2011年12月30日 星期五
DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines_ 20111230
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
Food for Typhoon Washi victims
Exclusive footage from N Korea
New LED lights for disaster relief
Coming up in today”s show, Typhoon Washi victims in the Philippines can finally put food on their tables with Tzu Chi”s distribution of rice.
We bring you never seen before footage taken during a Tzu Chi aid distribution in North Korea when the death of its leader, Kim Jung-il was announced nationwide.
And later, we take a look at Tzu Chi”s latest innovation-- a solar LED lighting system that will come in handy on disaster relief missions.
1.菲發放第一天 1st day of relief on Mindanao
2.前黃鎮發放 Relief supplies for Quanzhou residents
3.泉州第一顆種子 Quanzhou aid distribution a success
4.易縣特殊發放 Tzu Chi visits education center in Hebei
5.常熟歲末祝福 Year end blessing ceremonies
6.蘇州醫療個案 New ear, new hope
7.1227北朝鮮(2)幕後觀察 Mourning interrupts afternoon distribution
8.★1230歷史的今天 On this day, the 30th of December
9.太陽能路燈 New Tzu Chi relief gadget
1.菲發放第一天 1st day of relief on Mindanao
In the Philippines” Mindanao, Tzu Chi began large-scale post-Washi disaster relief distributions on Wednesday, December 28th. Due to the sudden increase in the number of people in need of assistance, volunteers now plan to hold eight distributions in three days. As the shipment of supplies was delayed, on Wednesday, rice from Taiwan was first handed out to 3,000 families in Cagayan de Oro.
慈濟在菲律賓民答那峨島上,為瓦西風災的災民舉辦的大型發放,從星期三 12月28號開始,由於發放人數超過預期,志工決定展開三天八場發放,又因為所有物資沒有如預期抵達,星期三只好先發放來自台灣的大米,幫助卡加延德奧羅市的三千戶人家。
2.前黃鎮發放 Relief supplies for Quanzhou residents
As part of Tzu Chi”s annual winter aid distribution in China, on Tuesday, Tzu Chi volunteers in Fujian Province visited seniors and underprivileged families in Quanzhou”s Qianhuang Town with winter supplies. Volunteers also made personal deliveries to those who could not attend the event.
3.泉州第一顆種子 Quanzhou aid distribution a success
Staying in Quanzhou, on Wednesday, volunteers traveled to the districts of Licheng, Fengze, and Luojiang (鯉城、豐澤、洛江) to deliver supplies to 4,300 households. The organizer of this year”s distribution is Liu Tianchuan (劉田川) , who is a local volunteer from Quanzhou. Thanks to his hard work and commitment to the Tzu Chi cause, the distributions were a resounding success. Also attending were members of the media, who tried their hand at volunteering for the day and came away feeling extremely rewarded by the experience.
《 靜思語 》
To love our planet is to love all living beings.
4.易縣特殊發放 Tzu Chi visits education center in Hebei
Tzu Chi volunteers from China”s Hebei Province recently traveled to Yi County”s special education center, where they delivered winter goods to the school”s students. As the school is still under construction and funds are limited, volunteers also brought along food and daily necessities, thereby helping the students get a nutritious and filling lunch.
5.常熟歲末祝福 Year end blessing ceremonies
Tzu Chi”s year-end blessing ceremonies are currently taking place throughout China. Next up, we follow volunteers and Jing Si Abode nuns from Taiwan, to their first stop at Changshou, in Jiangsu Province, where six ceremonies have been planned.
6.蘇州醫療個案 New ear, new hope
With China”s growing wealth gap, countless people who are struggling to get by often choose to ignore their illness. To help find a solution to break the cycle of poverty and sickness, Tzu Chi volunteers in Suzhou are currently working on the construction of a community health center that will offer health consultations. In our next report, we meet one disadvantaged family whose child was born hard of hearing but had little money to seek out the best medical care. Thankfully, the Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan, and a local children”s hospital came together to give the young patient a cochlear implant, bringing hope to a once desperate family.
《 衲履足跡 》On Educating the Wealthy 談教富濟貧
You are most blessed and happy when you have the ability to help those in need. Happiness cannot be bought with money.
There is a fine line between wanting to give and waiting for help. If we change our perspective and attitude, we will be able to give our love to the needy.
7.1227北朝鮮(2)幕後觀察 Mourning interrupts afternoon distribution
North Korean leader Kim Jung-il died on December 17. When his death was announced to the world on December 19, the only footage of the public”s reaction to the news came from the official North Korean media. In our next story, we bring you exclusive pictures taken by a Da Ai TV news crew, who were filming Tzu Chi”s aid distribution in North Korea, when the announcement was made.
8.★1230歷史的今天 On this day, the 30th of December
1944 Farewell Rolland
French novelist Romain Rolland produced acclaimed works such as Life of Beethoven and Life of Michelangelo. The gifted author spent eight years writing his masterpiece, Jean Christophe, which won him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1915. Greatly respecting India”s spiritual leader, Mahatma Gandhi, Rolland authored his biography, and the two became friends and regular correspondents. On this day in 1944, Rolland passed away at the age of 78.
1969 Marcos reelected
Inaugurated on this day in 1969 as the ninth president of the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos was the first Filipino president to win a second term. The inauguration ceremony, which involved a military review, was attended by representatives from more than 40 countries, including US vice president, Spiro Theodore Agnew. The Filipino dictator ruled the country for 21 years.
1999 Millennium bug
The approach of the new millennium presented a problem for computers that abbreviated the four-digit year to two digits. Experts feared that the rollover from 1999 to 2000 would cause errors in computer programs that could lead to malfunctioning in the aviation and banking industries. International Y2K Cooperation Centers were set up to minimize the date error effect. Fortunately, no significant computer failures occurred.
2001 Hope for quake-damaged schools
The 1999 Taiwan earthquake caused severe damage to Zhongliao(中寮) Junior High School in Nantou County. The Tzu Chi Foundation commissioned Taiwan”s famed architect Yao Renxi(姚仁喜) to rebuild the school. The new school opened on this day in 2001. On the same day of the next year, Dongshi(東勢) Elementary School also reopened.
2003 Filipino club foot case
Two Filipino girls who had congenital club foot both had corrective surgery at Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan. The girls recovered well, and were discharged on this day in 2003, after which the hospital arranged accommodation for them that offered a suitable environment for their rehabilitation and recovery. The pair returned to the Philippines in February 2004.
1944年,法國大文豪 羅曼羅蘭逝世,法國大文豪 羅曼羅蘭創作< 貝多芬 > < 米開朗基羅 >等英雄傳記,後來以八年時間完成長篇小說< 約翰克里斯朵夫 >,在1915年獲頒諾貝爾文學獎,羅蘭十分敬重印度聖雄甘地,也成為彼此定期書信往來的好友,羅蘭在1944年這天過世,享壽七十八歲。
1999年,迎接Y2K千禧蟲危機,千禧年到來,威脅所有將4位數年份改為兩位數的電腦程式,專家擔憂 1999年轉2000年時,電腦將會故障,造成像是飛航安全與銀行帳務等資訊的問題,於是紛紛啟動千禧年指揮中心,以確保程式的正確運算,幸好全球都未發生大規模的當機事件。
9.太陽能路燈 New Tzu Chi relief gadget
In order to provide emergency lighting or power, which will greatly enhance Tzu Chi”s disaster relief, especially in poorer parts of the world, the Religious Affairs Department of the Tzu Chi Foundation teamed up with Taiwan”s Industrial Technology Research Institute to produce a solar powered LED lighting systems. We now introduce you to Tzu Chi”s latest relief tool.
It is coming to the years end, and Canada Tzu Chi volunteers in Coquitlam and Montreal organized parties in a nursing home and a hospital respectively, to share some holiday joy with those who cannot spend this festive time with their loved ones. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines_ 20111228
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us.
Readying aid for S Philippines
Rice delivery to North Korea
Miracle trees take root in Haiti
Coming up in today”s show, Filipino volunteers prepare to deliver aid to storm-hit cities in the south of the country.
We bring you footage of Tzu Chi”s latest aid relief mission to North Korea, before it was cut short by the death of Kim Jung-il.
And Tzu Chi”s moringa tree-planting campaign in Haiti takes root, as US volunteers give up their Christmas to help establish a farm near Port au Prince.
1.菲先前抵達 Volunteers arrive at Mindanao
2.福州發放 Winter relief in Fuzhou
3.四川關懷團 Winter aid distribution in Sichuan
4.北朝鮮(1)慈濟發放 Short but sweet
5.馬六甲歲末 Christmas with a difference
6.馬瑪琳愛灑 Tea gatherings introduce Tzu Chi
7.★1228歷史的今天 On this day, the 28th of December
8.海地辣木農場 Planting Miracle Trees for Haiti
9.海地耶誕送禮 A very special Christmas
1.菲先前抵達 Volunteers arrive at Mindanao
We start today”s show in the Philippines, where on Monday, December 26th, 30 Tzu Chi volunteers from Manila arrived in the storm-hit cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan on Mindanao Island, to get ready for the upcoming distributions of the 28th and 29th. On December 16th, when Typhoon Washi struck Mindanao, over 1,000 people were killed, and many more are still missing. Volunteers quickly got to work, conducting a survey of the disaster areas in Iligan.
一開始到菲律賓,12月26號星期一 ,30位菲律賓慈濟志工從馬尼拉進入了民答那峨島上,遭風災重創的卡加延德羅市跟伊里甘市,準備在28號跟29號要進行發放,12月16號瓦西颱風襲擊民答那峨島,造成超過一千人死亡,更多人失蹤,志工抵達後馬上開始行動,再度前往伊里甘市重災區勘災。
2.福州發放 Winter relief in Fuzhou
In China”s Fujian province, Tzu Chi volunteers are continuing their annual winter distributions, recently arriving in the mountains of Fuzhou. In Dahu and Yangli townships, volunteers handed out supplies to 1,049 families. The event was covered by reporters from a local television station.
3.四川關懷團 Winter aid distribution in Sichuan
In Sichuan, volunteers are preparing to make winter warmer for local residents at the distribution this weekend. Since the earthquake three years ago, volunteers from Taiwan inspired many survivors to join Tzu Chi. And this year, the local volunteers are organizing the aid mission.
《 靜思語 》
To humble oneself and engage in recycling work is true elimination of the ego.
4.北朝鮮(1)慈濟發放 Short but sweet
Tzu Chi”s recent aid mission to North Korea started last month, with the first shipment of parboiled rice, cooking oil and milk powder to disaster-hit villagers. This month, volunteers went back, to hand out more rice, to a total of 140,000 households, of over 440,000 people. The mission was cut short by the death of Kim Jung-il. In our next story, we bring you pictures of day-1 of the distribution, which took place before the announcement.
《 衲履足跡 》On Blessings and Kindness 談福與善
The Buddha once said, ”Enter my door and you will not be poor. Remain outside and you will not prosper.” If we do not do good deeds, we will not accumulate blessings.
With the heart to give comes blessings. Regardless of the number of people we help, if we are sincere, we will bring blessings on ourselves.
5.馬六甲歲末 Christmas with a difference
At the year-end blessing ceremony in Malacca, Malaysia, volunteers put on an ambitious performance of the Water Repentance sutra on Christmas Day. A total of 4,000 people came to see the show. Many of the audience were touched by what they saw, and some were even inspired to take action. One man said he would not buy a car with leather seats after watching the play. Among the 530 performers was one Catholic woman, who said she had never spent Christmas surrounded by so many Buddhists.
6.馬瑪琳愛灑 Tea gatherings introduce Tzu Chi
In the run-up to their performance of Water Repentance in Malacca, local Tzu Chi volunteers held a series of tea gatherings, to introduce the public to the organization, and encourage residents to join the sign-language and musical production of the Buddhist sutra. Volunteers in the Malim neighborhood held eight tea parties, and managed to sign up 36 people to join the show. The new recruits also agreed to volunteer their time to do environmental and charity work.
7. ★1228歷史的今天 On this day, the 28th of December
1065 Westminster Abbey consecrated
Located in the heart of London, Westminster Abbey was consecrated on this day in 1065. The gothic cathedral, where British royalty are crowned, is also the resting place of famous people, including Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, Isaac Newton and Winston Churchill. Westminster Abbey was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.
1923 Farewell Gustave Eiffel
Engineer Gustave Eiffel was the designer of the Eiffel Tower, an iron lattice structure built as the entrance to the Universal Exposition of 1889. The tower is the tallest structure in Paris, and is also one of the most famous landmarks in the world. Gustave Eiffel passed away on this day in 1923, at the age of 91.
1992 Mongolia winter aid
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, its financial aid to Mongolia stopped, bringing on food shortages and recession. After a request by the Red Cross in Mongolia, Tzu Chi conducted two surveys, before launching an aid relief program. On this day in 1992, a group of Tzu Chi volunteers delivered winter clothes, blankets and milk powder from Taiwan into the hands of Mongolian people. It was Tzu Chi”s first international aid effort carried out by volunteers.
2002 Free clinics in Nanzhuang
Donghe(東河) indigenous community in Nanzhuang(南庄) Township, of Miaoli County, Taiwan, is a remote settlement with little access to healthcare. On this day in 2002, Central Taiwan TIMA held a free health clinic at Donghe(東河) Elementary School. It was the first of what would become monthly healthcare events for the next seven years. In 2009, regular house calls - which included physiotherapy sessions - replaced the free clinic.
2004 Clean water for storm victims
Invented by Tzu Chi volunteers, a mini water purification plant in a 20 foot container arrived from Taiwan in typhoon battered Real Town, in the Philippines” Luzon Island. The treatment system needed only a few hours to produce clean water, which was put through tests to ensure its safety. Beginning this day in 2004, Tzu Chi provided drinking water to storm victims who were living without water or electricity.
8.海地辣木農場 Planting Miracle Trees for Haiti
In Haiti, Tzu Chi is encouraging residents to plant the Moringa, or Miracle Tree, as it is also known. The tree could help solve the food shortage problem in the country. Recently, five US volunteers sacrificed their Christmas holidays, and flew the quake-hit Caribbean country, to help local volunteers establish their first ever Moringa Great Love Farm. The team chose the nearby area of Silbert, near Port au Prince, as the location for the farm, so volunteers from the capital could easily make the trip to the plantation.
9.海地耶誕送禮 A very special Christmas
In addition to their work at the Moringa Great Love Farm in Silbert, Tzu Chi volunteers also took some time to visit a nearby orphanage, as well as the prefabricated community of Neuve, which they set up in June. For both visiting and local volunteers the events of the day made it a very special Christmas.
Finally today, a group of young volunteers in Philippines went out carol singing for Christmas, to raise money for poor school students. Their repertoire included a Taiwanese song. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
Readying aid for S Philippines
Rice delivery to North Korea
Miracle trees take root in Haiti
Coming up in today”s show, Filipino volunteers prepare to deliver aid to storm-hit cities in the south of the country.
We bring you footage of Tzu Chi”s latest aid relief mission to North Korea, before it was cut short by the death of Kim Jung-il.
And Tzu Chi”s moringa tree-planting campaign in Haiti takes root, as US volunteers give up their Christmas to help establish a farm near Port au Prince.
1.菲先前抵達 Volunteers arrive at Mindanao
2.福州發放 Winter relief in Fuzhou
3.四川關懷團 Winter aid distribution in Sichuan
4.北朝鮮(1)慈濟發放 Short but sweet
5.馬六甲歲末 Christmas with a difference
6.馬瑪琳愛灑 Tea gatherings introduce Tzu Chi
7.★1228歷史的今天 On this day, the 28th of December
8.海地辣木農場 Planting Miracle Trees for Haiti
9.海地耶誕送禮 A very special Christmas
1.菲先前抵達 Volunteers arrive at Mindanao
We start today”s show in the Philippines, where on Monday, December 26th, 30 Tzu Chi volunteers from Manila arrived in the storm-hit cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan on Mindanao Island, to get ready for the upcoming distributions of the 28th and 29th. On December 16th, when Typhoon Washi struck Mindanao, over 1,000 people were killed, and many more are still missing. Volunteers quickly got to work, conducting a survey of the disaster areas in Iligan.
