2012年8月8日 星期三
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120802
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today”s show; Taiwan”s Pingtung (屏東) Tzu Chi volunteers are visting the solitary seniors and reminding them to be careful before the arrival of Typhoon Sao-la. To help the flood vicitms in Beijing, Tzu Chi volunteers are holding their first distribution, that will help a total of 5,000 households. And, in our feature reports on Taiwan”s sunset trade we go to Kaohsiung”s Fengshan (鳳山), to look at the few remaining sweet potato stores on the ”Sweet Potato Street”.
1. 防颱關懷
2. 水往何處流(2)
3. 加州水災發放
4. 巴東水災發放
5. 房山慈濟捐贈
6. 緬甸白內障義診
7. 廈門助學家訪
8. 三重兒童營
9. 360番薯街
END: 台中颱風關懷
1. 防颱關懷
As Typhoon Saola (蘇拉) is about to enter Taiwan, Pingtung (屏東) Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at the homes of senior residents, to remind them to be cautious. The volunteers also surveyed their living environment to make sure the seniors” homes were strong enough, to withstand the rain and wind.
2. 水往何處流(2)
Taiwan is a land filled with mountains. Running from these mountains are many rivers that flow east or west into the sea. One of these rivers is Pingtung(屏東)”s Gaoping(高屏) River. From the present day condition of the Gaoping (高屏) River, we can see how over-development in sensitive areas, has destroyed the fragile eco-logical balance in mountain areas, leading to various disasters.
3. 加州水災發放
Recently a storm struck the city of Cali-pa-tria in California of the United States. Heavy rain brought by the storm caused flooding that submerged dozen of houses under water. After Tzu Chi volunteers surveyed the disaster area, they distributed cash cards to help the victims. To show their appreciation for Tzu Chi”s care, the flood victims took bamboo banks home, to save money to help others in the future.
4. 巴東水災發放
In Indonesia, Pandang was also struck by heavy rainfall that caused flooding and destroyed many houses and roads. Meanwhile, the Muslims are also observing Rama-dan, the month of fasting. To help them continue with their fasting ; right after the disaster, more than 20 Tzu Chi volunteers distributed aid supplies to help.
《 靜思語 》
Only when we have discovered our basic goodness can we hope to harness its latent power.
5. 房山慈濟捐贈
Next in China, Beijing”s Fangshan(房山) District, was hard hit by heavy rainfall, which the area has not experience in 60 years. After a week of disaster surveys, Tzu Chi volunteers held the first distribution on July 30th, helping 5,000 households; items included instant rice and noodles, bottled water, clothing and daily necessities.
6. 緬甸白內障義診
Recently, Myanmar Tzu Chi volunteers worked with a local government hospital in Yangon, to hold four consecutive free clinics for cataract patients. Since June, they have treated 106 patients. Though medical examinations are free in Myanmar, patients are still required to pay for medications. A cataract surgery costs 34 USD, which is equivalent , to half of the monthly salary, of a government officer, and so it is simply unaffordable for the poor. Although medical staff were left busy, they were very happy to help.
7. 廈門助學家訪
Every summer, China”s Xiamen (廈門) Tzu Chi volunteers carry out home visitations for scholarship recipients. Some students come from families, in which their parents are unable to work, other”s are from low income families, but behind each hardship is a child”s future. Xiamen (廈門) Tzu Chi volunteers hope the tuition aid, will help relieve these families off their financial burdens, and also ensure these youngsters have a bright future ahead of them.
8. 三重兒童營
Recently, the Tzu Chi Sanchong (三重) Chapter held various children”s workshops. During one of the events, children learned how to take care of themselves and show good manners. By giving the children money to purchase their meals, the volunteers also taught them, the benefits of eating 80 percent full. Thanks to the activity, the children learned the importance of cherishing their food and even donated their extra meal money, to help the needy.
《 衲履足跡 》
On Enlightenment
Commercial hunting of whales is prohibited; yet, human beings for their own benefit, kill a large amount of the mammal each day, and thus are been punished for the bad karma they created. As we repent of our past behaviors and take on a vegetarian diet; we should also take dharma to heart, and understand that human minds are the source creater of bad karma.
9. 360番薯街
When was the last time you had sweet potato rice? In the Japanese colonial period after World War Two, rice was a luxury many couldn”t afford. Taiwanese people started to eat sweet potato congee, as a replacement of rice, and for the poor families, sweet potato was the main food eaten at home. In our feature reports on Taiwan”s fading industries, we go to Kaohsiung”s Fengshan(鳳山), and have a look at the few remaining sweet potato stores left on the ”Sweet Potato Street”.
你有多久沒吃過番薯飯了?二次世界大戰後,百廢待舉,吃白米飯成為奢侈品,為了填飽肚子,居民大多 吃番薯粥溫飽肚子,而在困苦人家,番薯更是成為主食。在今天的真情臉譜專題中,我們來到高雄的鳳山,來看看番薯街僅存的幾間店。
END: 台中颱風關懷
Before Typhoon Sao-la entered Taiwan, Taichung (台中) Tzu Chi volunteers visited care recipient Mr.Zheng (鄭), who is a cancer patient, living with his bedridden mother. The volunteers not only provided him with emotional support, but also reminded him to be cautious during the mon-soon. We will leave you with these images. Have a safe ride home. Goodbye.
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