2011年12月9日 星期五


< Early Christmas >
< Cash for work >
< Cambodia”s first >

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in the show today, more than 1,700 low-income families in the Philippines” Paranaque City celebrated an early Christmas with Tzu Chi”s gifts of rice.
●In Thailand, Tzu Chi”s relief work program is initiated in Bangkok, paying flood survivors to clean up their own communities.
●Later, Cambodia sees its first Tzu Chi blessing ceremony, in which more than two dozen local residents signed up as volunteers.


1.泰以工代賑 Tzu Chi relief work program kicks off
2.菲以工代賑 Origins of relief work program
3.菲耶誕白米 Early Christmas presents
4.美花車前置 ”One More Day” in Rose Parade
5.死刑捐腎 Inmate donates kidney to sister
6.大愛送看守所 Da Ai Dramas transform inmates
7.柬埔寨歲末 1st year-end blessing ceremony
8.泰大使訪內湖 TTEO director at Neihu station
9.上海論壇靜思 Tzu Chi spirit at business forum
10.1209歷史的今天 On this day. December 9th.
11.和仁居家關懷 Moving story about Ran family

1.泰以工代賑 Tzu Chi relief work program kicks off

Having battled floodwaters for more than three months, Thailand can now finally start rebuilding as the inundated areas dry up one by one. A bigger challenge lies, however, in the removal of the waterlogged waste items that are found everywhere. To help local residents restore their homes while earning cash at the same time, Tzu Chi launched a relief work program, whereby participants are each paid 300 Thai Bahts a day, to sweep up their neighborhoods. We join volunteers in Bangkok, as they rally flood victims, to help each other out.


2.菲以工代賑 Origins of relief work program

Tzu Chi”s relief work program was a success in the Philippines, after Typhoon Ketsana battered the country in 2009. With wide spread damage that affected some 4 million people in Metro Manila alone, Tzu Chi sprang into action by carrying out a relief work program that paid residents to clean up their own neighborhoods. Much was accomplished in just 18 days, but to get there, volunteers had some hills to climb.


3.菲耶誕白米 Early Christmas presents

Staying in the Philippines, Christmas arrived early for over 1,700 poor families in Paranaque City when Tzu Chi delivered 20kg bags of rice to the needy families. Let”s find out more.


《 靜思語 》

Collective goodness is great goodness. Only with the strength of great goodness can there be peace and prosperity.


4.美花車前置 ”One More Day” in Rose Parade

The 123rd Rose Parade, in the US city of Pasadena, takes place on January 2nd. Tzu Chi volunteers are again working together with the organ donation NGO ”Donate Life”, to make a float for the parade. We join the hard-working volunteers, who are busy getting ready for the big day.

在美國 帕沙迪娜市,第123屆美國花車遊行,將在2012年1月2日登場,慈濟志工與器官捐贈組織合作,花車裝飾前置作業,我們跟著志工們一起來看看,他們事前的準備工作。

5.死刑捐腎 Inmate donates kidney to sister

Sharing the gift of life-- in Taiwan, death-row inmate, Zheng Jinwen(鄭金文) gave one of his kidneys to his sister last month. It was the first case in the country in which a death row prisoner made an organ donation. Zheng Jinwen was allowed to meet with his sister after the transplant, in what was a happy and emotional reunion.


6.大愛送看守所 Da Ai Dramas transform inmates

Da Ai TV”s own drama series are based on the struggles and triumphs of real people, inspiring audiences to change their own lives for the better. At the Nantou Detention Center, in Taiwan, the behavior of the inmates has improved, since they started watching DVDs of the show. Recently, Tzu Chi volunteers visited with the latest series, and even invited a star of one of the shows to come and cheer up the inmates.


《 衲履足跡 》談心靈清泉 On A Spiritual Pure Spring

Tzu Chi culture is a spiritual pure spring, that not only flows when there is water in the river, but is a genuine pure foundation, welling up endlessly from the ground.
The superior quality of programs on Da Ai TV continually wash the pure spring into people”s minds, cleansing their hearts, and naturally winning public support.


