2011年11月28日 星期一


< Flood aid in Laksi, Bangkok >
< Turning over a new leaf >
< Breeding strong, quality rice >

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I"m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in the show today, Tzu Chi"s second disaster relief team to flooded Thailand brings aid supplies to an emergency shelter in Bangkok"s Laksi District. We meet several newly certified Tzu Chi volunteers from outside Taiwan, who, in a trip to Tzu Chi"s spiritual heartland in Hualien, all said that serving humanity made them better people. Later, given how natural disasters have a direct impact on food production, Taiwan"s farming experts are experimenting with various rice strains to breed quality, weather-resistant rice.


1. 泰國慈濟 Tzu Chi flood team in Bangkok
2. 泰國慢海嘯(4)與水共生 Adapting to a flooded life
3. 長島冬令發放 Clothes drive for Long Island
4. 加庫柏安養院 Hello, old friends!
5. 殘老關懷 Bringing happiness and warmth
6. 桃園安養義診 Free clinic at disabled center
7. 海外尋根返花(一) Overseas volunteers visit heartland
8. 海外尋根訪花(二) Malaysian volunteers visit Hualien
9. 1122歷史的今天 On this day, 22 November
10. 科學的一百堂課:稻米育種病蟲 Rice breeding in the blood
END: 深圳靜思展
《 靜思語 》

A life in constant pursuit of leisure is an empty life.
《 衲履足跡 》

Good Seeds
When Tzu Chi"s Marikina Educational Recycling Center began operating, it allowed seeds of goodness to take root in the Philippines. On the opening day, local residents, officials, people of different faiths, all came together, sharing the same vision. Inspiring goodness with compassion and praying together can ease disasters.


