹), who held the event at the local Jing Si Hall, and also setup a health check booth to provide medical service to volunteers. Meanwhile, Dr. Chen Jianhua(陳建華) and Hong Shuisui(洪碩穗), who took part in the musical of “Vow in Action”, joined the year-end blessing ceremony at the Taipei Tzu Chi General Hospital.


8. 歲末父子行 Father and son TC commissioner

The certification ceremony held at the Tzu Chi Guandu Grounds in Taiwan, saw many father-and-son pairs certified as Tzu Chi commissioners. We meet, Wang Wenkui (王文魁), who after joining Tzu Chi, changed his ways, and eventually influenced his son to join as well. And, Tzu Ching, Lin Hongren (林紘任), by sharing Master Cheng Yen`s teachings, helped his father get rid of his bad temper. Let`s hear their stories.


9. 歲末周金發 TC volunteer, Zhou Jinfa

In our next report, we meet Tzu Chi volunteer Zhou Jinfa(周金發), who grew up in a poor environment and had to work at a young age to support his family. Zhou once blamed his misfortune on his mother; however, after watching the musical adaptation of the “Sutra of Profound Gratitude to Parents”, he finally opened up and let go of the past.


10. 馬經藏老菩薩 Volunteers partake in sutra performance

In Malaysia, as the year-end blessing ceremony organized by the Tzu Chi Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Chapter is fast approaching, for elderly volunteers, memorizing the entire sutra performance can be difficult; therefore, they brought in technology, to help them overcome their troubles. It goes to show, that one is never too old to learn.



We travel to the United States at the end of today`s program, where Tzu Chi volunteers in Dallas, Texas, have been invited to teach Jing Si Aphorisms to students at the Lenore Kirk Hall Elementary School. Over 700 students gathered at the school hall to learn the lesson which is focused on the topic of “Kindness”. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.

節目最後帶帶大家到美國,德州達拉斯慈濟志工受邀來到勒諾柯克堂小學教導靜思語,7百多位學生齊聚在大禮堂參與主題是慈悲的這堂課。 帶大家一起去看看,感恩收看,再會。


2013年1月11日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130111

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today’s show, in China’s Jiangsu Province, Tzu Chi volunteers are helping 23 students from Kunshan continue their education. In today’s feature report on water protection, we look into the pros and cons of the establishment of the Belo Monte Dam in Brazil. And, in Taiwan, the government of New Taipei City, is organising a sale to promote the handmade products from all sheltered workshops.



1. 江蘇前景助學

2. 高市前金義診

3. 北加齋戒圓滿

4. 河苦‧何苦(3)

5. 阿根廷歲末

6. 桃園歲末夫妻+逆子

7. 關渡歲末陪伴

8. 年節禮助憨兒

9. 新山成果展

10. 總鋪師變志工

END: 峇株巴轄父母恩

1. 江蘇前景助學

In China’s Jiangsu(江蘇) Province, the Prospect School in Kunshan(昆山) is mainly composed of students from migrant workers’ families. As their financial conditions are difficult, Tzu Chi volunteers regularly care for these children. At the year-end celebration, they also handed out scholarships to help 23 needy students.


2. 高市前金義診

In Taiwan’s Kaohsiung, in co-lla-boration with the Hondao(弘道) Senior Citizen’s Welfare Foundation, Tzu Chi carried out a free clinic last month, to safeguard the health of senior residents in Qianjin (前金) District. Let’s take a look.


3. 北加齋戒圓滿

Moving to the United States, in Northern California, 40 students from Tzu Chi Academy, and 230 Tzu Chi volunteers will perform the Water Repentance Sutra at the upcoming year-end blessing ceremony. To mark this important occasion, performers young and old were dedicated to taking on a vegetarian diet for 108 days.


《 靜思語 》

Rather than searching for a path, search within our own mind; instead of asking for directions, ask our heart.


4. 河苦‧何苦(3)

From 2010 to 2020, the government of Brazil plans to increase its gross domestic production by 5 percent per year, which also means that energy consumption will sig-ni-fi-cantly increase. To offset this increase in energy needs, the government has decided to build the Belo Monte Dam. Although providing more energy for the nation as a whole, the dam will also dramatically change the water levels of the Xingu(星谷) River, thus, affecting the lives of local residents. Here’s more.


