2012年3月30日 星期五
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120330
< 3rd aid distribution in Wagga Wagga >
< Nuclear future for Lanyu unclear >
< A taste of old dough steamed bun >
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today”s show, the Tzu Chi-Australia Chapter organizes a third aid distribution in the flood affected area of Wagga Wagga, in New South Wales. One of Taiwan”s ecological gems, Lanyu Island, is home to the country”s nuclear waste storage facility; the island”s ecosystem is facing the dire threat of radioactive contamination. And later, have you tasted a special type of Chinese steamed bun made from old dough? In today”s featured report, we find out why there are very few shops in Taiwan that sell old dough buns.
1. 瓦格再發放
2. 奧克蘭義診圓滿
3. 核不沉默(3)輻射與生態
4. 一個城市的綠色旅程(11)農場新生
5. 360山東大饅頭(一)
END: 天津敬老關懷
1. 瓦格再發放
At the end of February, heavy rainfall caused flooding in New South Wales, Australia. Tzu Chi volunteers carried out two aid distributions in one of the heavily damaged areas, Wagga Wagga. For the flood victims who did not receive the provisions in the relief distributions, volunteers made a special trip back to Wagga Wagga with more supplies.
2. 奧克蘭義診圓滿
Moving to the United States, the four-day clinic co-hosted by Tzu Chi and Remote Area Medical, in the city of Oakland, ended on the 25th of March. Doctors and volunteers worked till the last second, before moving onto the next clinic in Sacramento.
3. 核不沉默(3)輻射與生態
Continuing our series on Taiwan”s radioactive waste management, we return to Lanyu, an island with a vibrant ecosystem. In 1982, Taiwan”s government started shipping low-level nuclear waste to be stored on the island. Though the government claim the storage facility is totally safe, mutated fish have been found around the island. We went to investigate the problem.
《 衲履足跡 》
On Internalizing Buddhism
You must be sincere, kind and determined, and help put people on the right track. Only then can the world be full of warmth and mutual care. Tzu Chi”s founder said, only when people show active compassion for each other can there be peace in the world and in people”s hearts.
4. 一個城市的綠色旅程(11)農場新生
Unlike Taiwan, Germany has been working hard to phase out nuclear power. In the last leg of our ”green journey” around the towns and cities of Germany, we visit the countryside, to find out how local farmers use solar power, biogas and hydropower to supply their energy needs, and make a surplus, which they can sell back to the grid.
5. 360山東大饅頭(一)
Back to Taiwan, steamed buns made with old dough leavening - which gives them a chewier texture - are hard to find, as even experienced bun makers can”t guarantee a perfect batch every time. In Zhongli, Taoyuan, a family run shop is making these old dough buns the traditional way, and the authenticity of the buns has customers coming back for more - if they can get up early enough.
END: 天津敬老關懷
At the end of show, we go to China”s Tianjin, where Tzu Chi volunteers made the day brighter for the seniors at a local nursing home, and in turn felt enriched by the wisdom of their elders. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.
2012年3月28日 星期三
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120328
< Remote Area Medical clinic in Oakland >
< Renewable energy classes in Germany >
< Nuclear waste site on Taiwan”s Lanyu >
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in the show today, the US NGO Remote Area Medical and Tzu Chi jointly organize a mammoth free dental clinic, in Oakland, California. Renewable energy is part of the way of life in Germany. We find out how practical lessons in German schools help prepare students for the future. And as Germany phases out nuclear power, we investigate the hazards of nuclear waste disposal in Taiwan, on the beautiful island of Lanyu.
1. 奧克蘭義診
2. 義診廢水處理
3. 馬模擬中心
4. 花觀光醫療啟動
5. 一個城市的綠色旅程(9)環保意識
6. 核不沉默(1)核廢料在蘭嶼
7. 豐原居關整修
END: 大馬教育展
1. 奧克蘭義診
Tzu Chi volunteers in the United States, again joined the US NGO, Remote Access Medical, to host a four-day free clinic in Oakland, California, from February 22-25. Before the event started, patients who lacked the money, or the health insurance, to get the treatment they needed, had already started lining up outside.
2. 義診廢水處理
At the recent free clinic held in Oakland, close to 100 dental chairs, were set up to serve the public. 50 of them were donated by Tzu Chi. However, since each of the dental stations produced a steady stream of wastewater, it was up to several volunteers, to help dispose of the effluent, and keep the checkups running on schedule.
3. 馬模擬中心
Malaysia University established a simulated surgery center on Friday, March 23. The center will allow doctors to practice complex procedures on donated full bodies, and thus help raise medical standards in the country. But, like Taiwan, ideas, in Malaysia, about death are quite conservative, and relatives like to preserve the corpse of their loved ones, in a complete state, for the funeral. Tzu Chi University began promoting the idea of full body donations, in Taiwan, 17 years ago. And now, Malaysia University, with help from Tzu Chi and the Xiao En (孝恩)Group, is taking the same route.
4. 花觀光醫療啟動
The Department of Health in Hualien, Taiwan, recently started consolidating its tourism and medical services. When tourists come to scenic Hualien, other than seeing the sights, they can also have a health-check, or take advantage of other medical services. Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital is joining the program.
《 靜思語 》
In life there is no turning back; meet adversity courageously as it comes.
5. 一個城市的綠色旅程(9)環保意識
In today”s trip to Germany, we visit a vocational college in Hamburg, to see how students learn about renewable energy, in class. As we will find out, the issue of conservation is high on the agenda, at all levels of German society.
《 衲履足跡 》
On Independence
For someone to change their ways, they must first reflect on themselves, and make up their own mind to change. We can only keep them company and teach them along the way. The person being helped must stand up on their own, and make a genuine effort to develop their talents, before they can plant their feet on the ground, and work towards becoming stronger.
6. 核不沉默(1)核廢料在蘭嶼
Germany was prompted to phase out its nuclear power program by the Fukushima disaster in Japan. Here in Taiwan, there are three nuclear power stations, with a fourth, currently under construction. In our next report, we begin a new series on Taiwan”s atomic program, starting with how the authorities deal with radioactive waste.
7. 豐原居關整修
Staying in Taiwan for our next report, we take you to Taichung”s Fengyuan district, to meet Tzu Chi care recipient Mr. Zhang, his Indonesian wife, and their eight children. To help support the struggling family, a group of volunteers recently arrived to clean up their home.
END: 大馬教育展
The Tzu Chi dialysis center in Penang, Malaysia, took part in a huge education fare, for the first time. Staff hoped to recruit more young people to join the nursing team. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2012年3月27日 星期二
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120327
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us. In Argentina, Tzu Chi volunteers return to Quilmes to bring 200 children shoes and stationery so they may return to school. We visit Germany to learn how the country is making cars more environmentally friendly, and reducing people”s dependency on personal vehicles. And, to thank Taiwan”s people for their aid to Japan during the 3/11 disaster, a young student helped organize ”Thank You Taiwan”.
1. 奇爾美士發放
2. 紐老人關懷
3. 一個城市的綠色旅程(8)綠色交通
4. 回家之路(11)謝謝台灣
5. 馬素食分享
6. 印素食競賽
7. 青舵獎表揚
END: 美聖荷西掃街
1. 奇爾美士發放
Since 2005, Tzu Chi volunteers in Argentina have done their best to care for those living in the slum of Quilmes. Recently volunteers heard that many young students have been unable to go to school - which started two weeks prior - because they were unable to afford the necessary stationery or shoes. Volunteers quickly moved to solve this problem and within three days were able to distribute the needed supplies.
2. 紐老人關懷
Also providing long term care, in New Zealand, Tzu Chings from Auckland re-visited the Lansdowne Rest Home to check on its residents. The youth volunteers danced with the seniors and sang songs to show their love and care.
《 靜思語 》
From birth till death, what”s important is to develop and cultivate virtuous activities in life.
3. 一個城市的綠色旅程(8)綠色交通
In the latest in our series on Germany”s transformation from nuclear to renewable energy, we go back to Freiburg to visit the neighborhood of Vauban - which is the first car-free district in the world. An amazing 70 percent of the residents do not own a car, and the rest park their vehicles outside the community and use bicycles and public transportation to get around. Meanwhile, German cities are looking for green alternatives to gasoline powered transportation. Let”s find out more in today”s episode of ”A City”s Green Journey”.
《 衲履足跡 》
On Cleansing the Earth
You reap what you sow. Tzu Chi”s founder said: karma is like a stream of air. You must learn to control your temper to cleanse the bottom of your heart. If you do that, you will get on with other people, and help balance climatic and seismic conditions. That is the way for humans to cleanse the earth.
4. 回家之路(11)謝謝台灣
After northeast Japan was devastated by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and the subsequent tsunami on March 11 of 2011, Taiwan”s people immediately came together to lend a helping hand. That compassion and kindness was unforgettable for the disaster victims. To help convey their gratitude, a young Japanese man studying in Taiwan, together with his friends, decided to organize a Thank You Taiwan event. Here”s more.
2011年3月11日,日本東北發生九級強震與海嘯後,台灣人馬上跳出來獻上自己的愛心,這份愛與溫暖讓受災人民難以忘懷,為了表達出這份感恩,一位在台灣就讀的日本留學生,與朋友一起籌備 「謝謝台灣」的活動,一起來看看。
5. 馬素食分享
Tzu Chi Foundation Medical Mission CEO, Dr. Lin Junlong 林俊龍was recently invited to Malaysia to share the importance of vegetarianism and conservation work. In the seminar organized by the Selangor Chapter and the media, over 750 participants learned about the benefits of a meatless diet and were all much inspired.
6. 印素食競賽
Also changing people”s eating habit in Indonesia, Tzu Chings organized a vegetarian cooking competition in which 11 teams took part. The competition gave each team 70 minutes to prepare two dishes with vegetables and fruits. Let”s take a look.
