2012年9月29日 星期六
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120928
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show today, Tzu Chi volunteers in Indonesia are helping victims of a recent earthquake, by handing out rice and clothes.
●In our continuing series on weather conditions, we find out why typhoons are a threat to Taiwan, and how weather prediction is more of a warning than forecast.
●And, we meet the master of ink stone engraving, Dong Zuo, in Changhua County, who can carve almost anything on ink stones.
1.印地震發放 Tending to quake victims in Indonesia
2. 美食物倉儲二年 Food bank program in New Jersey
3. 清寒助學家訪 Home visits with Tzu Chi
4.廈門教育交流 Teachers exchanging ideas
5.天氣知多少(3) The importance of disaster prevention
6. 360硯雕 Ink stones engraving, Master Dong
7.大林做月餅A healthy holiday treat
8. 澎湖中秋關懷 Visiting care recipients
9.腦麻做月餅 Hard work pays off
END: 心蓮中秋節
1.印地震發放 Tending to quake victims in Indonesia
On September 9th, Indonesia’s Java was struck by a 4.8 magnitude earthquake, which destroyed over 400 houses in the Bogor Regency. There were also nearly 500 houses damaged in the Su-ka-bu-mi Regency. In the aftermath of the earthquake, at the request of the local government, Tzu Chi volunteers went to survey the disaster area, and distributed rice and clothes to the quake victims.
2. 美食物倉儲二年 Food bank program in New Jersey
In the United States, New Jersey Tzu Chi Chapter has set up a food bank in their local community. Recently, Tzu Chi volunteers held a banquet on September 10th, to celebrate the second anniversary of the program. When Tzu Chi volunteers first started, only two families came to pick up the food parcel, but now the number has increased to 80.
3. 清寒助學家訪 Home visits with Tzu Chi
Every year, Tzu Chi College of Technology hands out scholarships to its needy students. Tzu Cheng fathers and Yide mothers also visit these students at home, to find out more about their learning environment. The door to door visits not only ensure the students stay on the right track, but their family members also gets to know Tzu Chi as well.
慈濟技術學院每年都會頒發助學金給家境清寒的學生,而慈誠懿德爸爸媽媽也時常走進孩子們的家庭關懷孩子的學習狀況,家訪不僅能夠了解孩子的狀況,也能和家裡的成員 建立良好關係,讓他們更認識慈濟。
4.廈門教育交流 Teachers exchanging ideas
In China’s Xiamen, a teachers’ seminar was held on September 16, with members of Tzu Chi Teachers Association from Taiwan as guest speakers. Over 130 Chinese teachers from different regions participated, and were all much inspired by the experience.
5.天氣知多少(3) The importance of disaster prevention
According to estimates, each year Taiwan suffers losses of approximately 6.8 million USD from natural disasters, of which, over 80 percent are from typhoons. When a typhoon is forming in the seas off Taiwan, the Central Weather Bureau gathers the data necessary to predict the storm’s path, rainfall, and wind speed and force. However, weather conditions can change in an instant, and me-teo-ro-logical technology is limited. As a result, there exists a margin of error, and many question the accuracy of the CWB’s predictions. In fact, weather predictions are intended more as forewarnings than forecasts.
根據統計,台灣一年的自然災害,造成的損失約有680萬美元,其中超過八成來自颱風,每回台灣外海一有颱風形成,氣象局總是繃緊神經,蒐集資料,預測颱風路徑,降雨以及風力,只是 大氣瞬息萬變,加上氣象科技的極限,讓預測存有誤差,因此,不少人對氣象局產生質疑,其實天氣預報的目的就是要提醒民眾戒慎、防災。
6. 360硯雕 Ink stones engraving, Master Dong
In our series of feature reports on Taiwan’s fading industries, today we meet Dong Zuo(董坐) from Changhua(彰化) County, who is known for the beautiful and creative ink stones he makes. With over 40 years of experience, the artist can carve almost anything on the ink stones. Despite the decline of the industry, Dong and his two sons are devoted to making these tools, which are nowadays viewed as artworks.
7.大林做月餅A healthy holiday treat
In just a few more days we’ll celebrate the Moon Festival. At Dalin (大林) Tzu Chi Hospital, employees are making moon cakes to express thanks to Tzu Chi’s medical volunteers. The cakes are not only an expression of good will - they’re also good for the health. With no unsaturated fat, these moon cakes will make a happy and healthy autumn holiday.
8. 澎湖中秋關懷 Visiting care recipients
Staying in Taiwan, but moving to Penghu, on September 23rd, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at the homes of care recipients with blessings, food and even new clothes. Since the Mid-Autumn Festival is a day when families reunite, the volunteers hope that the new clothes will help the senior residents to celebrate with their families with a fresh look.
也是台灣的報導,來到澎湖,9月23日 慈濟志工來到照顧戶家,帶來祝福、食物還有新衣服,中秋節是團圓的日子,因此志工希望新的衣服能讓老人在和家人聚會時有個全新的樣貌。
9.腦麻做月餅 Hard work pays off
Next, we meet a member of the Chaiyi(嘉義) City Cerebral Palsy Association, Li Hongyu(李弘裕). His greatest wish is to become a pastry chef and in order for him to obtain his certification, he had to spend many hours memorizing the steps to making the perfect pastry. Despite burning his hands over a long period of practicing bread making, he never thought of giving up and was eventually awarded with his certification.
