2012年8月9日 星期四
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120803
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today”s top stories, we get an update on Typhoon Saola, and how residents around Taiwan are coping with the storm. The Philippines Tzu Chi Chapter held a charity concert starring Israel singer, David D”or, to raise funds for the construction of an ophthalmology center. And, we join Tzu Chings in the United States, and Australia-New Zealand, as they are holding leadership seminars.
1. 新竹尖石防災
2. 颱風叮嚀關懷+蘇拉協調中心
3. 羅東物資上車
4. 水往何處流(3)
5. 菲大衛迪歐
6. 菲黎剎省發放
7. 北京門頭溝
8. 全美慈青圓緣+澳慈青營
9. 波士頓培訓
END: 北京香積飯
1. 新竹尖石防災
As we went to air, Typhoon Saola entered Taiwan”s Hualien in the early hours of Thursday morning. Though it left again after a few hours, it passed by the tip of the island, and fierce rain and wind were experienced around Taiwan throughout the day. In our next report, we go to Hsinchu”s Jianshi (尖石) Township and see how local officials are working together with the military to bring damage to a minimal level.
2. 颱風叮嚀關懷+蘇拉協調中心
Prior to the coming of Typhoon Saola, Tzu Chi volunteers in Taichung visited 77-year-old Grandma He(何), to make sure her house is strong enough to withstand the storm. On Tuesday evening, after Taiwan”s Central Weather Bureau issued a land warning, the Tzu Chi Foundation not only set up a disaster response coordination headquarters in Hualien the next morning, but also disaster coordination centers in both northern and eastern Taiwan.
3. 羅東物資上車
On August 1st, Luodong (羅東) Tzu Chi volunteers requested aid supplies from the Jing Si Hall in Hualien. Since the Suhua (蘇花) Highway was closed down due to the typhoon, Tzu Chi volunteers quickly sought help from Taiwan Railways. Thanks to the help from volunteers in Hualien, in less than an hour, all the relief items were packed on the train, ready for delivery.
4. 水往何處流(3)
In today”s series of ”Where does the water go”, we travel downriver to see how cities are dealing with discharging excess rainfall, and controlling flooding of neighboring rivers. Although traditionally, cities have used sewage systems to collect rainwater, as urban development continues, these networks are working close to maximum capacity. Which means that flooding is ever on the horizon. And, as extreme weather continues to batter Taiwan, experts are looking for new ways to control water flow. Here”s more.
《 靜思語 》
One who gives with expectations of repayment will be miserable if the expectations are not met; even if one receives what one wishes for the happiness gained will be short-lived.
5. 菲大衛迪歐
The Tzu Chi Philippines Chapter recently held a ”Voice of Love” concert to raise funds for an ophthalmology center. The night”s main attraction was Israeli singer, David D”or and Taiwanese singer, Yin Zhengyang(殷正洋). All revenues from this concert will be donated to help build the Tzu Chi Ophthalmology Center.
6. 菲黎剎省發放
Also in the Philippines, the local Tzu Chi Chapter held two rice relief distributions in Rizal Province. Though Typhoon Vicente brought heavy rain that threatened the distribution, Tzu Chi volunteers still kept their promise, and handed out rice to more than 5,000 families in five towns and townships.
7. 北京門頭溝
Following the first distribution for Beijing”s flood victims at the end of July, Tzu Chi volunteers continue to conduct disaster surveys in areas that have been hit hard. According to local newsreports, all residents are safe from harm, but they are running short on daily necessities and food supplies.
《 衲履足跡 》
On Taking Dharma to Heart
We should understand the meaning behind Buddhist dharma and take the wisdom to heart. Taking part in the sign language musical of the Water Repentance sutra is barely enough, if we don”t change our bad habits or cleanse our hearts.
8. 全美慈青圓緣+澳慈青營
Recently, the 2012 Australia and New Zealand Tzu Ching Leadership Seminar was held at the Gold Coast Jing Si Hall in Australia. Throughout the seminar, students all gained a new perspective on life. Meanwhile, on July 29th , the Tzu Ching Leadership Seminar in the United States, successfully concluded in the Tzu Chi Dallas Chapter.
9. 波士頓培訓
Staying in the United States, the Tzu Chi Boston Liaison Office held a volunteer training seminar on June 21st. Participants included students from both Taiwan and China. Some were motivated by their classmates to come, others were inspired by Sutra study groups. Let”s take a look.
END: 北京香積飯
As Tzu Chi volunteers in Taiwan are braving Typhoon Saola, their counterparts in China, are busy preparing relief items for the second aid distribution for Beijing”s flood victims. Date for the distribution have not been confirmed, but 282 boxes of instant rice have already been shipped from Xiamen and have arrived at Beijing. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
台灣的慈濟志工投入蘇拉颱風的救援工作,而在中國,慈濟志工則為721水患的第二批發放而忙碌,雖然確切的發放日子還未敲定,但是首批賑災物資 282箱香積飯,已藉由廈門空運抵達北京,一起來看看,感恩收看,再會。(2012.08.03)
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