7. 青舵獎表揚
Recently, the winners of the 4th annual National Contribution Awards in Taiwan were announced. The awards recognize young people who are exceptionally devoted to their families. In our next story, we introduce you to two prize winning students: Huang Jingyi (黃靜宜) and Lv Yijie (呂俋潔).
END: 美聖荷西掃街
At the annual cleanup day in San Jose, California, local Tzu Chi volunteers also joined the event to tidy up their neighborhood, leaving no stones unturned. We join them at the end of today”s program. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2012年3月26日 星期一
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120326
< Free clinic for DR”s poor >
< Harvesting solar energy >
< Serving the old & needy >
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in the show, US TIMA members travel to southwest Dominican Republic to organize a free clinic that, for some, was their first ever visit to the doctors. We go to Germany”s Freiburg-- known as the solar capital of Europe-- to understand the advancements the city has made to source their energy from the sun. And later, we meet Tzu Chi volunteer Qiu Biduan from Taiwan”s Nantou County, a home care services worker, who takes great pleasure in working with seniors and serving the needy.
1. 菲火災發放
2. 多明尼加義診
3. 泰第七次培訓
4. 一個城市的綠色旅程(7)太陽能之都
5. 回家之路(10)三陸照明
6. 貧忙有愛
7. 貧困好成績
END: 印習經院義診
1. 菲火災發放
First up, a fire broke out in a community in Valenzuela City of Philippines, burning down 31 houses. To help the fire victims through the rough patch, Tzu Chi volunteers visited the community with daily necessities and cheery encouragement.
2. 多明尼加義診
Moving to the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean, volunteers from New Jersey”s TIMA chapter in the United States recently traveled to the country to carry out a free clinic for the poor. TIMA doctors and nurses were joined by local medical personnel and volunteers, and together they served a total of 824 patients.
3. 泰第七次培訓
During last year”s prolonged flooding in Thailand, Tzu Chi volunteers were in disaster areas for six months, delivering love every day to those in need. The efforts of the volunteers moved many, and at Tzu Chi Thailand Chapter”s seventh volunteer training program, 70 locals, all former flood victims or those who participated in Tzu Chi flood relief, joined in hopes of becoming Tzu Chi volunteers. In the two day course, participants learned more about Tzu Chi ideals and humanitarian missions.
《 靜思語 》
Before discussing life and death, first understand how to eliminate afflictions of the mind.
4. 一個城市的綠色旅程(7)太陽能之都
Taiwan is one of the world”s top producers of photovoltaic cells. But most of them are for export. One of our best customers is Freiburg in Germany - which is called ”solar city” because there are solar panels everywhere. Although Freiburg is Germany”s sunniest city, it still gets less sunlight than Taiwan. In the latest in our series called ”A City”s Green Journey” we go to Freiburg to find out why it is light years ahead of Taiwan.
5. 回家之路(10)三陸照明
In the aftermath of Japan”s March 11th triple disaster, many local volunteer organizations jumped into action, or came into being. In today”s report we go back to Iwate Prefecture”s Rikuzentakata City, many parts of which were thrown into complete darkness after the tsunami and earthquake damaged local infrastructure. Three volunteers from the prefecture”s Morioka City traveled to Rikuzentakata with one goal in mind: to illuminate disaster areas. The trio”s Light Up Project has helped a prefab housing community adorn its buildings with cheerful Christmas lights, and put up lighting fixtures along a length of road that previously had no illumination. For the Light Up team, they believe that with light comes hope, and their contributions have indeed given many disaster victims a strong sense of warmth and hope.
6. 貧忙有愛
Tzu Chi volunteer Qiu Biduan (邱碧緞) from Jiji Township of Taiwan”s Nantou County is also an earthquake survivor. She became a home care services worker after the 1999 earthquake, taking care of elderly people. Despite her busy schedule, Qiu also volunteers for Tzu Chi because it brings her spiritual joy.
7. 貧困好成績
Taichung”s Dajia (大甲) High School students Li Jianhong (李建宏) and Huang Sijia (黃思嘉) both come from disadvantaged backgrounds. The two students work hard in school, and through Taiwan”s ”Multi-stars Program”, both were accepted by national universities. Li and Huang look forward to tertiary education that will help equip them for a brighter future.
END: 印習經院義診
At a recent free clinic that took place in Nurul Iman Islamic Boarding School in Jakarta, Indonesia, a participating doctor decided to contribute his expertise after learning about Tzu Chi”s charity medical events on TV. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2012年3月23日 星期五
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120323
< Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us. >
Medical assistance for the poor
Energy: sell what you don”t use
Faith and optimism never lost
Coming up in the show, the Tzu Chi free clinic in Batam, Indonesia provides surgery to nearly 400 impoverished locals.
In today”s featured series on Germany”s quest for renewable energy, we look at how the government”s green energy policies help steer the country towards its goal to phase out nuclear power.
And later, we find out how Japan”s Towel Elephant Project is helping March 11th disaster victims rebuild camaraderie and rediscover their lost smiles.
6. 馬腎友陸祥玖
We start today in Indonesia, where TIMA held its 82nd free clinic on the islands of Batam. As some of the patients traveled from the more remote islands, volunteers offered them free transportation and overnight lodging. Altogether 393 people underwent surgery and the close to 1,000 volunteers ensured that every operation was a success.
A patient at Taiwan”s Guanshan Tzu Chi Hospital, 82-year-old Pan Tiancai(潘添財) had his right leg amputated due to diabetes. The wheelchair bound man grows his own vegetables, and his passion for farming moved medical staff to help him out with the garden work.
Staying in Taiwan, all participants in the musical rendition of the Water Repentance sutra are required to go meatless for 108 days. Some of the children find that a vegetarian lifestyle is exactly what they are looking for. One such example is fifth grader Huang Zhehong(黃哲鴻) from the Hualien Tzu Chi Elementary School, who has inspired his younger brother to do the same.
《 靜思語 》
With a broad and joyous heart, accept the play that is our life for its script was authored in our past.
The cost of renewable energy is higher than traditional fossil and nuclear power. In Germany, the government passed a law to force power companies to buy renewable energy at a higher price. The open policy means that ordinary citizens can make their own energy, and sell it to the power companies. As we find out in the latest in our series of reports from Germany, even guesthouses are getting in on the act.
《 衲履足跡 》談慾念 On Desire
Everyone has the heart of the Buddha, and the wisdom as well. But, we are all bound by our desires.
Although through the dharma, we know we must let go of our desires, it is nevertheless difficult and requires great determination.
In the continuation of our featured series on the anniversary of Japan”s 311 disaster, we learn about the Towel Elephant Project, which came into being after the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake. Volunteers of the project got disaster victims to make elephants out of towels, and call these handicrafts ”makenaizo”, which means ”never give up”. Makers of the elephants not only earn an income, but also get emotional solace from socializing with their community members. We now go to Ofunato City, in Iwate prefecture, to meet a group of senior citizens, whose highlight of the day is to come together and make the towel elephants.
6. 馬腎友陸祥玖
Lu Xiangjiu is a cab driver in Malaysia”s Penang City. A diabetic who gets regular treatment at the Tzu Chi Dialysis Center in Penang, Lu has recently started training to become a volunteer. The cab driver keeps his volunteer uniform in the car so he”s ready to help with any Tzu Chi activities at a moment”s notice.
Maximizing natural resources like Germans do, Tzu Chi volunteers in Taiwan”s Tainan are cleaning up a recycling station with harvested rainwater to mop the floor and wash the windows. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
Medical assistance for the poor
Energy: sell what you don”t use
Faith and optimism never lost
Coming up in the show, the Tzu Chi free clinic in Batam, Indonesia provides surgery to nearly 400 impoverished locals.
In today”s featured series on Germany”s quest for renewable energy, we look at how the government”s green energy policies help steer the country towards its goal to phase out nuclear power.
And later, we find out how Japan”s Towel Elephant Project is helping March 11th disaster victims rebuild camaraderie and rediscover their lost smiles.
6. 馬腎友陸祥玖
We start today in Indonesia, where TIMA held its 82nd free clinic on the islands of Batam. As some of the patients traveled from the more remote islands, volunteers offered them free transportation and overnight lodging. Altogether 393 people underwent surgery and the close to 1,000 volunteers ensured that every operation was a success.
A patient at Taiwan”s Guanshan Tzu Chi Hospital, 82-year-old Pan Tiancai(潘添財) had his right leg amputated due to diabetes. The wheelchair bound man grows his own vegetables, and his passion for farming moved medical staff to help him out with the garden work.
Staying in Taiwan, all participants in the musical rendition of the Water Repentance sutra are required to go meatless for 108 days. Some of the children find that a vegetarian lifestyle is exactly what they are looking for. One such example is fifth grader Huang Zhehong(黃哲鴻) from the Hualien Tzu Chi Elementary School, who has inspired his younger brother to do the same.
《 靜思語 》
With a broad and joyous heart, accept the play that is our life for its script was authored in our past.
The cost of renewable energy is higher than traditional fossil and nuclear power. In Germany, the government passed a law to force power companies to buy renewable energy at a higher price. The open policy means that ordinary citizens can make their own energy, and sell it to the power companies. As we find out in the latest in our series of reports from Germany, even guesthouses are getting in on the act.
《 衲履足跡 》談慾念 On Desire
Everyone has the heart of the Buddha, and the wisdom as well. But, we are all bound by our desires.
Although through the dharma, we know we must let go of our desires, it is nevertheless difficult and requires great determination.
