2013年7月2日 星期二
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130702
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today’s show, Philippines Tzu Chi volunteers, hold a rice distribution in San Juan City, helping a total of 3,784 households. We take a look closer look, at what is epilepsy, as those suffering the disease, need our understanding and support. And, we go to the Islamic Nural Iman Boarding School in Indonesia, to see how Tzu Chi helps students, stand on their own.
1. 菲仙範發大米
2. 南非本土愛灑
3. 大直居家打掃
4. 認識癲癇
5. 板橋市場環保
6. 印習經院自力
7. 印童軍推環衛
8. 約堡黃建堂
9. 校長人文營
10. 韓灘慈小畢典
END: 杉林老人關懷
1. 菲仙範發大米
We kick off the show in the Philippines, recently local Tzu Chi volunteers, held a rice distribution, in the City of San Juan, helping a total of 3,784 households.During this event, the volunteers also seized the opportunity, to explain the meaning behind Tzu Chi’s bamboo coin banks, and invited participants to sign up as Tzu Chi members.
2. 南非本土愛灑
In South Africa, to recruit more volunteers to their cause. Durban volunteers traveled to Harrismith, to hold a tea gathering, and a two-day home visitation event.The two events not only succeeded, in bringing love and care into the community, but also inspired residents to join Tzu Chi.
3. 大直居家打掃
In Taiwan, Taipei’s Zhongshan(中山) District Tzu Chi volunteers, traveled to the remote mountainous area of, Da Zhi(大直) to visit senior Chen(陳), who lives on his own. To help the senior, enjoy a comfortable living environment, the volunteers not only cleaned up his house, but also delivered second-hand furniture and a new mattress.
《 靜思語 》
Minimize our desires to naught and maximize our love to fill the universe.
4. 認識癲癇
In Taiwan, most people don’t know much about epilepsy, and patients are often ridiculed. Even for those, who do know about the disease, they might be misled by old TV soaps, about how to handle someone with epilepsy. However, the proper protocol actually is, elevate the patient’s head, and turn them to their side, and they should recover quickly.
5. 板橋市場環保
Staying in Taiwan, for three consecutive years, Tzu Chi volunteers Zeng Meiqin (曾美琴) and Wang-Liao Shumei (王廖淑美) of New Taipei City, travel to a nearby traditional market, each day at noon, to collect plastic bags and fruit wrappers. Many vendors were reluctant to cooperate at first, as they felt it was too troublesome, but the pair’s determination, soon moved them to help.
《 衲履足跡 》
On Charitable Offering
Charity not only comes in the form of donations and relief items; but communicating in a soft and pleasant tone and soothing the minds of others with dharma are also ways of giving. Master Cheng Yen reminds us to cultivate our inner-self and work cooperatively in team efforts; only then will we be able to assist in the development of Tzu Chi.
開示:布施 不只是給予金錢、物資,用柔和悅耳的聲音與人交談,讓人 聞之歡喜,亦是布施;或是運用佛法開導,使之心安平靜,亦是布施。上人教大家用心修學、增長慧命,團隊合和互協,才有力量幫助志業發展。
6. 印習經院自力
In Indonesia, for the past 10 years, Tzu Chi volunteers have built a close partnership, with the Islamic Nural Iman Boarding School. They not only distributed rice and helped build classrooms, but also taught children, Jing Si Aphorisms and Chinese, as well as opened classes for students, to learn necessary working skills.
7. 印童軍推環衛
To enhance public awareness on the importance of environmental hygiene, the Indonesia Ministry of Public Works, organized a Sanitation Jam-bo-ree. Organizers hoped that through the event, students can take back what they have learned, and implement environmental awareness on their school campuses.
為了增進民眾對環境衛生的意識及重視,印尼公共工程部在雅加達舉辦環衛童軍大露營,主辦單位希望藉由此活動,讓年輕學子學習和帶動,進而在印尼的各校園推動環保 。
8. 約堡黃建堂
In Johannesburg, South Africa, there is a steel factory owner, whose wife is currently training to be a certified Tzu Chi volunteer. Seeing the impoverished children in his community, eat from kitchen scrap buckets, and inspired by Tzu Chi Monthly’s story of saving one starfish at a time, the owner has invited the children to his factory to eat every Saturday.
9. 校長人文營
Recently the Qingshui(清水) Jing Si Hall in Taichung(台中), Taiwan, organized a humanitarian camp, on behalf of 30 school principals and teachers. During the event, a few principals got up, to share how their life, has changed since joining Tzu Chi.
10. 韓灘慈小畢典
Following the Wenchuan(汶川) Earthquake in Sichuan Province, Tzu Chi has helped reconstruct the Hantan(韓灘) Tzu Chi Elementary School in Jintang(金堂) County. Last month, the school officially became the sister school of Tzu Chi schools in Taiwan. Recently, a graduation ceremony was also held, where students were taught to appreciate their parents’ unconditional love.
END: 杉林老人關懷
We go back to Taiwan at the end of the show, the Council of Indigenous People recently established 19 locations across the island, to better serve indigenous seniors, with one location, inside the Shanlin(杉林) Da Ai Community in Kaohsiung(高雄). We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
節目最後來到台灣,行政院原民會 增設19站部落老人日間關懷站,其中一個在杉林大愛園區,一起來看看,感恩收看,再會。(2013.07.02)
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