7.柬埔寨歲末 1st year-end blessing ceremony

In Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, as soon as Tzu Chi volunteers finished their first large-scale distribution, they held their first year-end blessing ceremony. Some 140 people participated, among which 29 decided to put on the grey volunteer uniform.


8.泰大使訪內湖 TTEO director at Neihu station

On Wednesday morning, the Executive Director of Taipei”s Thailand Trade and Economic Office, Mr. Wiboon Khusakul paid a visit to Tzu Chi”s recycling station in the Neihu district. He is about to be posted to Beijing, as the new Thai ambassador to China. Before leaving, he wanted to thank Tzu Chi personally for its Thai flood relief efforts, and also learn more about Tzu Chi”s environmental mission.

星期三上午,泰國經貿辦事處代表 偉文丘氏君,前往慈濟內湖園區參訪,他即將被派往中國北京出任大使,出發前,特地要對慈濟援助泰國水患表示感謝,也想要多了解慈濟的環保理念。

9.上海論壇靜思 Tzu Chi spirit at business forum

Moving to China, Shanghai Tzu Chi volunteers were recently invited to talk about the organization”s humanitarian spirit, at a local entrepreneurs” training seminar. By making connections with the business community, the volunteers hoped to bring some positive changes to society.

來到中國 最近上海慈濟人受邀參與,當地實業家的培訓課程,分享慈濟人文,志工們希望能夠啟發業主的善念,更期盼企業主發揮影響力,把好觀念分享出去。

10.1209歷史的今天 On this day. December 9th.

1916 Writer Natsume Soseki dies
Japanese author Natsume Soseki was a teacher, who went to study in Britain, before he published his critically acclaimed book ”I Am a Cat”, and turned his attention to writing. His elegant and flowing style, which combined Asian and British influences, was very popular with readers. On this day in 1916, he died from a stomach ulcer at the age of 50.

1968 Mouse invention
This square box with a ball on the bottom, that could control a cursor, was the first step away from complex keyboard commands. The first computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart from Stanford University, and revealed to the public on this day in 1968.

1989 Tzu Chi USA new home
As Tzu Chi”s services in the United States expanded, the old chapter, which used to be located in the home of local volunteers Huang Siyuan黃思遠 and Li Jingnian李靜念, was moved to its new location on this day in 1989. In a ceremony hosted by Master Yinhai, local Tzu Chi volunteers pledged to spread the spirit of Tzu Chi throughout the USA.

1996 Azerbaijan partnership
Representing the Tzu Chi foundation, Chen Sisheng陳思晟1 met with representatives of the University of London on this day in 1996, to sign a three-year partnership to assist Azerbaijan refugees, to help improve their living and health conditions, and launch an aid relief program the following year.

2004 Xinjiang quake schools open
The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in China was struck by a powerful earthquake in 2003. After sending a disaster assessment team to the area, Tzu Chi decided to rebuild two local elementary schools. On this day in 2004, the new schools were officially opened. Volunteers from Taiwan and China came to join the celebrations, and donated school supplies to the children, in hopes that they would develop an interest in learning.

2007 Chicken farm to eco station
In Neimen township, of Kaohsiung county, in the south of Taiwan, after Tzu Chi volunteers helped a struggling resident through a rough time, the former care recipient donated a chicken barn to Tzu Chi, converting it into a recycling station. The farmer also encouraged neighbors to help sort recyclables.

1916年 日本國民作家 夏目澍石病逝

1968年 原型滑鼠 首次問世

1989年 美國慈濟新會所 靜思堂正式啟用

1996年 援助亞塞拜然 倫敦大學簽約

2004年 馳援新疆強震 希望工程啟用

2007年 養雞場變環保站 歡喜入厝

11.和仁居家關懷 Moving story about Ran family

Tzu Chi volunteers in Hualien, Taiwan, helped refurbish the home of a local resident, Mr. Ran, who is a struggling single father with two children to support. Local volunteers fixed up their rundown home, and also found them some second-hand furniture, so Mr. Ran”s family could make a fresh start.



Also caring for the disadvantaged, Tzu Chi volunteers in California and Missouri, in the United States, organized winter aid distributions for the homeless and international refugees, bringing with them plenty of human warmth, during the cold spell. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye!


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