In the continuation of our featured series on the anniversary of Japan”s 311 disaster, we learn about the Towel Elephant Project, which came into being after the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake. Volunteers of the project got disaster victims to make elephants out of towels, and call these handicrafts ”makenaizo”, which means ”never give up”. Makers of the elephants not only earn an income, but also get emotional solace from socializing with their community members. We now go to Ofunato City, in Iwate prefecture, to meet a group of senior citizens, whose highlight of the day is to come together and make the towel elephants.
6. 馬腎友陸祥玖
Lu Xiangjiu is a cab driver in Malaysia”s Penang City. A diabetic who gets regular treatment at the Tzu Chi Dialysis Center in Penang, Lu has recently started training to become a volunteer. The cab driver keeps his volunteer uniform in the car so he”s ready to help with any Tzu Chi activities at a moment”s notice.
Maximizing natural resources like Germans do, Tzu Chi volunteers in Taiwan”s Tainan are cleaning up a recycling station with harvested rainwater to mop the floor and wash the windows. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2012年3月22日 星期四
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_ 20120322
< Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Casrlisle. Thank you for joining us. >
Paraguay aid for 88 families
People power in Germany
Full-time volunteer in Japan
Coming up in the show, as school restarts in Paraguay, volunteers deliver aid to poor families in the Ciudad del Este area, who are struggling to pay tuition fees.
In our continuing series on Germany”s efforts to scrap its nuclear program, we meet the mother who turned her town into a green-energy zone.
And we meet the young Taiwanese woman, who is now volunteering full-time in a disaster-hit area, of northeast Japan.
1. 坪林義診
2. 巴拉圭發放
3. 一個城市的綠色旅程(5)用電自選
1. 坪林義診
But first up today, TIMA doctors and volunteers from Central Taiwan regularly visit the Pinglin district, of Zhuolan township, in Miaoli County. This time, the team was joined by a hairstylist, and a blind masseur.
2. 巴拉圭發放
In Paraguay, Tzu Chi volunteers recently held a distribution for 88 families, in Villa Elvira, outside Ciudad Del Este. Since school recently restarted, the families are facing the pinch from tuition fees, so the volunteers decided now would be a good time to help.
《 靜思語 》
Suffering can provide a priceless lesson.
3. 一個城市的綠色旅程(5)用電自選
The lesson of the nuclear disaster in Japan persuade the German government to scrap its nuclear program. But in the latest in our series called ”A City”s Green Journey”, we go to the small town of Schonau in the Black Forest, where local mother, Ursula Sladek, was motivated by the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, to switch her whole town to renewable energy.
《 衲履足跡 》 談付出無所求 On Giving Selflessly
Doing good deeds is about helping the neediest and giving without hesitation.
When we give to those in need, and help them overcome their difficulties, we will gain dharma joy, and not ask anything in return.
A year after the Japan earthquake and tsunami, one young volunteer from Taiwan is still working in the disaster area. Cai Yuhua(蔡雨樺) has earned herself the nickname ”Taiwan-san”. We caught up with her, in Iwate Prefecture”s Otsuchi, to find out what motivated her to stay.
Next we meet a family of five siblings, and their partners, eight of whom have joined Tzu Chi. Despite living in different parts of Taiwan, the brothers and sisters signed up, one by one, to the Buddhist NGO, and now share a common interest that binds them together.
In Taiwan”s Matsu, Tzu Chi volunteers from Taipei flew to the outlying island to help run a campaign at the local high school - which was hosted by the county magistrate”s wife. In just two days, 250 participants promised to eat only 80 percent full, and leave 20 percent to help the poor.
112 volunteers from China”s Guangdong province arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday. One of their first stops on the Tzu Chi tour was an environmental station in Taipei. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
Paraguay aid for 88 families
People power in Germany
Full-time volunteer in Japan
Coming up in the show, as school restarts in Paraguay, volunteers deliver aid to poor families in the Ciudad del Este area, who are struggling to pay tuition fees.
In our continuing series on Germany”s efforts to scrap its nuclear program, we meet the mother who turned her town into a green-energy zone.
And we meet the young Taiwanese woman, who is now volunteering full-time in a disaster-hit area, of northeast Japan.
1. 坪林義診
2. 巴拉圭發放
3. 一個城市的綠色旅程(5)用電自選
1. 坪林義診
But first up today, TIMA doctors and volunteers from Central Taiwan regularly visit the Pinglin district, of Zhuolan township, in Miaoli County. This time, the team was joined by a hairstylist, and a blind masseur.
2. 巴拉圭發放
In Paraguay, Tzu Chi volunteers recently held a distribution for 88 families, in Villa Elvira, outside Ciudad Del Este. Since school recently restarted, the families are facing the pinch from tuition fees, so the volunteers decided now would be a good time to help.
《 靜思語 》
Suffering can provide a priceless lesson.
3. 一個城市的綠色旅程(5)用電自選
The lesson of the nuclear disaster in Japan persuade the German government to scrap its nuclear program. But in the latest in our series called ”A City”s Green Journey”, we go to the small town of Schonau in the Black Forest, where local mother, Ursula Sladek, was motivated by the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, to switch her whole town to renewable energy.
《 衲履足跡 》 談付出無所求 On Giving Selflessly
Doing good deeds is about helping the neediest and giving without hesitation.
When we give to those in need, and help them overcome their difficulties, we will gain dharma joy, and not ask anything in return.
A year after the Japan earthquake and tsunami, one young volunteer from Taiwan is still working in the disaster area. Cai Yuhua(蔡雨樺) has earned herself the nickname ”Taiwan-san”. We caught up with her, in Iwate Prefecture”s Otsuchi, to find out what motivated her to stay.
Next we meet a family of five siblings, and their partners, eight of whom have joined Tzu Chi. Despite living in different parts of Taiwan, the brothers and sisters signed up, one by one, to the Buddhist NGO, and now share a common interest that binds them together.
In Taiwan”s Matsu, Tzu Chi volunteers from Taipei flew to the outlying island to help run a campaign at the local high school - which was hosted by the county magistrate”s wife. In just two days, 250 participants promised to eat only 80 percent full, and leave 20 percent to help the poor.
112 volunteers from China”s Guangdong province arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday. One of their first stops on the Tzu Chi tour was an environmental station in Taipei. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_ 20120321
Aid for poor families in Vietnam
Wind of change in Germany
Tzu Chi volunteers in Ireland
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show today, Tzu Chi volunteers in Vietnam see the results of their work, as they again join the local Women”s Association to help poor families.
●In the latest in our series of reports on the transformation of Germany”s power industry, to renewable energy, we visit the country”s first offshore wind farm.
●And later in the program, two Tzu Chi volunteers in Ireland, help pick up the litter left behind after St. Patrick”s Day celebrations.
In Vietnam”s Ho Chi Minh City, the local Women”s Association is partnering with Tzu Chi to help some of the city”s poor. In their latest action, volunteers brought aid to 45 families. During the visits, they saw how many of the families had improved their living conditions.
On February 29th, the Midwest of the United States, was hit by a string of tornadoes. One of the most heavily damaged areas was the city of Harrisburg, in the state of Illinois. On March 17th, volunteers from Chicago and St. Louis returned to distribute blankets and cash cards to the residents.
Every month, TIMA doctors in central Taiwan hold a free clinic at the Zenan(人安) Homeless Social Welfare Foundation”s Pingan(平安) Station. This time volunteers were joined by staff from the Prosecutor”s Office and the local Social Affairs Bureau.
《 靜思語 》
A simple heart purifies life; a complicated mind corrupts it.
Taiwan has no shortage of wind, but the whole country only has 268 wind turbines. Compare that to Germany, which has less favorable conditions, but 22,000 turbines, which satisfy 7 percent of the nation”s electricity demand, and you will see that Taiwan still has a long way to go. In today”s visit to Germany, we go to the country”s first offshore wind farm, to find out more.
《 衲履足跡 》談康莊大道 On The Great Path
We must be careful walking our path in life, and not go off track. We should be attentive to which road we take, and what we do along the way.
As long as we abide by the laws and regulations, and carry a heart of purity, our life path ahead will be a smooth and happy one.
In Japan, the pace of reconstruction, after last year”s earthquake and tsunami, is moving too slowly for many residents. Some have taken it upon themselves to rebuild. In our next story, we go to Rikuzentakata to see how the market traders are restoring their way of life.
In our next story, we meet a young couple, Zhang Zhewei(張哲維) and Huang Yipei(黃怡珮), who run a successful restaurant in Taichung. The pair say meeting Master Cheng Yen changed their lives dramatically, and now they promote Tzu Chi at work.
After the recent St. Patrick”s Day parades in Ireland, the only two Tzu Chi volunteers in the country took to the streets, to pick up some of the litter left behind. Their actions were applauded by local residents.
When Tzu Chi volunteers in China”s Xiamen recently organized a parent-and-child activity, they helped the children find out what life is like for the blind. That”s all we have time for today. Join us again tomorrow, for more Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
Wind of change in Germany
Tzu Chi volunteers in Ireland
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show today, Tzu Chi volunteers in Vietnam see the results of their work, as they again join the local Women”s Association to help poor families.
●In the latest in our series of reports on the transformation of Germany”s power industry, to renewable energy, we visit the country”s first offshore wind farm.
●And later in the program, two Tzu Chi volunteers in Ireland, help pick up the litter left behind after St. Patrick”s Day celebrations.
In Vietnam”s Ho Chi Minh City, the local Women”s Association is partnering with Tzu Chi to help some of the city”s poor. In their latest action, volunteers brought aid to 45 families. During the visits, they saw how many of the families had improved their living conditions.
On February 29th, the Midwest of the United States, was hit by a string of tornadoes. One of the most heavily damaged areas was the city of Harrisburg, in the state of Illinois. On March 17th, volunteers from Chicago and St. Louis returned to distribute blankets and cash cards to the residents.