一開始到菲律賓,12月26號星期一 ,30位菲律賓慈濟志工從馬尼拉進入了民答那峨島上,遭風災重創的卡加延德羅市跟伊里甘市,準備在28號跟29號要進行發放,12月16號瓦西颱風襲擊民答那峨島,造成超過一千人死亡,更多人失蹤,志工抵達後馬上開始行動,再度前往伊里甘市重災區勘災。
2.福州發放 Winter relief in Fuzhou
In China”s Fujian province, Tzu Chi volunteers are continuing their annual winter distributions, recently arriving in the mountains of Fuzhou. In Dahu and Yangli townships, volunteers handed out supplies to 1,049 families. The event was covered by reporters from a local television station.
3.四川關懷團 Winter aid distribution in Sichuan
In Sichuan, volunteers are preparing to make winter warmer for local residents at the distribution this weekend. Since the earthquake three years ago, volunteers from Taiwan inspired many survivors to join Tzu Chi. And this year, the local volunteers are organizing the aid mission.
《 靜思語 》
To humble oneself and engage in recycling work is true elimination of the ego.
4.北朝鮮(1)慈濟發放 Short but sweet
Tzu Chi”s recent aid mission to North Korea started last month, with the first shipment of parboiled rice, cooking oil and milk powder to disaster-hit villagers. This month, volunteers went back, to hand out more rice, to a total of 140,000 households, of over 440,000 people. The mission was cut short by the death of Kim Jung-il. In our next story, we bring you pictures of day-1 of the distribution, which took place before the announcement.
《 衲履足跡 》On Blessings and Kindness 談福與善
The Buddha once said, ”Enter my door and you will not be poor. Remain outside and you will not prosper.” If we do not do good deeds, we will not accumulate blessings.
With the heart to give comes blessings. Regardless of the number of people we help, if we are sincere, we will bring blessings on ourselves.
5.馬六甲歲末 Christmas with a difference
At the year-end blessing ceremony in Malacca, Malaysia, volunteers put on an ambitious performance of the Water Repentance sutra on Christmas Day. A total of 4,000 people came to see the show. Many of the audience were touched by what they saw, and some were even inspired to take action. One man said he would not buy a car with leather seats after watching the play. Among the 530 performers was one Catholic woman, who said she had never spent Christmas surrounded by so many Buddhists.
6.馬瑪琳愛灑 Tea gatherings introduce Tzu Chi
In the run-up to their performance of Water Repentance in Malacca, local Tzu Chi volunteers held a series of tea gatherings, to introduce the public to the organization, and encourage residents to join the sign-language and musical production of the Buddhist sutra. Volunteers in the Malim neighborhood held eight tea parties, and managed to sign up 36 people to join the show. The new recruits also agreed to volunteer their time to do environmental and charity work.
7. ★1228歷史的今天 On this day, the 28th of December
1065 Westminster Abbey consecrated
Located in the heart of London, Westminster Abbey was consecrated on this day in 1065. The gothic cathedral, where British royalty are crowned, is also the resting place of famous people, including Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, Isaac Newton and Winston Churchill. Westminster Abbey was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.
1923 Farewell Gustave Eiffel
Engineer Gustave Eiffel was the designer of the Eiffel Tower, an iron lattice structure built as the entrance to the Universal Exposition of 1889. The tower is the tallest structure in Paris, and is also one of the most famous landmarks in the world. Gustave Eiffel passed away on this day in 1923, at the age of 91.
1992 Mongolia winter aid
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, its financial aid to Mongolia stopped, bringing on food shortages and recession. After a request by the Red Cross in Mongolia, Tzu Chi conducted two surveys, before launching an aid relief program. On this day in 1992, a group of Tzu Chi volunteers delivered winter clothes, blankets and milk powder from Taiwan into the hands of Mongolian people. It was Tzu Chi”s first international aid effort carried out by volunteers.
2002 Free clinics in Nanzhuang
Donghe(東河) indigenous community in Nanzhuang(南庄) Township, of Miaoli County, Taiwan, is a remote settlement with little access to healthcare. On this day in 2002, Central Taiwan TIMA held a free health clinic at Donghe(東河) Elementary School. It was the first of what would become monthly healthcare events for the next seven years. In 2009, regular house calls - which included physiotherapy sessions - replaced the free clinic.
2004 Clean water for storm victims
Invented by Tzu Chi volunteers, a mini water purification plant in a 20 foot container arrived from Taiwan in typhoon battered Real Town, in the Philippines” Luzon Island. The treatment system needed only a few hours to produce clean water, which was put through tests to ensure its safety. Beginning this day in 2004, Tzu Chi provided drinking water to storm victims who were living without water or electricity.
8.海地辣木農場 Planting Miracle Trees for Haiti
In Haiti, Tzu Chi is encouraging residents to plant the Moringa, or Miracle Tree, as it is also known. The tree could help solve the food shortage problem in the country. Recently, five US volunteers sacrificed their Christmas holidays, and flew the quake-hit Caribbean country, to help local volunteers establish their first ever Moringa Great Love Farm. The team chose the nearby area of Silbert, near Port au Prince, as the location for the farm, so volunteers from the capital could easily make the trip to the plantation.
9.海地耶誕送禮 A very special Christmas
In addition to their work at the Moringa Great Love Farm in Silbert, Tzu Chi volunteers also took some time to visit a nearby orphanage, as well as the prefabricated community of Neuve, which they set up in June. For both visiting and local volunteers the events of the day made it a very special Christmas.
Finally today, a group of young volunteers in Philippines went out carol singing for Christmas, to raise money for poor school students. Their repertoire included a Taiwanese song. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2011年12月29日 星期四
DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines_ 20111229
S Philippines aid underway
Winter aid in North Korea
China distributions go on
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show today, distributions to storm victims in the Philippines begin, despite delays and an increase in the estimated number of people in need.
●We continue our series of reports from North Korea, with a rare visit to a village, to meet some of the recipients of Tzu Chi”s winter aid.
●And Tzu Chi”s winter distributions in China pick up pace, as volunteers deliver aid into the hands of villagers, making lasting friendships along the way.
1.菲發放準備 Philippines Distributions begin
2.菲風災募款 Philippines Supporting post-Washi relief
3.佛統府以工代賑 ThailandRelief work in Kalahome
4.涵灑村環保日 ThailandRecycling day in Hunsa
5.1227北朝鮮(2)幕後觀察 North KoreaCrossing barriers
6.1229歷史的今天 On this day, the 29th of December
7.大陸冬令造冊ChinaPreparing for winter distributions
8.泉州發放 ChinaQuanzhou winter aid
9.海南冬令發放 ChinaWinter aid distribution in Hainan
1.菲發放準備 Philippines Distributions begin
We start today in the Philippines, where in Mindanao, volunteers started relief distributions, in the storm-hit cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan, on Wednesday. Due to the extensive destruction, caused by Typhoon Washi, the estimated number of people in need of help has dramatically increased. That need was compounded by a delay in the arrival of supplies, which forced volunteers to make changes in their distribution plans. Before the hand-out began, the volunteers also visited some temporary shelters, to pass vouchers to victims.
2.菲風災募款 Philippines Supporting post-Washi relief
To give families in Mindanao hope, Tzu Chi volunteers in the Philippines are raising money in whichever way they can. In Metro Manila, Tzu Chings sang Christmas carols, at a fundraiser at Quezon City Sports Club; and other volunteers hit the streets, to collect money from passersby.
3.佛統府以工代賑 ThailandRelief work in Kalahome
Tzu Chi”s relief-work program was first implemented in disaster areas of Manila, which were hit by Typhoon Ketsana, in 2009. In the scheme, residents were paid to clean up their neighborhoods. After successfully reproducing the program in Hunsa village, of Bangkok, volunteers in Thailand introduced the program in the Kalahome community.
4.涵灑村環保日 ThailandRecycling day in Hunsa
After experiencing the full force of nature, residents in the Hunsa neighborhood of Bangkok are also ready to embrace recycling. Having survived one of the worst floods to ever hit the nation, the residents fully understand how the climate is changing, due to global warming.
《 靜思語 》
The goal of recycling waste is to encourage and teach everyone how to cherish blessings.
5.1227北朝鮮(2)幕後觀察 North KoreaCrossing barriers
North Korea”s Kim Jung-il was buried in Pyongyang yesterday, with tens of thousands of mourners lining the streets. The untimely death of the ”dear leader” cut short Tzu Chi”s latest distribution of aid, to the disaster-hit country. Before the announcement was made, there were happier scenes, as volunteers handed out food, to hungry villagers.
6.1229歷史的今天 On this day, the 29th of December
1940 Battle of Britain
During World War II, the German Air Force waged a campaign against Britain that lasted from July to December 1940. Every day, some 500 aircraft bombed major British cities, destroying countless buildings and infrastructure. Along with Germany”s Berlin and China”s Chongqing, London was one of the three most severely damaged cities in World War II.
1999 TC Nursing College upgraded
In 1999, ten years into its establishment, the Tzu Chi Junior College of Nursing was upgraded to a two-year technical college by Taiwan”s Ministry of Education. On this day of the same year, Master Cheng Yen hosted the inauguration ceremony of the new college, which would become a cradle of nursing in Eastern Taiwan.
2005 Bone marrow across borders
27-year-old Vietnamese doctor Huang Qingjun(¶À²M«T), who contracted acute myeloid leukemia, found a lifesaving bone marrow match through the Tzu Chi Stem Cell Center. The physician underwent transplant surgery at National Taiwan University Hospital, and was discharged on this day in 2005. Huang was Taiwan”s first international bone marrow transplant case involving an unrelated donor. During his nine months in Taiwan, Tzu Chi provided Huang with care and accommodation. Upon his return to Vietnam, Huang joined TIMA and actively promoted bone marrow donation
1940年 倫敦大轟炸 不列顛戰役
1999年 慈濟護專升格 東部護理搖籃
2005年 跨國骨髓移植 全台成功首例
二十七歲的越南醫師黃清俊,罹患急性骨髓性白血病,透過慈濟骨髓幹細胞中心,順利配對成功,到台大醫院接受骨髓移植手術,2005年這天出院,是台灣首例 跨國合作的非親屬骨髓移植手術,黃清俊在台灣的九個月期間,都是住在慈濟志工家裡,由志工照料生活,康復後成為慈濟人醫會志工,積極推廣骨髓移植,也加入義診行列。
《 衲履足跡 》談心如工畫師 On Spiritual Mentors
Every Tzu Chi volunteer is a spiritual mentor who spreads the seeds of Great Love.
Volunteers uncover the unsightly and poor side of life, and paint it with colors; bringing hope and creating a beautiful picture for themselves and others.
7.大陸冬令造冊ChinaPreparing for winter distributions
In China, Tzu Chi”s annual winter relief distributions have already begun, in some of the 13 provinces scheduled to receive aid. In Fujian”s Xiamen, some 400 local volunteers underwent training in their communities, so they will be ready when their turn comes. Meanwhile, in Guangdong”s Shenzhen, volunteers quickly compiled a distribution register, for five provinces.
在中國,慈濟一年一度的冬令發放,陸續在十三個省分展開,在福建廈門 約400位,參與發放的當地志工,參與社區的訓練課程,了解工作內容;而在廣東深圳,志工是快馬加鞭,為五個省分的冬令發放造冊。
8.泉州發放 ChinaQuanzhou winter aid
Poor residents in China”s Quanzhou will also have a happier new year, thanks to timely winter aid from Tzu Chi. Volunteers split into seven teams, to hand out supplies to 5,996 households, of 7,112 people. One of the locations was a monastery. Because the nuns did not have a car, the volunteers thoughtfully drove the heavy supplies to the temple. And, one boss of an architecture company, brought along his staff, to help out at another distribution site.
福建泉州市泉港區的慈濟冬令發放,也充滿歡樂的氣氛,發放團隊,分成七個動線,總計發放了5996戶 7112人,其中一個發放現場是寺院,因為前來領取物資的法師,經濟窘困沒有車子運送物資,志工貼心幫忙將物資送到寺院,發放現場還有建築公司老闆,帶著全部員工來做愛心,用行動助人。
9.海南冬令發放 ChinaWinter aid distribution in Hainan
Tzu Chi completed a winter aid-distribution on Hainan Island last weekend. The Chinese island was ravaged by two typhoons in October, which brought down torrential rainfall, and mudslides, that affected over a million people. The annual harvest was also hit hard, as a result of the subsequent flooding. (CG)After some assessment work, Tzu Chi decided to hold distributions, in three of the most needy towns. A total of 4,957 people, from 3,778 households, each received a 30kg bag of rice, 2.5 liters of cooking oil, and other daily essentials.
慈濟在上周末於大陸海南島,完成了冬令發放,今年十月,海南島接連遭受兩個秋颱肆虐,出現罕見的特大暴雨,引發土石流,造成一百萬人受災,加上澇患造成稻米收成減少,經過基金會評估,慈濟決定在最貧困的縣市進行發放,發放現場幫助3778戶 4957人,各個領取到30公斤大米、2.5公升的油及生活物資,讓我們一起來看看。
Finally today, at a training camp for Tzu Chi collegiate youths, studying overseas in the United Kingdom, 16 university students were joined by 11 senior volunteers. The group brought some festive cheer to an old-aged people”s home. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2011年12月27日 星期二
DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines_ 20111227
< Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us. >
< Typhoon Washi relief continues >
< Year-end blessings in Suzhou >
< 2011 Int”l Tzu Chi Officer Camp >
In the Philippines, supplies are being sent to Mindanao where Tzu Chi will soon be holding large scale distributions to help 9,000 families who were affected by Typhoon Washi. Having served in China”s Suzhou for eight years, Tzu Chi”s annual year-end blessings in the city continue to grow in size as more locals join as volunteers. And, attended by some 1,300 young people from 12 countries, the 2011 International Tzu Ching Officer Camp comes to a succession conclusion in Hualien, Taiwan.
在菲律賓,物資已經抵達民答那峨島,慈濟將盡快舉辦大型發放,預計幫助9千戶受瓦西颱風重創的民眾;慈濟在中國蘇州耕耘八年了,今年的歲末祝福中,持續人間菩薩大招生;來自12個國家 1300位慈青,參與2011全球慈青日,在台灣花蓮圓滿落幕。
1.1225菲慈濟 Post Washi relief progress
2.賴索托發放 Bringing Christmas presents
3.蘇州歲末祝福 Year-end in Suzhou
4.蘇州計永剛 Prosthesis patient & Tzu Chi
5.福州歲末 Three”s not a crowd
6.全球慈青日圓緣 2011 Int”l Tzu Ching Officer Camp
7.全球慈青會務(一) Inspiration at Tzu Ching meeting Ta
8.菩提種子(5)王東安 Tzu Ching for life9.
9.★1227歷史的今天 On this day, the 27th of December.
10.感恩環保耶誕 A green Christmas
1.1225菲慈濟 Post Washi relief progress
Typhoon Washi caused devastation on the Philippines” Mindanao Island. On December 22nd, Tzu Chi held the first of two relief distribution in Cagayan de Oro City, benefitting 811 families. On the 28th, large scale distributions are planned for Cagayan de Oro and Iligan, which will help a total of 9,000 families. As the relief register is still being compiled, on Monday, volunteers already began handing out distribution vouchers to let residents know that Tzu Chi is coming.
2.賴索托發放 Bringing Christmas presents
In Lesotho, the landlocked country inside South Africa, Tzu Chi volunteers regularly provide relief supplies to 31 families. For Christmas, volunteers prepared extra items, such as rice, sugar, salt, juice, lollies and biscuits, so that the residents could also enjoy the festive celebration.
《 靜思語 》
To have a pure heart, we need to protect both our inner and outer environment. Cherish the resources on our planet and take good care of the resources in our own life.
3.蘇州歲末祝福 Year-end in Suzhou
We now take you to Suzhou, China where the local Tzu Chi office held four year-end blessing ceremonies at the Suzhou Jing Si Books and Cafe. Dharma Masters from Hualien”s Jing Si Abode joined the celebrations by leading everyone in reflecting on this year and preparing for the New Year ahead.
4.蘇州計永剛 Prosthesis patient & Tzu Chi
As we just saw in our last report, Tzu Chi care recipient Ji Yonggang (計永剛) was one of the participants at Tzu Chi”s year-end blessing ceremonies in Suzhou, China. Although only 16, following a malignant tumor, Ji Yonggong had his left leg amputated up to the hip. Recently fitted with a prosthetic leg, Yonggang joined volunteers at the ceremony as a way to show his gratitude for the care and encouragement they gave him while he was in the hospital.
