2012年10月29日 星期一

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121029

Distributing rice to poor Filipinos

Overweight threatens our health

Giving glass bottles a second life

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I ’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in the show, Philippines Tzu Chi volunteers are distributing rice to poor families in Barangay Banaba of Rizal Province.

●In our series of the overweight problems in Taiwan, we meet Zhong Yixun(鍾宜勳) who lost 30 kilograms thanks to a balanced diet and exercise.

●And in today ’s feature reports on Taiwan ’s unique trades, we meet 63-year-old Wei Desong(魏德松) who has been giving recycled bottles a second lease on life.





1. 菲黎剎發大米 Distributing rice to poor Filipinos

2. 泰九皇齋推素 The Phuket Vegetarian Festival

3.獨居嬤清掃 Cleaning senior ’s home

4.男眾做紅包 Making blessing & wisdom red envelopes

5.台灣是胖的(4) Overweight threatens our health

6.新芽沈佩芸 A conscientious child

7. 新芽邱進益 Looking after his mother

8. 360環保燈魏德松 Giving glass bottles a second life

9. 盲友點字用藥 Easy to use, not a hassle


1. 菲黎剎發大米 Distributing rice to poor Filipinos

In August of this year, the Philippines was hit with massive rainfall and flooding. Soon after, Tzu Chi volunteers held a work-relief program in the hard-hit Rizal Province. Lately, the volunteers carry out a rice distribution in Barangay Banaba, helping 996 households in total.

今年八月,菲律賓大雨成災,不久, 慈濟志工在重災區黎剎省進行以工代賑,志工更進一步到巴拿巴里發放大米,協助996戶貧困家庭。

2. 泰九皇齋推素 The Phuket Vegetarian Festival

In Thailand, the Phuket Vegetarian Festival is an annual event, held during the ninth lunar month of the Chinese calendar. Since Tzu Chi has been promoting the benefits of vegetarianism, the volunteers seized this opportunity to encourage the public to go meatless, by providing vegetarian lunchboxes to corporations.


3.獨居嬤清掃 Cleaning senior ’s home

Moving back to Taiwan, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at the home of senior Zhan(詹) who has mobility problems and lives alone after her children and husband passed away. Since her house has been a mess for a while, the volunteers decided to help her clean up.

回到台灣, 慈濟志工前往詹老太太家, 協助行動不便的阿嬤,他的養子、 養女和先生都往生了,家中堆滿雜物和垃圾,慈濟志工決定展開環境大清掃。

4.男眾做紅包 Making blessing & wisdom red envelopes

Tzu Chi ’s year-end blessing ceremonies are just around the corner, as the making of the blessing and wisdom red envelopes is often handled by female volunteers; however, in Songshan(松山) District, the event was also joined by several male volunteers.


5.台灣是胖的(4) Overweight threatens our health

In today ’s report on the overweight problems in Taiwan, we take a look at the story of Zhong Yixun(鐘宜勳) who successfully lost 30 kg in just 6 months, thanks to a balanced diet and lots of exercise.


6.新芽沈佩芸 A conscientious child

Among the recipients of this year ’s New Shoots Scholarship was 5th grader Shen Peiyun(沈佩芸). In 2009, her father had a serious car accident, and soon she was forced to take on the responsibility of looking after her family. Although her family lives in hardship, the young girl has maintained a positive attitude on life.

今年的新芽獎學金得主有位國小五年級的沈佩芸,2009年 爸爸發生重大車禍,她不得不開始分擔家務,即使環境困苦,她依然樂觀看待。

7. 新芽邱進益 Looking after his mother

we meet another scholarship receipient Qiu Jinyi (邱進益). Qiu lives with his mother and siblings after his father passed away from cancer. Qiu decided not to go after school tutoring and not to attend his graduation trip, so he can lift some financial burden off his mother ’s shoulders.


8. 360環保燈魏德松 Giving glass bottles a second life

In today ’s feature reports on Taiwan ’s unique trades, we meet 63-year-old Wei Desong(魏德松), who turns recycled glass bottles into decorative lamps. After the craftsman retired, he decided to devote himself to collecting recycled bottles, and giving them a second lease of life by turning them into eco-friendly lights.


9. 盲友點字用藥 Easy to use, not a hassle

In Taiwan, the Department of Health is promoting a new way for those with vision impairments to take their medicine, after a visit to the doctors. Brail stickers are being added to medicine bags for patients who need them.

在台灣,台北市衛生局現推出新的方案 ,給視障者服用藥方便,現在藥袋外提供有點字貼紙。


Moving back to Thailand, to celebrate the Phuket Vegetarian Fesitval, Tzu chi volunteers at the recycling station in Hunsa Village prepared vegetarian meals for local residents, some of which are patients with high blood pressure and other illnesses. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.

回到泰國 ,為了慶祝九皇齋節,慈濟志工在涵灑村的環保站,為當地鄉親準備素食,有些是高血壓患者或其他疾病。節目最後,一起來看看,謝謝收看,大愛英語新聞,再會。