Every month, TIMA doctors in central Taiwan hold a free clinic at the Zenan(人安) Homeless Social Welfare Foundation”s Pingan(平安) Station. This time volunteers were joined by staff from the Prosecutor”s Office and the local Social Affairs Bureau.
《 靜思語 》
A simple heart purifies life; a complicated mind corrupts it.
Taiwan has no shortage of wind, but the whole country only has 268 wind turbines. Compare that to Germany, which has less favorable conditions, but 22,000 turbines, which satisfy 7 percent of the nation”s electricity demand, and you will see that Taiwan still has a long way to go. In today”s visit to Germany, we go to the country”s first offshore wind farm, to find out more.
《 衲履足跡 》談康莊大道 On The Great Path
We must be careful walking our path in life, and not go off track. We should be attentive to which road we take, and what we do along the way.
As long as we abide by the laws and regulations, and carry a heart of purity, our life path ahead will be a smooth and happy one.
In Japan, the pace of reconstruction, after last year”s earthquake and tsunami, is moving too slowly for many residents. Some have taken it upon themselves to rebuild. In our next story, we go to Rikuzentakata to see how the market traders are restoring their way of life.
In our next story, we meet a young couple, Zhang Zhewei(張哲維) and Huang Yipei(黃怡珮), who run a successful restaurant in Taichung. The pair say meeting Master Cheng Yen changed their lives dramatically, and now they promote Tzu Chi at work.
After the recent St. Patrick”s Day parades in Ireland, the only two Tzu Chi volunteers in the country took to the streets, to pick up some of the litter left behind. Their actions were applauded by local residents.
When Tzu Chi volunteers in China”s Xiamen recently organized a parent-and-child activity, they helped the children find out what life is like for the blind. That”s all we have time for today. Join us again tomorrow, for more Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_ 20120320
Minh Duc”s free clinic treats 5,000
Energy efficient passive homes
The resolve of Akiko Iwasaki
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us.
●Minh Duc Charitable Foundation of Vietnam recently held a free clinic in Duc Trong District, where 5,000 residents were treated thanks to the help of 200 international and local medical volunteers.
●We visit Hanover, Germany to learn what a passive home is and how it is helping the city stay eco-friendly and its owners save on their energy bills.
●And, Akiko Iwasaki of Japan nearly lost her life last year to the 3/11 earthquake and tsunami, and even though her hotel was damaged, the courageous woman has decided to stay and rebuild.
●接著,岩崎昭子因為去年,311日本大地震及海嘯,幾乎喪失性命,儘管她經營的民宿損壞了,她還是選擇留下 重建民宿。
The Buddhist Minh Duc Charitable Foundation has been working in the countryside of Vietnam over the past nine years carrying out good deeds on behalf of those that need it most. The head of the NGO, Master Thich Giai Hien was inspired by Tzu Chi to provide free and accessible medical care for some of Vietnam”s poorest. Recently, the NGO held a large-scale clinic in Vietnam”s Duc Trong District. The clinic was supported by both local and international volunteers and in two days saw over 5,000 patients.
《 靜思語》
Only through the pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty can life itself be dignified.
Germany is on a pursuit to become 100 percent reliant on renewable energy by the year 2050. As well as developing wind and solar power, the country is also investing in energy saving technologies - like the passive house. Worldwide, people”s homes soak up 40 percent of our energy resources. But a passive house is so well insulated, it gets most of its heating from sunlight, body heat and the heat that is given off by television sets and refrigerators. In the latest of our series of reports on ”A City”s Green Journey” we find out how passive homes are ventilated.
《 衲履足跡 》談業力 On Karma
Bad karma is accumulated as we continue to enjoy our blessings and create bad affinities. The difference between good karma and bad karma is clear.
In our featured report on the anniversary of Japan”s 3/11 disaster, today we introduce to you tsunami survivor, Iwasaki Akiko, who owns a bed-and-breakfast next to Otsuchi Bay, in Otsuchi City of Iwate Prefecture. When the tsunami struck, Iwasaki got community residents to run for their lives, while she, making sure everyone got to safety, got caught in the torrents that would have ripped her away, had she not held on to a tree for dear life. When the immediate disaster was over, she got straight back on her feet to scrape together the money she needed to renovate her damaged guesthouse. Now, with her old employees back on board, Iwasaki Akiko reopened her hotel. We chat to this remarkable woman about her experience.
今天的日本311一週年報導中,帶您認識一位海嘯災民 岩崎昭子,她在岩手縣大槌灣旁開了一家民宿,海嘯發生時,岩崎昭子要求大家一定要離開避難,自己卻被海嘯捲走,還好緊緊抱住一顆大樹,才存活下來,災後岩崎昭子立刻籌錢整修民宿,現在民宿重新開幕,帶您認識這位勇敢的女性,來聽聽她的故事。
We now introduce you to a husband-wife pair in Taichung, Taiwan, who were inspired to join Tzu Chi after participating in a seminar for entrepreneurs last year. The two participated in the Water Repentance musical, and are currently under training to get their certification.
The Tzu Chi seminar for entrepreneurs, which we just saw is called the ”Life Conduct Camp”, and on the last day of this year”s session - all the participants went to the Jing Si Abode for the closing ceremony. Zhang Zhihu (張志虎) from Indonesia put aside his work and joined the camp with his parents. He was touched by Master Cheng Yen”s reason for founding Tzu Chi and vows to become a volunteer. Nantou County”s police bureau chief Guo Renbin (郭仁賓) has been a vegetarian for 11 years; he vows to encourage his coworkers to become vegetarians too.
As part of its 12th anniversary celebration, Guanshan Tzu Chi Hospital held a community run on Sunday. We join them at the end of today”s program. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
Energy efficient passive homes
The resolve of Akiko Iwasaki
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us.
●Minh Duc Charitable Foundation of Vietnam recently held a free clinic in Duc Trong District, where 5,000 residents were treated thanks to the help of 200 international and local medical volunteers.
●We visit Hanover, Germany to learn what a passive home is and how it is helping the city stay eco-friendly and its owners save on their energy bills.
●And, Akiko Iwasaki of Japan nearly lost her life last year to the 3/11 earthquake and tsunami, and even though her hotel was damaged, the courageous woman has decided to stay and rebuild.
●接著,岩崎昭子因為去年,311日本大地震及海嘯,幾乎喪失性命,儘管她經營的民宿損壞了,她還是選擇留下 重建民宿。
The Buddhist Minh Duc Charitable Foundation has been working in the countryside of Vietnam over the past nine years carrying out good deeds on behalf of those that need it most. The head of the NGO, Master Thich Giai Hien was inspired by Tzu Chi to provide free and accessible medical care for some of Vietnam”s poorest. Recently, the NGO held a large-scale clinic in Vietnam”s Duc Trong District. The clinic was supported by both local and international volunteers and in two days saw over 5,000 patients.
《 靜思語》
Only through the pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty can life itself be dignified.
Germany is on a pursuit to become 100 percent reliant on renewable energy by the year 2050. As well as developing wind and solar power, the country is also investing in energy saving technologies - like the passive house. Worldwide, people”s homes soak up 40 percent of our energy resources. But a passive house is so well insulated, it gets most of its heating from sunlight, body heat and the heat that is given off by television sets and refrigerators. In the latest of our series of reports on ”A City”s Green Journey” we find out how passive homes are ventilated.
《 衲履足跡 》談業力 On Karma
Bad karma is accumulated as we continue to enjoy our blessings and create bad affinities. The difference between good karma and bad karma is clear.
In our featured report on the anniversary of Japan”s 3/11 disaster, today we introduce to you tsunami survivor, Iwasaki Akiko, who owns a bed-and-breakfast next to Otsuchi Bay, in Otsuchi City of Iwate Prefecture. When the tsunami struck, Iwasaki got community residents to run for their lives, while she, making sure everyone got to safety, got caught in the torrents that would have ripped her away, had she not held on to a tree for dear life. When the immediate disaster was over, she got straight back on her feet to scrape together the money she needed to renovate her damaged guesthouse. Now, with her old employees back on board, Iwasaki Akiko reopened her hotel. We chat to this remarkable woman about her experience.
今天的日本311一週年報導中,帶您認識一位海嘯災民 岩崎昭子,她在岩手縣大槌灣旁開了一家民宿,海嘯發生時,岩崎昭子要求大家一定要離開避難,自己卻被海嘯捲走,還好緊緊抱住一顆大樹,才存活下來,災後岩崎昭子立刻籌錢整修民宿,現在民宿重新開幕,帶您認識這位勇敢的女性,來聽聽她的故事。
We now introduce you to a husband-wife pair in Taichung, Taiwan, who were inspired to join Tzu Chi after participating in a seminar for entrepreneurs last year. The two participated in the Water Repentance musical, and are currently under training to get their certification.
The Tzu Chi seminar for entrepreneurs, which we just saw is called the ”Life Conduct Camp”, and on the last day of this year”s session - all the participants went to the Jing Si Abode for the closing ceremony. Zhang Zhihu (張志虎) from Indonesia put aside his work and joined the camp with his parents. He was touched by Master Cheng Yen”s reason for founding Tzu Chi and vows to become a volunteer. Nantou County”s police bureau chief Guo Renbin (郭仁賓) has been a vegetarian for 11 years; he vows to encourage his coworkers to become vegetarians too.
As part of its 12th anniversary celebration, Guanshan Tzu Chi Hospital held a community run on Sunday. We join them at the end of today”s program. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_ 20120319
When can we go home?
The price of going green
Safety net for seniors
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
●In today”s show, for residents of Futaba, who fled Japan”s nuclear zone of Fukushima, the homecoming day is still pending given the town”s high radiation level.