剛剛的報導中,計永剛是蘇州的歲末祝福現場,其中一位慈濟的照顧戶,一位才十六歲的大男孩 計永剛,因為惡性腫瘤,左腿從髖骨以下完全截肢,才裝上新的義肢,還在磨合適應的階段,卻願意來參加歲末祝福,是因為手術住院期間,志工的關心問候,鼓勵他勇敢面對。
5.福州歲末 Three”s not a crowd
Staying in China, at Tzu Chi”s year end blessing ceremony in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, Tzu Chi volunteer Lin Bi (林碧) had a story of loss and happiness to share. Lin Bi lost her beloved husband to a brain hemorrhage in July of this year, which stripped her of her faith in life. Lin”s friends in Tzu Chi offered her constant support, and their company reassured her that there is still plenty of love to be treasured in life. She regained the strength to go on, and now takes great delight in volunteering with her son and her daughter-in-law.
《 衲履足跡 》On Education 談教育
Education provides the knowledge and skills to train talented people in all professions. However, if education is elitist, children will become selfish and self-serving.
The school system should nurture society”s outstanding individuals to put their knowledge to good use for the benefit of society.
6.全球慈青日圓緣 2011 Int”l Tzu Ching Officer Camp
The Tzu Ching youth volunteer program is in its 20th year. In Hualien, Taiwan, the two-day 2011 International Tzu Ching Officer Camp came to a succession conclusion on Sunday. Having enriched themselves in the Tzu Chi spirit, the some 1,300 Tzu Chi Collegiate Youths from 12 countries returned home to carry on their good work.
7.全球慈青會務(一) Inspiration at Tzu Ching meeting Ta
There were some inspiring presentations from Tzu Chings from all over the world, at the 2011 International Tzu Ching Officer Camp, in Hualien over the weekend. In our next story, we bring you some highlights of the conferences, with speeches from collegiate volunteers from Malaysia and Singapore.
8.菩提種子(5)王東安 Tzu Ching for life
When Wang Dongan was a lonely PhD student in the United States, Tzu Ching helped bring him out of the school laboratory and into society. Back in Taiwan, he started teaching at Chung Hsing University, where for the last six years, he has helped run the college Tzu Ching club. The professor says, he learns more from volunteering than he can teach his students.
王東安在美國念博士班,因為慈濟,幫助他走出實驗室與社會接觸,回到台灣後,在中興大學任教,六年來,在學校帶著領慈青同學,教授說,做志工比教學 學習到更多。
9.★1227歷史的今天 On this day, the 27th of December.
1822 Father of Microbiology
Born on this day in 1822, French scientist Louis Pasteur, one of the main founders of microbiology, discovered the link between germs and contagious diseases. He invented pasteurization, which inhibits the growth of microorganisms in food, and also contributed to the development of vaccines for rabies and anthrax.
1949 Dutch rule ends in Indonesia
On this day in 1949, Queen Juliana of the Netherlands signed papers to end three centuries of Dutch colonial rule over Indonesia, and returned sovereignty to the South East Asian country. Independence activist Sukarno was elected as Indonesia”s first president.
1987 Last Liberty Lottery
Taiwan”s ”Liberty Lottery” was set up in 1950 to increase tax revenues, but lotto mania inadvertently spawned an illegal lottery called ”Dajiale”, which means, ”Everybody Happy”. In an effort to bring an end the underground gambling industry, on this day in 1987, Taiwan issued the last Liberty Lottery.
2002 Rebirth of Qiaorong Elementary
Qiaorong(僑榮) Elementary School, in Wufeng (霧峰) District, in Taichung, Taiwan, was severely damaged in the 1999 earthquake. As the school was situated on a fault line, quake proofing was the most important factor to consider in its reconstruction. The Tzu Chi Foundation sponsored the rebuilding of Qiaorong, and made sure that all the buildings were fortified with steel reinforced concrete. The new school opened on this day in 2002.
10.感恩環保耶誕 A green Christmas
Although there was no white Christmas in Taiwan, the arrival of a cold front made the weather chilly even without the snow. Regardless of the cold spell, people were in the holiday mood, and in Taoyuan, a green fashion show, hosted by Da Ai Technology, attracted a huge crowd, who came to see the environmentally friendly clothes, and a white Christmas tree built from more than 100 plastic bottles.
At the school festival hosted by Renmei Elementary of Taiwan”s Kaohsiung, Tzu Chi volunteers were present to promote vegetarianism. Through interactive games, children learned about the benefits of eating vegetables, while cooking lessons taught adults how to make delicious and healthy meals. We join the festival at the end of today”s program. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
< Typhoon Washi relief continues >
< Year-end blessings in Suzhou >
< 2011 Int”l Tzu Chi Officer Camp >
In the Philippines, supplies are being sent to Mindanao where Tzu Chi will soon be holding large scale distributions to help 9,000 families who were affected by Typhoon Washi. Having served in China”s Suzhou for eight years, Tzu Chi”s annual year-end blessings in the city continue to grow in size as more locals join as volunteers. And, attended by some 1,300 young people from 12 countries, the 2011 International Tzu Ching Officer Camp comes to a succession conclusion in Hualien, Taiwan.
在菲律賓,物資已經抵達民答那峨島,慈濟將盡快舉辦大型發放,預計幫助9千戶受瓦西颱風重創的民眾;慈濟在中國蘇州耕耘八年了,今年的歲末祝福中,持續人間菩薩大招生;來自12個國家 1300位慈青,參與2011全球慈青日,在台灣花蓮圓滿落幕。
1.1225菲慈濟 Post Washi relief progress
2.賴索托發放 Bringing Christmas presents
3.蘇州歲末祝福 Year-end in Suzhou
4.蘇州計永剛 Prosthesis patient & Tzu Chi
5.福州歲末 Three”s not a crowd
6.全球慈青日圓緣 2011 Int”l Tzu Ching Officer Camp
7.全球慈青會務(一) Inspiration at Tzu Ching meeting Ta
8.菩提種子(5)王東安 Tzu Ching for life9.
9.★1227歷史的今天 On this day, the 27th of December.
10.感恩環保耶誕 A green Christmas
1.1225菲慈濟 Post Washi relief progress
Typhoon Washi caused devastation on the Philippines” Mindanao Island. On December 22nd, Tzu Chi held the first of two relief distribution in Cagayan de Oro City, benefitting 811 families. On the 28th, large scale distributions are planned for Cagayan de Oro and Iligan, which will help a total of 9,000 families. As the relief register is still being compiled, on Monday, volunteers already began handing out distribution vouchers to let residents know that Tzu Chi is coming.
2.賴索托發放 Bringing Christmas presents
In Lesotho, the landlocked country inside South Africa, Tzu Chi volunteers regularly provide relief supplies to 31 families. For Christmas, volunteers prepared extra items, such as rice, sugar, salt, juice, lollies and biscuits, so that the residents could also enjoy the festive celebration.
《 靜思語 》
To have a pure heart, we need to protect both our inner and outer environment. Cherish the resources on our planet and take good care of the resources in our own life.
3.蘇州歲末祝福 Year-end in Suzhou
We now take you to Suzhou, China where the local Tzu Chi office held four year-end blessing ceremonies at the Suzhou Jing Si Books and Cafe. Dharma Masters from Hualien”s Jing Si Abode joined the celebrations by leading everyone in reflecting on this year and preparing for the New Year ahead.
4.蘇州計永剛 Prosthesis patient & Tzu Chi
As we just saw in our last report, Tzu Chi care recipient Ji Yonggang (計永剛) was one of the participants at Tzu Chi”s year-end blessing ceremonies in Suzhou, China. Although only 16, following a malignant tumor, Ji Yonggong had his left leg amputated up to the hip. Recently fitted with a prosthetic leg, Yonggang joined volunteers at the ceremony as a way to show his gratitude for the care and encouragement they gave him while he was in the hospital.
剛剛的報導中,計永剛是蘇州的歲末祝福現場,其中一位慈濟的照顧戶,一位才十六歲的大男孩 計永剛,因為惡性腫瘤,左腿從髖骨以下完全截肢,才裝上新的義肢,還在磨合適應的階段,卻願意來參加歲末祝福,是因為手術住院期間,志工的關心問候,鼓勵他勇敢面對。
5.福州歲末 Three”s not a crowd
Staying in China, at Tzu Chi”s year end blessing ceremony in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, Tzu Chi volunteer Lin Bi (林碧) had a story of loss and happiness to share. Lin Bi lost her beloved husband to a brain hemorrhage in July of this year, which stripped her of her faith in life. Lin”s friends in Tzu Chi offered her constant support, and their company reassured her that there is still plenty of love to be treasured in life. She regained the strength to go on, and now takes great delight in volunteering with her son and her daughter-in-law.
《 衲履足跡 》On Education 談教育
Education provides the knowledge and skills to train talented people in all professions. However, if education is elitist, children will become selfish and self-serving.
The school system should nurture society”s outstanding individuals to put their knowledge to good use for the benefit of society.
6.全球慈青日圓緣 2011 Int”l Tzu Ching Officer Camp
The Tzu Ching youth volunteer program is in its 20th year. In Hualien, Taiwan, the two-day 2011 International Tzu Ching Officer Camp came to a succession conclusion on Sunday. Having enriched themselves in the Tzu Chi spirit, the some 1,300 Tzu Chi Collegiate Youths from 12 countries returned home to carry on their good work.
7.全球慈青會務(一) Inspiration at Tzu Ching meeting Ta
There were some inspiring presentations from Tzu Chings from all over the world, at the 2011 International Tzu Ching Officer Camp, in Hualien over the weekend. In our next story, we bring you some highlights of the conferences, with speeches from collegiate volunteers from Malaysia and Singapore.
8.菩提種子(5)王東安 Tzu Ching for life
When Wang Dongan was a lonely PhD student in the United States, Tzu Ching helped bring him out of the school laboratory and into society. Back in Taiwan, he started teaching at Chung Hsing University, where for the last six years, he has helped run the college Tzu Ching club. The professor says, he learns more from volunteering than he can teach his students.
王東安在美國念博士班,因為慈濟,幫助他走出實驗室與社會接觸,回到台灣後,在中興大學任教,六年來,在學校帶著領慈青同學,教授說,做志工比教學 學習到更多。
9.★1227歷史的今天 On this day, the 27th of December.
1822 Father of Microbiology
Born on this day in 1822, French scientist Louis Pasteur, one of the main founders of microbiology, discovered the link between germs and contagious diseases. He invented pasteurization, which inhibits the growth of microorganisms in food, and also contributed to the development of vaccines for rabies and anthrax.
1949 Dutch rule ends in Indonesia
On this day in 1949, Queen Juliana of the Netherlands signed papers to end three centuries of Dutch colonial rule over Indonesia, and returned sovereignty to the South East Asian country. Independence activist Sukarno was elected as Indonesia”s first president.
1987 Last Liberty Lottery
Taiwan”s ”Liberty Lottery” was set up in 1950 to increase tax revenues, but lotto mania inadvertently spawned an illegal lottery called ”Dajiale”, which means, ”Everybody Happy”. In an effort to bring an end the underground gambling industry, on this day in 1987, Taiwan issued the last Liberty Lottery.
2002 Rebirth of Qiaorong Elementary
Qiaorong(僑榮) Elementary School, in Wufeng (霧峰) District, in Taichung, Taiwan, was severely damaged in the 1999 earthquake. As the school was situated on a fault line, quake proofing was the most important factor to consider in its reconstruction. The Tzu Chi Foundation sponsored the rebuilding of Qiaorong, and made sure that all the buildings were fortified with steel reinforced concrete. The new school opened on this day in 2002.
10.感恩環保耶誕 A green Christmas
Although there was no white Christmas in Taiwan, the arrival of a cold front made the weather chilly even without the snow. Regardless of the cold spell, people were in the holiday mood, and in Taoyuan, a green fashion show, hosted by Da Ai Technology, attracted a huge crowd, who came to see the environmentally friendly clothes, and a white Christmas tree built from more than 100 plastic bottles.
At the school festival hosted by Renmei Elementary of Taiwan”s Kaohsiung, Tzu Chi volunteers were present to promote vegetarianism. Through interactive games, children learned about the benefits of eating vegetables, while cooking lessons taught adults how to make delicious and healthy meals. We join the festival at the end of today”s program. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines_ 20111226
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
Silent night, merry night
Unforgettable Boxing Day
Overcoming Parkinson”s
Coming up in the show, Christmas for the homeless in Vancouver, Canada, is made more festive with Tzu Chi”s delivery of warmth and winter essentials.
In our ”On This Day” feature, we revisit the catastrophic tsunami that shattered countless families on Boxing Day, 2006.
And, we meet a Tzu Chi volunteer in Taiwan, who does not let Parkinson”s disease affect her determination to cultivate herself spiritually.
1.加庇護所發放Warming up the night
2.寒流發放打包 Helping Sanchong”s homeless stay warm
3.巴西耶誕發放 Early Christmas in Francisco Morato
4.智利醫院關懷Christmas for young patients
5.★1226歷史的今天 On this day, December 26.
6.南亞海嘯 Life after 2004 South Asian Tsunami
7.菩提種子心(3)吳崇德 ”Naughty egg” turns good
8.歲未楊王金妹 Forgive and forget, Taiwan
9.歲末葉雪霞 The story of Ye Xuexia
1.加庇護所發放Warming up the night
Canada is in the heart of winter, and Tzu Chi volunteers in Vancouver are reaching out to the needy, with winter essentials for the homeless in four of the emergency overnight shelters under the Salvation Army. The volunteers turned the cold night into a memorable party with plenty of songs and laughter.
2.寒流發放打包 Helping Sanchong”s homeless stay warm
Over the Christmas weekend, temperatures in Taiwan plummeted due to a cold front. To help the homeless in New Taipei City stay warm, Tzu Chi volunteers from Sanchong put together 90 care packages to distribute to these often forgotten members of society.
《 靜思語 》
True environmental protection lies in loving the mountains and the oceans and in cherishing everything in this world.
3.巴西耶誕發放 Early Christmas in Francisco Morato
In Brazil, Tzu Chi volunteers from Sao Paulo regularly hold distributions and free clinics in Francisco Morato, a backwater town about 50 minutes drive north of the city. In light of the holiday season, volunteers recently delivered some early Christmas presents to students in need, and also held a Christmas banquet for the students and their parents.
巴西聖保羅的慈濟志工,福仁西斯哥 莫那多,一個離聖保羅北方約50分鐘車程的貧困社區,舉辦發放與義診,由於聖誕節即將到來,志工特替為貧困的學生送來文具,也為學生和他們的家長準備聖誕大餐。
4.智利醫院關懷Christmas for young patients
Staying in South America, the next story takes us to Chile”s capital city, Santiago, to a hospital that provides healthcare to children from poor families. Recently, Tzu Chi volunteers visited with gifts for the young patients, who could not go home for Christmas, and went around each ward with a doctor dressed up as Santa Claus to add some warmth to the festive holiday.
5.★1226歷史的今天 On this day, December 26.
1991 Soviet Union dissolution
After surviving a coup attempt in August 1991, Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev announced his resignation on Christmas and handed over power to Boris Yeltsin. The Soviet Union was formally dissolved on this day in 1991, and replaced by the Russian Federation.
1995 TC Yonghe office
Tzu Chi volunteer Shao Caixia (邵彩霞) and her daughter donated two stories of a building in Yonghe (永和) of the now New Taipei City, to Tzu Chi which later became the local contact point. On this day in 1995, Master Cheng Yen arrived to encourage volunteers to continue promoting recycling and serving their community. As the number of members and volunteers increased, the search began for a bigger office, and the Yonghe office became a retreat center.
2003 Iran Bam Earthquake
On this day in 2003, an earthquake measuring 6.7 magnitude struck Bam in southeast of Iran, causing over 26,000 deaths and 30,000 injuries. Tzu Chi volunteers in Jordon, Turkey and other areas began assessment work, and handed out rice, blankets and other daily necessities to disaster victims. Mid and long-term reconstruction programs were also implemented.
2004 Southeast Asia tsunami
A 9.1 magnitude earthquake off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia triggered a tsunami on this day in 2004 that killed over 230,000 people in more than 12 countries. The tsunami brought waves up to 30 meters in height, inundating coastal communities. Tzu Chi volunteers around the globe began a worldwide fundraising campaign to help disaster victims rebuild their lives.