5. 阿根廷歲末

On January 6th, a Tzu Chi’s year-end blessing ceremony was held in Argentina. Both the overseas Chinese community and local residents arrived to take part in the event, and during which, 5 newly certified Tzu Chi volunteers also promised to carry on Tzu Chi’s missions.


6. 桃園歲末夫妻+逆子

In Taiwan, at the year-end blessing ceremony in Taoyuan’s (桃園) Jing Si Hall, we meet Lin Sanbao(林三寶), who left home after an argument with his father, and did not return for the next 12 years. Another volunteer, Zeng Xinzuo(曾信坐), was previously addicted to gambling and drinking, and it was sorting recyclables at a Tzu Chi recycling station, that helped him turn over a new leaf.


7. 關渡歲末陪伴

Also in Taiwan, in the Xinyi (信義) District of Taipei, Zhang-Li Baoyu (張李寶玉) was recently certified as a Tzu Chi commissioner. In the past, she was known for her bad temper, but during her training, her mentor, volunteer Yu-Zhu Ximei (余朱錫妹) helped Zhang complete her training and become a fine Tzu Chi commissioner.


《 衲履足跡 》

On The Deposit of Love

Disaster victims are grateful and deeply moved by Tzu Chi’s timely assistance in the aftermath of disasters. If everyone gives a little; the power of love will build up to immense greatness, which will create a world of harmony and free of worries.



8. 年節禮助憨兒

In Taiwan, as Chinese New Year is a month away, New Taipei City’s Labor Department organized a gift box sale for sheltered workshops, where handicapped children showcased their handmade products. Government officials and workshop staff all hope, to encourage the members of the public to purchase these items, in support of the disabled people.


9. 新山成果展

Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia’s Johor Bahru, held a graduation ceremony for students of their continuing education courses. Besides learning specific skills, students expressed enjoyment in gaining wisdom through the teachers’ lessons.


10. 總鋪師變志工

Back to Taiwan, in Kaohsiung, we meet 62-year-old Cai Liqing(蔡麗清), who despite his illnesses, began to devote himself as a kitchen volunteer at the Tzu Chi Fengshan (鳳山) Liaison Office 5 years ago. Today, the volunteer not only got rid of his bad habits but is also adopting a meatless diet.


END: 峇株巴轄父母恩

We go to Malaysia at the end of today’s show, at the year-end blessing ceremony held in Batu Pahat, Tzu Chi volunteers organized the sign language musical of the "Sutra of Profound Gratitude to Parents". The 108 performers taking part in the musical adaptation, began taking on a meatless diet 3 months prior to the event. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


2013年1月10日 星期四

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130110

Aid continues for flood victims

Another side of green energy

Committing to Tzu Chi`s work

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


Coming up in today`s show, we join Tzu Chi volunteers in the Philippines, on their second day of distribution to help Typhoon Bopha`s flood victims.

In our report on water protection, we travel to Brazil`s Itaipu Dam, to investigate if the hydro-electric energy is environmentally friendly.

And, at this year`s blessing ceremony in Taipei, volunteers express their gratitude towards their family members.




1.菲災區發放Aid distribution for typhoon victims

2.曹春九入厝Moving-in celebrations

3.雲南冬令陳龍Bringing love to Yunnan

4.河苦˙何苦(2)Is hydro-energy green?

5.雪隆師生經藏Partaking in sutra performance

6.澎湖歲末Year-end ceremony in Penghu

7.關渡歲末人物Newly certified TC volunteers

8.板橋歲末人物New Tzu Chi Commissioner

9.桃園歲末人物Unconditional love in Tzu Chi


1.菲災區發放Aid distribution for typhoon victims

First up in the Philippines` Mindanao Island, on the second day of Tzu Chi`s relief distribution for the survivors of Typhoon Bopha, volunteers` charitable efforts moved several local Chinese entrepreneurs to give a helping hand.