●In the continuation of our featured series on Germany”s quest to exploit its sustainable energy sources, we look at what changes the country and its people have made to meet the green goal.
●And later, Yuli Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan”s Hualien County marks its 13th anniversary, and prides itself in taking care of the town”s aging population.
More than a year after Japan”s 3/11 disaster, the 500 Futaba residents who fled their hometown are still taking shelter in a high school in Saitama Prefecture. This is because Futaba, three kilometers away from the doomed power plant, still has an abnormally high radiation level. We now follow a Futaba resident on his trip back home.
After the Fukushima nuclear power station disaster in Japan, the German government quickly announced the closure of 8 aging reactors, and a plan to phase out the country”s remaining atomic plants by the year 2022. Now Germany has to buy power from neighboring countries, but is investing in renewable energy to meet demand. Let”s find out more in the latest of our series of reports called ”A City”s Green Journey”.
On March 15, Yuli Tzu Chi Hospital celebrated its 13th birthday. As 17.4 percent of Yuli”s population is elderly, the Tzu Chi hospital has been offering various kinds of health promoting courses, especially geared at senior citizens, a dedication that won it the title of Senior Friendly Hospital. Let”s find how the hospital connects with its patients and neighbors.
Exactly one year younger than Yuli Tzu Chi Hospital is Guanshan Tzu Chi Hospital, which is situated between Hualien and Taitung counties. The medical institution regularly sends its staff to the remote areas for door-to-door care.
In Taichung City, Tzu Chi volunteer Chen Chunhua teaches flower arrangement to community residents. Many locals have joined, and some even signed up to Tzu Chi”s volunteer training program.
Next we move to Nantou, to meet 40-year-old Li Ziqiang(李自強). The man lost part of his right arm due to a work accident more than a decade ago, but still makes an effort to care for his paralyzed mother, and volunteer for the Genesis Social Welfare Foundation.
接下來來看,住在南投,四十歲的李自強,十幾年前因為一場工作意外,而失去右下臂 ,雖然肢體有殘缺,他一直照顧著生病的媽媽,甚至還參與創世基金會的義工行列。
Inspired by Tzu Chi”s latest two rice distributions in Santa Mesa, in the Philippines” Manila, some 130 aid recipients recently paid a visit to the Tzu Chi Great Love Campus, with topped up coin banks to reciprocate the goodwill. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.
The price of going green
Safety net for seniors
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
●In today”s show, for residents of Futaba, who fled Japan”s nuclear zone of Fukushima, the homecoming day is still pending given the town”s high radiation level.
●In the continuation of our featured series on Germany”s quest to exploit its sustainable energy sources, we look at what changes the country and its people have made to meet the green goal.
●And later, Yuli Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan”s Hualien County marks its 13th anniversary, and prides itself in taking care of the town”s aging population.
More than a year after Japan”s 3/11 disaster, the 500 Futaba residents who fled their hometown are still taking shelter in a high school in Saitama Prefecture. This is because Futaba, three kilometers away from the doomed power plant, still has an abnormally high radiation level. We now follow a Futaba resident on his trip back home.
After the Fukushima nuclear power station disaster in Japan, the German government quickly announced the closure of 8 aging reactors, and a plan to phase out the country”s remaining atomic plants by the year 2022. Now Germany has to buy power from neighboring countries, but is investing in renewable energy to meet demand. Let”s find out more in the latest of our series of reports called ”A City”s Green Journey”.
On March 15, Yuli Tzu Chi Hospital celebrated its 13th birthday. As 17.4 percent of Yuli”s population is elderly, the Tzu Chi hospital has been offering various kinds of health promoting courses, especially geared at senior citizens, a dedication that won it the title of Senior Friendly Hospital. Let”s find how the hospital connects with its patients and neighbors.
Exactly one year younger than Yuli Tzu Chi Hospital is Guanshan Tzu Chi Hospital, which is situated between Hualien and Taitung counties. The medical institution regularly sends its staff to the remote areas for door-to-door care.
In Taichung City, Tzu Chi volunteer Chen Chunhua teaches flower arrangement to community residents. Many locals have joined, and some even signed up to Tzu Chi”s volunteer training program.
Next we move to Nantou, to meet 40-year-old Li Ziqiang(李自強). The man lost part of his right arm due to a work accident more than a decade ago, but still makes an effort to care for his paralyzed mother, and volunteer for the Genesis Social Welfare Foundation.
接下來來看,住在南投,四十歲的李自強,十幾年前因為一場工作意外,而失去右下臂 ,雖然肢體有殘缺,他一直照顧著生病的媽媽,甚至還參與創世基金會的義工行列。
Inspired by Tzu Chi”s latest two rice distributions in Santa Mesa, in the Philippines” Manila, some 130 aid recipients recently paid a visit to the Tzu Chi Great Love Campus, with topped up coin banks to reciprocate the goodwill. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.
2012年3月16日 星期五
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_ 20120316
New Tzu Chi home
Sustainable energy
Fukushima in trouble
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today”s program, Indonesia”s Padang City celebrates the groundbreaking of its new Tzu Chi liaison office.
●In our new featured series from Germany, we follow our reporter to map out the country”s plan to wean itself off nuclear energy.
●And later, Fukushima residents in Japan bear the brunt of the nuclear fallout caused by the March 11 triple disaster last year, as symptoms of hair loss and nose bleeds begin to manifest.
First up, in Padang City of Indonesia, Tzu Chi volunteers celebrated the ground breaking ceremony of a new liaison office. Volunteers hope to recruit more local caregivers with the establishment of the four-story green building.
A fire in Pasig City, in the Philippines, burned down over 50 houses, and left 93 families homeless. Victims are seeking shelter at the local sports stadium, where Tzu Chi volunteers arrived with relief supplies.
《 靜思語 》
Life is filled with pain and suffering, but also with hope and love.
After the Fukushima nuclear plant incident in Japan, the first country to announce that it would phase out nuclear power was Germany. In our new series called ”A City”s Green Journey” we take you on a tour around Germany, to follow the country”s progress towards becoming 100 percent reliant on renewable energy by the year 2050.
《 衲履足跡 》談同理心 On Empathy
Master Cheng Yen hoped that people could give a little of bit of their love and kindness everyday to cultivate blessings and pacify bad karma. Disaster cannot be averted with the awakening of a few, but the strength of all.
While countries like Germany have started withdrawing their reliance on nuclear energy, Japan is still struggling with the effect of the nuclear meltdowns at Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant. Over 62,000 people from Fukushima were forced to move to another prefecture, and about 500 still sheltering at Kisai High School in Saitama Prefecture, due to the contamination of their home town, Futaba. Though the Japanese government plans to close down all of its 54 nuclear power plants by 2030, it will not help the children of Fukushima.
As many schools were damaged during the March 11 disaster in Japan, cities like Kamaichi, in Iwate Prefecture, decided to merge some of their schools. Since August 2011, the Tzu Chi Foundation began funding the transportation and lunch fees for these students over a period of half a year, giving the students the sense of comfort and security that comes with a regular supply of food.
Moving to Taiwan, 75-year Li Senjia(李森佳) was a happily retired surgeon from Kaohsiung. But now he is out of retirement, and working at Yuli”s Tzu Chi Hospital, which suffers a chronic lack of personnel. He also invited his brother to join him, to safeguard the health of residents in the remote region.
At the recent Los Angeles Environmental Education Fair in California, of the United States, Tzu Chi was once again invited to share with the public how to maximize the use of resources in daily life. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2012年3月15日 星期四
DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines_ 20120315
Comfort for Malaysian flood victims
Amazing escape from Japan tsunami
Committed to Guanshan TC Hospital
< Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us. >
Coming up in the show today, Malaysian volunteers visit victims of the recent flooding near Kuala Lumpur, to assess their needs and prepare for further aid.
Baby carriages were used, by well-drilled Japanese teachers, to save the lives of kindergarten children, during last year”s tsunami.
And in our continuing series to mark Guanshan Tzu Chi Hospital”s 12th anniversary, we introduce you to three young nurses, who decided to work in the remote area.
We start today”s show in Malaysia, where large parts of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur were swamped by heavy rain last week. The downpour brought down roads in mountain regions, and made river water so cloudy, that a filtration plant had to shut down, cutting off the water supply to Kuala Lumpur. Tzu Chi volunteers braved the mud, left behind by the flooding, and went to the badly-hit area of Hulu Langat, to assess the needs of residents.
After Marikina, in the Philippines, was flooded in 2010, Tzu Chi launched a relief-for-work program, to pay struggling residents, to clean up their own neighborhoods. The program was later extended, to become a recycling scheme, and it has now been adopted in Quezon and San Mateo.
Tzu Chi volunteers went to ease the pain of victims of a shuttle bus accident, at a factory in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The driver was killed in the crash, and 20 employees were hurt. The volunteers comforted the deceased man”s widow and his young daughter.
發生在高雄市的化工廠通勤車意外,慈濟志工前往 膚慰受災者,蔡姓駕駛不幸死亡,20名員工受傷,慈濟志工前往協助頓失依靠的這對無助母女。
《 靜思語 》
We cannot control the length of our life, but we can strive to extend its depth and scope.
In Japan, 86 schools were either destroyed or damaged in Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima, during last year”s 3/11 earthquake and tsunami. 30 have resumed classes, 40 are sharing other facilities, and 15 have moved into prefabricated buildings. In our next story, we visit one of those prefab campuses, in Ofunato City.
When the 3/11 tsunami hit northeast Japan last year, how did the surviving children, who were too young to climb to higher ground, escape the waves? In the case of Otsuchi kindergarten, staff bundled the children into large baby carriages - which they had been trained to use in case of a disaster - and then pushed them to safety.