6.南亞海嘯 Life after 2004 South Asian Tsunami
As you just saw in our On This Day feature, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake off Sumatra, Indonesia, on this day in 2004, triggered a massive tsunami that brought severe destruction to over 12 South Asian countries. In the immediate aftermath, Tzu Chi carried out disaster survey and relief work in the worst-hit areas in Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. In Aceh, Indonesia, and Hambantota in Sri Lanka, Tzu Chi also implemented mid- to long-term reconstruction programs, to help tsunami survivors start their lives anew.
《 衲履足跡 》 On Healthy Eating 談健康食
The impurity of disasters is caused by human beings, and only human beings are capable of bringing peace. The first step is to take on a meatless diet.
Vegetarian food is healthy; people who adopt the diet respect all living beings, have a loving and healthy mind and body.
7.菩提種子心(3)吳崇德 ”Naughty egg” turns good
Tzu Chings are Tzu Chi”s collegiate youth volunteers, who devote their youths to helping other people. We have been introducing you to some Tzu Ching alumni, to find out where they are now. Today we meet former Tzu Ching, Wu Chongde, who is now a kindergarten teacher. Wu Chongde”s loving and child-like nature make him a hit with both the students, and his fellow teachers.
8.歲未楊王金妹 Forgive and forget, Taiwan
How many people could survive what the woman in our next story has been through? Yang-Wang Jinmei lost both her daughter and grandchild, as her daughter went into labor in the delivery room, in 1998. And then, seven years ago, her husband was beaten to death by a gang of youths. The brave woman chose to forgive and forget, and her secret is to let go.
9.歲末葉雪霞 The story of Ye Xuexia
Ye Xuexia is a teacher who has also had her share of bitterness in in life. Suffering from a deformed left hand since birth, eight years ago she was diagnosed with Parkinson”s disease. However, thanks to her participation in the Tzu Chi Teachers Association, she learned to accept her condition, and find a new level of wisdom in her life. Although she moves with difficulty, Ye is determined to volunteer with Tzu Chi. Let”s meet this remarkable woman.
Finally today, Tzu Chi volunteers brought gifts of food and blankets to struggling families in a Hispanic community in northern California, so that they did not have to put off their holiday festivities this Christmas. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
Silent night, merry night
Unforgettable Boxing Day
Overcoming Parkinson”s
Coming up in the show, Christmas for the homeless in Vancouver, Canada, is made more festive with Tzu Chi”s delivery of warmth and winter essentials.
In our ”On This Day” feature, we revisit the catastrophic tsunami that shattered countless families on Boxing Day, 2006.
And, we meet a Tzu Chi volunteer in Taiwan, who does not let Parkinson”s disease affect her determination to cultivate herself spiritually.
1.加庇護所發放Warming up the night
2.寒流發放打包 Helping Sanchong”s homeless stay warm
3.巴西耶誕發放 Early Christmas in Francisco Morato
4.智利醫院關懷Christmas for young patients
5.★1226歷史的今天 On this day, December 26.
6.南亞海嘯 Life after 2004 South Asian Tsunami
7.菩提種子心(3)吳崇德 ”Naughty egg” turns good
8.歲未楊王金妹 Forgive and forget, Taiwan
9.歲末葉雪霞 The story of Ye Xuexia
1.加庇護所發放Warming up the night
Canada is in the heart of winter, and Tzu Chi volunteers in Vancouver are reaching out to the needy, with winter essentials for the homeless in four of the emergency overnight shelters under the Salvation Army. The volunteers turned the cold night into a memorable party with plenty of songs and laughter.
2.寒流發放打包 Helping Sanchong”s homeless stay warm
Over the Christmas weekend, temperatures in Taiwan plummeted due to a cold front. To help the homeless in New Taipei City stay warm, Tzu Chi volunteers from Sanchong put together 90 care packages to distribute to these often forgotten members of society.
《 靜思語 》
True environmental protection lies in loving the mountains and the oceans and in cherishing everything in this world.
3.巴西耶誕發放 Early Christmas in Francisco Morato
In Brazil, Tzu Chi volunteers from Sao Paulo regularly hold distributions and free clinics in Francisco Morato, a backwater town about 50 minutes drive north of the city. In light of the holiday season, volunteers recently delivered some early Christmas presents to students in need, and also held a Christmas banquet for the students and their parents.
巴西聖保羅的慈濟志工,福仁西斯哥 莫那多,一個離聖保羅北方約50分鐘車程的貧困社區,舉辦發放與義診,由於聖誕節即將到來,志工特替為貧困的學生送來文具,也為學生和他們的家長準備聖誕大餐。
4.智利醫院關懷Christmas for young patients
Staying in South America, the next story takes us to Chile”s capital city, Santiago, to a hospital that provides healthcare to children from poor families. Recently, Tzu Chi volunteers visited with gifts for the young patients, who could not go home for Christmas, and went around each ward with a doctor dressed up as Santa Claus to add some warmth to the festive holiday.
5.★1226歷史的今天 On this day, December 26.
1991 Soviet Union dissolution
After surviving a coup attempt in August 1991, Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev announced his resignation on Christmas and handed over power to Boris Yeltsin. The Soviet Union was formally dissolved on this day in 1991, and replaced by the Russian Federation.
1995 TC Yonghe office
Tzu Chi volunteer Shao Caixia (邵彩霞) and her daughter donated two stories of a building in Yonghe (永和) of the now New Taipei City, to Tzu Chi which later became the local contact point. On this day in 1995, Master Cheng Yen arrived to encourage volunteers to continue promoting recycling and serving their community. As the number of members and volunteers increased, the search began for a bigger office, and the Yonghe office became a retreat center.
2003 Iran Bam Earthquake
On this day in 2003, an earthquake measuring 6.7 magnitude struck Bam in southeast of Iran, causing over 26,000 deaths and 30,000 injuries. Tzu Chi volunteers in Jordon, Turkey and other areas began assessment work, and handed out rice, blankets and other daily necessities to disaster victims. Mid and long-term reconstruction programs were also implemented.
2004 Southeast Asia tsunami
A 9.1 magnitude earthquake off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia triggered a tsunami on this day in 2004 that killed over 230,000 people in more than 12 countries. The tsunami brought waves up to 30 meters in height, inundating coastal communities. Tzu Chi volunteers around the globe began a worldwide fundraising campaign to help disaster victims rebuild their lives.
6.南亞海嘯 Life after 2004 South Asian Tsunami
As you just saw in our On This Day feature, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake off Sumatra, Indonesia, on this day in 2004, triggered a massive tsunami that brought severe destruction to over 12 South Asian countries. In the immediate aftermath, Tzu Chi carried out disaster survey and relief work in the worst-hit areas in Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. In Aceh, Indonesia, and Hambantota in Sri Lanka, Tzu Chi also implemented mid- to long-term reconstruction programs, to help tsunami survivors start their lives anew.
《 衲履足跡 》 On Healthy Eating 談健康食
The impurity of disasters is caused by human beings, and only human beings are capable of bringing peace. The first step is to take on a meatless diet.
Vegetarian food is healthy; people who adopt the diet respect all living beings, have a loving and healthy mind and body.
7.菩提種子心(3)吳崇德 ”Naughty egg” turns good
Tzu Chings are Tzu Chi”s collegiate youth volunteers, who devote their youths to helping other people. We have been introducing you to some Tzu Ching alumni, to find out where they are now. Today we meet former Tzu Ching, Wu Chongde, who is now a kindergarten teacher. Wu Chongde”s loving and child-like nature make him a hit with both the students, and his fellow teachers.
8.歲未楊王金妹 Forgive and forget, Taiwan
How many people could survive what the woman in our next story has been through? Yang-Wang Jinmei lost both her daughter and grandchild, as her daughter went into labor in the delivery room, in 1998. And then, seven years ago, her husband was beaten to death by a gang of youths. The brave woman chose to forgive and forget, and her secret is to let go.
9.歲末葉雪霞 The story of Ye Xuexia
Ye Xuexia is a teacher who has also had her share of bitterness in in life. Suffering from a deformed left hand since birth, eight years ago she was diagnosed with Parkinson”s disease. However, thanks to her participation in the Tzu Chi Teachers Association, she learned to accept her condition, and find a new level of wisdom in her life. Although she moves with difficulty, Ye is determined to volunteer with Tzu Chi. Let”s meet this remarkable woman.
Finally today, Tzu Chi volunteers brought gifts of food and blankets to struggling families in a Hispanic community in northern California, so that they did not have to put off their holiday festivities this Christmas. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2011年12月24日 星期六
DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines_ 20111223
Aid distribution for Washi victims
A better future for 3,000 students
School lunches now a healthy choice
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show today, a Tzu Chi disaster assessment team is in the Philippines” Iligan City, which bore the brunt of Tropical Storm Washi, to prepare for aid distributions.
●In Singapore, 3,000 disadvantaged students are able to stay in school, thanks to Tzu Chi”s 2012 scholarship program.
●Later, Taiwan”s New Taipei City is commissioning farmers to grow organic vegetables for schools for healthier and safer school lunches.
1.菲勘災第二天Follow up on Washi survey
In the Philippines, Tzu Chi volunteers from Manila, Cebu and Zamboanga arrived in Mindanao”s Iligan City, which was pummeled by the recent Typhoon Washi. Besides providing the Buddhist NGO with a distribution venue, the city”s vice mayor also accompanied the eight-men survey team into the disaster areas. Sadly, the massive destruction seemed to be the result of excessive logging.
2.桃園獨居清掃MAIN:TaiwanHelping senior living in solitude
We”ll have more on Tzu Chi”s aid efforts in the Philippines, in the next few days. Over to Taoyuan, Taiwan, Mr. Jiang is an 81-year-old war veteran, who lives alone. Unable to take care of himself, the senior”s house became messy and unpleasant. With New Years just around the corner, volunteers came to help the elderly man clean up and get him ready for the year ahead.
3.星助學發放Scholarship aid for Singapore”s students
At the recent 2012 Singapore Tzu Chi New Shoots Scholarship Award Ceremony, 3000 students received transportation and meal vouchers, courtesy of Tzu Chi. The NGO”s work has not only moved countless school principal and teachers, but its influence has also been felt by the schools” other staff. Recently, three cleaning staff joined as Tzu Chi”s donating members, to help with the Foundation”s future programs.
4.星助學花絮Transportation snags before scholarship awards
Before the 2012 Tzu Chi scholarship ceremony, Singapore”s mass transit system, SMRT, had two major accidents. Some of the lines had to be closed down for evaluation on the day of the ceremony. Before that, in view of upcoming transportation bottlenecks, volunteers decided to move the ceremony back 30 min in order to allow students and their parent enough time to get to the venue.
5.有機營養午餐Organic greens for school lunches
In an effort to improve the nutrition of school lunches, the New Taipei City government launched an ”Organic Vegetables for Lunch” campaign, whereby farmers are subsidized to grow and supply organic vegetables for nearby schools once a week. So far, 14 schools in New Taipei City are benefiting from the scheme. Students not only eat healthy, but also become more aware of how organic farming is less harmful for the environment.
6.有機耕作護家園Balancing nature
Su Xingli (蘇興李), the organic farmer we met in the last report, supplies vegetables to four elementary schools in the Sanxia area of New Taipei City. Su used to be in the construction industry, before he changed his career to farming, some 16 years ago. Clueless about organic farming in the beginning, Su”s crops failed several times. Even today, although his farming business just breaks even, Su says at least his organic greens bring people wholesome goodness. The happy farmer has also created an educational farm for more people to get in touch with nature.
7.菩提種子心(2)林聖翔Former Tzu Ching makes good
In our next story, we introduce you to a young man who joined Tzu Chi”s student club when he was in college. He says the experience helped mould him into the person he is today. Lin Shengxiang is now the manager of a large apartment building in Taiwan, where he impresses everyone, from the residents to his boss, with his sincere attitude.
8.歷史的今天 十二月二十三號On this day, December 23.
1972 Tupolev passes away
Known for his pioneering work as a Soviet aircraft designer, Andrei Tupolev who was born in 1888, passed away on this day in 1972, at the age of 84. In his lifetime, he designed more than 100 types of aircraft, many of which were widely used in military or civil services. Tupolev”s work was recognized by Britain and American and honored by his own country.
1984 Fundraiser for Tzu Chi hospital
Taipei Tzu Chi volunteers organized the second fundraising event to build a hospital, at the air force activity center on this day in 1984. Participants included former vice-president Xie Dongmin, entrepreneurs, singers and actors from the entertainment industry. Though the funds raised were insufficient to cover the hospital construction expenses, it gathered love from far and wide.
1991 Self-service post office
Situated on Xinyi Road in Taipei City, Taiwan”s first self-service post office opened on this day in 1991. The then transport minister, Jian Youxin cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony. The self-service post office provides stamp and post card vending machine, as well as a drop-off and pick-up counter for mail collection and delivery.
2006 UN sanctions against Iran
The United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1737, sponsored by France, Germany and the United Kingdom, on this day in 2006, to impose sanctions against Iran for failing to end a nuclear enrichment program. The resolution would prohibit the supply of nuclear-related weapons to and from Iran, and also froze the assets of individuals and companies involved in the program.
2009 Indigenous celebration ceremony
After Typhoon Morakot devastated southern Taiwan in August, 2009, Tzu Chi helped build permanent housing in Kaohsiung”s Shanlin Township for displaced victims. Towards the end of the construction program, Tzu Chi volunteers and residents used an indigenous ceremony to celebrate the beginning of a new chapter of their lives, on this day of the same year. Volunteers also arrived at schools in the disaster-hit areas, to hand out Christmas presents to students.
9.美22周年慶Happy Birthday, Tzu Chi HQ
Tzu Chi”s USA Headquarters in San Dimas, California, celebrated its 22nd birthday by putting on the musical and sign language adaptation of the Water Repentance sutra, and holding a prayer service. Participants prayed for a world free of disasters, and all pledged to to give whenever they can.
10.美市場推捐髓Farmers” Market fun
Staying in California, the Farmers” Market in Cupertino is always a lively event. But recently some extra festive cheer came to the weekly market. Tzu Chi volunteers were there again, to promote recycling; and for the first time invited people to register for the bone marrow database. Students from a local international school, who were at the market on an outing, also took an interest in Tzu Chi”s Power of 5 fund-raising campaign.
In Taiwan, winter solstice is celebrated by eating sticky rice dumplings in sweet soup. At the end of the show we go to Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, where staff, led by superintendent Chen Ziyong, made the seasonal dessert for their colleagues around the hospital. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
A better future for 3,000 students
School lunches now a healthy choice
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show today, a Tzu Chi disaster assessment team is in the Philippines” Iligan City, which bore the brunt of Tropical Storm Washi, to prepare for aid distributions.
●In Singapore, 3,000 disadvantaged students are able to stay in school, thanks to Tzu Chi”s 2012 scholarship program.
●Later, Taiwan”s New Taipei City is commissioning farmers to grow organic vegetables for schools for healthier and safer school lunches.
1.菲勘災第二天Follow up on Washi survey
In the Philippines, Tzu Chi volunteers from Manila, Cebu and Zamboanga arrived in Mindanao”s Iligan City, which was pummeled by the recent Typhoon Washi. Besides providing the Buddhist NGO with a distribution venue, the city”s vice mayor also accompanied the eight-men survey team into the disaster areas. Sadly, the massive destruction seemed to be the result of excessive logging.
2.桃園獨居清掃MAIN:TaiwanHelping senior living in solitude
We”ll have more on Tzu Chi”s aid efforts in the Philippines, in the next few days. Over to Taoyuan, Taiwan, Mr. Jiang is an 81-year-old war veteran, who lives alone. Unable to take care of himself, the senior”s house became messy and unpleasant. With New Years just around the corner, volunteers came to help the elderly man clean up and get him ready for the year ahead.
3.星助學發放Scholarship aid for Singapore”s students
At the recent 2012 Singapore Tzu Chi New Shoots Scholarship Award Ceremony, 3000 students received transportation and meal vouchers, courtesy of Tzu Chi. The NGO”s work has not only moved countless school principal and teachers, but its influence has also been felt by the schools” other staff. Recently, three cleaning staff joined as Tzu Chi”s donating members, to help with the Foundation”s future programs.
