< Hot meals for Thai flood victims >
< Flood relief in Central America >
< Helping poor students in Muar >
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us.
●In Bangkok, Thailand, Tzu Chi volunteers continue to comfort flood victims while a Da Ai reporter has arrived in the city to witness the extent of the disaster.
●Also on flood relief, Tzu Chi volunteers from the United States are in Central America to help Honduras and Guatemala cope with the flood damage caused by recent torrential rains.
●And, in Muar, Malaysia, Tzu Chi hands out New Shoots scholarships to just over 1,000 students in need.
1.泰慈濟 Tzu Chi helps flood victims
2.曼谷民生 Residents brace for Bangkok flood
3.宏都拉斯勘災(1) 1st lady briefs assessment team
4.宏都拉斯勘災(2) Warm welcome in Choluteca
5.瓜地馬拉勘災 2nd Central America flood team
6.瓜地馬拉勘災 Aid distribution preparations
7.慈濟藝人茶會 Entertainers form charity association
8.北加人文藝人 Thank you Pan Lili & Wan Fang
9.1101歷史的今天 On this day, the first of November
10.麻坡新芽獎 New Shoots award ceremonies
1.泰慈濟 Tzu Chi helps flood victims
As flooding in Bangkok reached a peak on the weekend, tourists and residents fled the city for higher ground. Some 500 flood victims have taken refuge at the Bangkok Administration Center. Tzu Chi volunteers regularly visit the shelter to cook vegetarian meals for the victims. Also giving a helping hand are Banpaew Hospital staff, who have teamed up with TIMA members to give the victims free medical services, and relaxing massages.
2.曼谷民生 Residents brace for Bangkok flood
Heavy rain has been causing flooding in Thailand since July. On the weekend, the combination of a high tide, and the continuing flow of flood water from the plains, covered large areas of Bangkok under water. There was a mass exodus from the capital. Our reporter went to the downtown area, to see how residents prepared for the flood.
《 靜思語 》
If everyone contributes their love, a crisis can be turned into an opportunity, and a disaster into a blessing.
3.宏都拉斯勘災(1) 1st lady briefs assessment team
Sadly, Thailand is not the only country facing unprecedented flood. Turning our attention to Central America, where days of torrential rains have caused flooding and landslides in the region displacing hundreds of thousands of people, two disaster assessment teams from the Tzu Chi headquarters in the United States separately went to Guatemala and Honduras on October 28, to assess the situation, and make plans for future aid relief. In Honduras, the team of five volunteers went straight to the presidential palace, for a briefing with the first lady, Rosa Elena de Lobo.
4.宏都拉斯勘災(2) Warm welcome in Choluteca
After visiting the first lady, the Tzu Chi disaster assessment team in Honduras went to the flood affected area of Choluteca. When local elderly residents heard the volunteers were coming to meet the mayor, they rushed over to the city hall to thank them. After their community was swamped by flooding in early October, Tzu Chi deliver instant corn powder to hungry people in an emergency shelter.
5.瓜地馬拉勘災 2nd Central America flood team
The other disaster assessment team from the United States headed for Guatemala, arriving at the same time in Guatemala City. The volunteers called on their old friends at an elementary school built by Tzu Chi near Palencia. As well as assessing flood damage, the team will organize a major aid distribution.
6.瓜地馬拉勘災 Aid distribution preparations
The Tzu Chi Guatemala disaster assessment team distributed food to villagers from 21 costal communities on Sunday, October 30. The aid included over 50,000lbs of beans, and 100,000lbs of corn - which a supplier sold to Tzu Chi at a 20 percent discount. We caught up the volunteers on their way to the distribution site in Chiquimulilla.
慈濟瓜地馬拉賑災團,30日,周日,來到瓜地馬拉沿海21個村莊展開發放,共發放2065戶 5萬1千磅的黑豆,以及1萬3千磅的玉米,而食物批發商也給予8折優惠,我們跟著志工到奇貴穆立亞發放場地去看看。
《 衲履足跡 》談把握當下 On Living in the Moment
After over 40 years, the great Buddhist way of Tzu Chi has opened up, and is heading in a clear and well-defined direction.
