2012年9月28日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120927

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.

●Coming up in the show today, a group of government officials and religious leaders from Indonesia, are visiting Tzu Chi while on a trip to Taiwan.

●In our continuing series on weather conditions, we learn how me-teo-ro-logists use a variety of equipment to forecast daily weather.

●And, what do you do if you have a damaged painting at home? We meet the art restorers, who help preserve and repair artworks.






1.印尼宗教參訪 Indonesia delegates visit Taiwan

2.印習經院中文 Teaching Chinese in the Islamic School

3.南京名品展 2012 Nanjing Taiwan Trade Fair

4.福建環保營 Fujian recycling education seminar

5.天氣知多少(2)1900 Scientific observation

6.360藝術修復師 The work of art restorers

7.廚餘變酵素 Make your own cleaning agent

8. 廣恩養護中秋 Celebrating Moon Festival


1.印尼宗教參訪 Indonesia delegates visit Taiwan

Da Ai TV is not only aired in Taiwan, but through the years of hard work of Indonesia Tzu Chi volunteers, the charity TV station is also established in Jakarta and Medan, to spread Tzu Chi’s positive message. On September 25, a group of 31 government officials and religious leaders, along with Tzu Chi volunteers from Indonesia, visited Tzu Chi on their first trip to Taiwan, to learn more about the organization’s humanitarian spirit.

大愛電視台不只在台灣,經由印尼慈濟人多年努力也在雅加達和棉蘭成立電視台,傳播慈濟大愛精神,9月25日 印尼政府官員以及六大宗教領袖代表,一行三十一人,在印尼慈濟志工陪伴下,首度來到台灣參訪,希望能更深入感受慈濟大愛精神。

2.印習經院中文 Teaching Chinese in the Islamic School

Since 2003, Indonesia Tzu Chi volunteers have built a close partnership, through distributing rice and helping build classrooms, for the Islamic Nural Iman Boarding School, in Bogor City of Jakarta. Last year, the volunteers even organized language courses to teach students Chinese and Jing Si Aphorisms, in hopes of boosting education levels and cultural literacy.


3.南京名品展 2012 Nanjing Taiwan Trade Fair

The 2012 Nanjing Taiwan Trade Fair came to an end on September 23. The 4-day exhibition attracted 365,000 visitors, creating 24 billion NTD in new business opportunities. The fair enjoyed the full support of the Nanjing City government, with Taiwan brands winning approval from the mayor and other city officials. DA.AI Technology exhibited its line of fashionable, eco-friendly clothing at the event, exciting a great deal of interest among fairgoers.

2012南京台灣名品交易會,在9月23日 落幕,展期4天共湧入36.5萬人次造訪,促成商機約台幣240億元,南京政府高層全力支持,南京市市長和其他官員紛紛讚譽台灣名品,大愛感恩科技也進駐參展,用回收的寶特瓶做成的衣物,環保又兼具時尚,讓許多人眼睛一亮。

4.福建環保營 Fujian recycling education seminar

In China’s Fujian Province, Tzu Chi volunteers held a two-day Recycling Education Seminar. Over 600 volunteers from Fuding(福鼎), Quanzhou(泉州), Zhangzhou(漳州), Xiamen(廈門), and Fuzhou(福州) areas attended the event. Among the participants was Xiao Meina(蕭美娜), who practices recycling every day with her family. And 78-year-old Zheng Chengmin(鄭成民) said, he felt blessed to be able to participate in recycling, as it has made him healthier and happier.


5.天氣知多少(2)1900 Scientific observation

We often watch weather reports on TV, but how do me-teo-ro-logists predict the changing weather? Naturally, they don’t have special psychic powers - instead, they’re on rotating shifts 24 hours a day, relying on high-tech instruments in the air and on the ground, to collect information that is then processed by a computer and, predictions are based on those findings. So you see, weather forecasters really don’t possess the le-gen-dary ability of Zhu Geliang(諸葛亮), who was said to be able to command the winds and the rain.

媒體上經常看到氣象預報,但氣象學家如何對變化無常的,天氣作出預報呢? 當然,他們沒有呼風喚雨的能力,而是24小時的輪班監控,藉著地面和高空觀測以及衛星、雷達等氣象科技儀器,蒐集各種氣象資訊,透過電腦所運算出來的結果,絕對不是三國演義裡,借東風的諸葛亮,那樣充滿神話的色彩。

6.360藝術修復師 The work of art restorers

We have probably all collected paintings or other artworks at home, and, as time passes by, they may get damaged, moldy or even eaten by insects. In today’s feature report on Taiwan’s unique trades, we learn the work of art restorer, whose job is to repair damaged paintings. They use all sorts of tools and equipment, to return the artwork to its original look.

我們或許在家裡都有收集藝術品,隨著時間的過去 這些作品,可能都會受損、潮濕發霉或是不小心被蟲蛀了,在今天的真情臉譜專題中,我們來認識藝術修復師,他們的工作就是修復,這些損壞的作品,透過許多不同種類的工具,恢復藝術品原本的樣貌。

7.廚餘變酵素 Make your own cleaning agent

Did you know you can make an organic cleaning agent out of rotten fruit? Using the right ratio of sugar and water, an enzyme solution can be produced. The multi-purpose organic solution can be used as an air freshener, cleaning agent and even as plant fertilizer. This easy-to-make solution is good for both our health and the environment.

妳知道,爛掉的蔬果,其實可以做成天然清潔劑嗎? 只要加入一定比例的糖和水發酵就能完成,這多功能的酵素,不但能除臭,有去汙作用還能當植物肥料,這個酵素環保更健康。

8. 廣恩養護中秋 Celebrating Moon Festival

With Sunday’s Moon Festival approaching, Tzu Chi volunteers in Xindian (新店), Taiwan, visited the Guangen(廣恩) Nursing Home to bring warmth and a festive atmosphere to the senior residents.



The Teacher’s Day is celebrated on September 28th, in Taiwan.. Tzu Chi volunteers in New Taipei City, went to Xinyi (信義)Elementary School in Banqiao, and held a tea gathering to encourage students to show appreciation to their teachers. We will leave you with these images.

Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.