《 衲履足跡 》 On Repentance 談懺悔
As Tzu Chi promotes repentance, it is hoped that people will cleanse their spirit, correct their conduct, limit their desires, practice good deeds, and walk the righteous path.
Continuing with our series on Guanshan Tzu Chi Hospital”s 12th anniversary, we introduce to you three young nurses, who chose to go to the beautiful Hualien-Taitung Valley, after graduating. Guanshan has limited access to healthcare resources, so the young staff brought some vitality, to the otherwise quiet town.
The ”Hunzhang” performing arts troupe, are a group of talented artists from Taiwan, who all suffer from some sort of disability. They are currently on a nationwide tour, where we caught up with them, at a show in central Taiwan.
Still in Taiwan, Bali”s Ai-Hsin Care Center, is home to around 100 disabled people. Four of the residents, who have muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy, have learned how to dance in their wheelchairs. Documentary director, Li Huiren, has made a film about their lives.
The books, stationery, and toys, collected by volunteers all over the US, will be setting sail for South Africa on Friday. When they arrive, at the end of May, the supplies will be distributed to local children. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2012年3月14日 星期三
DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines_ 20120314
Road to recovery in Japan
Hospital staff join the show
Dor sings for TC in New York
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show today, the inspiring story of how one doctor helped rebuild a hospital in Japan”s Rikuzentakata City, after it was flattened by the tsunami.
●We have more stories on the individuals who made the Hualien performance of Water Repentance happen, including busy staff at nearby Tzu Chi hospitals.
●And hitting the high notes, Israeli singer David D”Or makes a special appearance at a charity concert for Tzu Chi in New York.
●引起高度的回響,以色列聲樂家 大衛迪歐,來到紐約慈濟,舉辦慈善音樂會。
We start today”s show in the United States, where seven Tzu Chi volunteers from Illinois and Ohio visited Kentucky to carry out a disaster survey in the communities devastated by a series of twisters that hit the state in the beginning of March. Volunteers arrived in West Liberty, which was almost completely leveled by the tornadoes. Seeing the scale of the devastation, the survey team said they hope to distribute aid to the victims as soon as possible.
It has been one year since Japan”s 3/11 disaster. 340,000 people are now living in prefabricated homes. Though survivors may now have places to stay, they still have difficulties getting their needs fulfilled. For example in Iwate Prefecture”s Rikuzentakata City, not one hospital was left standing after the disaster, forcing some 20,000 survivor to travel to Ofunato City to seek medical aid. Thankfully, Dr. Mikito Ishiki of the Takata Hospital had the foresight to rebuild immediately, and his hospital is now safeguarding the health of the city”s residents.
One of the Tzu Chi volunteers who is working behind the scenes for the recovery process in Japan is Wensi Sakurai. Known to her friends as ”Asi”, the Taiwanese born woman cares for her Japanese husband at home, who was badly injured in a road accident, but somehow manages to find time to volunteer for Tzu Chi. She used to be a heavy smoker and drinker, and enjoyed gambling. One time she stayed at the card table for five days and four nights solid, until her feet were so swollen she couldn”t put on her high heels. Now she”s walking a different path in Tzu Chi. The indomitable woman refused to be knocked back by her husband”s accident, and has learned how to help him through physiotherapy at home.
《 衲履足跡 》談日本地震 On the March 11th Japan Earthquake
In the face of the earthquake that happened on March 11, 2011, the Japanese people remained calm, composed and united, which was broadcast throughout the whole world by the media. They have set an example for us all, and people should repent as disasters descend upon us.
Some of the amature performers who joined the recent Water Repentance stage show in Hualien were medical staff from different branches of Tzu Chi Genera lHospital. Despite being some distance away from Hualien, Yuli and Guanshan medical staff seized the opportunity to participate, and made the time, out of their busy schedules, to rehearse for the show.
Next, we meet three generations of the same family who participated in the Water Repentance sutra in Hualien last weekend. Tzu Chi Elementary School first grader, Luo Weizhe羅暐哲, was joined by his parents, who both work for Tzu Chi, and his grandmother, who joined the so-called ”Aura of Great Love” team for the show.
In Tainan Tzu Chi School, 12 teachers and staff who were Tzu Chings during their university days, joined the recent performance of the Water Repentance sutra. While rehersing for the musical adaptation of the Buddhist text, they learned all about teamwork.
《 靜思語 》
The three desirable qualities of a senior citizen are: a lifetime of experience, good health, and the willingness to volunteer and share.
The New York branch of Tzu Chi, recently held a concert in Flushing Town Hall to raise funds for international aid work, and highlight the importance of conservation. The night”s main attraction was Israeli singer, David D”Or who is currently touring the United States. D”Or, who also went on to perform in Los Angeles, once again brought down the house, making it a memorable night for everyone.
慈濟紐約分會,在法拉盛市政廳,舉行慈善音樂會,為全球飢荒賑災募款,希望提醒世人節約,音樂會邀請正在美國巡迴演唱,以色列聲樂家大衛迪歐來演唱,下一站還要到洛杉磯 繼續為愛而唱,要再次用歌聲感動觀眾。
Finally, at the Tzu Chi Academy in Toronto, Canada, students learned how to turn Chinese characters into creative pictures. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
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< Water Repentance in Hualien >
< Remember the spirit of sakura >
< Fire relief in Selangor, Malaysia >
< Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us. >
Tzu Chi”s presentation of its musical adaptation of the Water Repentance sutra has concluded in Hualien, Taiwan after four showings in four days, which were attended by over 12,000 people. Sunday, March 11th marked the one year anniversary of the 3/11 Japan earthquake. We return to Iwate Prefecture to see how survivors are coping. And, in Selangor, Malaysia, Tzu Chi volunteers promptly tend to the victims of a recent house fire.
Since the Water Repentance musical first took place last year, apart from Tzu Chi volunteers and foundation staff who devoted themselves to the sign language performance, there was also a group of professional actors who set aside time to help make the shows a success. This year, these actors are back once again, to take part in the Hualien performance. Master Cheng Yen expressed her appreciation to them, when they visited her at the Jing Si Abode.
Tzu Chi”s Water Repentance musical presentation in Hualien, Taiwan concluded on Sunday. Through four showings in four days, more than 12,000 people saw the wisdom that resides inside the ancient Buddhist scripture. Even local government officials seized the rare opportunity to attend the event.
Throughout the four showings, apart from the 2,000 performers who threw themselves into making the Water Repentance musical a success, behind the scenes, many volunteers also did their best to help. Next, we meet a team of volunteers, mostly senior in age, who dedicated themselves to make the living environment in Hualien comfortable for the on-stage volunteers.
《 靜思語 》
Master life”s four treasures: sleep soundly, eat well, laugh hard, and work happily.
A year after the Japan earthquake and tsunami, the news has been full of positive reports about the progress of recovery. But there is a danger that people will become complacent again, after the memory of the disaster fades away. To remind others the poweful force of the tsunami, one resident of Iwate prefecture decided to to plant cherry trees along the tsunami line. When the 170 km long lines of sakura treen bloom in March, in about 4 years time, they will be a poignant memorial to those who died.
In remembrance of the 311 disaster in Japan last year, we take you to meet two Tzu Chi bodhisattvas currently living and volunteering in Japan. It is thanks to their hard work that the Buddist charity is making progress in Japan.
《 衲履足跡 》On Disasters 談災禍
Men”s overuse of the planet leads to unending natural disasters. People should reflect on the true cause of these calamities and in spite of our limited strength, continue to do our with sincerity and devotion.
Last Friday on March 9th, a fire broke out in Serdang New Village, in Malaysia, which claimed the lives of a mother and her two daughters. The father, Mr. Ye, also suffered severe burns. Upon receiving the news, Tzu Chi volunteers rushed to the scene, and brought comfort to the victims.
Recently, a hundred members of the Doers Education Group visited the Suzhou Tzu Chi chapter to learn about conservation. The first lesson was how to recycle materials; next they enjoyed vegetarian meals. These entrepreneurs said they hope to do their part for the environment as well by implementing Tzu Chi”s recycling concepts in their companies.
At the end of today”s program, we go to Hualien”s Tzu Chi Elementary School, where students celebrated Arbor Day, which was on Monday, by planting trees. For the sixth graders who are graduating this year, they also buried a time capsule to be opened 20 years later. That”s all the time we have for. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.
2012年3月13日 星期二
Hospital staff in sutra musical
Community healthcare in China
TC books for Monrovia library
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show today, the musical rendition of the Water Repentance sutra is made possible by many Tzu Chi Hospital staff, who took time to perfect their parts on stage, despite their busy work schedules.
●In Suzhou, China, volunteers and staff hold a health seminar in a local neighborhood, to raise the awareness of bone and muscle health, for middle-aged and senior women.
●And, students at Tzu Chi Great Love Elementary School in Monrovia, in the US state of California, deliver Jing Si publications to a local library, in support of a reading competition.
The curtain closed on the musical adaptation of the Water Repentance Sutra on Sunday, March 11th, in Hualien, Taiwan. When the stage show first premiered last August, and toured across the country, some 30,000 volunteers took turns to take to the stage, to bring the ancient scripture to life, through songs, sing language, acting and choreography. The latest four performances in Hualien involved 1,080 on stage for every show, including staff from Hualien”s Tzu Chi Hospital. To help accommodate everyone”s busy schedule, several hospital staff from the Department of Laboratory Medicine worked extra hard to become instructors, so they could coach their fellow cast members.
Last October, an accident in a military base in Taiwan”s Yilan County, caused 2 injuries and 6 fatalities. One of the deceased, Qiu Junzhi, worked in the military to support his family. Initially, Qiu”s mother Huang Jinlan(黃金蘭) couldn”t overcome the loss of her son. It was her participation in the musical adaptation of the Water Repentance sutra that showed her how karma works and gave her a new outlook on life.