END: 心蓮中秋節
To celebrate the coming Moon Festival on Sunday, over 25 actors from Tzu Chi’s performers association arrived at the Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, to participate in the Mid-Autumn celebration for patients from the palliative ward who cannot return home. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
2012年9月28日 星期五
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120927
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show today, a group of government officials and religious leaders from Indonesia, are visiting Tzu Chi while on a trip to Taiwan.
●In our continuing series on weather conditions, we learn how me-teo-ro-logists use a variety of equipment to forecast daily weather.
●And, what do you do if you have a damaged painting at home? We meet the art restorers, who help preserve and repair artworks.
1.印尼宗教參訪 Indonesia delegates visit Taiwan
2.印習經院中文 Teaching Chinese in the Islamic School
3.南京名品展 2012 Nanjing Taiwan Trade Fair
4.福建環保營 Fujian recycling education seminar
5.天氣知多少(2)1900 Scientific observation
6.360藝術修復師 The work of art restorers
7.廚餘變酵素 Make your own cleaning agent
8. 廣恩養護中秋 Celebrating Moon Festival
1.印尼宗教參訪 Indonesia delegates visit Taiwan
Da Ai TV is not only aired in Taiwan, but through the years of hard work of Indonesia Tzu Chi volunteers, the charity TV station is also established in Jakarta and Medan, to spread Tzu Chi’s positive message. On September 25, a group of 31 government officials and religious leaders, along with Tzu Chi volunteers from Indonesia, visited Tzu Chi on their first trip to Taiwan, to learn more about the organization’s humanitarian spirit.
大愛電視台不只在台灣,經由印尼慈濟人多年努力也在雅加達和棉蘭成立電視台,傳播慈濟大愛精神,9月25日 印尼政府官員以及六大宗教領袖代表,一行三十一人,在印尼慈濟志工陪伴下,首度來到台灣參訪,希望能更深入感受慈濟大愛精神。
2.印習經院中文 Teaching Chinese in the Islamic School
Since 2003, Indonesia Tzu Chi volunteers have built a close partnership, through distributing rice and helping build classrooms, for the Islamic Nural Iman Boarding School, in Bogor City of Jakarta. Last year, the volunteers even organized language courses to teach students Chinese and Jing Si Aphorisms, in hopes of boosting education levels and cultural literacy.
3.南京名品展 2012 Nanjing Taiwan Trade Fair
The 2012 Nanjing Taiwan Trade Fair came to an end on September 23. The 4-day exhibition attracted 365,000 visitors, creating 24 billion NTD in new business opportunities. The fair enjoyed the full support of the Nanjing City government, with Taiwan brands winning approval from the mayor and other city officials. DA.AI Technology exhibited its line of fashionable, eco-friendly clothing at the event, exciting a great deal of interest among fairgoers.
2012南京台灣名品交易會,在9月23日 落幕,展期4天共湧入36.5萬人次造訪,促成商機約台幣240億元,南京政府高層全力支持,南京市市長和其他官員紛紛讚譽台灣名品,大愛感恩科技也進駐參展,用回收的寶特瓶做成的衣物,環保又兼具時尚,讓許多人眼睛一亮。
4.福建環保營 Fujian recycling education seminar
In China’s Fujian Province, Tzu Chi volunteers held a two-day Recycling Education Seminar. Over 600 volunteers from Fuding(福鼎), Quanzhou(泉州), Zhangzhou(漳州), Xiamen(廈門), and Fuzhou(福州) areas attended the event. Among the participants was Xiao Meina(蕭美娜), who practices recycling every day with her family. And 78-year-old Zheng Chengmin(鄭成民) said, he felt blessed to be able to participate in recycling, as it has made him healthier and happier.
5.天氣知多少(2)1900 Scientific observation
We often watch weather reports on TV, but how do me-teo-ro-logists predict the changing weather? Naturally, they don’t have special psychic powers - instead, they’re on rotating shifts 24 hours a day, relying on high-tech instruments in the air and on the ground, to collect information that is then processed by a computer and, predictions are based on those findings. So you see, weather forecasters really don’t possess the le-gen-dary ability of Zhu Geliang(諸葛亮), who was said to be able to command the winds and the rain.
媒體上經常看到氣象預報,但氣象學家如何對變化無常的,天氣作出預報呢? 當然,他們沒有呼風喚雨的能力,而是24小時的輪班監控,藉著地面和高空觀測以及衛星、雷達等氣象科技儀器,蒐集各種氣象資訊,透過電腦所運算出來的結果,絕對不是三國演義裡,借東風的諸葛亮,那樣充滿神話的色彩。
6.360藝術修復師 The work of art restorers
We have probably all collected paintings or other artworks at home, and, as time passes by, they may get damaged, moldy or even eaten by insects. In today’s feature report on Taiwan’s unique trades, we learn the work of art restorer, whose job is to repair damaged paintings. They use all sorts of tools and equipment, to return the artwork to its original look.
我們或許在家裡都有收集藝術品,隨著時間的過去 這些作品,可能都會受損、潮濕發霉或是不小心被蟲蛀了,在今天的真情臉譜專題中,我們來認識藝術修復師,他們的工作就是修復,這些損壞的作品,透過許多不同種類的工具,恢復藝術品原本的樣貌。
7.廚餘變酵素 Make your own cleaning agent
Did you know you can make an organic cleaning agent out of rotten fruit? Using the right ratio of sugar and water, an enzyme solution can be produced. The multi-purpose organic solution can be used as an air freshener, cleaning agent and even as plant fertilizer. This easy-to-make solution is good for both our health and the environment.