The ”results” that we can see today were created by strands of fate coming together, in a constantly connecting and never-ending way.
7.慈濟藝人茶會 Entertainers form charity association
Over the years, many actors and actresses in Taiwan have played roles in Da Ai Dramas, or joined Tzu Chi stage productions, like ”Water Repentance”. Now, they have gone a step further, by forming a charity association. The entertainers say they want to use their influence to do good for society.
8.北加人文藝人 Thank you Pan Lili & Wan Fang
Taiwanese entertainers Wan Fang and Pan Lili have long participated in Tzu Chi related activities. Recently, they were invited to attend a series of ”Night of Great Love” events in California. During the trip, the pair also shared their insights to help inspire more people. Their last stop was in Cupertino, where they were warmly greeted by students of the local Tzu Chi Academy.
9.1101歷史的今天 On this day, the first of November
1967 1st Tzu Chi home renovation
Just over one year after it was founded, the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation in Hualien, Taiwan learned of the plight of solitary senior, Li Apao(李阿拋). The blind senior lived in a straw home in Jian Township (吉安鄉) surviving on government welfare. Tzu Chi had been providing Mr. Li with cash but on this day in 1967, led by founder Master Cheng Yen herself, Tzu Chi built a brick home for Mr. Li. It was the first home renovation project for the Buddhist charity.
1959 TPE Veterans Hospital
Under the jurisdiction of the Veterans Affairs Commission of Taiwan”s Executive Yuan, Taipei General Veterans Hospital opened on this day in 1959. The project was organized and executed by Chiang Chingkuo, and then Vice President Chen Cheng hosted the opening ceremony. At the time, the hospital was one of the biggest in the Far East. Originally only catering to veterans, it would eventually be opened to the public. Taipei Veterans Hospital is one of Taiwan”s most prestigious medical centers.
1993 European Union
After World War II, the dream of an integrated Europe was slowly realized with the formation of organizations that eventually led to the creation of the European Community. The Maastricht Treaty of 1992 paved the way to economic and political union of the members giving birth to European Union on this day in 1993. The headquarters of the EU is in Brussels, Belgium.
1993 TC Alhambra Free Clinic Center
The first Tzu Chi free clinic center outside Taiwan opened on this day in 1993 in Alhambra, California. All qualified low-income citizens can receive quality medical services at the center. On December fifth of the same year, in celebration of the four-year anniversary of the Tzu Chi US headquarters, an inauguration ceremony was held at the free clinic center.
2000 Typhoon Xangsane
Typhoon Xangsane of 2000 caused extensive flooding in Taiwan”s Keelung and the Xizhi and Nangang districts of Taipei. On this day, Tzu Chi established a disaster relief coordination center and riding on rubber rafts delivered aid to deluged communities. Members of the Tzu Chi International Medical Association also made house calls to residents while volunteers handed out consolation money and clothes to flood victims and helped them with the cleanup.
2009 Post Morakot praying ceremony
100 days after Typhoon Morakot ravaged southern Taiwan, the Tzu Chi Foundation hosted a large prayer ceremony in Kaohsiung Arena which was attended by over 10,000 people. The indigenous Bunun people from Nanshalu Village of Namaxia Township (那瑪夏鄉南沙魯村) sang Tzu Chi”s ”Universal Three No”s” and their harvest song at the event to express gratitude and pray for a peaceful future.
1967年 濟助貧民孤老 慈濟援建房舍
1959年 台北榮民總醫院 開幕啟業
1993年 歐盟成立 最大區域組織
1993年 美國慈濟義診 正式運作
2000年 象神豪雨泥濘 慈濟救災總動員
2009年 靜思智慧大愛 莫拉克祈福會
10.麻坡新芽獎 New Shoots award ceremonies
In Muar, Malaysia, Tzu Chi volunteers have been busy handing out New Shoots scholarships to disadvantaged students of all ethnicities and faiths. In two weeks, 1,034 students received Tzu Chi”s aid at five award ceremonies. Each student also received a set of reusable dining ware, to minimize the need for Styrofoam products.
In Taipei”s Neihu district, the first bone marrow drive of the year was held over the weekend. We check out the event at the end of today”s program. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
< Flood relief in Central America >
< Helping poor students in Muar >
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us.