4.星助學花絮Transportation snags before scholarship awards
Before the 2012 Tzu Chi scholarship ceremony, Singapore”s mass transit system, SMRT, had two major accidents. Some of the lines had to be closed down for evaluation on the day of the ceremony. Before that, in view of upcoming transportation bottlenecks, volunteers decided to move the ceremony back 30 min in order to allow students and their parent enough time to get to the venue.
5.有機營養午餐Organic greens for school lunches
In an effort to improve the nutrition of school lunches, the New Taipei City government launched an ”Organic Vegetables for Lunch” campaign, whereby farmers are subsidized to grow and supply organic vegetables for nearby schools once a week. So far, 14 schools in New Taipei City are benefiting from the scheme. Students not only eat healthy, but also become more aware of how organic farming is less harmful for the environment.
6.有機耕作護家園Balancing nature
Su Xingli (蘇興李), the organic farmer we met in the last report, supplies vegetables to four elementary schools in the Sanxia area of New Taipei City. Su used to be in the construction industry, before he changed his career to farming, some 16 years ago. Clueless about organic farming in the beginning, Su”s crops failed several times. Even today, although his farming business just breaks even, Su says at least his organic greens bring people wholesome goodness. The happy farmer has also created an educational farm for more people to get in touch with nature.
7.菩提種子心(2)林聖翔Former Tzu Ching makes good
In our next story, we introduce you to a young man who joined Tzu Chi”s student club when he was in college. He says the experience helped mould him into the person he is today. Lin Shengxiang is now the manager of a large apartment building in Taiwan, where he impresses everyone, from the residents to his boss, with his sincere attitude.
8.歷史的今天 十二月二十三號On this day, December 23.
1972 Tupolev passes away
Known for his pioneering work as a Soviet aircraft designer, Andrei Tupolev who was born in 1888, passed away on this day in 1972, at the age of 84. In his lifetime, he designed more than 100 types of aircraft, many of which were widely used in military or civil services. Tupolev”s work was recognized by Britain and American and honored by his own country.
1984 Fundraiser for Tzu Chi hospital
Taipei Tzu Chi volunteers organized the second fundraising event to build a hospital, at the air force activity center on this day in 1984. Participants included former vice-president Xie Dongmin, entrepreneurs, singers and actors from the entertainment industry. Though the funds raised were insufficient to cover the hospital construction expenses, it gathered love from far and wide.
1991 Self-service post office
Situated on Xinyi Road in Taipei City, Taiwan”s first self-service post office opened on this day in 1991. The then transport minister, Jian Youxin cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony. The self-service post office provides stamp and post card vending machine, as well as a drop-off and pick-up counter for mail collection and delivery.
2006 UN sanctions against Iran
The United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1737, sponsored by France, Germany and the United Kingdom, on this day in 2006, to impose sanctions against Iran for failing to end a nuclear enrichment program. The resolution would prohibit the supply of nuclear-related weapons to and from Iran, and also froze the assets of individuals and companies involved in the program.
2009 Indigenous celebration ceremony
After Typhoon Morakot devastated southern Taiwan in August, 2009, Tzu Chi helped build permanent housing in Kaohsiung”s Shanlin Township for displaced victims. Towards the end of the construction program, Tzu Chi volunteers and residents used an indigenous ceremony to celebrate the beginning of a new chapter of their lives, on this day of the same year. Volunteers also arrived at schools in the disaster-hit areas, to hand out Christmas presents to students.
9.美22周年慶Happy Birthday, Tzu Chi HQ
Tzu Chi”s USA Headquarters in San Dimas, California, celebrated its 22nd birthday by putting on the musical and sign language adaptation of the Water Repentance sutra, and holding a prayer service. Participants prayed for a world free of disasters, and all pledged to to give whenever they can.
10.美市場推捐髓Farmers” Market fun
Staying in California, the Farmers” Market in Cupertino is always a lively event. But recently some extra festive cheer came to the weekly market. Tzu Chi volunteers were there again, to promote recycling; and for the first time invited people to register for the bone marrow database. Students from a local international school, who were at the market on an outing, also took an interest in Tzu Chi”s Power of 5 fund-raising campaign.
In Taiwan, winter solstice is celebrated by eating sticky rice dumplings in sweet soup. At the end of the show we go to Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, where staff, led by superintendent Chen Ziyong, made the seasonal dessert for their colleagues around the hospital. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2011年12月22日 星期四
DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines_ 20111222
< TC aid arrives in S Philippines >
< Best rice for China”s poor >
< Away with disposable tableware >
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
●In the aftermath of Tropical Storm Washi that claimed hundreds of lives in the Philippines, Tzu Chi”s aid supplies arrive in the hard-hit Cagayan De Oro City.
●In the face of the recent food shortage, Tzu Chi volunteers searched high and low to find the best quality rice for the winter aid distributions in China.
●And later, we turn the clock back to 20 years ago, when the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan implemented a no disposable utensils and tableware policy, following Master Cheng Yen”s first call on the importance of conservation work.
1.菲律賓勘災 Helping in the aftermath of Washi
2.1220泰慈濟 Cash for work in Rai Khing
3.北朝鮮二梯返台 Mission cut short by Kim Jong-il death
4.華東大米學問 Readying rice for winter
5.發放困難回顧 The art of aid distributions
6.星新芽手語 New Shoots Scholarships
7.1222歷史的今天 On this day, December 22.
8.1220(慈濟)慈院餐具 Hualien TCH cuts carbon footprint
1.菲律賓勘災 Helping in the aftermath of Washi
Following the destruction caused by tropical storm Washi, the government of the Philippines has appealed for international aid. One of the first organizations to respond was Tzu Chi, with volunteers from Manila, Cebu, and Zamboanga carrying out a disaster assessment in the affected areas on the island of Mindanao. Tzu Chi”s chapter house in the Philippines also sent supplies of blankets, pots, and clothing to the area, which will soon be distributed to the needy.
2.1220泰慈濟 Cash for work in Rai Khing
As Tzu Chi”s rescue and recovery efforts carry on apace in the Philippines, volunteers in post-flood Thailand have made a cash-for-work scheme available for the people living in Rai Khing Township, in Nakhon Pathom Province”s Sampran District. Residents of Pruksa 5 Community weren”t freed from the floods until last week, and on December 15th and 16th, Tzu Chi volunteers came to the area to distribute hot food, before they began the relief work program on the 17th.
3.北朝鮮二梯返台 Mission cut short by Kim Jong-il death
Tzu Chi”s second aid relief team to North Korea were in the country when the news of supreme leader, Kim Jong-il”s death was announced. The four-day distribution was cut short after just one-and-a-half days, and since the country entered a long period of national mourning, the volunteers decided to come home. Although disappointed to be returning so soon, the volunteers are confident their partner organization in North Korea - the International Trade Commission - will be able to finish the job.
《 靜思語 》
Only by allowing mountains and forests to thrive can humans live in peace.
4.華東大米學問 Readying rice for winter
Tzu Chi”s winter aid distributions in China this year are covering 13 provinces - which is more than ever before. The first stop is Hebei, where nearly 5,900 households will receive aid, starting in five townships of the poor Yi County. The aid includes noodles, cooking oil, salt, cotton quilts, and rice. This winter”s distribution was made difficult by the flooding in Thailand and Cambodia, which caused an international rice shortage. In our next story, we find out how Tzu Chi volunteers secured the best quality rice at a reasonable price.
5.發放困難回顧 The art of aid distributions
In Tzu Chi”s winter aid distributions in China this year, local volunteers will play a pivotal role in facilitating the handouts. In the next report, we spoke to some of the most experienced Tzu Chi volunteers in China, to understand what challenges they have to overcome, and the kind of work that goes into the preparation of the annual event.
《 衲履足跡 》談學佛 On Practicing Buddhism
Being a Buddhist doesn”t mean simply praying to Buddha or reciting sutras, but to take Buddha”s spirit to heart and to understand Buddha”s wisdom. Tzu Chi people do not pray to Buddha for blessing but lend a helping hand to those in need. We should answer our calling instead of asking Buddha to respond to us.
6.星新芽手語 New Shoots Scholarships
Singapore Tzu Chi Chapter is organizing a New Shoots Scholarship Award ceremony this month, and one of the items in the program is a sign-language performance of Chinese songs by the students. As most of these children are from Indian and Malaysian backgrounds, and can barely read Chinese, let alone sing in the language, volunteers are doing what they can to make the learning easier for them.
7.1222歷史的今天 On this day, December 22.
1989 Brandenburg Gate crossing
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, the Brandenburg Gate was reopened on this day of the same year. West German chancellor Helmut Kohl walked through the gate to greet East German Prime Minister Hans Modrow. The event marked an important milestone toward German reunification which occurred the following year in October.
2001 Karzai Interim Afghan President
To end the tragic conflict within Afghanistan; when political leaders gathered in Germany for the International Conference on Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai was appointed the president of the Interim Administration. Karzai was sworn in on this day in 2001 and was later elected as the President of Afghanistan in December, 2004.
2002 Indonesia needy students
Tzu Chi”s Indonesia Chapter has helped numerous underprivileged students in Tangerang Province, over the past ten years. To let students have the experience of attending a school outing, volunteers organized a year-end gathering activity on this day in 2002. Over 200 children were invited to the chapter grounds where they felt the love and care of the Tzu Chi volunteers.
1989年 柏林圍牆大門 正式開啟
2001年 阿富汗臨時政府 宣誓成立
2002年 印尼助學童 首次歲末團聚
8.1220(慈濟)慈院餐具 Hualien TCH cuts carbon footprint
It”s been 20 years since Master Cheng Yen first called on her disciples, and the people of Taiwan, to start doing recyling work.
Today, Tzu Chi volunteers around the globe are actively promoting environmentalism and the number of recycling stations in Taiwan also continues to increase. We travel back in time to December 20th, 1992, when Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital stopped providing its staff with disposable utensils, and requested that everyone bring their own reusable tableware, to support Master Cheng Yen”s call for a greener lifestyle.
At the end of today”s program, we go to Tai-An Hospital, in Taichung, where staff are being both creative and environmentally-friendly by using recyclables to decorate the hospital. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
< Best rice for China”s poor >
< Away with disposable tableware >
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
●In the aftermath of Tropical Storm Washi that claimed hundreds of lives in the Philippines, Tzu Chi”s aid supplies arrive in the hard-hit Cagayan De Oro City.
●In the face of the recent food shortage, Tzu Chi volunteers searched high and low to find the best quality rice for the winter aid distributions in China.
●And later, we turn the clock back to 20 years ago, when the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan implemented a no disposable utensils and tableware policy, following Master Cheng Yen”s first call on the importance of conservation work.
1.菲律賓勘災 Helping in the aftermath of Washi
2.1220泰慈濟 Cash for work in Rai Khing
3.北朝鮮二梯返台 Mission cut short by Kim Jong-il death
4.華東大米學問 Readying rice for winter
5.發放困難回顧 The art of aid distributions
6.星新芽手語 New Shoots Scholarships
7.1222歷史的今天 On this day, December 22.
8.1220(慈濟)慈院餐具 Hualien TCH cuts carbon footprint
1.菲律賓勘災 Helping in the aftermath of Washi
Following the destruction caused by tropical storm Washi, the government of the Philippines has appealed for international aid. One of the first organizations to respond was Tzu Chi, with volunteers from Manila, Cebu, and Zamboanga carrying out a disaster assessment in the affected areas on the island of Mindanao. Tzu Chi”s chapter house in the Philippines also sent supplies of blankets, pots, and clothing to the area, which will soon be distributed to the needy.
2.1220泰慈濟 Cash for work in Rai Khing
As Tzu Chi”s rescue and recovery efforts carry on apace in the Philippines, volunteers in post-flood Thailand have made a cash-for-work scheme available for the people living in Rai Khing Township, in Nakhon Pathom Province”s Sampran District. Residents of Pruksa 5 Community weren”t freed from the floods until last week, and on December 15th and 16th, Tzu Chi volunteers came to the area to distribute hot food, before they began the relief work program on the 17th.
3.北朝鮮二梯返台 Mission cut short by Kim Jong-il death
Tzu Chi”s second aid relief team to North Korea were in the country when the news of supreme leader, Kim Jong-il”s death was announced. The four-day distribution was cut short after just one-and-a-half days, and since the country entered a long period of national mourning, the volunteers decided to come home. Although disappointed to be returning so soon, the volunteers are confident their partner organization in North Korea - the International Trade Commission - will be able to finish the job.
《 靜思語 》
Only by allowing mountains and forests to thrive can humans live in peace.
4.華東大米學問 Readying rice for winter
Tzu Chi”s winter aid distributions in China this year are covering 13 provinces - which is more than ever before. The first stop is Hebei, where nearly 5,900 households will receive aid, starting in five townships of the poor Yi County. The aid includes noodles, cooking oil, salt, cotton quilts, and rice. This winter”s distribution was made difficult by the flooding in Thailand and Cambodia, which caused an international rice shortage. In our next story, we find out how Tzu Chi volunteers secured the best quality rice at a reasonable price.
5.發放困難回顧 The art of aid distributions
In Tzu Chi”s winter aid distributions in China this year, local volunteers will play a pivotal role in facilitating the handouts. In the next report, we spoke to some of the most experienced Tzu Chi volunteers in China, to understand what challenges they have to overcome, and the kind of work that goes into the preparation of the annual event.
《 衲履足跡 》談學佛 On Practicing Buddhism
Being a Buddhist doesn”t mean simply praying to Buddha or reciting sutras, but to take Buddha”s spirit to heart and to understand Buddha”s wisdom. Tzu Chi people do not pray to Buddha for blessing but lend a helping hand to those in need. We should answer our calling instead of asking Buddha to respond to us.
6.星新芽手語 New Shoots Scholarships
Singapore Tzu Chi Chapter is organizing a New Shoots Scholarship Award ceremony this month, and one of the items in the program is a sign-language performance of Chinese songs by the students. As most of these children are from Indian and Malaysian backgrounds, and can barely read Chinese, let alone sing in the language, volunteers are doing what they can to make the learning easier for them.
7.1222歷史的今天 On this day, December 22.
1989 Brandenburg Gate crossing
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, the Brandenburg Gate was reopened on this day of the same year. West German chancellor Helmut Kohl walked through the gate to greet East German Prime Minister Hans Modrow. The event marked an important milestone toward German reunification which occurred the following year in October.
2001 Karzai Interim Afghan President
To end the tragic conflict within Afghanistan; when political leaders gathered in Germany for the International Conference on Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai was appointed the president of the Interim Administration. Karzai was sworn in on this day in 2001 and was later elected as the President of Afghanistan in December, 2004.
2002 Indonesia needy students
Tzu Chi”s Indonesia Chapter has helped numerous underprivileged students in Tangerang Province, over the past ten years. To let students have the experience of attending a school outing, volunteers organized a year-end gathering activity on this day in 2002. Over 200 children were invited to the chapter grounds where they felt the love and care of the Tzu Chi volunteers.
1989年 柏林圍牆大門 正式開啟
2001年 阿富汗臨時政府 宣誓成立
2002年 印尼助學童 首次歲末團聚
8.1220(慈濟)慈院餐具 Hualien TCH cuts carbon footprint
It”s been 20 years since Master Cheng Yen first called on her disciples, and the people of Taiwan, to start doing recyling work.
Today, Tzu Chi volunteers around the globe are actively promoting environmentalism and the number of recycling stations in Taiwan also continues to increase. We travel back in time to December 20th, 1992, when Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital stopped providing its staff with disposable utensils, and requested that everyone bring their own reusable tableware, to support Master Cheng Yen”s call for a greener lifestyle.
At the end of today”s program, we go to Tai-An Hospital, in Taichung, where staff are being both creative and environmentally-friendly by using recyclables to decorate the hospital. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines_ 20111221
Day 2 in Honduras
Blessing for Japan
Fuding house calls
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us.
●Tzu Chi volunteers erecting prefabricated homes for flood victims in Honduras pick up the pace of their work, on their second day in the disaster hit region.
●Victims of the Japan earthquake and tsunami flock to Tzu Chi blessing and prayer events, to thank the volunteers for consolation cash distributions.
●And we follow volunteers and medical staff from Fuding Hospital in China, on their regular follow-up calls to the homes of recovering patients.