Tzu Chi volunteer Jiang Minzhen(江旻真) didn”t know a thing about cultivating blessings, and used to go on shopping sprees. But something her son said made her change her ways, and now she and her children turn unwanted objects into charity collection boxes.
《 靜思語 》
Give more and demand less. That”s the secret to a good life.
In our next story, we meet Mr. Ye from Malaysia, who suffered from stomach pain for 12 years. His local TIMA chapter recommended a trip to Taiwan”s Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital for tests, where doctors discovered he had a condition called Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. After an operation to remove the tumor on his pancreas that was causing the problem, Mr. Ye is getting better at last.
Staying on the topic of health, for International Women”s Day on March 8th, staff and volunteers from Tzu Chi”s Health Management Center in Suzhou, China, went to a community, to give local women some medical advice. Although the Health Management Center is still being built, the staff and volunteers are already making ties with the community.
Over to Xiamen, in China”s Fujian Province, volunteers in Tongan(同安) Community put together money to buy a truck to transport collected recyclables. We join volunteers on the first environmental day after the Chinese New Years, where a small celebration was carried out to launch the new vehicle.
Next, we meet Mr. Li Qinglong(李清隆) and his wife Li-Xie Yizhu(李謝逸珠) from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, who have been volunteering their services to their community for the past 15 years. The pair says giving what they can brings them happiness and vitality.
接下來 我們來認識來自高雄的,李清隆與妻子 李謝逸珠,過去十五年來,都在社區做義工,夫妻倆說,付出為他們帶來快樂與活力。
《 衲履足跡 》談環保典範 On Being a Recycling Role Model
Da.Ai Technology sets an example in environmental conservation. As the company expands its operations abroad, Master Chen Yen hopes that more people will be inspired to take part in conservation efforts and minimize waste at the source.
In Los Angeles of the United States, students from Tzu Chi Great Love Elementary School in Monrovia made a delivery of Jing Si aphorism books to support a local reading competition. Meanwhile, younger students from the Great Love Preschool and Kindergarten gave their parents a surprise by making cards and mailing them home.
A Tzu Chi workshop was held in Jakarta, Indonesia, for commissioners and Faith Corps members in training. Local volunteers and their counterparts from Medan, Batam and Bandung came together for a series of lectures. The workshop aimed to help the freshmen acquire a deeper understand Tzu Chi”s charity missions, its unique brand of culture and etiquette, and Master Cheng Yen”s goals to purify the human heart.
Ye Binglun from Tzu Chi”s Department of Religious Affairs was already a successful lawyer when he was 24 years old. Inspired by Master Cheng Yen”s call to serve humanity, he quit his high-paying job to work for Tzu Chi. Recently he flew to Singapore and Malaysia to share his story with college students and encouraged them to rethink the true meaning of their lives.
A new Tzu Chi recycling station has opened in the Xinying District of Tainan, Taiwan. The plot of land, donated by Tzu Chi volunteer Liao Haihong”s family, will serve as a place to host and facilitate the recycling activities in the area. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2012年3月9日 星期五
House calls to the mountains
Keep up 10,000 steps a day
Skincare our grandmas used
< Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us. >
Coming up, doctors from the Tzu Chi Hospital in Guanshan, in Taiwan”s Taitung County, make regular house calls to remote mountain villages, to care for the needy.
An easy way to keep yourself fit is to stick to a walking program of 10,000 steps a day, which will benefit you both physically and emotionally.
Later, in our featured series on Taiwan”s traditional trades, we find out how some of the country”s oldest skincare brands have survived against fierce competition from international labels.
This month, Guanshan Tzu Chi Hospital, in Taiwan”s Taitung County, will celebrate its 12th anniversary. For many years, the Tzu Chi doctors regularly visit Lidao and Wulu villages to provide healthcare to those living in the mountains.
Tzu Chi volunteers in Indonesia have long been caring for residents of a nursing home in East Jakarta. Recently, volunteers returned with doctors to give the seniors a checkup.
The musical adaption of Water Repentance sutra re-opened on Thursday night in Taiwan”s Hualien. Huang Xiudan(黃秀丹) is a performer of the show. Her friend invited her to participate, hoping that Xiudan could finally learn to cope with the untimely loss of her 18-year-old son.
Staying on the topic of Water Repentance sutra, Zhuo Jingyu is a teacher at the junior high school affiliated to Tzu Chi University. Zhuo is using interactive methods to teach the Water Repentance sutra to her pupils, because she herself has benefitted from the Buddhist scripture.
《 靜思語 》
A life without purpose is a life without value.
The Department of Health in Taiwan launched a campaign called ”10,000 steps a day” in 2002. Ten years later, the Department is reminding the public of the health benefits of walking, in hopes that more people will join in.
Next, we meet Tzu Chi volunteer, Shen Huixian(沈惠賢), from Taiwan, who has several ingenious ways to save on power and resources, in her personal effort to care of the environment.
Also caring for the planet are volunteers in Ampang suburb of Kuala Lumpur, in Malaysia. There are two environmental stations in the area, where recyclables are given a second lease on life.
Wheelchair bound Japanese woman, Maekawa Tomoko has one wish: to travel abroad to see the world. When Japan was flooded with donations from Taiwan in the aftermath of the March 11 tsunami and earthquake last year, Maekawa was so moved she decided that her first overseas destination would be Taiwan. We find out how her dream was made possible in the next story.
《 衲履足跡 》 On Vegetarianism 談茹素
Spiritual cultivation reforms our behavior. Becoming a vegetarian is easy if you know how to empathize with other living beings.
Man, capable of destruction and creation, should do his best to love and protect all forms of life.
In Taiwan, in the 1960s when imported goods were pricy and limited in variety, many women look to locally produced skincare products for help. Now, these once popular local brands are struggling against tough competition from abroad. In our report on Taiwan”s fading industries, we meet Zhou Heping(周和平), who is determined to keep his family business of selling Taiwanese skincare products running.
Taiwan”s Tzu Chi volunteers have been studying the Water Repentance sutra very diligently. We join a study group in Nangang, Taipei, where participants shared with one another how the sutra has made a difference in their lives. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.
2012年3月8日 星期四
< Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us. >
Kentucky twister disaster survey
The benefits of eating 80pct full
Uphill struggle for Qijin tricycles
Coming up in the show today, Tzu Chi volunteers from the US state of Ohio travel to areas in Kentucky hit by last week”s tornados.
We meet a Tzu Chi volunteer in Taipei, who is following Master Cheng Yen”s advice, to eat only 80 percent full, to see what difference it has made to her life.
And later in the show, we take a slow ride around Kaohsiung”s Qijin Island, with the country”s last remaining fleet of three-wheeled rickshaws.
After a series of tornados hit Kentucky, in the United States, last Friday, March 2nd, areas of the state were left severely damaged. 18 residents died, as a result of the disaster, and hundreds of houses were either completely destroyed or half damaged. Three days after the storm, Tzu Chi volunteers from Ohio, traveled to Kendon County, in Kentucky, to carry out a disaster survey.
美國上星期五 3月2日,遭受龍捲風侵襲,肯塔基州受災非常嚴重,有18人往生,數百間房屋不是全部倒塌,就是嚴重損壞,災後第三天,俄亥俄州慈濟志工 就跨州勘災,希望盡快提供協助。
Recently, Tzu Chi volunteers from the US Headquarters went all the way to Leon City in Mexico, to distribute hot meals to care recipients. The food, and friendly company, of the volunteers, touched the hearts of the residents.
In Lesotho, every year after Chinese New Year, the local Tzu Chi office holds a blessing ceremony. This year, the number of participants surged from the usual 100, to 350.
《 靜思語 》
A blessed life is one filled with love.
Tzu Chi”s dialysis center in Penang, Malaysia recently lost one of its patients to a road accident. 57-year-old Li Yiming (李一銘) was on his way home, when he suddenly lost the control of his scooter. Though Mr. Li will be sorely missed, by his family and friends, his spirit lives on, because he donated his corneas, to help people who need them.
Next, we introduce you to 78-year-old Huang Xiaqiang(黃俠強)who is a community volunteer, at Taipei City”s Qiming(啟明) Library. Huang reads out books, to a blind braille reader, who corrects the texts for other unsighted people. It may take them several months to proofread a book.
Gao Huijuan is a teacher at Tzu Chi University”s Department of Public Health. While conducting research on indigenous peoples, in Xiulin Township, of Hualien County, she was accepted as a member of the family by the villagers. She says, her study of Buddhism helped give her a humble nature.
Someone else who is trying to live in harmony with the world is Tzu Chi volunteer Yang Mi, from Banqiao in New Taipei City. Three years ago, she was inspired by Master Cheng Yen, to cut down on the large amount of food she was eating. The result wasn”t only a change to her figure, but her life.
《 衲履足跡 》On Self Inspection 談反省
反省就是懺悔,或許有的人認為,自己既沒有做錯事,亦問心無愧,沒有對不起別人,應知 連細微的起心動念也要清除,否則會在心中留下不好的因子。
Some are inclined to think there is no need for self-inspection because no wrongs have been committed.
But take note that even a passing thought can affect your heart. To re-examine oneself is to repent.
The rickshaw, or tricycle, used to be the main means of transportation in Taiwan. As the roads became more congested with buses and taxis, tricycles were banned from the streets in 1968. However, they survived in one part of Taiwan - a narrow spit of land, sitting outside the Port of Kaohsiung, called Qijin Island. The island is a popular tourist destination, but the rickshaw riders are struggling to stay in business, against competition from rented bicycles. We went to Qijin, to find out more.
