2012年5月31日 星期四

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120529


New fledgling doctors from TCU

Does not want others to suffer

What to do in a tunnel fire?

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us.

50 pre-med students of the Tzu Chi University in Hualien will soon begin their residency; Master Cheng Yen gives her blessings to these fledgling doctors personally at the Jing Si Abode. Though Suciwati of Indonesia”s Jakarta is on Tzu Chi”s financial aid program and has seven children to care for, she still does what she can to reciprocate as she does not want others to suffer. And, we learn from the fatal collision that took place in Taiwan”s Hsuehshan Tunnel on May seventh, and teach you how to stay safe in case of a tunnel fire.





1.醫學生授袍Sending off TCU pre-med students

2.吉打義診衛教Free clinic remedies pain

3.廈門中醫往診Home visitations in Xiamen

4.印照顧戶布施A care recipient reciprocates

5.印尼學生環保Environmental event joined by students

6.從一個撲滿開始(五)Coin banks made from plastic bottle caps

7.隧道快與危(4)Safety measures inside Hsuehshan Tunnel

8.德國培訓浴佛+智利浴佛發放More Buddha Day ceremony reports


1.醫學生授袍Sending off TCU pre-med students

To help send off the 50 pre-med students of Hualien”s Tzu Chi University as they embark on their residency, a ceremony was held at the Jing Si Abode on Monday. Master Cheng Yen attended the event in person and hoped the students will not only become the guardian of life and health but also the protector of character and compassion as well.


2.吉打義診衛教Free clinic remedies pain

Tzu Chi”s medical staff and volunteers often hold free clinics wherever in the world they are needed to help ease pain and suffering. We now check out one recent clinic in the village of Pedu in Malaysia”s Kedah. Besides having treated more than one hundred people, the volunteers also taught residents how to care for themselves.

3.廈門中醫往診Home visitations in Xiamen

Many medical professionals do get inspired to volunteer after seeing the dedication of Tzu Chi”s doctors and nurses. For example, medical staff from the Xiamen Hospital in China recently joined local Tzu Chi volunteers in their monthly home visitations to help treat Tzu Chi”s care recipients.

許多醫護人員看見慈濟醫護人員的付出後,因而加入志工的行列,例如 中國福建廈門中醫院的醫護人員,與慈濟志工 每個月都會定期,到居家關懷戶家中關懷。

4.印照顧戶布施A care recipient reciprocates

Suicwati is a Tzu Chi care recipient living in Indonesia”s Jakarta. Although she has to care for her ill husband and seven children, her monthly salary of less than 65 USD does not allow her to make ends meet. Thankfully, Tzu Chi stepped in and offered the family monthly financial aid. To reciprocate, Suciwati is doing what she can to promote Tzu Chi”s work in her community.


5.印尼學生環保Environmental event joined by students

Anyone can give, and it is really easier than you think. Staying in Indonesia, through an environmental protection workshop recently held at the Buddhasena monastery, Tzu Chi volunteers from the City of Bogor and Tangerang hoped the participating students will start practicing recycling at home.


6.從一個撲滿開始(五)Coin banks made from plastic bottle caps

When everyone does a little bit, their combined effort can make a big difference. In Taichung”s Longjing, PET bottle caps that don”t seem to have much use can in fact be turned in to coin banks that remind people to conserve resources. Here”s more.

每個人付出一點點,整個世界就會不一樣,在台中龍井區,用處不多的寶特瓶蓋,現在變成了撲滿,提醒大家要節省資源,一起來看看 。

7.隧道快與危(4)Safety measures inside Hsuehshan Tunnel

Over the past few days we have been studying the fatal collision-induced fire that happened inside Taiwan”s Hsuehshan Tunnel on May seventh, and trying to learn from it. In case you are caught in a similar situation, remember to park your vehicle against the curb, leave your key on the ignition, head against the traffic, go into a connection tunnel to your right, and await further instructions. Here”s more.


8.德國培訓浴佛+智利浴佛發放More Buddha Day ceremony reports

The next story takes us to Chile, as we join Tzu Chi volunteers in the city of Penalolen at their Buddha Day ceremony and winter aid distribution. But first, we go to Germany in Europe, where Tzu Chi volunteers held a volunteer training seminar for the first time where the Italian artist Vittorio Amadio donated 100 paintings to the Buddhist NGO.


At the end of today”s program, we travel to the United States and join students of Tzu Chi kindergartens in northern California and Dallas, as they demonstrate the Tzu Chi humanity that they have learned over the past school year. That”s all the time we have for. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.