在菲律賓的民答那峨島,慈濟志工進行第二天發放活動,幫助寶發風災的災民,慈濟的善行,進一步帶動當地的華商 加入發放行列。

2.曹春九入厝Moving-in celebrations

Moving to China, in Dongguan(東莞) of Guangdong(廣東) Province, Tzu Chi care recipient, Cao Chunjiu(曹春九) was paralyzed from waist down after a collapsing wall injured her. The injury once left her emotionally devastated, thankfully, Tzu Chi volunteers were there with encouragement and support. To share the happiness of her new home, Cao invited Tzu Chi volunteers for a house warming party.


3.雲南冬令陳龍Bringing love to Yunnan

At this year`s winter aid distribution in China`s Yunnan(雲南) Province, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived in Malutang(馬鹿塘) Township of Kunming(昆明) City to carry out a distribution to help 3,900 families from seven villages. Among the residents who came to pick up their aid supplies was 12-year-old Chen Long(陳龍).


4.河苦˙何苦(2)Is hydro-energy green?

Brazil`s Itaipu Dam is one of the world`s largest hydro-electricity producing dams, but what looks to be a green renewable energy is perhaps masking a bigger problem of dislocated residents and the deforestation of the Amazon. In today`s series on water protection, we take a look at the Itaipu Dam and how maybe it`s not the clean renewable energy that it has been advertised to be.

巴西的伊泰普水壩,是世界上之ㄧ的大水壩,可是看起來是綠色的再生能源,好像隱藏了居民被迫遷移、砍伐亞馬遜雨林的大問題,今天的 河苦何苦帶大家看伊泰普水壩,似乎不像宣導中那麼乾淨。

5.雪隆師生經藏Partaking in sutra performance

Tomorrow, we take a look at the building of Belo Monte Dam, to see the conflict between development pressures and the need to protect the environment. Back today`s program; in Malaysia, Tzu Chi volunteer, Tang Fengyi(湯奉頤), led 22 students from her after-school tutoring class, in taking part in the sign language performance of the upcoming year-end blessing ceremony.


6.澎湖歲末Year-end ceremony in Penghu

In Taiwan, volunteers in Penghu, held their annual year-end ceremony earlier this month. Altogether, over 1,000 participants arrived at the local Jing Si Hall to offer their blessings for the new year, with some even traveling by boat from Niaoyu(鳥嶼) to take part in the once-a-year event.


7.關渡歲末人物Newly certified TC volunteers

At this year`s commisioner certification ceremony in Taipei, many newly certified volunteers spoke of their gratitude towards their family and many also seized to opportunity to donate to become honorary board members.


8.板橋歲末人物New Tzu Chi Commissioner

In Taiwan, from Taipei`s Banciao, newly certified commissioner Li Gongxian (李功賢) had a past addiction to gambling, which left him heavily in debt. However, after the 921 earthquake, Li`s wife, Lin Xiufang (林秀芳), joined Tzu Chi. Seeing his wife`s positive changes, gradually influenced Li to change as well.


9.桃園歲末人物Unconditional love in Tzu Chi

Staying in Taiwan, but moving to Taoyuan, we meet volunteer Chen Junhong(陳俊宏), who was born with a mild intellectual disability and was often made fun of when he was younger. Luckily, he met Tzu Chi, and has learned to forgive. Let`s hear his story.

也是台灣的報導,來到桃園 ,有位志工陳俊宏,出生時有輕度智能障礙,從小就常被同儕取笑,還好,走入慈濟後學會包容,學會愛,一起來看他的故事。


To celebrate the beginning of a new year, the Tzu Chi Canada Chapter organized a reunion banquet for Tzu Chi volunteers and their families. Volunteers who are taking part in the performance at the upcoming year-end blessing ceremony, all seized the opportunity to practice their sign language movements. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


2013年1月9日 星期三

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130109

Aid distribution for flood victims

Global water shortage problem

Year-end ceremony in Malaysia

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.

Coming up in today`s show, in the Philippines, Tzu Chi volunteers are holding an aid distribution and a free clinic for last year`s flood victims.

We begin a new series of feature reports, to investigate the effect urban development have on rivers around the globe, starting in Brazil.

And, in Malaysia, volunteers are getting ready for the upcoming musical at the Tzu Chi Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chapter.

















