2011年12月1日 星期四


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Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in the show today, in Thailand Tzu Chi volunteers help flood victims fight the outbreak of mosquitoes with clean up operations.
●Tzu Chi”s aid relief in North Korea saw local officials helping out after they were inspired by volunteers from Taiwan.
●And, a charity sale hosted by the Tzu Chi Hospital in Taichung, Taiwan is the place where used items are traded for a good cause.


1.山元町發放 9th consolation cash distribution
2.泰慈濟 Volunteers survey Sit Luang Pu Khao
3.世紀泰水劫2交通 Food prices soar
4.波特蘭冬令 Thanksgiving in Portland
5.北緯38度(5) Officials show their softer side
6.印尼聽障志工 Muslim couple joins Tzu Chi
7.1201歷史的今天 On this day, the first of December
8.輪椅環保 A man with a heart to give
9.中慈惜福會 Charity sale at Taichung TC Hospital
10.蘇州文化城 Suzhou crafts & culture park opens

1.山元町發放 9th consolation cash distribution

Tzu Chi”s ninth disaster relief team to Japan is in Yamamoto town, near Sendai City in Miyagi Prefecture. The volunteers brought relief goods and consolation cash to more than 9,000 households still struggling after the March 11 tsunami. Aid recipients were deeply moved to meet volunteers who came all the way from Taiwan to show that they care.

慈濟第九梯賑災團,來到宮城縣的仙台市 山元町和宣理町,為9000多戶受災居民,送上來自全球的見舞金,當災民知道慈濟是來自台灣的團體,好多人是感動不已。

2.泰慈濟 Volunteers survey Sit Luang Pu Khao

As the flooding in Thailand enters a fourth month, Tzu Chi volunteers continue with their aid efforts. Recently caregivers paid a visit to Sit Luang Pu Khao in Bangkok”s Laksi District to understand the resident”s needs, and planned to return to help the community deal with its mosquito problem, and the smell coming off the standing water.


3.世紀泰水劫2交通 Food prices soar

Yesterday, we saw how the flood in Thailand has halted the education of children in affected areas. Today, we look at how the price of food, and other essential products, is soaring because of the disaster.


《 靜思語 》

Good thoughts lead to understanding. By eliminating bad thoughts, one will not commit bad acts, and calamities will naturally recede.


4.波特蘭冬令 Thanksgiving in Portland

The United States enjoyed Thanksgiving last weekend. In Portland, Oregon, local Tzu Chi volunteers celebrated the holiday with the city”s homeless people, by holding the annual winter relief distribution.


5.北緯38度(5) Officials show their softer side

Tzu Chi”s recent aid distribution in North Korea was organized with the help of the North Korean International Trade Commission. Officials from the commission acted as translators and tour guides for the Taiwanese volunteers. The hosts warmed to the volunteers after a few days, and even started helping out at the distribution sites.


《 衲履足跡 》談堅定付出 On Giving Persistently

Despite culture differences, Tzu Chi”s humanitarian spirit has spread far and wide.
Master Cheng Yen is grateful that Tzu Chi volunteers around the globe are united as one, and give selflessly to help the needy.

即使各國文化互異,慈濟人文能普遍於不同種族與宗教裡,感恩全球慈濟人在人間展現佛法,以共同的名稱 慈濟人,同一方向 以佛陀覺悟之道為方向,在各地付出。

6.印尼聽障志工 Muslim couple joins Tzu Chi

In the next story, we meet a Muslim couple from Indonesia, who are both hard of hearing, but are determined to join Tzu Chi”s ranks.


7.1201歷史的今天 On this day, the first of December

1947 Jade Mt.
Standing at 3,952m above sea level, Taiwan”s Jade Mountain, or Yushan, is the sacred mountain of the indigenous Bunun and Tsou peoples. It was named during the Kangxi(康熙) period of the Qing Dynasty. In 1897, during the Japanese colonial era, Yushan was renamed ”Niitakayama”, or the ”New High Mountain” by Emperor Meiji because it was higher than Japan”s tallest Mount Fuji. It wasn”t until the end of World War II that the Taiwanese government restored the mountain”s name to Yushan

1958 Taiwan”s film rating system
On this day in 1985, Taiwan put into effect its motion picture rating system, dividing all films into ”restricted” and ”general audience” categories. Later, the system was expanded to include the ”protected” and ”parental guidance” classifications.

1988 World AIDS Day
AIDS, or acquired immune deficiency syndrome, was first recognized by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 1981. The disease spread rapidly around the world and soon became a critical global health issue. In light of this, on this day in 1988 the World Health Organization observed the first World AIDS Day, with the red ribbon as a symbol of solidarity for people living with HIV/AIDS.

1986 TC Hospital volunteer team
After Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital opened on Taiwan”s east coast, on this day in 1986, volunteers from all over the island came together to form Tzu Chi”s first hospital volunteer team, with the aim to serve as a bridge between patients and medical personnel. Following two weeks of training, the caregivers began serving as part of the hospital”s force.

1995 Tzu Chi World airs
On this day in 1995, TV shows produced by Tzu Chi Cultural Center began airing on Taiwan”s U2 channel three times a day for 60 minutes each time. The programs included news and Master Cheng Yen”s daily sermon, marking the beginning of Tzu Chi”s mass media enterprise.

2005 TC Hospital organ donation
In 2005, an 18-year-old Taiwanese college student got into a car accident and was left brain dead. On this day of the same year, with consent from the student”s family, the patient became an organ donor and underwent organ removal surgery. The lifesaving parts were delivered to the National Taiwan University Hospital, and Hualien and Dalin Tzu Chi hospitals, where at least six patients were waiting for the donation.

1947年 玉山復名 東北亞第一高峰

1985年 台灣電影分級制 正式實施  

1988年 世界愛滋病日 紅絲帶繫上關懷

1986年慈濟志工服務隊 穿梭病房送溫暖
隨著花蓮慈濟醫院在台灣東岸落成啟業,來自全台的慈濟志工,1986年這天組成志工服務隊,成為病患與醫護人員之間的橋梁,經過集訓 半個月後,正式加入醫院服務行列。

1995年慈濟世界電視 正式開播

2005年器官捐贈遺愛 台北慈院首例 

8.輪椅環保 A man with a heart to give

In Taiwan, 50-year-old Wu Wenhui(吳文輝) from Taichung, is wheelchair-bound due to spinal-cord injuries. Despite his physical limitation, Wu helps sort recyclables at the local environmental station twice a week.


9.中慈惜福會 Charity sale at Taichung TC Hospital

Safeguarding the planet can be as easy as making the best use of unwanted items from home, or finding what you need at yard sales. One such sale was recently held at Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, where shoppers could find quality goods. The proceeds all went to the Tzu Chi Foundation, for international relief missions.


10.蘇州文化城 Suzhou crafts & culture park opens

Suzhou, in China”s Jiangsu Province, is celebrated as the country”s cultural center, and is home to Guangfu Town, which is regarded as one of the most beautiful places in the country. Recently, Guangfu saw the opening of a crafts and culture park, where the local Jing Si Books and Cafe was invited to promote environmentalism.



Six year-end blessing ceremonies will take place in Penghu, Taiwan, this weekend. One of the specials shows includes sections of the musical adaptation of the Water Repentance sutra, performed by college volunteers. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


