2012年10月6日 星期六
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_201201005
Bringing aid to Filipino fire victims
Changzhou’s BRT system in China
Senior zoo keeper, Qiu Shizhu
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
歡迎收看大愛英語新聞 ,我是陳美瑾,感恩有您的加入。
●Coming up in the show today, Tzu Chi volunteers in the Philippines, are helping fire victims in Quezon City, with relief items and consolation cash.
●Continuing on our series of reports on BRT systems worldwide, we look at how the unique transportation is helping commuters in China.
●And, in Taiwan, we meet a passionate zoo keeper, 62-year-old Qiu Shizhu(邱石柱), in Kaohsiung’s Shoushan(壽山) Zoo.
1. 菲計順火災 Bringing aid to Filipino fire victims
2.德州艾薩克發放 Tzu Chi volunteers to lend a hand
3.快行優先BRT(三) Changzhou’s BRT system in China
4.嘉義BRT Chiayi implements BRT buses
5.節能照明導覽 College students’ brilliant inventions
6.360動物保育員 Senior zoo keeper, Qiu Shizhu
7.印尼靜思堂(二) Tzu Chi is my favorite
8.香港燒烤場回收 Garbage left from Moon Festival
1. 菲計順火災 Bringing aid to Filipino fire victims
In the Philippines, at 2:00am on September 19, a fire ravaged Barangay Man-re-sa in Quezon City, resulting in 2 deaths and the destruction of 300 houses, which left more than 500 families homeless. Tzu Chi volunteers visited the temporary shelter in the disaster area to distribute aid supplies and 10 kilo of rice to the fire victims.
菲律賓計順市的曼若薩里,在9月19日的凌晨二點發生大火造成二人死亡,三百間房屋全毀 五百多戶家庭無家可歸,志工探訪災區,前往收容所了解狀況,決定發放生活物資和十公斤大米 給災民 。
2.德州艾薩克發放 Tzu Chi volunteers to lend a hand
Hurricane Isaac struck the southern part of the United States at the end of August, causing catastrophic damage in the state of Louisiana. As reconstruction work has been difficult, Tzu Chi volunteers from the Texas Tzu Chi Chapter, arrived to distribute cash cards and blankets to 327 affected families.
3.快行優先BRT(三) Changzhou’s BRT system in China
In the city of Changzhou(常州) in China’s Jiangsu(江蘇) Province, we find a perfect example of how the BRT can help improve a city’s quality of life. Finished in 2008, the BRT line in Changzhou(常州) already boasts 350,000 riders a day, with 43 percent of these riders former car users. Thanks to the speed and conveniences of the buses, more and more residents are choosing the BRT as their first choice, when having to travel in or across town.
在中國江蘇省的常州市,這裡的BRT系統 提升了當地市民的生活品質,而且沒有耗費大量成本,建造地下鐵,2008年 BRT系統完工,常州每天的載運量有35萬人次,其中有4成3的人,曾經都開私家車通勤,有了BRT公車的便捷服務,越來越多居民利用BRT通勤來往市中心。
4.嘉義BRT Chiayi implements BRT buses
In the past few days, we have been learning about BRT buses around the globe, but did you know that Taiwan has also implemented the system? In Chiayi(嘉義), the BRT buses were originally put in place to help passengers, transfer from the High Speed Rail station to the local railway station. However, over the past 4 years, Chiayi has added more stops along the way, to include businesses and popular tourist areas, making commuting around Chiayi easier than ever.
過去幾天 ,我們一直在報導全球的BRT,可是你知道嗎,台灣也有BRT的,在嘉義 BRT的成立,協助了高鐵和台鐵接駁轉運的乘客,可是四年下來,路線多結合商業與觀光,因此嘉義路程通輸方便多了。
5.節能照明導覽 College students’ brilliant inventions
Have you ever visited a museum that had no tour guides, and all you are left with, is a DIY headset, which you have to fumble with, to punch in the right numbers? Students at Shu-Te(樹德) University have come up with an invention to solve the problem. The students use LED lights and sensors, to transmit information to a headset automatically, giving us the option of browsing effortlessly at our own pace.
6.360動物保育員 Senior zoo keeper, Qiu Shizhu
When visiting the Shoushan(壽山) Zoo, in Kaohsiung, one gets to enjoy seeing a variety of animals, from the gorillas, elephants, to tigers. However, taking care of these animals is no easy task. Next, we meet senior zoo keeper, 62-year-old Qiu Shizhu(邱石柱), who has over 3 decades of experiences in caring for these animals. Many also refer to Qiu, as the super nanny of the zoo, for the passion and love that he shows when taking care of these animals.
來到高雄的壽山動物園,可以看到調皮的猴子、大象,還有威風的老虎 ,但照顧起這些動物卻不簡單,在今天的真情臉譜專題,我們來認識資深的動物保育員,62歲的邱石柱在園區服務超過三十年 ,因為對動物的熱誠與愛護,有人稱他為動物的超級奶爸。
7.印尼靜思堂(二) Tzu Chi is my favorite
In the city of Su-ra-baya of Indonesia, Tzu Chi volunteer Chen Suzhen(陳素真) has been devoting herself to every aspect of Tzu Chi’s missions---from practicing recycling to taking part in home visitations and much more.
8.香港燒烤場回收 Garbage left from Moon Festival
In Hong Kong, many people celebrated the Moon Festival, at a barbecue site in Wu Kai Sha(烏溪沙) of Ma On Shan(馬鞍山), and the next day, the place was left covered in rubbish. Tzu Chi volunteers arrived after the festival, and cleaned out almost 40 bags of garbage.
As Tzu Chi’s year-end blessing ceremonies are just two months away, Tzu Chi volunteers around the island have started making the blessing and wisdom red envelopes, that are normally handed out at the event. In the Yilan(宜蘭) Tzu Chi Liaison Office, over 60 local volunteers arrived to give a helping hand. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
再2個月,慈濟歲末祝福即將到來,福慧紅包也在全球各社區展開製作,要在歲末與大家結緣,宜蘭聯絡處 有六十位種子志工參加製作說明會,要協助福慧紅包的製作。一起來看看,感恩收看,再會。
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