妳知道,爛掉的蔬果,其實可以做成天然清潔劑嗎? 只要加入一定比例的糖和水發酵就能完成,這多功能的酵素,不但能除臭,有去汙作用還能當植物肥料,這個酵素環保更健康。
8. 廣恩養護中秋 Celebrating Moon Festival
With Sunday’s Moon Festival approaching, Tzu Chi volunteers in Xindian (新店), Taiwan, visited the Guangen(廣恩) Nursing Home to bring warmth and a festive atmosphere to the senior residents.
The Teacher’s Day is celebrated on September 28th, in Taiwan.. Tzu Chi volunteers in New Taipei City, went to Xinyi (信義)Elementary School in Banqiao, and held a tea gathering to encourage students to show appreciation to their teachers. We will leave you with these images.
Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
2012年9月26日 星期三
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120926
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show today, in the Philippines, care recipients are reciprocating Tzu Chi’s help through giving a little of their love.
●How much do you know about weather conditions? In a new series of reports, we learn the different ways to predict Mother Nature.
●And, in Taiwan, a group of mosaic glass designers are coming together, to give the European style artworks, a Taiwanese touch.
●天氣你知道多少呢? 今天的專題報導,帶大家認識如何以不同的方法,預估天氣狀況。
●接著,在台灣 一群製作,鑲嵌玻璃的設計師齊聚一堂,要設計一個美麗的歐式藝品。
1.菲發放回饋 Filipinos reciprocating Tzu Chi’s love
2.菲重建生活 Rebuilding homes after floods
3.天氣知多少(1) Taiwan’s unique weather system
4.希望生根十三年 Retired but still at work
5.書軒募愛捐書 Launching of a book drive
6. 360鑲嵌玻璃 Looking back at mosaic glass products
7.更生人臭豆腐 Nothing is impossible
1.菲發放回饋 Filipinos reciprocating Tzu Chi’s love
In Manila, capital of the Philippines, Tzu Chi engages in ongoing distribution work to help the needy. In addition to daily necessities, care recipients are provided with subsidies and medication for their illnesses. Today, as a means of repaying the kindness Tzu Chi has shown them, Te-resi-ta Alba and her husband Carlos, have donated a coin bank and collected unwanted garbage for recycling. Carlos suffers from visual impairment, and both he and his wife are deeply grateful to Tzu Chi, for supplying the medicines that allow him to remain in good health.
2.菲重建生活 Rebuilding homes after floods
Staying in the Philippines, in early August, Marikina City was once again struck by a severe flooding. Unlike the situation after Typhoon Ketsana in 2009, this time, nearly 100 local volunteers helped with flood relief work. After the water receded, instead of rushing to clean up their homes, the local volunteers joined Tzu Chi’s work-relief program to clean up the community. When the relief work came to an end, these caregivers finally had a chance to rebuild their homes, and returned to normal life.
3.天氣知多少(1) Taiwan’s unique weather system
Whether we are on cloud nine or throwing caution into the wind, weather conditions are never far from our every-day life. Taiwan’s unique geographic location on the planet, is like one big lab for me-teo-ro-logists, as it is a region in which tropical weather systems, and mid-latitude weather systems collide. Today, we start a new series of feature reports, looking at how humans try to predict Mother Nature’s temperament.
4.希望生根十三年 Retired but still at work
Next, as part of our series in commemorating the 9/21 Taiwan Earthquake, we go to Shiuhkuang(旭光) Senior High School in Nantou County, to meet Ye Cai-e(葉彩娥), a retired high school English teacher. Although she officially retired 8 years ago, she has not been taking it easy! She continues to serve as an advisor to the school’s Tzu Ai(慈愛) Association, passing on Tzu Chi’s humanitarian spirit and spreading seeds of love.
接下來 九二一系列報導,帶大家到南投草屯的旭光高中,來認識這位已經退休的老師葉彩娥,雖然葉彩娥老師 八年前卸下教職,但退而不休,繼續在學校擔任慈愛社的指導老師,要把慈濟的人文和愛的精神延續下去。
5.書軒募愛捐書 Launching of a book drive
A good book can inspire us to think differently. The Jing Si Books and Cafe in Taiwan, recently launched a book donation campaign. Participants can decide which set of Jing Si Books they would like to donate, and the books will be donated to various schools and facilities. To spread the message, Liao Weiming (廖偉銘), an executive director of a movie theater, launched a Facebook page to promote the event. In just less than a month, more than 100 people from different countries decided to join. To date, 8,000 sets of Jing Si Books have been donated.
6. 360鑲嵌玻璃 Looking back at mosaic glass products
In the 18th century, the famous Tiffany family used the patterns from mosaic windows on lamps, and since then, such lights have been known as Tiffany lamps. In fact, in the early 80s, Taiwan manufactured this kind of stained glass for many European countries, but, with the rise of labor costs, many factories were relocated abroad, leading to the decline of the industry. However, there is still a group of people in Taiwan, who are passionate about this mosaic glass, and have managed to gain the skills to design them with a Taiwanese touch.
