2012年8月17日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120816

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.

Coming up in today”s show, to help flood victims in the Philippines return to normalcy, Tzu Chi is providing work relief program to another 4,000 residents. Continuing on our series on ”DIY Green Architecture”, we meet John Lamorie from Canada, who is building his houses in Pingtung with paper. And, in today”s regular look at Taiwan”s sunset trades, we go to Changhua to learn about the rise and fall of the red bricks kiln industry.




1.菲黎剎工代賑 Filipinos join work relief program

2.緬甸水患勘災 Flood victims in desparate need

3.香江綠足跡(2) Seeing Tzu Chi”s good work

4.香江綠足跡(3)李金偉 MTC volunteer: Li Jinwei

5.綠房子DIY(2) Eco-friendly house made of paper

6.360紅磚塊 The tale of red bricks in Taiwan


1.菲黎剎工代賑 Filipinos join work relief program

On August 12th, Philippines Tzu Chi volunteers went to the municipality of Rod-ri-guez, in Rizal Province, to conduct a disaster survey. After a meeting with the governor and government officials, a work-relief program was established two days later and some 4,000 local residents were invited to join in.

8月12日,菲律賓慈濟志工前往黎剎省羅德里奎茲勘災,與省長、省議員開會討論後,兩天後啟動以工代賑,4千多位居民 加入這個行列。

2.緬甸水患勘災 Flood victims in desparate need

The heavy rainfall at the end of July in Myanmar has caused serious flooding in the Bago Region, which is situated north east of Yangon. As houses and farmlands were submerged under water, Bago”s residents were forced to evacuate to higher grounds, and they are faced with food shortage as travel is limited to rafts.


3.香江綠足跡(2) Seeing Tzu Chi”s good work

Continuing on our feature reports on Hong Kong, today, we look at the government program that was established to deal with its garbage problem. In 2011, the government set up the Kowloon Bay Material Transfer Centre or MTC, to collect recyclables from different communities and educate the public on the importance of recycling. Now, Tzu Chi is working hand-in-hand with the government, in hopes of turning Hong Kong into a greener city.


4.香江綠足跡(3)李金偉 MTC volunteer: Li Jinwei

Next, we meet a volunteer at the Kowloon (九龍) Bay Material Transfer Centre, who lived a dissipated life when he was young. After meeting Tzu Chi, Li Jinwei李金偉 finally found inner peace and his family no longer lives in uncertainty.


5.綠房子DIY(2) Eco-friendly house made of paper

In our continuing series on DIY eco-friendly homes, we now travel south to Taiwan”s Pingtung, to take a look at the house of one Canadian, John Lamorie, who has built his home almost entirely out of recycled materials and cast offs. Another intriguing feature of the house, is that the walls and foundation are made with a mixture of concrete and used newspaper pulp. Let”s now take a look at how John is building his house, one cast off at a time.

綠房子DIY系列報導中,我們來到南台灣的屏東參觀加拿大籍台灣女婿羅約翰的家 ,他的家都是用回收物建造的,這間房子令人驚奇的是,它用報紙和水泥混合,製作出堅固的紙磚,接下來看看羅約翰如何打造他的綠房子。

6.360紅磚塊 The tale of red bricks in Taiwan

In the 1960s, Taiwan”s construction industry was flourishing, and the main material used to build houses was red bricks. At that time, Changhua”s Qiaotou (橋頭) Village was known as the hometown of red bricks. However, with the passing of time, there are only five red-brick kilns left in the village. Among them, Zhang family”s kiln is a century old. Though the 4th generation owner, Zhang Chengyuan(張澄淵) struggled to make it through the fall of the industry, nevertheless, they worked together as a family and have successfully turned their kiln into a tourist attraction and are even producing custom made products with red bricks.


At the end of our show today, we go to China”s Xiamen, where Tzu Chi volunteers regularly visit the local nursing home every month. On the most recent trip last Sunday, the caregivers not only accompanied the senior residents, but also provided foot bath, nail trimming and hair washing services. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.