●In Bangkok, Thailand, Tzu Chi volunteers continue to comfort flood victims while a Da Ai reporter has arrived in the city to witness the extent of the disaster.
●Also on flood relief, Tzu Chi volunteers from the United States are in Central America to help Honduras and Guatemala cope with the flood damage caused by recent torrential rains.
●And, in Muar, Malaysia, Tzu Chi hands out New Shoots scholarships to just over 1,000 students in need.
1.泰慈濟 Tzu Chi helps flood victims
2.曼谷民生 Residents brace for Bangkok flood
3.宏都拉斯勘災(1) 1st lady briefs assessment team
4.宏都拉斯勘災(2) Warm welcome in Choluteca
5.瓜地馬拉勘災 2nd Central America flood team
6.瓜地馬拉勘災 Aid distribution preparations
7.慈濟藝人茶會 Entertainers form charity association
8.北加人文藝人 Thank you Pan Lili & Wan Fang
9.1101歷史的今天 On this day, the first of November
10.麻坡新芽獎 New Shoots award ceremonies
1.泰慈濟 Tzu Chi helps flood victims
As flooding in Bangkok reached a peak on the weekend, tourists and residents fled the city for higher ground. Some 500 flood victims have taken refuge at the Bangkok Administration Center. Tzu Chi volunteers regularly visit the shelter to cook vegetarian meals for the victims. Also giving a helping hand are Banpaew Hospital staff, who have teamed up with TIMA members to give the victims free medical services, and relaxing massages.
2.曼谷民生 Residents brace for Bangkok flood
Heavy rain has been causing flooding in Thailand since July. On the weekend, the combination of a high tide, and the continuing flow of flood water from the plains, covered large areas of Bangkok under water. There was a mass exodus from the capital. Our reporter went to the downtown area, to see how residents prepared for the flood.
《 靜思語 》
If everyone contributes their love, a crisis can be turned into an opportunity, and a disaster into a blessing.
3.宏都拉斯勘災(1) 1st lady briefs assessment team
Sadly, Thailand is not the only country facing unprecedented flood. Turning our attention to Central America, where days of torrential rains have caused flooding and landslides in the region displacing hundreds of thousands of people, two disaster assessment teams from the Tzu Chi headquarters in the United States separately went to Guatemala and Honduras on October 28, to assess the situation, and make plans for future aid relief. In Honduras, the team of five volunteers went straight to the presidential palace, for a briefing with the first lady, Rosa Elena de Lobo.
4.宏都拉斯勘災(2) Warm welcome in Choluteca
After visiting the first lady, the Tzu Chi disaster assessment team in Honduras went to the flood affected area of Choluteca. When local elderly residents heard the volunteers were coming to meet the mayor, they rushed over to the city hall to thank them. After their community was swamped by flooding in early October, Tzu Chi deliver instant corn powder to hungry people in an emergency shelter.
5.瓜地馬拉勘災 2nd Central America flood team
The other disaster assessment team from the United States headed for Guatemala, arriving at the same time in Guatemala City. The volunteers called on their old friends at an elementary school built by Tzu Chi near Palencia. As well as assessing flood damage, the team will organize a major aid distribution.
6.瓜地馬拉勘災 Aid distribution preparations
The Tzu Chi Guatemala disaster assessment team distributed food to villagers from 21 costal communities on Sunday, October 30. The aid included over 50,000lbs of beans, and 100,000lbs of corn - which a supplier sold to Tzu Chi at a 20 percent discount. We caught up the volunteers on their way to the distribution site in Chiquimulilla.
慈濟瓜地馬拉賑災團,30日,周日,來到瓜地馬拉沿海21個村莊展開發放,共發放2065戶 5萬1千磅的黑豆,以及1萬3千磅的玉米,而食物批發商也給予8折優惠,我們跟著志工到奇貴穆立亞發放場地去看看。
《 衲履足跡 》談把握當下 On Living in the Moment
After over 40 years, the great Buddhist way of Tzu Chi has opened up, and is heading in a clear and well-defined direction.