The rickshaw riders of Qijin are part of the island”s heritage, but they may soon be confined to the history books. In our second story from Kaohsiung, we find out why the elderly riders say, they want to stay in the saddle, for years to come.
Back to the topic of the Water Repentance sutra, Tzu Chi volunteers in the Shilin area of Taipei opened a community study group, on the Buddhist scripture, and invited local residents to read the text, and learn the sign language moves, at the same time. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2012年3月7日 星期三
Tornado trouble in USA
Handicrafts at UN event
Last trumpet call in Taiwan
< Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us. >
Coming up in the show today, Tzu Chi volunteers in the United States survey the damage done by tornadoes in the Midwest, in preparation for upcoming aid relief work.
Also in the US, Tzu Chi delegates at a conference on women”s rights at the UN headquarters in New York show off good books and green products, at a handicrafts exhibition.
And in today”s episode of our series of features on the vanishing trades of Taiwan, we visit some of the last remaining Taiwanese horn makers, who is still blowing his own trumpet.
But first up today, we go to the United States, where last week, on February 29, several states in the Midwest were once again hit by tornadoes. This time around, Harrisburg in Illinois took the brunt of the storms, with close to 500 households and business suffering severe damage. Tzu Chi volunteers from Chicago and St. Louis rushed to the stricken city, to conduct a survey of the disaster zone, and see for themselves the devastation that was left behind.
今天,首先來到美國,上周 2月29號,在美國中西部受到龍捲風襲擊,這次伊利諾州哈立斯堡,災情最嚴重,包括鄰近市區,有五百多戶房舍嚴重損毀,芝加哥與聖路易慈濟人前往勘災,並親眼看到災後的困境。
Over in the Philippines, Tzu Chi volunteers hold regular mobile clinics, to offer free healthcare and treatment to the poor. In our next story we introduce you to a diabetic patient for 14 years, 42-year-old Belizza, who suffered cataracts in both eyes, which clouded her vision, and forced her to quit her job. Thankfully, with the help of Tzu Chi”s free clinic, she regained sight in her right eye, so now she can find gainful employment, and, who knows, perhaps even help other people in need.
Allergies are a common complaint. As we enter springtime, people who suffer from hay fever will be getting the usual symptoms of itchy eyes and runny noses. But did you know that allergies are caused by our own immune system The instigator is the T cell, which acts like the conductor for the body”s self defenses. These T cells can trigger an overreaction when they recognize an allergen the second time it enters the body, leading to a large release of histamine, which causes a rash, a cough, or an inflamed nose or throat. Serious allergies can cause permanent damage to your health. To stop acute allergic reactions - apart from taking the usual precautions, early diagnosis and treatment is important.
《 靜思語 》
The most precious possession is life, and the worst torment is illness. Ridding the world of suffering begins with ridding people of illness.
On Thursday, Tzu Chi”s Water Repentance show in Hualien will start its four-day run. The local county government is doing its part to promote the event, by advertising the performance on electronic billboards, and displaying posters in prominent places. The county cheif says he hopes the show will help people look at their lives in a different light.
Penghu Tzu Chi volunteers hold weekly study sessions of the Water Repentance sutra. Among the participants are a traffic police officer and a firefighter. Although the two public servants are both busy with work, they somehow manage to find the time to join the study groups.
The United Nation Commission on the Status of Women, recently held its annual conference at the UN”s New York headquarters. On the agenda are topics such as gender equality and the empowerment of women worldwide. This year, which is the 56th CSW conference, a crafts fair was organized. Tzu Chi”s New York Chapter took part, by displaying Jing Si publications and green products. Let”s take a look.
March 4 was Clean Up Australia Day. Joining in the fun this year were local Tzu Chi volunteers, who did their best to tidy up their communities. Volunteers helped clean up the streets of Ipswich, which was hard hit by last year”s floods, and was a focal point of Tzu Chi”s relief efforts. Meanwhile, in Melbourne, Tzu Chings held their second annual battery recycling drive. Let”s take a look.
On March 15th, Guanshan Tzu Chi hospital will celebrate its 12th anniversary. To mark the event, various activities will be held on site. To prepare for the big day, the hospital launched a competition on Sunday, March 4th. The public are invited to use Chinese calligraphy, water colors, or written compositions, to create works of art on the theme of ”patient safety”. The purpose of the contest is to promote disease prevention.
《 衲履足跡 》On Egoism 談我執
All living beings are inclined to think that they know themselves well, while the reality is the exact opposite because it is extremely difficult to truly understand oneself.
It is a time for repentance; do not occupy yourself with unnecessary worries.
The shaojiao, or the Taiwanese trumpet, is made of brass, and is often seen in parades and religious festivals on the island. The sound from the instrument is said to be holy, and has the power to ward off evil spirits. The instrument originates in China, but the technique of making shaojiaos was perfected by Mr. Wei Youqian魏幼謙, who developed his own methods, after years of research. His trumpets are used in more than half of the temples in Taiwan.
The shaojiao, or the Taiwanese trumpet, has a very limited range, and can be tricky to play. Musicians need strong lungs, and a powerful abdomen to play the instrument. However, these days, fewer and fewer people want to learn how to play it, which poses a problem for the shaojiao bands in Taiwan.
At Tzu Chi”s USA Headquarters” community education center, teachers and their students held a charity fair to sell off their handiwork for a good cause. A victim of Parkinson”s disease was one of the people who enjoyed the event. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
在慈濟美國總會社會教育推廣中心,老師帶領學生一起把作品捐出義賣,當中有一名學員是巴金森氏症患者,很開心參予這次的活動,一起來看看,感恩收看, 再會。
Stage is set for Water Repentance
Hangzhou Tzu Chi spring tea party
Once there were darkrooms & films
< Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us. >
Now that the stage is set, in just two more days, Tzu Chi”s musical adaptation of the Water Repentance Sutra will be shown to residents of Hualien, Taiwan At Tzu Chi”s spring tea party in China”s Hangzhou, some 1,000 residents from all walks of life come to learn more about the Buddhist charity and its humanistic values. And, with the advent of digital cameras and digital image printing services, the few remaining film developers in Taiwan try their best to stay in business.
Tzu Chi”s Water Repentance musical will be shown to Hualien”s residents starting this Thursday. The four-day show will be performed at Hualien County Stadium. Starting last Thursday, volunteers were already working to get the stage ready for the upcoming presentation.
One of the cast members participating in Hualien”s Water Repentance show is Tzu Chi Junior High School student, Hong Shengfu(洪聖富). To express his gratitude for Tzu Chi”s aid in the past, and build good karma for his sick father, Hong became a vegetarian. He also joined in performing the musical adaptation of the Water Repentance sutra. Through reciting the sutra, Hong also started to repent, and got rid of his bad temper.
Tzu Chi volunteers in Indonesia celebrated the opening of a new office in East Jakarta on Friday, March 2nd. The office will serve the cities of Bekasi and Karawang. Volunteers are looking forward to making a positive difference in their community.
《 靜思語 》
Setbacks are unavoidable, but to cultivate wisdom and grow spiritually, one must overcome life”s trials.
人生難免遭遇挫折,要經得起考驗,才能保住慧命,突破難關。01/25 2012/03/06
Tzu Chi volunteers held a large-scale ”spring tea party” in China”s Hangzhou city on Saturday. Around 1,000 people came to take part. Through the testimonies and performances at the show, the audience said they came away with a better understanding of Tzu Chi, and were inspired to make the beautiful city of Hangzhou a kinder and more gentle place.
The patient you just saw in the last story, Ms. Tu Weijun屠衛君 almost lost her left hand in a work accident, when it was mangled by a machine. Virtually every hospital told her she would have to get an amputation, but Hangzhou Tzu Chi volunteers refused to give up hope, and helped transfer Ms. Tu to Zhejiang First Hospital, where her hand was saved. To say thank you to medical staff, volunteers organized a smaller tea party at the hospital.
One person who helped make Tzu Chi”s spring tea party in China”s Hangzhou a success is Cheng Jun程俊. As the general manger of the local Hangzhou Wenguang Theatre, Cheng Jun believes Tzu Chi humanistic values are vital to development of Hangzhou as a China”s cultural center. Here is more.
A delegation of 20 local leaders from China”s Gansu province visited us here at the Tzu Chi Humanitarian Center in Taipei on Sunday. Gansu is one of the driest regions in China. Tzu Chi has built nearly 20,000 water cellars since 1998, to help poor farmers store water. The Chinese delegates came to thank Tzu Chi, and learn more about the charity”s other missions.
《衲履足跡》On a Pure Heart 談心寬念純
As members of an organization, do not be agitated or affected by quitters and inconsiderate people.
Be forgiving and sympathetic towards them, and be a positive influence for them. Try not to dwell on their past mistakes.
With the rise of digital photography, traditional cameras and the old way of developing negatives are fast disappearing. Color film production was discontinued some years ago by Konica, and even Kodak is planning to do the same this year. On a smaller scale, there are less that ten photo shops left in Taiwan that still develop pictures in a darkroom. The reason for the dwindling number is the strong competition posed by digital imagery that is cheaper to process. We speak to photo lab owner Chen Fengyi(陳豐毅), who is holding on to the old ways when it comes to making a photograph come to life.
Chen Fengyi, a darkroom photography enthusiast whom we met in the last story, has opened his own classes to share his specialist skills. The one criterion he has for people who wish to enroll in his eight-week course is that they must be passionate about the subject. Though most of his students work in the high tech industry, just like him, they appreciate the traditional approach to photographic processing.
At the end of today”s program, we travel to Penang, Malaysia, to meet ink wash painter Shen Ruishan 沈瑞山 who has been teaching at Tzu Chi University Continuing Education Center for eight years. The artist says, the work has helped him cultivate his spirituality. That”s all the time we have for. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.
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