18世紀,美國著名珠寶商第凡內家族,將教堂鑲嵌玻璃的技術應用在燈飾上,從此美麗的第凡內燈飾聲名大噪,事實上台灣 1980年就在幫歐美國家代工第凡內燈飾,但隨著代工業轉移大陸,技術跟著沒落,不過卻有一些台灣人,自己摸索學會了鑲嵌玻璃技術,並用自己的創意製作出美麗的藝品。
7.更生人臭豆腐 Nothing is impossible
Also in Taiwan, but next, we go to Taichung City, to look at the lifestory of A-Can(阿燦), who used to be a video store owner. He was sent to jail for violating movie copyrights and, to make matters worse, he was also heavily in debt. Luckily, his wife stuck by his side and helped him through the lowest point in life. Now, through running a stinky tofu shop, A Can(阿燦) and his wife have finally paid off their debts. He hopes to encourage more people to overcome their obstacles, with his life experience.
Tzu Chi volunteers are easily recognized, for the blue-and-white uniform they wear in all Tzu Chi’s events and relief works around the globe. To become a certified Tzu Chi volunteer, one needs to go through a series of training. In Indonesia, there are currently 435 grey uniformed volunteers going through this training, and joining them are 83 local residents who are receiving their grey uniform. We will leave you with these images.
Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
2012年9月25日 星期二
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120925
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today’s show, Tzu Chi volutneers in South Africa, are holding a volunteer training seminar in Durban, and joining them are their counterparts from Mo-zam-bique.
●In Taiwan, we join the survivors of Typhoon Fe-ria in 2005, who are finally moving into the newly-built Manzhou (滿州) Da Ai Village.
●And, in Malaysia Tzu Chi volunteers are holding a relief distribution, at the Ba-tu Pa-hat Tzu Chi Liaison Office.
1.德本三國研習 莫志工跨國訪視 Volunteer training seminar in Durban
2.東松行願演繹 In the spirit of Jianzhen
3.日多賀演繹 Performances in Tagajo City
4.日演繹志工 Performances successfully concluded
5.滿州大愛入住 Finally moving into new home
6.滿州潘英宗 A place to call home
7.希望深根十三年(2) An attentive worker
8.馬穆斯林發放 Relief distribution in Malaysia
9. 雲南農展志工 Inspiring more local volunteers
1.德本三國研習 莫志工跨國訪視 Volunteer training seminar in Durban
In Durban, South Africa, Tzu Chi volunteer training seminars take place only twice a year. If you miss one, it’s a 6 month wait until the next one. This was the dilemma faced by one Mo-zam-bique volunteer, Cai Dailin(蔡岱霖), when her husband suddenly wasn’t able to attend with her. Instead, she recruited a fellow worker to go with her to learn more about Tzu Chi. Besides attending seminars, the two of them also visited an orphanage and other care recipients, to see how local volunteers are walking the Tzu Chi path.
2.東松行願演繹 In the spirit of Jianzhen
Moving to Asia, to encourage the people of Northeast Japan in rebuilding their homes, after the 3/11 Earthquake, Japan Tzu Chi volunteers showed the animated film, based on the journey by sea, taken by ”Venerable Jianzehen” to spread Buddhism in Japan and performed a sign language performance, at the Higa-shi-matsu-shima City Culture Center. The event was also joined by local residents, and the volunteers hope to encourage even more people to become bodhisattvas.
3.日多賀演繹 Performances in Tagajo City
Also in Japan, Tzu Chi volunteers also arrived at Tagajo City Culture Center in Miyagi Prefecture, to bring sign language performances and the animated film ”Venerable Jianzehen”. Tzu Chi volunteer Su Meijing (蘇美菁) and her family of six took part in the performances. They said, after doing so, they understood the importance of continuing their love and care for the residents of Northeast Japan, and they hope to further spread Buddhism into the hearts of each and every residents in Japan.
4.日演繹志工 Performances successfully concluded
Staying in Japan, the 3-day 3/11 Earthquake photography exhibition and the showing of the animated film ”Venerable Jianzhen” and related performances successfully concluded on September 23rd. The volunteers hope to spread the monk’s determination to spread Buddhism and to encourage more people to become bodhisattvas.
5.滿州大愛入住 Finally moving into new home
Moving to Taiwan, in July of 2005, Typhoon Fe-ria, left a trail of destruction in Taiwan. Ten families from Gangzi (港仔) Village in Manzhou (滿州) Township of Pingtung(屏東) County, were killed by a mudslide. Since then, the surviving villagers have been relocated to a temporary shelter, in an abandoned school. After seven long years, the Manzhou(滿州) Da Ai village was finally completed and the 17 families, including some from the Fenshuiling(分水嶺) area, moved into their new homes last weekend.
鏡頭轉到台灣,2005年,台灣受到海棠颱風影響,屏東滿州鄉港仔村有十戶民宅遭到土石流掩埋,風災過後,居民們寄住在廢棄的校園,七年後,滿州慈濟大愛園區完工落成,加上分水嶺地區的部分居民 ,一共有17戶人家,上周末正式入住這個新家園。
6.滿州潘英宗 A place to call home
Of the 17 households moving into the new Manzhou (滿州) Da Ai Village, 10 families were residents of Gangzi(港仔) Village, which suffered a mudslide in the wake of Typhoon Fe-ria, in 2005. They included Pan Yingzong(潘英宗) ’sfamily. After the disaster, Pan and his four children had to seek temporary shelter, in an abandoned school. Over the past 7 years, the children have had to put up with mosquito bites, and sleepless nights, so moving into their new home is a dream come true for this family.
