2012年8月1日 星期三

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120731

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.Coming up in today”s show, we join Tzu Chi volunteers in China”s Beijing as they carry out the first aid distribution to help 5,000 families. Tzu Chi volunteers in Paraguay is holding a free clinic to help treat 254 residents who are suffering from flus. In our feature reports on the wonders of Chinese medicine, we learn how acupuncture is helping a patient with sleeping disorder, get a good night”s rest.

歡迎收看大愛英語新聞,我是陳美瑾,感恩有您的加入。今天的提要:我們跟著慈濟志工來到中國北京,展開第一梯次的發放,幫助5,000戶家庭。巴拉圭慈濟志工舉辦義診,幫助治療254位罹患感冒的居民。在我們中醫的專題報導中,我們來了解如何透過針灸,幫助失眠的人 睡個好覺。


1. 北京物資集結

2. 愛爾蘭勘災

3. 史瓦濟蘭關懷

4. 史國四關懷

5. 巴拉圭義診

6. 桃園照顧戶打掃

7. 印尼長者送粽

8. 現代華佗(5)

9. 巴淡環保站打掃

10. 撿單愛地球

END: 北吉祥月

1. 北京物資集結

To help the flood victims in Beijing, on July 26th, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at the townships of Zhoukoudian (周口店) and Qinglonghu (青龍湖) to conduct a disaster survey. And on July 30th, Tzu Chi volunteers held the first relief distribution helping approximately 5,000 households. The aid supplies included 5,000 relief packs, water, instant noodles, along with 15,000 pieces of clothing and 5,800 blankets.


2. 愛爾蘭勘災

On June 28th, Cork County of Ireland suffered massive rain fall, causing flooding in three towns. Flood levels reached four meters, turning streets into streams. Ireland Tzu Chi volunteers drove four hours to Clo-na-kil-ty to conduct a disaster survey and offer their support.


3. 史瓦濟蘭關懷

In June, local Tzu Chi volunteers in Durban, South Africa organized a visit where they traveled 600 kilometers to Swaziland to bring care and love to the needy families.


4. 史國四關懷

Continuing on our last story, Tzu Chi volunteers once again visited the poor in Swaziland, this month. The volunteers still remember a 20-year-old girl who lived with her illed grandmother, but unfortunately when they visited this time, they found out the girl had passed away.


《 靜思語 》

Only with a loving heart can there be blessings in life. Only with acts of generosity can there be gains in life.


5. 巴拉圭義診

The Tzu Chi Liason Office in Paraguay”s Ciudad del Este, held a free clinic on July 21st. Since Paraguay is currently in the depths of winter, many of the 254 patients seen had a cold or flu. Both TIMA doctors and local volunteers worked non-stop to provide treatment to these patients in need.


6. 桃園照顧戶打掃

The floods in mid June in Taiwan affected many. In Taoyuan, one Tzu Chi care recipient thankfully was in the hospital at the time, however, when she returned home, she found her house in a mess, Tzu Chi volunteers responded by assisting in cleaning up her home and also donated a mattress to the woman.


7. 印尼長者送粽

In Indonesia, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at a nursing home in the Tan-jung Du-ren area, around West Jakarta, to deliver hand-made rice dumpling or zongzi to seniors. For those that were bedridden, volunteers even feed them personally.


《 衲履足跡 》

On Enlightenment

One who is enlightened is no ordinary person, and will not be trapped by any circumstances. When we are enlightened, our Buddhist nature within us, will give us the wisdom and faith to face obstacles.



8. 現代華佗(5)

With over 4000 years of history, Chinese medicine uses its knowledge of the body”s acupuncture points and energy channels, to work to return a proper flow of energy and blood in the body, thus bringing it back to health. In our next report, we look at how acupuncture can help patients improve from sleep disorders.


9. 巴淡環保站打掃

On July 22, Tzu Chi volunteers in Indonesia”s Batam, organized a cleaning day to tidy up their recycling station. Besides residents and volunteers, there were also a few entrepreneurs, who participated in the activity, and were all much inspired in the process.


10. 撿單愛地球

Next, we meet three university students in Taiwan, who decided to found a ”Clean the Island” campaign. Beginning on July 10 at Gongliao(貢寮) of New Taipei City, the event successfully concluded in Yilan(宜蘭) yesterday. The students and participants managed to collect more than 100 bags of garbage.


END: 北吉祥月

As the 7th month of the lunar calendar is just around the corner, Tzu Chi volunteers in both Taipei and New Taipei City, held community events to promote no burning of joss paper and no killing of animals as offerings. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