1.1219宏都拉斯Honduras Setting up prefabs for flood victims
2.加救世軍發放Extra special Christmas
3.日東北祈福會Japan Year-end blessings for Northeast
4.曼谷祈福會Thailand 2011 Blessing Ceremony and Concert
5.馬推大體捐贈Raising awareness of ”Silent Mentors”
6.器捐有大用Taiwan Organ donation waiting list woes
7.教養院義診Taiwan Visiting Lonchi Home
8.澎湖耶誕送愛Taiwan Concern at Penghu Nursing Home
9.歷史的今天 十二月二十一號On this day, December 21.
10.福鼎醫療個案Fuding Hospital house calls
1.1219宏都拉斯Honduras Setting up prefabs for flood victims
We start today”s show in Honduras, where local volunteers and their colleagues form El Salvador, under the guidance of US Tzu Chi volunteers, are in the country, assembling prefabricated housing, for flood victims. With the work into its second day, the volunteers have got the hang of the process, and now six people working together can assemble a house in less than an hour. While not putting up new homes, the volunteers paid a visit to the houses they made the previous day, to see how the new owners are getting on.
2.加救世軍發放Extra special Christmas
Tzu Chi volunteers in Vancouver, Canada, have been working together with the Salvation Army, to provide monthly meals for the homeless, for the past 16 years. With the approach of Christmas, the volunteers organized an extra meal. After they cooked the Christmas feast, the volunteers headed over to the local Detox Centre, to give some encouragement, and festive cheer, to the recovering drug addicts. But we catch up with the busy volunteers, hard at work in the kitchen.
3.日東北祈福會Japan Year-end blessings for Northeast
In the seven months, since the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Tzu Chi volunteers have organized ten distributions of emergency cash. Recently, the volunteers went back to the disaster-hit prefectures, of Iwate and Miyagi, to hold four year-end blessing and prayer events. The volunteers said they hoped to calm the nerves of the residents. And the residents responded enthusiastically, coming in huge numbers, despite cold weather and long distances, to say a big thank you to Tzu Chi.
4.曼谷祈福會Thailand 2011 Blessing Ceremony and Concert
Tzu Chi recently organized another blessing event, in the other disaster-hit country of Thailand. Held in Bangkok, on December 17, the ”2011 Thailand Blessing Ceremony and Concert” featured Israeli countertenor David D”Or, and Taiwanese singer Zhan Yawen(詹雅雯). The later is a Tzu Chi volunteer, and her music is very familiar to the Thai audience. Moved by the whole occasion, and the courage of the Thai people, Zhan Yawen offered a big donation to the flood relief effort.
5.馬推大體捐贈Raising awareness of ”Silent Mentors”
In Taiwan, Tzu Chi”s Silent Mentor program, where people pledge to donate their bodies to medical science after death, has been going for 16 years. Inspired by the positive effects of the scheme, Dr. Chen Qinghua, from the University of Malaysia, is campaigning to start a similar project, in his own country. Here is more, on Dr. Chen”s efforts.
6.器捐有大用Taiwan Organ donation waiting list woes
While Taiwan has a successful Silent Mentor - or full body donation program - there is still a shortage of organ donors. According to the Organ Registry and Sharing Center, every year, just 200 people become organ donors. Among them, 55 pct were declared brain dead, due to a stroke or other illness. The second highest group, at 22 pct, are those who died in accidents. There are still 7,776 people on the waiting list for a donation. Yet, experts say 90 percent of patients who need an organ, are not even on the list. We investigate the problem, in more detail, in our next story.
7.教養院義診Taiwan Visiting Lonchi Home
Tzu Chi”s medical volunteers, in south Taiwan, regularly visit the Lonchi(龍崎) Home for the Disabled, to hold free dental clinics for the residents. Checking the teeth, of mentally handicapped patients, takes extra care, but thanks to five years of effort, the residents are getting fewer cavities.
8.澎湖耶誕送愛Taiwan Concern at Penghu Nursing Home
Volunteers on the outlying island of Penghu joined the annual Christmas party, at the Tri-Service General Hospital - Penghu Branch - Nursing Home. While the residents enjoyed the show, the volunteers helped relax them, with gentle massages.
9.歷史的今天 十二月二十一號On this day, December 21.
1988 Lockerbie bombing
Pan American World Airways Flight 103 was a transit flight traveling from Germany to Detroit Metro Airport in the US via London and New York. The 747 model plane exploded when it passed over the small town of Lockerbie in southern Scotland, on this day in 1988, killing 270 people including 11 Lockerbie residents. In May, 2002, Libya offered up to 2.7 billion USD in compensations to the families of the 270 victims.
1996 Dr. David Ho
The scientific director and CEO of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center in the United States, David Ho or He Dayi is a Taiwanese American researcher known for his pioneering work in inventing the use of protease inhibitors to treat HIV patients. On this day in 1996, Dr. Ho was named the Man of the Year by Time Magazine. The Taiwanese-born researcher regularly returns to his home country to share his experiences, and even attended the 2011 annual TIMA conference.
2002 TCU students exchange
The then-principal of Tzu Chi University, Fang Juxiong and deputy principal of Beijing University Wu Zhipan, signed an academic agreement on this day in 2002, in Hualien, Taiwan. At a meeting with Master Cheng Yen, Mr. Wu expressed an interest in Tzu Chi”s humanitarian spirit, and his hope to raise Chinese students” moral standards.
2004 Philippines relief work
After a typhoon that hit the Philippines” Luzon Island, Tzu Chi carried out assessments and decided to help with reconstruction work. On this day in 2004, volunteers arrive in Quezon Province, to help disinfect and clean the environment, provide drinking water, as well as hold free clinics and distributions. Residents and volunteers worked together to rebuild their homes.
10.福鼎醫療個案Fuding Hospital house calls
In China”s Fujian Province, medical staff from the local Fuding Hospital, join Tzu Chi volunteers, on house calls to former patients. Each visit is like a family reunion, which keeps the patients happy, and helps improve their health.
Finally today, Tzu Chi volunteers in New Taipei City honored their colleagues at the environmental stations in Xindian, by giving them special recognition at a year-end event. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
Blessing for Japan
Fuding house calls
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us.
●Tzu Chi volunteers erecting prefabricated homes for flood victims in Honduras pick up the pace of their work, on their second day in the disaster hit region.
●Victims of the Japan earthquake and tsunami flock to Tzu Chi blessing and prayer events, to thank the volunteers for consolation cash distributions.
●And we follow volunteers and medical staff from Fuding Hospital in China, on their regular follow-up calls to the homes of recovering patients.
1.1219宏都拉斯Honduras Setting up prefabs for flood victims
2.加救世軍發放Extra special Christmas
3.日東北祈福會Japan Year-end blessings for Northeast
4.曼谷祈福會Thailand 2011 Blessing Ceremony and Concert
5.馬推大體捐贈Raising awareness of ”Silent Mentors”
6.器捐有大用Taiwan Organ donation waiting list woes
7.教養院義診Taiwan Visiting Lonchi Home
8.澎湖耶誕送愛Taiwan Concern at Penghu Nursing Home
9.歷史的今天 十二月二十一號On this day, December 21.
10.福鼎醫療個案Fuding Hospital house calls
1.1219宏都拉斯Honduras Setting up prefabs for flood victims
We start today”s show in Honduras, where local volunteers and their colleagues form El Salvador, under the guidance of US Tzu Chi volunteers, are in the country, assembling prefabricated housing, for flood victims. With the work into its second day, the volunteers have got the hang of the process, and now six people working together can assemble a house in less than an hour. While not putting up new homes, the volunteers paid a visit to the houses they made the previous day, to see how the new owners are getting on.
2.加救世軍發放Extra special Christmas
Tzu Chi volunteers in Vancouver, Canada, have been working together with the Salvation Army, to provide monthly meals for the homeless, for the past 16 years. With the approach of Christmas, the volunteers organized an extra meal. After they cooked the Christmas feast, the volunteers headed over to the local Detox Centre, to give some encouragement, and festive cheer, to the recovering drug addicts. But we catch up with the busy volunteers, hard at work in the kitchen.
3.日東北祈福會Japan Year-end blessings for Northeast
In the seven months, since the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Tzu Chi volunteers have organized ten distributions of emergency cash. Recently, the volunteers went back to the disaster-hit prefectures, of Iwate and Miyagi, to hold four year-end blessing and prayer events. The volunteers said they hoped to calm the nerves of the residents. And the residents responded enthusiastically, coming in huge numbers, despite cold weather and long distances, to say a big thank you to Tzu Chi.
4.曼谷祈福會Thailand 2011 Blessing Ceremony and Concert
Tzu Chi recently organized another blessing event, in the other disaster-hit country of Thailand. Held in Bangkok, on December 17, the ”2011 Thailand Blessing Ceremony and Concert” featured Israeli countertenor David D”Or, and Taiwanese singer Zhan Yawen(詹雅雯). The later is a Tzu Chi volunteer, and her music is very familiar to the Thai audience. Moved by the whole occasion, and the courage of the Thai people, Zhan Yawen offered a big donation to the flood relief effort.
5.馬推大體捐贈Raising awareness of ”Silent Mentors”
In Taiwan, Tzu Chi”s Silent Mentor program, where people pledge to donate their bodies to medical science after death, has been going for 16 years. Inspired by the positive effects of the scheme, Dr. Chen Qinghua, from the University of Malaysia, is campaigning to start a similar project, in his own country. Here is more, on Dr. Chen”s efforts.
6.器捐有大用Taiwan Organ donation waiting list woes
While Taiwan has a successful Silent Mentor - or full body donation program - there is still a shortage of organ donors. According to the Organ Registry and Sharing Center, every year, just 200 people become organ donors. Among them, 55 pct were declared brain dead, due to a stroke or other illness. The second highest group, at 22 pct, are those who died in accidents. There are still 7,776 people on the waiting list for a donation. Yet, experts say 90 percent of patients who need an organ, are not even on the list. We investigate the problem, in more detail, in our next story.
7.教養院義診Taiwan Visiting Lonchi Home
Tzu Chi”s medical volunteers, in south Taiwan, regularly visit the Lonchi(龍崎) Home for the Disabled, to hold free dental clinics for the residents. Checking the teeth, of mentally handicapped patients, takes extra care, but thanks to five years of effort, the residents are getting fewer cavities.
8.澎湖耶誕送愛Taiwan Concern at Penghu Nursing Home
Volunteers on the outlying island of Penghu joined the annual Christmas party, at the Tri-Service General Hospital - Penghu Branch - Nursing Home. While the residents enjoyed the show, the volunteers helped relax them, with gentle massages.
9.歷史的今天 十二月二十一號On this day, December 21.
1988 Lockerbie bombing
Pan American World Airways Flight 103 was a transit flight traveling from Germany to Detroit Metro Airport in the US via London and New York. The 747 model plane exploded when it passed over the small town of Lockerbie in southern Scotland, on this day in 1988, killing 270 people including 11 Lockerbie residents. In May, 2002, Libya offered up to 2.7 billion USD in compensations to the families of the 270 victims.
1996 Dr. David Ho
The scientific director and CEO of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center in the United States, David Ho or He Dayi is a Taiwanese American researcher known for his pioneering work in inventing the use of protease inhibitors to treat HIV patients. On this day in 1996, Dr. Ho was named the Man of the Year by Time Magazine. The Taiwanese-born researcher regularly returns to his home country to share his experiences, and even attended the 2011 annual TIMA conference.
2002 TCU students exchange
The then-principal of Tzu Chi University, Fang Juxiong and deputy principal of Beijing University Wu Zhipan, signed an academic agreement on this day in 2002, in Hualien, Taiwan. At a meeting with Master Cheng Yen, Mr. Wu expressed an interest in Tzu Chi”s humanitarian spirit, and his hope to raise Chinese students” moral standards.
2004 Philippines relief work
After a typhoon that hit the Philippines” Luzon Island, Tzu Chi carried out assessments and decided to help with reconstruction work. On this day in 2004, volunteers arrive in Quezon Province, to help disinfect and clean the environment, provide drinking water, as well as hold free clinics and distributions. Residents and volunteers worked together to rebuild their homes.
10.福鼎醫療個案Fuding Hospital house calls
In China”s Fujian Province, medical staff from the local Fuding Hospital, join Tzu Chi volunteers, on house calls to former patients. Each visit is like a family reunion, which keeps the patients happy, and helps improve their health.
Finally today, Tzu Chi volunteers in New Taipei City honored their colleagues at the environmental stations in Xindian, by giving them special recognition at a year-end event. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2011年12月19日 星期一
DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines_ 20111216
< Bags of hope >
< Closer to the stars >
< A mother”s wish >
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show today, in Guizhou, China, Tzu Chi volunteers trek through mountains to visit needy students, with new school bags to wish them academic success.
●In the first of our new featured series, we take you to the mystic Tibetan Plateau, where a remotely controlled observatory has been set up by a team of Taiwanese astronomers.
●Later, in Dalin, Taiwan, a Tzu Chi volunteer, losing her battle with cancer, has been granted her final wish to see her daughter get married - right in the hospice ward.
1.泰慈濟 Relief work program continues
2.貴州捐書包 Care for children in Guizhou
3.泉州助學金 Giving scholarships in Quanzhou
4.全球佛教大會 2011 Global Buddhist Congregation
5.北京唐暉分享 Tang Hui speaks at bookstore
6.慈幼歲末水懺 Young take on Water Repentance
7.這兒的星星最亮(1)物瑪選址 Eye on the sky in Tibet
8.1216歷史的今天 On this day, the 16th of December.
9.圓母夢辦婚禮 Final wish fulfilled
10.苑裡陳秀娟 A mother repents
1.泰慈濟 Relief work program continues
In Thailand, volunteers continue to employ residents on Tzu Chi”s relief work program, around flood-hit areas of Bangkok. After cleaning up the village of Hunsa, in Nong Khaem County, volunteers turned their attention to the Setthakij community, in the capital”s Bang Khae District. After reviewing the situation, the volunteers decided to begin a relief work program in Wat Promsuwan Samakki village, which was lagging behind in its clean-up effort.
2.貴州捐書包 Care for children in Guizhou
Moving to China, Tzu Chi has been working to help the poor in Guizhou, for over a decade. One of the main ways to break the cycle of poverty is to give local children a chance at an education, by awarding scholarships. In a recent trip, volunteers from Guangdong traveled to Guizhou, where they handed out scholarships, and carried out home visitations. The volunteers also brought 600 book bags for the children.
3.泉州助學金 Giving scholarships in Quanzhou
Staying in China, Tzu Chi”s care for underprivileged students has also extended to Fujian”s Quanzhou, with scholarships to help them stay in school. Volunteers recently visited two high schools in the area with student aid. Many of the pupils, parents, and faculty were brought to tears by the warmth of the award ceremony.
《 靜思語 》
Those who follow nature”s way will be blessed; for those who go against it, peace will be difficult to obtain.
4.全球佛教大會 2011 Global Buddhist Congregation
The 2011 Global Buddhist Congregation was recently held in New Delhi, India. Attended by 900 prominent Buddhist practitioners and government officials from 46 countries, the event”s participants outnumbered those in all previous years. Tzu Chi Foundation”s spokesperson, He Risheng, addressed the congregation at the opening ceremony, during which he also screened a videotaped speech from Master Cheng Yen, that left a profound impression on everyone.
5.北京唐暉分享 Tang Hui speaks at bookstore
For those of you who have visited Tzu Chi”s offices or hospitals, you will have seen the image of the Buddha purifying the Earth. In our next story, we introduce you to the creator of the image, Professor Tang Hui, of Beijing”s China Central Academy of Fine Arts, to find out more about the meaning behind the famous painting.
6.慈幼歲末水懺 Young take on Water Repentance
Tzu Chi”s educational establishments in Taiwan will be performing the musical rendition of the Water Repentance Sutra next year, on March 11th. Intensive rehearsals are going on at all participating schools. And in the next story, we join the little ones at Hualien”s Tzu Chi Kindergarten, who are also practicing Water Repentance, not for next year, but for the year-end blessing ceremony, that is just around the corner.
《 衲履足跡 》談生命價值 On the Value of Life
Look to none other than yourself when you are in need of help. Maximize the value of your life be in control of your desires, and make sure you do not go astray.
Moreover, a life of simplicity and contentment will help preserve resources and cut back on emissions.
7.這兒的星星最亮(1)物瑪選址 Eye on the sky in Tibet
If you want a good look at the sky at night, the best place on Earth to go is the Ngari region of the Tibetan plateau. There, on top of a 5,100m-tall mountain, you will find an observatory, built by National Taiwan University. In the first of a new series from north Tibet, we find out what challenges the scientists had to overcome to connect the observatory to Taiwan via satellite.