7.希望深根十三年(2) An attentive worker
Still in Taiwan, last week marked the 13th anniversary, of the earthquake that struck Taiwan on September 21, 1999. Next, we visit Chen Junzhang(陳俊璋), a 17-year-old high school student. Inspired by Tzu Chi volunteers, who came to his elementary school, to tell stories from Jing Si Aphorisms. Chen does volunteer work every weekend, at the Jing Si Books and Cafe at Tzu Chi’s Nantou(南投) Liaison Office. Chen became involved with the organization, learning to give selflessly of himself.
8.馬穆斯林發放 Relief distribution in Malaysia
In Malaysia’s Ba-tu Pa-hat Tzu Chi Liaison Office, Tzu Chi volunteers conducted a relief distribution for care recipients. During the event, they also taught the children of the care recipients, to be filial to their parents. When the children served tea to their parents, many of the recipients were moved to tears. Different ethnic groups, such as Indians, Chinese and Malays, attended the event, but most were Muslims. To many people, the differences in race or faith were not an issue, and the event was held in a warm atmosphere.
9. 雲南農展志工 Inspiring more local volunteers
In China, Tzu Chi was invited to set up a booth, to demonstrate its humanitarian spirit, at the annual Pan-Asia International Agricultural Expo, in Kunming(昆明) of Yunnan(雲南) Province. Tzu Chi volunteers also seized this opportunity to recruit more local volunteers. Some took a day off from work to serve as one-day volunteers, while others took part in the tea gathering, held in the Tzu Chi office, in hopes of learning more about Tzu Chi.
At the end of the show we go to Thailand, where Tzu Chi volunteers recently held a five-day moon cake charity sale for the construction of a new Jing Si Hall. Prior to the event, community volunteers also came to help out with the making and packaging of the moon cakes. The moon cakes were given the special name of ”Gratitude Moon Cakes”. That’s all the time we have for.
Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2012年9月24日 星期一
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120924
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show today, winter aid distributions continue in South Africa, as Tzu Chi volunteers hand out daily necessities and rice.
●In our regular look at the different trades in Taiwan, we learn about the making of eco-friendly plant dye products in Nantou.
●And, 13 years after the 9/21 earthquake, we return to a school Tzu Chi rebuilt , the Xinshe Elementary in Taichung, to visit its students and teachers.
●接著 921地震13年後,我們再度來到慈濟所援建的學校,位在台中的新社國小 ,拜訪這裡的學生與師長。
1.雷地冬令發放 Winter distributions in S Africa
2.印眼科個案 Free eye clinic for residents
3.中秋互惠傳愛 Visiting care recipients with moon cakes
4.360植物染(一) The making of plant dye products
5.360植物染(二) Life after 9/21 for Wu Qiu
6.希望深根十三年(1) 13 years on in Xinshe Elementary
7.入侵家園-動物篇(4) 研究人員 Researchers saving fading species
1.雷地冬令發放 Winter distributions in S Africa
As South Africa is entering Spring now, the temperature in Ladysmith, however, is only around 5 degrees Celsius. In 1994, Tzu Chi volunteers started to collect second-hand clothes to help the needy, and beginning 2003, volunteers have carried out annual winter aid distributions. This year, the aid supplies included seasonal food and clothes, as well as rice from Taiwan.
2.印眼科個案 Free eye clinic for residents
In Indonesia, Medan Tzu Chi volunteers are working with the Northern Sumatra police officers, to hold a free clinic for local residents. 62-year-old cataract patient, Kas-ni, makes a living by running a convenient store. Besides raising her two grandchildren, she also has to pay for her husband’s medical fees. Thanks to Tzu Chi’s free clinic, Kas-ni was able to receive free cataract surgery, which alleviated some of her financial burdens.
3.中秋互惠傳愛 Visiting care recipients with moon cakes
As Moon Festival is just around the corner, Hualien Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at the homes of care recipients, to offer both blessings and moon cakes. However, unlike before, the volunteers decided to order the moon cakes from the Be-thes-da Home for Handicapped, as a way to encourage the students there.
4.360植物染(一) The making of plant dye products
In our continuing look at Taiwan’s fading trades, today, we go to Nantou’s Zhongliao(中寮) Township and meet a group of experts in making plant dyes. In 1999, the 9/21 earthquake devastated central Taiwan, and many houses were destroyed in Zhongliao, leaving families with heavy financial burdens. With help from the National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute, a group of women began learning about plant dyes. From recognizing different plants, to making the dye, these residents not only gained the skills to make a living, but also found the strength to go on.
台灣真情臉譜走訪360行,今天帶您到南投中寮鄉,認識一群植物染專家,1999年的921大地震重創中台灣,造成南投中寮許多家園毀損、經濟受創 ,這群媽媽接受台灣工藝研究所輔導,從最基礎的 認識植物開始學起,採葉染布學習植物染手藝 ,不只學會手工藝養活家口,也找到力量重新站起來。
5.360植物染(二) Life after 9/21 for Wu Qiu
Each and every woman of the plant dye workshop has a story of their own. Among them is Wu Qiu(吳秋), who is now over 70 years of age. Wu lost family members to the 9/21 earthquake, and her husband also suffered from loss of hearing. Despite having her house completely destroyed, and becoming the breadwinner at home, Wu Qiu never gave up, but instead devoted herself to learning how to make plant dye products. In the past two years, the senior has even been invited to be a teacher at the local community college.
6.希望深根十三年(1) 13 years on in Xinshe Elementary
Last Friday, marks the 13th annivsery of the devastating 9/21 earthquake in Taiwan. After the earthquake leveled many schools, Tzu Chi started its Hope Project, to help rebuild 51 schools. Next, we return to Xinshe(新社) Elementary, the first school to be completed, and see how these students are now under the positive influence of Tzu Chi’s humanitarian spirit.