The ”results” that we can see today were created by strands of fate coming together, in a constantly connecting and never-ending way.
7.慈濟藝人茶會 Entertainers form charity association
Over the years, many actors and actresses in Taiwan have played roles in Da Ai Dramas, or joined Tzu Chi stage productions, like ”Water Repentance”. Now, they have gone a step further, by forming a charity association. The entertainers say they want to use their influence to do good for society.
8.北加人文藝人 Thank you Pan Lili & Wan Fang
Taiwanese entertainers Wan Fang and Pan Lili have long participated in Tzu Chi related activities. Recently, they were invited to attend a series of ”Night of Great Love” events in California. During the trip, the pair also shared their insights to help inspire more people. Their last stop was in Cupertino, where they were warmly greeted by students of the local Tzu Chi Academy.
9.1101歷史的今天 On this day, the first of November
1967 1st Tzu Chi home renovation
Just over one year after it was founded, the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation in Hualien, Taiwan learned of the plight of solitary senior, Li Apao(李阿拋). The blind senior lived in a straw home in Jian Township (吉安鄉) surviving on government welfare. Tzu Chi had been providing Mr. Li with cash but on this day in 1967, led by founder Master Cheng Yen herself, Tzu Chi built a brick home for Mr. Li. It was the first home renovation project for the Buddhist charity.
1959 TPE Veterans Hospital
Under the jurisdiction of the Veterans Affairs Commission of Taiwan”s Executive Yuan, Taipei General Veterans Hospital opened on this day in 1959. The project was organized and executed by Chiang Chingkuo, and then Vice President Chen Cheng hosted the opening ceremony. At the time, the hospital was one of the biggest in the Far East. Originally only catering to veterans, it would eventually be opened to the public. Taipei Veterans Hospital is one of Taiwan”s most prestigious medical centers.
1993 European Union
After World War II, the dream of an integrated Europe was slowly realized with the formation of organizations that eventually led to the creation of the European Community. The Maastricht Treaty of 1992 paved the way to economic and political union of the members giving birth to European Union on this day in 1993. The headquarters of the EU is in Brussels, Belgium.
1993 TC Alhambra Free Clinic Center
The first Tzu Chi free clinic center outside Taiwan opened on this day in 1993 in Alhambra, California. All qualified low-income citizens can receive quality medical services at the center. On December fifth of the same year, in celebration of the four-year anniversary of the Tzu Chi US headquarters, an inauguration ceremony was held at the free clinic center.
2000 Typhoon Xangsane
Typhoon Xangsane of 2000 caused extensive flooding in Taiwan”s Keelung and the Xizhi and Nangang districts of Taipei. On this day, Tzu Chi established a disaster relief coordination center and riding on rubber rafts delivered aid to deluged communities. Members of the Tzu Chi International Medical Association also made house calls to residents while volunteers handed out consolation money and clothes to flood victims and helped them with the cleanup.
2009 Post Morakot praying ceremony
100 days after Typhoon Morakot ravaged southern Taiwan, the Tzu Chi Foundation hosted a large prayer ceremony in Kaohsiung Arena which was attended by over 10,000 people. The indigenous Bunun people from Nanshalu Village of Namaxia Township (那瑪夏鄉南沙魯村) sang Tzu Chi”s ”Universal Three No”s” and their harvest song at the event to express gratitude and pray for a peaceful future.
1967年 濟助貧民孤老 慈濟援建房舍
1959年 台北榮民總醫院 開幕啟業
1993年 歐盟成立 最大區域組織
1993年 美國慈濟義診 正式運作
2000年 象神豪雨泥濘 慈濟救災總動員
2009年 靜思智慧大愛 莫拉克祈福會
10.麻坡新芽獎 New Shoots award ceremonies
In Muar, Malaysia, Tzu Chi volunteers have been busy handing out New Shoots scholarships to disadvantaged students of all ethnicities and faiths. In two weeks, 1,034 students received Tzu Chi”s aid at five award ceremonies. Each student also received a set of reusable dining ware, to minimize the need for Styrofoam products.
In Taipei”s Neihu district, the first bone marrow drive of the year was held over the weekend. We check out the event at the end of today”s program. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.