2012年3月27日 星期二
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120327
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us. In Argentina, Tzu Chi volunteers return to Quilmes to bring 200 children shoes and stationery so they may return to school. We visit Germany to learn how the country is making cars more environmentally friendly, and reducing people”s dependency on personal vehicles. And, to thank Taiwan”s people for their aid to Japan during the 3/11 disaster, a young student helped organize ”Thank You Taiwan”.
1. 奇爾美士發放
2. 紐老人關懷
3. 一個城市的綠色旅程(8)綠色交通
4. 回家之路(11)謝謝台灣
5. 馬素食分享
6. 印素食競賽
7. 青舵獎表揚
END: 美聖荷西掃街
1. 奇爾美士發放
Since 2005, Tzu Chi volunteers in Argentina have done their best to care for those living in the slum of Quilmes. Recently volunteers heard that many young students have been unable to go to school - which started two weeks prior - because they were unable to afford the necessary stationery or shoes. Volunteers quickly moved to solve this problem and within three days were able to distribute the needed supplies.
2. 紐老人關懷
Also providing long term care, in New Zealand, Tzu Chings from Auckland re-visited the Lansdowne Rest Home to check on its residents. The youth volunteers danced with the seniors and sang songs to show their love and care.
《 靜思語 》
From birth till death, what”s important is to develop and cultivate virtuous activities in life.
3. 一個城市的綠色旅程(8)綠色交通
In the latest in our series on Germany”s transformation from nuclear to renewable energy, we go back to Freiburg to visit the neighborhood of Vauban - which is the first car-free district in the world. An amazing 70 percent of the residents do not own a car, and the rest park their vehicles outside the community and use bicycles and public transportation to get around. Meanwhile, German cities are looking for green alternatives to gasoline powered transportation. Let”s find out more in today”s episode of ”A City”s Green Journey”.
《 衲履足跡 》
On Cleansing the Earth
You reap what you sow. Tzu Chi”s founder said: karma is like a stream of air. You must learn to control your temper to cleanse the bottom of your heart. If you do that, you will get on with other people, and help balance climatic and seismic conditions. That is the way for humans to cleanse the earth.
4. 回家之路(11)謝謝台灣
After northeast Japan was devastated by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and the subsequent tsunami on March 11 of 2011, Taiwan”s people immediately came together to lend a helping hand. That compassion and kindness was unforgettable for the disaster victims. To help convey their gratitude, a young Japanese man studying in Taiwan, together with his friends, decided to organize a Thank You Taiwan event. Here”s more.
2011年3月11日,日本東北發生九級強震與海嘯後,台灣人馬上跳出來獻上自己的愛心,這份愛與溫暖讓受災人民難以忘懷,為了表達出這份感恩,一位在台灣就讀的日本留學生,與朋友一起籌備 「謝謝台灣」的活動,一起來看看。
5. 馬素食分享
Tzu Chi Foundation Medical Mission CEO, Dr. Lin Junlong 林俊龍was recently invited to Malaysia to share the importance of vegetarianism and conservation work. In the seminar organized by the Selangor Chapter and the media, over 750 participants learned about the benefits of a meatless diet and were all much inspired.
6. 印素食競賽
Also changing people”s eating habit in Indonesia, Tzu Chings organized a vegetarian cooking competition in which 11 teams took part. The competition gave each team 70 minutes to prepare two dishes with vegetables and fruits. Let”s take a look.
7. 青舵獎表揚
Recently, the winners of the 4th annual National Contribution Awards in Taiwan were announced. The awards recognize young people who are exceptionally devoted to their families. In our next story, we introduce you to two prize winning students: Huang Jingyi (黃靜宜) and Lv Yijie (呂俋潔).
END: 美聖荷西掃街
At the annual cleanup day in San Jose, California, local Tzu Chi volunteers also joined the event to tidy up their neighborhood, leaving no stones unturned. We join them at the end of today”s program. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
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