2012年8月17日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120817

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.

Coming up in today”s show, we find out why Tzu Chi volunteers in the Philippines are always able to respond immediately to disasters.

We join busy city dwellers in Hong Kong, who regularly make time to sort recyclables at the North Point Road recycling point.

And, in our feature reports on ”DIY Green Architecture”, we meet Qiu Jizhe(邱繼哲), who shares his tips on how to beat summer heat to save electricity cost.





1.菲備援物資Relief items” management

2.四川瀘州發放Flood distribution in Luzhou City

3.廈門搬毛毯Blankets from Taiwan

4.香江綠足跡(4)北角道Reminiscent of the old days

5.香江綠足跡(5)林發金North Point Road recycle location

6.綠房子DIY(3)Stopping the sun and heat

7.360煤球The making of coal briquettes


1.菲備援物資Relief items” management

First up in the Philippines, in early August, torrential rains struck Manila causing massive flooding. Tzu Chi volunteers immediately prepared hot meals for the flood victims and surveyed the disaster area to conduct future aid distributions. Thanks to the systematic management of aid supplies in the Philippines Tzu Chi Grounds, the flood victims received daily necessities and rice without delay. In addition, the heavy machines used to clean up after Typhoon Ketsana in 2009, were all donated to Tzu Chi. This time, the machines continued to help clean up the roads in Marikina City.

首先來看菲律賓,八月初,菲律賓連續九天大雨,造成馬尼拉淹大水,菲律賓慈濟志工立即準備熱食,膚慰鄉親,也立刻進行勘災與救災發放的工作,多虧有菲律賓慈濟志業園區及時提供災民民生物資,另外 2009年凱沙娜風災後,清理街道的重型機具也在使用後,直接捐贈給慈濟菲律賓分會,馬利僅那市也因此能夠很快地恢復市容。

2.四川瀘州發放Flood distribution in Luzhou City

In China, the 721 floods caused severe destruction in both Beijing and Luzhou(瀘州) of Sichuan(四川) Province. As Luzhou(瀘州) City is siutated between the Yangtze River and Tou (沱) River, the area was one of the worst hit. To help, Tzu Chi volunteers held a relief distribution on August 15th, and handed out daily necessities and blankets. The residents were moved to tears by Tzu Chi”s care and love.

在中國 7月21日的暴雨,造成大陸北京和四川瀘州水患,位在長江和沱江交匯處的四川瀘州市,造成嚴重水患,15號上午,慈濟在當地舉行急難發放,把生活物資、毛毯交到受災鄉親手裡,領到物資的鄉親,不禁對慈濟人的這分愛紅了眼框。

3.廈門搬毛毯Blankets from Taiwan

Also helping China”s flood victims are Tzu Chi volunteers in Xiamen, who recently put together 1,100 boxes of blankets from Taiwan for future relief distributions. When the blankets arrived in Xiamen(廈門), 40 local volunteers came to help, with some of them even taking a day off from work.


4.香江綠足跡(4)北角道Reminiscent of the old days

North Point Road, in the North Point District of Hong Kong, is one street that still preserves some of the scenes from the past. One of the intersecting streets of North Point Road is Chun Yeung (春秧) Street, where Tzu Chi has setup a recycling point. Here, one sees many foreign domestic workers sorting recyclables with Tzu Chi volunteers during their day offs. They say that through giving, they can contribute their love and help those in greater need.


5.香江綠足跡(5)林發金North Point Road recycle location

Tzu Chi volunteer, Lin Fajin(林發金), is the one who helped establish the North Point Road recycling point in Hong Kong. Originally from Indonesia, she invited many Indonesian volunteers to join her. Her housekeeper Ami(Amy) is her right hand in helping sort recyclables. When she is ill, it is Ami(Amy) who will take her place, to go out and collect recyclables. Although one is an employer and the other a housekeeper, the two are more like partners holding down the recycling point at North Point Road.


6.綠房子DIY(3)Stopping the sun and heat

Many of Taiwan”s older building were built facing west, which means that they get the hot afternoon sun. In summer, this can be intolerable as heat quickly builds up in the apartment, as the sun hits the walls and windows. All this heat means a lot of work for air con units. However, GCHA chairman, Qiu Jizhe(邱繼哲), has come up with some unique ways, to beat the heat, and ensure that your electricity bills stay down.


7.360煤球The making of coal briquettes

Yesterday, we learned about the red brick kilns of Taiwan”s Changhua(彰化), today, we are learning about the related industry of coal briquette in Nantou”s Caotun(草屯). In the old days, most people used coal in their kitchens for cooking or boiling hot water. However, with the convenience of gas, the need for coal briquettes has slowly declined. In our feature reports on the island”s fading industries, we meet Hu Xiuhu (胡秀虎) who is over 70 years of age and is determined to preserve the trade.



At the end of our program today, we stay in Taiwan, but go to Miaoli”s Toufen(苗栗頭份), where the local recycling station offers basic computing classes for senior residents in the community. The weekly lesson not only keeps elderly people and volunteers busy, but also give these old computers, a second lease of life. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