7.入侵家園-動物篇(4) 研究人員 Researchers saving fading species
For the past week our Da Ai TV reporters have been traveling with researchers, as they brave the wilds in search of Taiwan’s fading native species. Field research sounds romantic to many, the reality is, researchers spend much of their time, in some very in-hos-pi-ta-ble and strange situations. However, there is no complaining, as all of them--without exception-- love what they do, and feel they have the responsibility to do what they can, for the sake of Taiwan’s wildlife. In our next report, we follows 3 researchers as they conduct their research, where our Da Ai TV reporter learns that, taking care of Taiwan’s wildlife, is not as simple as a trip to the zoo.
Back to South Africa at the end of our program, to help poor children increase their knowledge, Tzu Chi volunteers in the United States began a book drive earlier this year, and donated 500 boxes of books and stationery, which arrived in South African in May. Recently, Ladysmith Tzu Chi volunteers are distributing them to students before school starts.
Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
感恩,收看, 再會。
2012年9月21日 星期五
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120921
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show today, Tzu Chi volunteers in Indonesia are handing out rice and clothes to victims of a recent earthquake in Bogor, West Java.
●In our in-depth look at invading species in Taiwan, we find out how these non-native species is taking over the Keelung River.
●And, nothing is ever impossible when you dare to dream, as we find out from 3 women who set up their own business at a young age.
In Indonesia, on September 9th, West Java”s Bogor was struck by a 4.8 magnitude earthquake, which damaged 400 households, and injured 4 residents. On September 12th, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at the worst-hit villages, to handout rice and clean clothes to the quake victims, helping a total of 514 families.
Brazil Tzu Chi volunteers held a free clinic and aid distribution in the Municipality of Sao Ber-nar-do do Campo, which is half an hour drive from Sao Paulo. As this was the second free clinic held in the area, the number of people waiting to see the doctor doubled. To ensure all patients received adequate treatment, TIMA doctors and volunteers sacrificed their lunchtime to serve more patients.
In the Philippines”s Quezon City, Tzu Chi held a free dental clinic, for the children of Pa-song Ta-mo Elementary School. As children love to eat sweets, dentists were not only busy removing cavities, but also educating the youngsters on oral hygiene. The free clinic helped 21 students in filing their cavities, and 99 students with teeth removal.
《 靜思語 》
Focus on each step one takes; stumbling is likelier if the focus is distant.
Currently many of Taiwan”s ecosystems are being taken over by non-native species. In some cases this is due to the superior adaptation abilities of the invasive species, in other cases, however, it is due to man-made environmental degradations, that has killed off most of the native wild-life. To get an idea of the depth of this problem, our Da Ai TV reporter traveled to the banks of the Keelung(基隆) River to see how the ecosystem, and those animals there, are getting along.
《 衲履足跡 》談愛 On Love
Seeing the less fortunate, we should be grateful for the harmonious environment we live in, and that we are not short on food or clothes.
Learn to cherish our blessings and inspire others to replace greed with love.
With creativity and effort, fading industries in Taiwan can be brought back to life, one such example is the trade of calico making. Qiu Qiongyu(邱瓊玉), Cai Wenhui(蔡玟卉), and Shen Yiyu(沈弈妤), decided to come together and set up a business of their own, while still studying in university. With limited funding, the girls came up with designs and patterns, symbolic of the island”s culture.
One of our beloved TIMA doctor, Cai Zongxian(蔡宗賢) passed away early yesterday morning, at the age of 54. Despite his difficulty in movement, Cai never missed his weekly visit to Yuli Tzu Chi Hospital, to help provide dental treatment for those living in remote areas. A role model for many in life, Cai Zongxian(蔡宗賢) continues to be a mentor after death, as he donated his body to medical science.
Next, we look back at the lifestory of Cai Zongxian(蔡宗賢), which has been filmed into a Da Ai TV drama, named ”Sunlight Footprint”, and was first broadcasted in November, 2007. Cai has been a polio sufferer since young and in spite of his own condition, he remained optimistic through life, and devoted himself whole-heartedly in helping those in need. Although the doctor has passed on, his friendly smile and love will always stay with us.
In Malaysia”s Malacca, Tzu Chi volunteer, Huang Cuiping(黃翠屏) and her sisters, have honored their deceased father through vegetarian meals. However, the idea was initially opposed by their mother. After six months” efforts, the Huang sisters finally convinced their mom to become a vegetarian as well.
We go to China at the end of our program; this year, the 8th Kunming Asia Agricultural Expo is held from September 19-23, with over 10 countries, and hundreds of businesses taking part. For 3 consecutive years, the organizer have invited Tzu Chi to set up a stall to promote the organization”s humanitarian spirit. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120919
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today”s show, Tzu Chi volunteers are reaching out to help Hurricane Isaac victims in the Dominican Republic, by holding an aid distribution.
●In a new round of feature reports on invading species, we follow the experts as they work to control the spreading of spot legged tree frog.
●And, Taishan”s doll making industry in New Taipei City, is flourishing once more, thanks to a group of hard working designers.
In August of this year, Hurricane Isaac not only struck the United States, but also the Dominican Republic. Situated close to the river, the village of Ha-ba-ne-ro suffered extensive damage in the flooding. This month, Tzu Chi volunteers provided villagers with vitally needed relief items, as well as red envelopes containing Master Cheng Yen”s blessings.