如果你想看到夜晚美麗的天空,最好觀看的地點就是位在西藏的阿里,在西藏,海拔5100公尺的山頭,由台灣台大天文物理所,在這裡建立一個天文台,今天西藏的專題中,要帶大家看看 天文學家如何克服,衛星連結台灣的困難。
8.1216歷史的今天 On this day, the 16th of December.
1965 Death of Maugham
Considered second only to Shakespeare as the world”s greatest author, William Somerset Maugham”s novels such as Of Human Bondage, The Moon and Sixpence, and The Razor”s Edge were published in many languages. Though British, Maugham spent most of his years in France, where he died on this day in 1965 at the age of 91.
1991 Child Welfare in Taiwan
Founded by legislator Lin Zhijia(林志嘉) and other children”s rights actvists, on this day in 1991, the Child Welfare League works to ensure Taiwan”s children are protected by law. Over the years, the foundation expanded its services to include adoption, missing child location, and child protection.
2004 Real typhoon relief
In 2004, the Philippines” Luzon was hit by four consecutive typhoons at the end of November. On this day of the same year, Tzu Chi volunteers from Manila arrived in Real Township with rice, blankets, clothes and daily necessities for disaster victims. Medical volunteers also held a free clinic, and two fire trucks were present to provide clean drinking water.
2006 Panteriek Da Ai schools open
Panteriek Da Ai Village in Aceh, Indonesia was built by the Tzu Chi Foundation to house displaced victims of the 2004 Asian Tsunami. The community includes a kindergarten, an elementary school and a high school. On this day in 2006, the inauguration ceremony of the three schools was held. Tzu Chi volunteers gave the students gifts of stationery.
1965年 人性的枷鎖 作家毛姆病逝
在世界最偉大的作家排行榜中,曾經名列第二,僅次於莎士比亞,威廉 薩默塞特 毛姆的著作,人性的枷鎖,月亮與六便士,以及剃刀邊緣等,被翻譯成多國語言,雖然他是英國人 ,但長年居住在法國,並於1965年的這天在法國病逝,享年91歲。
1991年 兒福聯盟成立 給孩子幸福
2004年 颱風重創呂宋島 首場大型關懷
2006年 亞齊大愛一村 學校歡喜啟用
9.圓母夢辦婚禮 Final wish fulfilled
The next story takes us to Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, in Taiwan, where terminal cancer patient, He Jinyun (何錦芸), had one final wish as she moved to the hospice ward: to see her daughter get married. To make her dream come true, medical staff and volunteers prepared a simple ceremony, in just six hours” time. He Jinyun was finally able to see her daughter tie the knot, and gave the newly-married couple her heartfelt blessings.
10.苑裡陳秀娟 A mother repents
Chen Xiujuan of Taiwan”s Miaoli County used to have a happy family until her husband suffered a stroke. Forced to become the breadwinner of her family and leading a very stressful life, Xiujuan became quick tempered and often took her anger out on her children. Things only changed this year, after she signed up to perform in the Water Repentance Sutra. Here is her story.
At the end of the show, we go to Singapore, where a Tzu Chi camp was held for teenagers. As one of the themes of the workshop was filial devotion, parents were invited to a special tea ceremony, served by their children. The arrangement was a moving experience for all. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
< Closer to the stars >
< A mother”s wish >
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show today, in Guizhou, China, Tzu Chi volunteers trek through mountains to visit needy students, with new school bags to wish them academic success.
●In the first of our new featured series, we take you to the mystic Tibetan Plateau, where a remotely controlled observatory has been set up by a team of Taiwanese astronomers.
●Later, in Dalin, Taiwan, a Tzu Chi volunteer, losing her battle with cancer, has been granted her final wish to see her daughter get married - right in the hospice ward.
1.泰慈濟 Relief work program continues
2.貴州捐書包 Care for children in Guizhou
3.泉州助學金 Giving scholarships in Quanzhou
4.全球佛教大會 2011 Global Buddhist Congregation
5.北京唐暉分享 Tang Hui speaks at bookstore
6.慈幼歲末水懺 Young take on Water Repentance
7.這兒的星星最亮(1)物瑪選址 Eye on the sky in Tibet
8.1216歷史的今天 On this day, the 16th of December.
9.圓母夢辦婚禮 Final wish fulfilled
10.苑裡陳秀娟 A mother repents
1.泰慈濟 Relief work program continues
In Thailand, volunteers continue to employ residents on Tzu Chi”s relief work program, around flood-hit areas of Bangkok. After cleaning up the village of Hunsa, in Nong Khaem County, volunteers turned their attention to the Setthakij community, in the capital”s Bang Khae District. After reviewing the situation, the volunteers decided to begin a relief work program in Wat Promsuwan Samakki village, which was lagging behind in its clean-up effort.
2.貴州捐書包 Care for children in Guizhou
Moving to China, Tzu Chi has been working to help the poor in Guizhou, for over a decade. One of the main ways to break the cycle of poverty is to give local children a chance at an education, by awarding scholarships. In a recent trip, volunteers from Guangdong traveled to Guizhou, where they handed out scholarships, and carried out home visitations. The volunteers also brought 600 book bags for the children.
3.泉州助學金 Giving scholarships in Quanzhou
Staying in China, Tzu Chi”s care for underprivileged students has also extended to Fujian”s Quanzhou, with scholarships to help them stay in school. Volunteers recently visited two high schools in the area with student aid. Many of the pupils, parents, and faculty were brought to tears by the warmth of the award ceremony.
《 靜思語 》
Those who follow nature”s way will be blessed; for those who go against it, peace will be difficult to obtain.
4.全球佛教大會 2011 Global Buddhist Congregation
The 2011 Global Buddhist Congregation was recently held in New Delhi, India. Attended by 900 prominent Buddhist practitioners and government officials from 46 countries, the event”s participants outnumbered those in all previous years. Tzu Chi Foundation”s spokesperson, He Risheng, addressed the congregation at the opening ceremony, during which he also screened a videotaped speech from Master Cheng Yen, that left a profound impression on everyone.
5.北京唐暉分享 Tang Hui speaks at bookstore
For those of you who have visited Tzu Chi”s offices or hospitals, you will have seen the image of the Buddha purifying the Earth. In our next story, we introduce you to the creator of the image, Professor Tang Hui, of Beijing”s China Central Academy of Fine Arts, to find out more about the meaning behind the famous painting.
6.慈幼歲末水懺 Young take on Water Repentance
Tzu Chi”s educational establishments in Taiwan will be performing the musical rendition of the Water Repentance Sutra next year, on March 11th. Intensive rehearsals are going on at all participating schools. And in the next story, we join the little ones at Hualien”s Tzu Chi Kindergarten, who are also practicing Water Repentance, not for next year, but for the year-end blessing ceremony, that is just around the corner.
《 衲履足跡 》談生命價值 On the Value of Life
Look to none other than yourself when you are in need of help. Maximize the value of your life be in control of your desires, and make sure you do not go astray.
Moreover, a life of simplicity and contentment will help preserve resources and cut back on emissions.
7.這兒的星星最亮(1)物瑪選址 Eye on the sky in Tibet
If you want a good look at the sky at night, the best place on Earth to go is the Ngari region of the Tibetan plateau. There, on top of a 5,100m-tall mountain, you will find an observatory, built by National Taiwan University. In the first of a new series from north Tibet, we find out what challenges the scientists had to overcome to connect the observatory to Taiwan via satellite.
如果你想看到夜晚美麗的天空,最好觀看的地點就是位在西藏的阿里,在西藏,海拔5100公尺的山頭,由台灣台大天文物理所,在這裡建立一個天文台,今天西藏的專題中,要帶大家看看 天文學家如何克服,衛星連結台灣的困難。
8.1216歷史的今天 On this day, the 16th of December.
1965 Death of Maugham
Considered second only to Shakespeare as the world”s greatest author, William Somerset Maugham”s novels such as Of Human Bondage, The Moon and Sixpence, and The Razor”s Edge were published in many languages. Though British, Maugham spent most of his years in France, where he died on this day in 1965 at the age of 91.
1991 Child Welfare in Taiwan
Founded by legislator Lin Zhijia(林志嘉) and other children”s rights actvists, on this day in 1991, the Child Welfare League works to ensure Taiwan”s children are protected by law. Over the years, the foundation expanded its services to include adoption, missing child location, and child protection.
2004 Real typhoon relief
In 2004, the Philippines” Luzon was hit by four consecutive typhoons at the end of November. On this day of the same year, Tzu Chi volunteers from Manila arrived in Real Township with rice, blankets, clothes and daily necessities for disaster victims. Medical volunteers also held a free clinic, and two fire trucks were present to provide clean drinking water.
2006 Panteriek Da Ai schools open
Panteriek Da Ai Village in Aceh, Indonesia was built by the Tzu Chi Foundation to house displaced victims of the 2004 Asian Tsunami. The community includes a kindergarten, an elementary school and a high school. On this day in 2006, the inauguration ceremony of the three schools was held. Tzu Chi volunteers gave the students gifts of stationery.
1965年 人性的枷鎖 作家毛姆病逝
在世界最偉大的作家排行榜中,曾經名列第二,僅次於莎士比亞,威廉 薩默塞特 毛姆的著作,人性的枷鎖,月亮與六便士,以及剃刀邊緣等,被翻譯成多國語言,雖然他是英國人 ,但長年居住在法國,並於1965年的這天在法國病逝,享年91歲。
1991年 兒福聯盟成立 給孩子幸福
2004年 颱風重創呂宋島 首場大型關懷
2006年 亞齊大愛一村 學校歡喜啟用
9.圓母夢辦婚禮 Final wish fulfilled
The next story takes us to Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, in Taiwan, where terminal cancer patient, He Jinyun (何錦芸), had one final wish as she moved to the hospice ward: to see her daughter get married. To make her dream come true, medical staff and volunteers prepared a simple ceremony, in just six hours” time. He Jinyun was finally able to see her daughter tie the knot, and gave the newly-married couple her heartfelt blessings.
10.苑裡陳秀娟 A mother repents
Chen Xiujuan of Taiwan”s Miaoli County used to have a happy family until her husband suffered a stroke. Forced to become the breadwinner of her family and leading a very stressful life, Xiujuan became quick tempered and often took her anger out on her children. Things only changed this year, after she signed up to perform in the Water Repentance Sutra. Here is her story.
At the end of the show, we go to Singapore, where a Tzu Chi camp was held for teenagers. As one of the themes of the workshop was filial devotion, parents were invited to a special tea ceremony, served by their children. The arrangement was a moving experience for all. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines_ 20111219
< The warmth of Christmas >
< Reaching beyond the Earth >
< Water Repentance in KL >
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show, in the Philippines, for needy families without the means to celebrate Christmas, Tzu Chi”s rice distribution came at the right time.
●In the continuation of our featured series from Tibet, today we find out why the Taiwanese observatory set up on the high plateau is the perfect place for star-gazing.
●Later, Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia are preparing to introduce the musical rendition of the Water Repentance sutra to the community, in the upcoming year-end blessing ceremony.
1.菲馬拉汶大米Early Christmas presents
2.列治文耶誕 Bringing festivity to nursing homes
3.慈大獲獎 Say No to drugs
4.這兒的星星最亮(2)獅泉河望遠鏡 Perfect place for star gazing
5.蘇州農場油菜 New organic farm in Suzhou
6.大愛媽學素食 Da Ai mothers cook away
7.馬水懺排練 Geared up for Water Repentance
8.印尼三合一 Media volunteer training on Batam
9.1219歷史的今天 On this day, the 19th of December.
10.矯正牽引法 Helping accident victim
1.菲馬拉汶大米Early Christmas presents
Christmas is widely celebrated around the world, but for many low-income families, there is little cash to spare for the festival. Luckily, for the needy households in the Philippines, Tzu Chi is once again distributing rice from Taiwan. Recently, in Malabon City, 1,007 families each received a 20-kilo bag of rice as an early Christmas present .
2.列治文耶誕 Bringing festivity to nursing homes
Christmas spirit is also in the air in Richmond, Canada, where Tzu Chi volunteers have built a strong friendship over the years with the elderly residents of Fraserview Nursing Home. Volunteers prepare gifts for the seniors there every Christmas, and this year, the goodies include pillows made by young volunteers.
3.慈大獲獎 Say No to drugs
The Taiwanese films ”Rebellious Son” and ”Breaking the Waves”, were produced by the Ministry of Justice in partnership with the Tzu Chi Foundation. Based on the real-life struggles of former drug addicts, the movies have been part of a national anti-drug campaign, since November of 2009. Recently, Tzu Chi University and the Tzu Chi Teachers Association were also recognized for promoting the anti-drug campaign.
《 靜思語 》
Those who do good deeds make others grateful; those who commit bad acts create vexation for others.
4.這兒的星星最亮(2)獅泉河望遠鏡 Perfect place for star gazing
Astrologers are always trying to see deeper and further into space, to uncover the secrets of the universe. Besides a powerful telescope, they also need good weather conditions to clearly see the stars. That”s why a team of Taiwanese scientists has built an observatory on the Tibetan plateau. The clean air, cloudless sky, and minimal light pollution from human settlements, make the area ideal for observations.
5.蘇州農場油菜 New organic farm in Suzhou
Eating organic vegetables is good for your health and the environment, which is why Tzu Chi volunteers in Suzhou, in China”s Jiangsu province, are cultivating a piece of farmland in Yangshan(陽山) that is entirely dedicated to growing chemical- and pesticide-free vegetables. Volunteers from Xiamen, with experience in organic farming, came especially to lend a hand; and local farmers also volunteered to share some very useful tips.
6.大愛媽學素食 Da Ai mothers cook away
A greener lifestyle isn”t complete without a plant-based diet. A team of Da Ai Mothers in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, recently took up a vegetarian cookery class to improve on their cooking skills. Lessons like this help give Da Ai mothers more ideas on how to prepare healthy meals for their children.
《 衲履足跡 》談惜福 On Cherishing Blessings
Wherever in the world Tzu Chi volunteers serve, they always advertise that the Buddhist charity and the humanistic values it represents are from Taiwan to build good karma for the country. Taiwanese people should cherish such blessings.
7.馬水懺排練 Geared up for Water Repentance
The Tzu Chi-Selangor/Kuala Lumpur chapter will be holding its year-end blessing ceremony on January 1, 2012, at the Putra Indoor Stadium in Bukit Jalil. Volunteers are giving the event a special touch with a performance of a section of the Water Repentance sutra. Cast members are currently in rehearsals, and, to make sure no one misses out on the practice sessions, volunteers have been helping each other out. How? Let”s find out more in this next story.
送舊迎新 馬來西亞慈濟雪隆分會,將於2012年1月1日,在布特拉室內體育館舉辦歲末祝福,其中特別帶給大眾,《慈悲三昧水懺》手語劇的演繹,雪隆慈濟志工努力排演,為了讓每位入經藏菩薩,都有機會參與練習,志工互相補位,讓我們來看看,他們的是怎麼做到的。
8.印尼三合一 Media volunteer training on Batam
Da Ai TV is able to broadcast Tzu Chi”s work around the world thanks to media volunteers who help capture the truth, goodness, and beauty of Tzu Chi activities. On Batam Island, Indonesia, there are only five media volunteers. To recruit new blood, volunteers held a training seminar, with the help of Indonesia”s Da Ai TV.
9.1219歷史的今天 On this day, the 19th of December.
1848 Short lived Emily Bronte
At the age of 29, English novelist and poet, Emily Jane Bronte wrote Wuthering Heights, which would become one of the world”s top ten novels. The book would be the only one written by Emily as she died on this day in 1848 at the age of 30.
2004 Winter relief in N Thailand
In winter, the temperature in northern Thailand can drop to five degrees Celsius. On this day in 2004, local Tzu Chi volunteers held a winter distribution for the poor at the soon-to-be-finished Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School. Blankets and clothes were handed out to make the winter warmer.
2005 Afghan National Assembly
In front of foreign diplomats including US Vice President Dick Cheney, and led by Afghan President Hamid Karzai, some 350 upper and lower house members, of the new National Assembly of Afghanistan, were sworn into office. It was the first National Assembly to be elected by the people after the Taliban regime was deposed by the United States.
