2012年5月17日 星期四

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120517

< Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us. >


Buddha Day in Suzhou, China

Nursing: not gender-exclusive

Headgears fit for a god

Coming up in the show today, at the Buddha Day ceremony in Suzhou, China, Tzu Chi scholarship recipients make a special trip to offer their respect and gratitude.

Nursing is not a gender-exclusive job- more and more men are expressing great interest in becoming primary caretakers.

And later, in our regular feature on Taiwan”s traditional industries, we introduce to you a craftsman, who specializes in making headgears for Chinese god statues.
















First up in the show, since 1996, Tzu Chi volunteers in Jiangxi, China have been working to support students from poor families with school subsidies and scholarships. Many of these underprivileged younsters have grown up and started their own families. At the recent Buddha Day ceremony in Suzhou, two of these former scholarship recipients were in attendance, bringing with them a heart of thanks for their mother”s love, as well as the Tzu Chi Foudation that helped them in the past.


Next year, the Buddha Day ceremony in Suzhou will be moved from the local Jing Si Books and Cafe to the new Tzu Chi grounds, giving organizers more space to bring the Dharma to even more people. We now go back in time, to take a look at how the Buddha Day celebrations have evolved in Suzhou, beginning in 2006.

For many, to be able to take part in Tzu Chi”s Buddha Day ceremony and pay homage to the Buddha is simply something they must do. In Malacca, Malaysia, a senior wanted to join the ceremony but missed the event by taking the wrong bus. Fortunately, volunteers were there to help the senior fulfill her wish.


《 靜思語 》
In the face of difficulty, just wholeheartedly do our best with all our strength and effort.



In Taiwan, nursing programs are available in technical colleges, universities, and career schools. In the past, these schools only accepted female candidates to their programs; however, as times have changed, more and more male candidates are being accepted. Here is our report.



We meet Song Rangxuan(宋穰烜) from Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, who is the only male nurse at the surgical ICU. Song has been in the profession for more than six years, has proven to be just as attentive and caring as his female counterparts, if not more.



In the second part of ”The Power of Love” series from Japan, we travel to Tokyo to meet volunteer couple, Liao Jinqi(廖金旂) and Zhang Laihao(張來好), who are both Taiwanese living and working in the city. The two met in Tzu Chi, and have been devoting themselves selflessly to service work especially after the March 11 triple disaster. Let”s take a look.

「三一一、愛接力」專題,來到日本東京,認識一對從台灣移居日本的夫妻,廖金旂和張來好兩位都是台灣人,來到東京打拼,兩位因為慈濟而結下姻緣,從此,無私付出做慈善,尤其 311地震後,更是投入,一起來看看。

《 衲履足跡 》On Purity and Sincerity 談「清淨」和「用心」

Abiding Buddhist precepts can be challenging because one can be easily swayed and influenced. Like giving sermons, chanting Buddhist sutra requires utmost concentration which helps prevent from deviating on to the wrong path.



We bring you more reports on Buddha Day, this time from Ottawa, Missisauga, and Richmond in Canada, where people of different cultural backgrounds came together for the annual celebration.



At Taipei”s main Buddha Day celebration in the CKS Memorial Hall, 11th grader Li Jiahua (李佳樺) could be found among the crowd, taking part on behalf of her mother, who is a polio sufferer with limited mobility. We find out what brought the mother and daughter pair into Tzu Chi.



Go to any temple in Taiwan and you”ll notice that many of the god statues come with headgears such as a hat or a crown. In today”s report on the island”s traditional trades, we meet 74-year-old Lin Qifeng(林啟豐), who is a master in making these unique headdresses. His two sons have followed in his footsteps and have also gone on to become great craftsmen in their own right.

來到台灣的寺廟,你或許會注意到神像會戴著不同的帽子,在今天的真情臉譜專題中,我們來認識台南 74歲的林啟豐,是位打造銀帽的老師傅,當初他是打金子的師傅,兩個兒子跟著他的腳步,也成為出色的銀帽匠師。

We go back to Canada at the end of the show, for the Tzu Chi Buddha Day ceremony in Toronto, where a fun fair was also held to promote stronger parent-child relationships, as well as environmentalism. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


