2012年3月8日 星期四
< Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us. >
Kentucky twister disaster survey
The benefits of eating 80pct full
Uphill struggle for Qijin tricycles
Coming up in the show today, Tzu Chi volunteers from the US state of Ohio travel to areas in Kentucky hit by last week”s tornados.
We meet a Tzu Chi volunteer in Taipei, who is following Master Cheng Yen”s advice, to eat only 80 percent full, to see what difference it has made to her life.
And later in the show, we take a slow ride around Kaohsiung”s Qijin Island, with the country”s last remaining fleet of three-wheeled rickshaws.
After a series of tornados hit Kentucky, in the United States, last Friday, March 2nd, areas of the state were left severely damaged. 18 residents died, as a result of the disaster, and hundreds of houses were either completely destroyed or half damaged. Three days after the storm, Tzu Chi volunteers from Ohio, traveled to Kendon County, in Kentucky, to carry out a disaster survey.
美國上星期五 3月2日,遭受龍捲風侵襲,肯塔基州受災非常嚴重,有18人往生,數百間房屋不是全部倒塌,就是嚴重損壞,災後第三天,俄亥俄州慈濟志工 就跨州勘災,希望盡快提供協助。
Recently, Tzu Chi volunteers from the US Headquarters went all the way to Leon City in Mexico, to distribute hot meals to care recipients. The food, and friendly company, of the volunteers, touched the hearts of the residents.
In Lesotho, every year after Chinese New Year, the local Tzu Chi office holds a blessing ceremony. This year, the number of participants surged from the usual 100, to 350.
《 靜思語 》
A blessed life is one filled with love.
Tzu Chi”s dialysis center in Penang, Malaysia recently lost one of its patients to a road accident. 57-year-old Li Yiming (李一銘) was on his way home, when he suddenly lost the control of his scooter. Though Mr. Li will be sorely missed, by his family and friends, his spirit lives on, because he donated his corneas, to help people who need them.
Next, we introduce you to 78-year-old Huang Xiaqiang(黃俠強)who is a community volunteer, at Taipei City”s Qiming(啟明) Library. Huang reads out books, to a blind braille reader, who corrects the texts for other unsighted people. It may take them several months to proofread a book.
Gao Huijuan is a teacher at Tzu Chi University”s Department of Public Health. While conducting research on indigenous peoples, in Xiulin Township, of Hualien County, she was accepted as a member of the family by the villagers. She says, her study of Buddhism helped give her a humble nature.
Someone else who is trying to live in harmony with the world is Tzu Chi volunteer Yang Mi, from Banqiao in New Taipei City. Three years ago, she was inspired by Master Cheng Yen, to cut down on the large amount of food she was eating. The result wasn”t only a change to her figure, but her life.
《 衲履足跡 》On Self Inspection 談反省
反省就是懺悔,或許有的人認為,自己既沒有做錯事,亦問心無愧,沒有對不起別人,應知 連細微的起心動念也要清除,否則會在心中留下不好的因子。
Some are inclined to think there is no need for self-inspection because no wrongs have been committed.
But take note that even a passing thought can affect your heart. To re-examine oneself is to repent.
The rickshaw, or tricycle, used to be the main means of transportation in Taiwan. As the roads became more congested with buses and taxis, tricycles were banned from the streets in 1968. However, they survived in one part of Taiwan - a narrow spit of land, sitting outside the Port of Kaohsiung, called Qijin Island. The island is a popular tourist destination, but the rickshaw riders are struggling to stay in business, against competition from rented bicycles. We went to Qijin, to find out more.
The rickshaw riders of Qijin are part of the island”s heritage, but they may soon be confined to the history books. In our second story from Kaohsiung, we find out why the elderly riders say, they want to stay in the saddle, for years to come.
Back to the topic of the Water Repentance sutra, Tzu Chi volunteers in the Shilin area of Taipei opened a community study group, on the Buddhist scripture, and invited local residents to read the text, and learn the sign language moves, at the same time. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
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