3-year-old Iffah Nurul from Malaysia”s Sabah, suffers from epilepsy and blood infection, and needs dialysis treatment. However, the family does not have the means to install clean running water at home, which is essential to ensure the future health of the girl. Their doctors therefore contacted Tzu Chi, who arrived to do their best for the family.
Staying in Malaysia, Tzu Chi volunteer, Wang Xiuhua(王秀樺) has been selling non-vegetarian noodles for many years. However the selling of meat made her uneasy because they were in violation of Tzu Chi”s ten precepts. Undecided, it took misfortunes to force her to take initiative. Feeling the impermanence of life, Wang Xiuhua(王秀樺) finally made the decision to sell vegetarian lunchboxes.
也是馬來西亞的報導,慈濟志工王秀樺,開麵店賣葷食多年,因為守慈濟十戒 心中極為不安,原本難以下定決心停賣葷食,但因為看到無常的人生,她決定把握當下,轉做素食便當。
On September 15th, Tzu Chi volunteers in New Zealand, held a blessing ceremony, which was joined by students from the Jing Si Chinese Class. The volunteers discussed the benefits of vegetarianism by explaining to the students, that going meatless is not only good for their health, but helps save our planet as well.
《 靜思語 》
What matters more is not the profundity of the teachings, but whether they are practiced in daily life.
Globalization has brought many benefits in terms of easier access to goods from around the world. However on the back of this global trade has been the uncontrolled spread of unwanted pests. Sometimes these species find a balance within the local ecosystem, other times the introduced species becomes invasive, which means that it starts to upset the natural balance by outcompeting species native to the area. This is the case with the Spot-legged Tree Frog, which was accidently introduced to Taiwan in 2006. Since its first appearance, it has spread to most of Taiwan”s west coast, where it out-com-peted Taiwan”s indigenous tree frog. Although the threat is not yet serious, researchers have already begun removing the Spot-legged Tree Frog, in an effort to control its exploding population and head off more serious problems down the road.
《 衲履足跡 》談修行 On Single-mindedness
When you find the right way, make the best of it by cultivating yourself constantly.
As most people are trapped in the emotions of love and hate, it is ever more important to persist on inspiring goodness in others, no matter how challenging or difficult it may be.
找到正確的道路,就要精進向前;即使人間的恩怨愛憎糾葛牽纏,人心事 相皆複雜,欲度眾生有萬般艱難,仍要為善堅持,入苦中苦而不畏苦。
Over half a century ago, Taishan(泰山) District, which is situated in the-now New Taipei City, was once known for its production of Barbie dolls. The doll industry began to fade away after the American toy company relocated abroad in 1987. However, today, through an employment program, many retired women are returning to the workforce and coming together to design dolls with a Taiwanese touch.
Next, we meet Zheng Yiting(鄭伊婷), a Tzu Ching who recently came back to Taiwan from South Africa. Zheng Yiting(鄭伊婷) had been living in South Africa for ten years and joined the Tzu Ching Club when she was in university. However, she did not rush to find a job as other college graduates, but decided to help at Tzu Chi”s free clinic. Although she did not speak Hakka, she was still able to overcome the language barrier with love and a smile.
On September 16th, Northern TIMA doctors in Taiwan arrived in Gongliao(貢寮) District to hold a free clinic and make house calls. This time, the event was joined by 81-year-old Huang Lei(黃磊), who specializes in Chinese acu-pressure. In spite of being a senior herself, Dr.Huang happily follows the TIMA doctors and give other seniors a massage to make them feel better.
To inspire entrepreneurs to do good deeds, the Kaohsiung Tzu Chi Honorary Board organised a tea party, where they invited local businessmen to participate. The owner of a famous restaurant, Huang Fushou(黃福壽) not only offered his restaurant as the event site, but also kindly provided vegetarian meals. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120920
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show today, Tzu Chi volunteers in the Philippines are handing out relief items to flood victims of the August torrential rain.
●The invading species of iguana from America, is vegetarian and may have a gentle nature, but what threat does it pose for our ecosystem?
●And, later in the show, in our regular look at Taiwan”s traditional trades, we meet the second generation owner of a canvas bag store in Tainan.
First up in the Philippines, Tzu Chi volunteers are continuing, to hold aid distributions for the August flood victims, but this time in Barangay Tatalon of Quezon City, where many residents are also Tzu Chi members. The relief items helped a total of 509 families.
Last year, Thailand was struck by heavy rainfall that caused massive flooding in various regions of the country. Ayutthaya Province was one of the worst affected areas. Since then, Tzu Chi volunteers have carried out relief work and are still caring for the flood victims today. Despite the local residents being mostly Muslim, they happily join the Buddhist NGO and even attend Tzu Chi”s volunteer training seminar.
《 靜思語 》
Travel the world on foot; make a difference in the world by hand.
Since 2001, over 80,000 green iguanas have been imported into Taiwan as a pet, but many pet owners are unaware that these reptiles, can grow to over 2m in some cases. As a result, many decide to release them into the wild, as they can no longer afford to feed them. The iguana may look frightening, they are actually herbivores and have a gentle nature; however, many are also carriers of diseases. Here”s more.
《 衲履足跡 》談不執著 On an open mind
We should do good deeds with an open mind and give whole-heartedly.
Give selflessly to others, be grateful for the opportunity to do so, and always keep a pure heart.