2009 Homeless relief In Onshi Park
Onshi Park of Tokyo”s Ueno is a gathering place for the city”s homeless, who have made the park their home. With the global economic slump, their numbers increased. Notified by a local hiking club, on this day in 2009, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived with blankets. The homeless received the gifts in an orderly fashion and were very grateful.
1848年 咆哮山莊作者 艾蜜莉病逝
英國作家與詩人,艾蜜莉 勃朗特,二十九歲時創作咆哮山莊,終將成為世界十大小說名著之一,但這也是她一生唯一的一部長篇小說,因為1848年的這天,年僅三十歲的艾蜜莉就過世了。
2004年 泰北嚴冬 慈濟送暖
泰北山區冬天最冷的時候,僅有攝氏五度,2004年的這天當地的慈濟志工,在即將完工的清邁慈濟中小學裡,將棉被 毛毯以及保暖衣物,送給當地的窮困居民,好讓冬天更暖和。
2005年 首屆民選議會 正式運作
包括美國副總統錢尼在內的外國政要們,共同見證這場由阿富汗總統 哈米德主持,帶領阿富汗上與下議院,共三百五十多席議員宣誓就職,是美軍推翻塔利班政權之後,阿富汗首次的民選議會。
2009年 日本慈濟 關懷街友
10.矯正牽引法 Helping accident victim
A resident of Taichung, Taiwan, 56 year old Lin Xianglan(林香蘭) was involved in a road accident in October of last year, which severely dislocated and fractured her jaw. Eating, breathing and speaking became extremely difficult. Surgery was recommended, but since there was a chance that it could affect her facial nerves, Xianglan decided to go to Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital instead, where doctors used traction therapy to get her jaw, and surrounding muscles, back in line.
It is coming to the year”s end, and Tzu Shao members in Yonghe, in Taiwan”s New Taipei City decided to give the local Tzu Chi retreat - where they take their lessons - a good cleanup. Their effort also extended to the rest of the building, for other users. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
< Reaching beyond the Earth >
< Water Repentance in KL >
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show, in the Philippines, for needy families without the means to celebrate Christmas, Tzu Chi”s rice distribution came at the right time.
●In the continuation of our featured series from Tibet, today we find out why the Taiwanese observatory set up on the high plateau is the perfect place for star-gazing.
●Later, Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia are preparing to introduce the musical rendition of the Water Repentance sutra to the community, in the upcoming year-end blessing ceremony.
1.菲馬拉汶大米Early Christmas presents
2.列治文耶誕 Bringing festivity to nursing homes
3.慈大獲獎 Say No to drugs
4.這兒的星星最亮(2)獅泉河望遠鏡 Perfect place for star gazing
5.蘇州農場油菜 New organic farm in Suzhou
6.大愛媽學素食 Da Ai mothers cook away
7.馬水懺排練 Geared up for Water Repentance
8.印尼三合一 Media volunteer training on Batam
9.1219歷史的今天 On this day, the 19th of December.
10.矯正牽引法 Helping accident victim
1.菲馬拉汶大米Early Christmas presents
Christmas is widely celebrated around the world, but for many low-income families, there is little cash to spare for the festival. Luckily, for the needy households in the Philippines, Tzu Chi is once again distributing rice from Taiwan. Recently, in Malabon City, 1,007 families each received a 20-kilo bag of rice as an early Christmas present .
2.列治文耶誕 Bringing festivity to nursing homes
Christmas spirit is also in the air in Richmond, Canada, where Tzu Chi volunteers have built a strong friendship over the years with the elderly residents of Fraserview Nursing Home. Volunteers prepare gifts for the seniors there every Christmas, and this year, the goodies include pillows made by young volunteers.
3.慈大獲獎 Say No to drugs
The Taiwanese films ”Rebellious Son” and ”Breaking the Waves”, were produced by the Ministry of Justice in partnership with the Tzu Chi Foundation. Based on the real-life struggles of former drug addicts, the movies have been part of a national anti-drug campaign, since November of 2009. Recently, Tzu Chi University and the Tzu Chi Teachers Association were also recognized for promoting the anti-drug campaign.
《 靜思語 》
Those who do good deeds make others grateful; those who commit bad acts create vexation for others.
4.這兒的星星最亮(2)獅泉河望遠鏡 Perfect place for star gazing
Astrologers are always trying to see deeper and further into space, to uncover the secrets of the universe. Besides a powerful telescope, they also need good weather conditions to clearly see the stars. That”s why a team of Taiwanese scientists has built an observatory on the Tibetan plateau. The clean air, cloudless sky, and minimal light pollution from human settlements, make the area ideal for observations.
5.蘇州農場油菜 New organic farm in Suzhou
Eating organic vegetables is good for your health and the environment, which is why Tzu Chi volunteers in Suzhou, in China”s Jiangsu province, are cultivating a piece of farmland in Yangshan(陽山) that is entirely dedicated to growing chemical- and pesticide-free vegetables. Volunteers from Xiamen, with experience in organic farming, came especially to lend a hand; and local farmers also volunteered to share some very useful tips.
6.大愛媽學素食 Da Ai mothers cook away
A greener lifestyle isn”t complete without a plant-based diet. A team of Da Ai Mothers in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, recently took up a vegetarian cookery class to improve on their cooking skills. Lessons like this help give Da Ai mothers more ideas on how to prepare healthy meals for their children.
《 衲履足跡 》談惜福 On Cherishing Blessings
Wherever in the world Tzu Chi volunteers serve, they always advertise that the Buddhist charity and the humanistic values it represents are from Taiwan to build good karma for the country. Taiwanese people should cherish such blessings.
7.馬水懺排練 Geared up for Water Repentance
The Tzu Chi-Selangor/Kuala Lumpur chapter will be holding its year-end blessing ceremony on January 1, 2012, at the Putra Indoor Stadium in Bukit Jalil. Volunteers are giving the event a special touch with a performance of a section of the Water Repentance sutra. Cast members are currently in rehearsals, and, to make sure no one misses out on the practice sessions, volunteers have been helping each other out. How? Let”s find out more in this next story.
送舊迎新 馬來西亞慈濟雪隆分會,將於2012年1月1日,在布特拉室內體育館舉辦歲末祝福,其中特別帶給大眾,《慈悲三昧水懺》手語劇的演繹,雪隆慈濟志工努力排演,為了讓每位入經藏菩薩,都有機會參與練習,志工互相補位,讓我們來看看,他們的是怎麼做到的。
8.印尼三合一 Media volunteer training on Batam
Da Ai TV is able to broadcast Tzu Chi”s work around the world thanks to media volunteers who help capture the truth, goodness, and beauty of Tzu Chi activities. On Batam Island, Indonesia, there are only five media volunteers. To recruit new blood, volunteers held a training seminar, with the help of Indonesia”s Da Ai TV.
9.1219歷史的今天 On this day, the 19th of December.
1848 Short lived Emily Bronte
At the age of 29, English novelist and poet, Emily Jane Bronte wrote Wuthering Heights, which would become one of the world”s top ten novels. The book would be the only one written by Emily as she died on this day in 1848 at the age of 30.
2004 Winter relief in N Thailand
In winter, the temperature in northern Thailand can drop to five degrees Celsius. On this day in 2004, local Tzu Chi volunteers held a winter distribution for the poor at the soon-to-be-finished Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School. Blankets and clothes were handed out to make the winter warmer.
2005 Afghan National Assembly
In front of foreign diplomats including US Vice President Dick Cheney, and led by Afghan President Hamid Karzai, some 350 upper and lower house members, of the new National Assembly of Afghanistan, were sworn into office. It was the first National Assembly to be elected by the people after the Taliban regime was deposed by the United States.
2009 Homeless relief In Onshi Park
Onshi Park of Tokyo”s Ueno is a gathering place for the city”s homeless, who have made the park their home. With the global economic slump, their numbers increased. Notified by a local hiking club, on this day in 2009, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived with blankets. The homeless received the gifts in an orderly fashion and were very grateful.
1848年 咆哮山莊作者 艾蜜莉病逝
英國作家與詩人,艾蜜莉 勃朗特,二十九歲時創作咆哮山莊,終將成為世界十大小說名著之一,但這也是她一生唯一的一部長篇小說,因為1848年的這天,年僅三十歲的艾蜜莉就過世了。
2004年 泰北嚴冬 慈濟送暖
泰北山區冬天最冷的時候,僅有攝氏五度,2004年的這天當地的慈濟志工,在即將完工的清邁慈濟中小學裡,將棉被 毛毯以及保暖衣物,送給當地的窮困居民,好讓冬天更暖和。
2005年 首屆民選議會 正式運作
包括美國副總統錢尼在內的外國政要們,共同見證這場由阿富汗總統 哈米德主持,帶領阿富汗上與下議院,共三百五十多席議員宣誓就職,是美軍推翻塔利班政權之後,阿富汗首次的民選議會。
2009年 日本慈濟 關懷街友
10.矯正牽引法 Helping accident victim
A resident of Taichung, Taiwan, 56 year old Lin Xianglan(林香蘭) was involved in a road accident in October of last year, which severely dislocated and fractured her jaw. Eating, breathing and speaking became extremely difficult. Surgery was recommended, but since there was a chance that it could affect her facial nerves, Xianglan decided to go to Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital instead, where doctors used traction therapy to get her jaw, and surrounding muscles, back in line.
It is coming to the year”s end, and Tzu Shao members in Yonghe, in Taiwan”s New Taipei City decided to give the local Tzu Chi retreat - where they take their lessons - a good cleanup. Their effort also extended to the rest of the building, for other users. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2011年12月16日 星期五
DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines_ 20111215
< Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us. >
< Relief for Fukushima >
< Page in chapter history >
< 17 years in San Francisco >
Coming up in today”s show, Tzu Chi organizes its 10th delivery of consolation cash to victims of the earthquake and tsunami in northeast Japan, this time to the Fukushima area, near the damaged nuclear power plant.
We look back at the history of the Taipei Tzu Chi chapter house, which recently celebrated its 23rd birthday.
And another chapter in Tzu Chi”s history book, as the San Francisco office reaches its 17th anniversary.
1.日十梯發放 10th distribution at Fukushima
2.馬來西亞助產 Maternal care in Sabah
3.★1213(慈濟)台北分會 Building Taipei Tzu Chi office
4.馬公獨居送床 Caring for solitary senior
5.★1213(慈濟)舊金山慈濟 Tzu Chi Liaison Office in San Francisco
6.多倫多捐贈 Celebrating the holidays with love
7.★1215歷史的今天-mv On this day, the 15th of December.
8.歲末鄭泳枝 Removing a bitter taste
9.靜思劇推素食 Jing Si drama on vegetarianism
10.蘆洲安養院 Luzhou nursing home visit
1.日十梯發放 10th distribution at Fukushima
It has been nine months since the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, that left northeast Japan in a state of chaos. Since the disaster, Tzu Chi has held ten distributions: handing out consolation cash to over 96,000 families. At the latest distribution, volunteers arrived in the hard-hit Fukushima Prefecture, where residents” lives have also been affected by radiation, from the Fukushima nuclear power plant. The arrival of Tzu Chi, is a boost for the disaster victims, who are still trying to piece their lives back together.
2.馬來西亞助產 Maternal care in Sabah
From Japan to Malaysia, where Tzu Chi established a maternity care home, in the isolated island of Pitas, on the north coast of Sabah, in 2003. The care home is opposite the local clinic, just five minutes walk away. Previously, even if expectant mothers made it down the mountain, from their villages, to the clinic, before they gave birth, they were often turned away, because they were not ill. So, many mothers decided to give birth at home - which pushed up the infant mortality rate. In 1998, Tzu Chi volunteers came to Pitas to deliver aid relief, after a serious drought. After that, they kept coming, discovering the need for a care home. And the rest is history.
《 靜思語 》
Those who realize the truth seize every moment and make it everlasting. Those who do not, idle away their time and live in regret.
3.★1213(慈濟)台北分會 Building Taipei Tzu Chi office
Master Cheng Yen founded Tzu Chi nearly 46 years ago, in Taiwan”s secluded Hualien County, as a way to put Buddhism in action. Tzu Chi means ”compassionate relief”. When the Master set out to build a hospital, in Hualien, in 1972, local housewives showed their support, by making small daily donations. Bit by bit, the contributions also led to the construction of the Taipei Tzu Chi office, in 1988, which helped expand Tzu Chi”s work internationally.
4.馬公獨居送床 Caring for solitary senior
Walking the Tzu Chi path in Taiwan”s Penghu islands, volunteers recently helped local resident, Mr. Hu. The senior, in his 70s, lived alone in a small house, with a leaking roof. The local village head asked NGOs to help restore his home. Tzu Chi volunteers paid the rent, and bought second-hand furniture, for a temporary place, where Mr. Hu is staying, until his home is fixed.
《 衲履足跡 》 On Actively Giving 談把握福緣
Human nature may be inherently good, yet greed and bottomless desire attract worries, and in the long run may lead to natural and manmade disasters.
Master Cheng Yen reminded all to nurture good thoughts, and make use of every opportunity in life to create blessings for others.
5.★1213(慈濟)舊金山慈濟 Tzu Chi Liaison Office in San Francisco
The Tzu Chi Liaison Office in San Francisco was established on December 13, 1994. Now, 17 years later, the office, which used to be in North America”s oldest Chinatown, continues to do its part to help the needy.
6.多倫多捐贈 Celebrating the holidays with love
Over the border in Toronto, Canada, the local Tzu Chi Academy responded to a recent appeal by a local food bank. As well as preparing supplies, they also donated Christmas presents. Teacher and students, from the school, as well as volunteers, picked out gifts for needy children, and personally delivered red envelopes to the adults.
7.★1215歷史的今天-mv On this day, the 15th of December.
Goodbye Walt Disney
Walter Elias Disney died of lung cancer complications on this day in 1966 several days after his 65th birthday. The creator of Mickey Mouse cofounded the production company named after himself with his brother which produced the first animated feature Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The success of the film helped Walt Disney build his empire.
Hsinchu Science
& Industrial Park
Taiwan”s own Silicon Valley- Hsinchu Science and Industrial Park opened on this day in 1980. Located near National Tsing Hua and Chiao Tung Universities, the park helped transform Taiwan”s agrarian-based economy into a high tech economy. In 2007, the park”s gross revenue accounted for 10 percent of the country”s GDP.
Winter relief in Hunan
On this day in 1993, Tzu Chi volunteers from Taiwan arrived in China”s Sangzhi County of Hunan Province. (湖南省桑植縣) Led by Jing Si Abode”s dharma masters, the group departed from Quanjiao in Anhui Province (安徽全椒) and traveled for five days and five nights to deliver winter clothes and blanket to residents in need. The group also prayed for flood survivors to endure the cold winter.
Seminar for Tzu Chi staff
The first spiritual cultivation seminar for Tzu Chi”s employees was held on this day in 2006. Through religious ceremonies and classes, the goal was to help the employees come to understand Tzu Chi”s spirit so they could truly become Tzu Chi people.
8.歲末鄭泳枝 Removing a bitter taste
In our next story, we introduce you to Taiwanese volunteer, Zheng Yongzhi, who was adopted at birth, but had to work from a young age to support her foster family - even missing out on junior high school. After getting married, she lost her womb in her first pregnancy, and was unable to give birth after that. Knocked back by her misfortunes, she became bitter and resentful - until she took part in the Water Repentance sutra this year, and reevaluated her life.
9.靜思劇推素食 Jing Si drama on vegetarianism
Staying in Taiwan, recently, a group of Da Ai mothers visited Kaohsiung”s Wuquan五權 Elementary School to perform a Jing Si drama. The play, about the cruelty of slaughtering animals, caught the students” imagination, and inspired them to eat less meat, and more vegetables.
10.蘆洲安養院 Luzhou nursing home visit
Staying in Taiwan, last Sunday, Tzu Chi volunteers, and Tzu Shaos visited the Sanmin Nursing Home, in Luzhou, of New Taipei City, to care for the residents. The Tzu Shaos - who are volunteering students - not only sang for the seniors, but also give them massages. The students all said they enjoyed the experience, and vowed to be better behaved at home.
Finally today, Tzu Chi volunteers in Dallas, Texas, worked together with a local supermarket to hold a fundraising event. Since the supermarket sells vegetarian food, the volunteers sold homemade snacks, with all the proceeds going to international relief. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
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