After Typhoon Bopha caused severe devastation in Mindanao Island, in the southern Philippines the end of last year, Tzu Chi volunteers rushed to conduct a disaster survey, after which they organized a 2-day aid distribution in Compostela and New Bataan. Overall, 6,500 households received Tzu Chi`s help. TIMA doctors were also onsite to provide medical care.



In China`s Guangdong Province(廣東), Tzu Chi volunteers carried out a winter aid distribution in Chaoyang(潮陽) District of Shantou(汕頭). As the distribution was the first in the area, many residents registered to volunteer, in hopes to contribute a little of their love to help their community.



Teachers and children from the Da Ai Kindergartens in Malaysia recently traveled to Taipei, Taiwan, to celebrate Da Ai TV`s 15th anniversary. Afterwards, they paid a visit to the Jing Si Abode in Hualien. In addition to a guided tour, the children also helped in making Jing Si soaps and learned life wisdom from a Jing Si Abode master.


《 靜思語 》

Optimism and pessimism are one. By changing our thoughts, we can turn pessimism into optimism.



Ancient civilizations - such as Egypt, Shanghai, and Me-so-po-tamia - were all built around water sources. However, with advances in technology and easy access to water, younger generations are forgetting to protect their water sources. In our new series on water protection, we head to Brazil to see the problems facing its rivers.



(lead out)We continue our water shortage series tomorrow in Brazil`s Itapu and Belo Monte Dam, to see how changing of water course is influencing the ecosystem. But back to today, as Tzu Chi`s founder, Master Cheng Yen says, the media plays a vital role in today`s society and can bring about positive changes to our community. Da Ai TV was established 15 years ago for exactly that purpose and over the years it has continued to spread a positive message to its viewers. One of its most popular programs are the Da Ai Dramas, which depict the real-life stories of Tzu Chi volunteers. Over the past 13 years, 178 dramas have been produced with another 70 mini series produced since 2011.

明天,河苦何苦的專題中,我們要帶大家深入了解,巴西的伊泰普 美山水壩,改變水源後,如何影響生態。不過,今天繼續來看,如證嚴上人所說,媒體在今天社會裡,扮演很重要的角色,可以為社會帶來安定力量,而正如此,15年前,成立了大愛台,多年來持續為觀眾,帶來正面的影響,其中最受歡迎的節目,就是大愛劇場,取材自慈濟志工的人生故事,13年來 總共製作178部,而且從2011年開始,也製作了70部長情劇展。


To mark the beginning of a new year, the year-end blessing ceremony at the Tzu Chi Humanitarian Centre, in Taipei, saw a huge turnout of participants. Members of the public at the ceremony, not only absorbed Master Cheng Yen`s words of wisdom; some were moved to tears by the inspiring stories of Tzu Chi volunteers and its members.


《 衲履足跡 》:談清修士 On Practitioner

Vowing to become a practitioner means letting go of all desires and needs, and purify the inner self so living beings may be guided to enlightenment.

Religion is about educating everyone on the correct purpose in life, leading them to a righteous and positive path.



In Malaysia, as the year-end ceremony being hosted by the Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Tzu Chi Chapter is drawing near, and after months of practice in small groups, the more than 600 participants came together for their first dressed rehearsal. Also coming together to practice were members of the choral section, which is composed of volunteers who didn`t have time to join sign language performance, but still want to be part of the year-end show.



Moving to Jordan, Tzu Chi volunteers have been busy holding relief distributions to help refugees from Syria; however, they still managed to organize a small-scale year-end blessing ceremony early this month. Jameel, who was just certified at the end of last year, shared his experience of returning to Taiwan, and also made a wish of calling on more bodhisattvas to join Tzu Chi.



Doing recycling doesn`t always have to take place at a recycling station. In Taiwan, over the past 10 years, volunteers from Taipei`s Songshan(松山) District have been sorting recyclables at a makeshift point, every Monday and Thursday afternoon. As the area is the receiving dock of a hotel, Tzu Chi volunteers promptly and quickly sort the recyclables at 4pm rain or shine.



We go to Canada at the end of today`s show, and join Toronto Tzu Chi volunteers who traveled 100km west to Kitchener City, to hold a tea ceremony, in hopes of introducing Tzu Chi to the local community. In the event, many participants were moved by the volunteers` sharing on their relief work experiences. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
