2013年2月27日 星期三

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130225

Worldwide New Year celebration

Vision impairment top students

Dancing beads in TW`s Pingtung

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


Coming up in today`s show, we join Tzu Chi volunteers in the United States, the Dominican Republic and Australia, as they hold New Year celebrations.

In Taiwan, we meet two senior high school students, who despite suffering from vision impairment, are top achievers in school.

And, a father-and-daughter pair in Taiwan`s Pingtung, is incorporating indigenous glass beads with modern dancing.




1.美新春+多明尼加+澳洲新春TC`s New Year blessing ceremonies

Tzu Chi Chapters around the world continue to hold blessing ceremonies to embrace the Lunar New Year. The celebration organized by the Tzu Chi Australia Chapter, saw a local Australian join volunteers, in the sign language performance of ”Vow in Action”. Meanwhile in the Dominican Republic, 160 local residents took part in Tzu Chi`s New Year blessing ceremony. And, finally, Tzu Chi Chapters and Liaison Offices throughout the United States, also held New Year celebrations on February 16th.

全球各地的慈濟聯絡據點,陸續舉辦新春祈福會迎接新的一年,澳洲慈濟分會舉辦的新春祈福會中,有一位澳洲當地公民跟著志工演繹《行願》,而在多明尼加有一百六十位的民眾參與慈濟的新春祈福會 ,最後在美國各區的聯絡點,也在 2月16日舉辦新春祈福會。

2.馬幼兒新春Paying neighbors a visit

Though the Lunar New Year holidays have come to an end, students from Malaysia`s Johor Bahru Tzu Chi Kindergarten, visited their neighbors to give their New Year greetings. Through these visits, the students also learned about the traditions and customs of the Chinese New Year.


3.滿級回鄉行醫+右眼盲滿級分We want to be doctors

Moving to Taiwan, we meet two senior high school students, Lin Tingyu(林庭妤) and Yu Yayun(余亞芸). Lin has been blind in her right eye since birth; however, with determination, she achieved a perfect score on her high school com-pe-ten-cy test. As for Yu(余), although she suffers from o-cu-lar hyper-tension, she vows to become a doctor one day to help the needy in remote areas.


4.澳人醫十年10 years of free dental clinics

Anything great begins with a simple idea, followed by actions and per-se-ve-rance. In July 2002, three Tzu Chings in Brisbane, Australia, along with a Tzu Chi volunteer, came together to organize free dental clinics in the remote areas of Queensland. However, the service came to a temporary stop, when the government was unable to provide funding for medical equipment. Nevertheless, believing what they were doing was right, the volunteers saw the crisis as a turning point. Today, the 4-person team has grown to over 100 volunteers, participating at each of the free clinics.

任何事情,都從一個念頭開始,並且持續付出努力與恆持,在2002年七月,澳洲布里斯本三位慈青,加上一位慈濟志工,一同在昆士蘭內陸進行牙科義診,雖然曾經一度因為缺乏政府醫療用品的輔助,義診被迫中止,不過大家堅持原本的想法,努力克服困難,從原本的四個人,到現在有一百多位志工參與義診活動 。

5.夢想圓舞曲(5)琉璃珠會跳舞Dance of lazurite beads

In our next report, we travel to Pingtung`s (屏東) Sandimen(三地門), to meet indigenous dancer, Liao Yingjie(廖英傑), who is a member of the Paiwan(排灣) Tribe, and had always dreamed of incorporating the legend la-zu-rite beads with indigenous dance. Today, Liao(廖) and his daughter, also a performer of modern dance, are working together to form an indigenous glass bead dance.


6.反轉手心的幸福(車振忠)Giving despite disability

46-year-old Taichung resident Ju Zhenzhong(車振忠) is a sufferer of An-ky-lo-sing Spon-dy-li-tis. Due to his condition, Ju had withdrawn himself from the world and closed his heart to those around him. Fortunately, Tzu Chi volunteers were there to help him through the tough times. Today, Ju Zhenzhong(車振忠) can now be frequently seen at the local recycling station, giving back for the love he received.


7.典範林阿蝦Senior TC volunteer, Lin A-xia

Senior Tzu Chi volunteer, Lin A-xia(林阿蝦), joined Tzu Chi some 3 decades ago and has since been leading by example in spreading the organization`s seeds of love. In total, she has led over 300 volunteers to become certified commissioners, and has been giving every day of her life to the Buddhist NGO. Lin moved to Hualien`s Jing Ai Abode 25 years ago, and despite being 85 years of age today, continues to work as a kitchen volunteer, seizing each moment to give.

資深慈濟志工林阿蝦從30年前踏入慈濟後,總是以身作則,將慈濟的大愛散撥出去,除了自己帶出了超過三百位的慈濟志工 ,更把握每一天付出,從25年前就回到精舍常住,雖然已經85歲,仍然每天在精舍挑菜,把握時間付出。


We stay in Taiwan at the end of today`s program, members of the Tzu Chi Teachers Association, recently visited the Houpu(後埔) Elementary School in New Taipei City, to promote an anti-drug campaign. And students all gained a better understanding of how detrimental drugs are to our human body. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.

節目的最後,我們持續留在台灣,近期慈濟教聯會老師前往新北市的後埔國小 ,宣導反毒活動,在場的學生也更了解毒品對人體造成的傷害。讓我們一起來看看,感恩您的收看,再會。(2013.02.25)