In the early days when going to school, many probably used canvas bags as school bags. In our feature reports on Taiwan”s fading trades, we go to Tainan today, and visit the ”Hecheng” (合成) Canvas Bag Store, which has been running for over 6 decades. Despite the fall of the industry after plastic school bags were introduced, the second generation owner, Xu Shengkai(許勝凱) opened up a window of opportunity for his business through taking custom-made orders.
早期 許多人上學時,大概都有背過帆布書包,在今天的真情臉譜專題中,我們來到台南,認識超過一甲子歷史的合成帆布行,即使走過塑膠書包衝擊,第二代店家 許勝凱,透過接客製化包包,打開了一扇窗的機會。
Next, we meet Xu Shengkai”s (許勝凱) daughter, 26-year-old Xu Ruiling(許芮翎), who decided to return home and take on the family baton after studying in Japan. As more people are becoming aware of our environment, Xu Shengkai and his daughter know the number of people opting for canvas bags will also increase. Thus, the father-and-daughter pair are working together, to create a variety of custom made bags for their customers.
Patients undergoing kidney dialysis treatment does so in one of two ways, one is Hemo-dialysis, where the patient must go to the hospital many times a week to receive treatment. The second option, is the at-home option of Pe-ri-to-neal dialysis. Although the at-home option is convenient, precautions still have to be taken, such as intake of calcium tablets and the prevention of bacterial infections.
In Taiwan, a group of youngsters from Syin-lu (心路) Social Welfare Foundation, performed at the Zuoying (左營) High Speed Rail Station, as a preview of their upcoming concerts in October and November. For these youngsters, music has helped them overcome their physical disabilities and find hope in life.
在台灣 一群身心障礙青年,所組成的心路樂團,選擇在高雄左營高鐵站,舉行演奏會預演,為了宣傳他們在十月和十一月,所要舉辦的公益音樂會,這群身心障礙青年,用他們的音樂,為自己開啟了截然不同的另一扇窗。
Also in Taiwan, but in Taipei City, care recipient Yang Jianrui(楊建瑞), donated his house to Tzu Chi four years ago after he passed away. The house has been turned into a Tzu Chi media volunteers office, where many volunteers study together and edit videos that report on Tzu Chi”s work.
We go to Sydney, Australia, at the end of our program, and join Tzu Chi volunteers, as they held a ”Parent-and-child” workshop for students of the Tzu Chi Academy School. The youngsters not only learned about filial piety, but also made sticky rice balls for their parents. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2012年9月18日 星期二
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120918
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today”s show, Philippines Tzu Chi volunteers are returning to Barangay Tu-ma-na, to hand out emergency cash to fire victims.
●Tzu Chi volunteers in Myanmar, are visiting their care recipient, U Win Tun, a paralyzed victim, and his mother, to bring rice and emotional support.
●And, in Hong Kong, Tzu Chi volunteers are holding a charity sale, to raise funds that will be put towards helping the needy.
●今天的提要,菲律賓慈濟志工,再度來到馬利僅那市的杜馬那里,為火災受災民眾 送來慰問金。
In Barangay Tu-ma-na of Marikina City, in the Philippines, a recent fire destroyed 25 houses and left 50 families without roofs over their head. After Tzu Chi volunteers, distributed relief supplies to the disaster victims, they returned once again, to hand out emergency cash, for those who were not able to secure a place to stay. Tzu Chi volunteers” timely visit solved many residents” worries and brought a sense of hope, back into their lives.
On September 9th, Tzu Chi volunteers traveled to the remote village of Xa Thanh An(盛安社) of Huyen Can Gio(芹耶縣) in Vietnam, to hold a free clinic. The village is about 60 kilometers away from Ho Chi Minh City. This island village only has 500 households, of which more than 360 families are living below the poverty line. Here”s more.
The Tzu Chi Medical Center in the Philippines, has been offering medical treatment for cataract patients since 2007. Recently, on August 2nd, 12 cataract suffers, under the skillful hands of TIMA doctors, had their cataracts removed free of charge, thus giving them and their families new hope for the future.
《 靜思語 》
We learn by doing, and grow by giving of ourselves.
In Myanmar”s Yangon Region, Tzu Chi volunteers brought along Tzu Chings to Thanlyin(天茵) Township to visit care recipient U Win Tun(烏溫屯). 33-year-old U Win Tun (烏溫屯) is a farmer, who, when working the fields last year, was involved in an accident. His family sold the farm, to pay for his medical bills, and his 66-year-old mother is now working to make ends meet. Every month, Tzu Chi volunteers pay the family a visit, to bring emotional support, as well as rice, to ensure they have enough food to eat.
在緬甸仰光省,慈濟志工帶著慈青前往丹茵鎮,關懷照顧戶烏溫屯,三十三歲的烏溫屯是位農民,去年在農田幹活時,傷到導致下半身癱瘓了,為了支付醫藥費,家人 變賣稻田,現在靠著六十六歲的母親照顧,慈濟人每個月送大米來關懷,為母子倆帶來愛與希望。
In Malaysia”s Kedah, two mentally challenged brothers, were slated to receive Tzu Chi”s care and support, because they are unemployed and needed regular medication, to control their health condition. When Tzu Chi volunteers visited them for the first time, they found the brothers living in a filthy environment; therefore the volunteers decided to, first, help them with clean up.
在馬來西亞 吉打,有一對患有精神障礙的兄弟,成為慈濟的照顧戶,因為他們不能正常工作,需要靠藥物控制病情,在家訪的過程中,志工發現他們的居家環境欠佳,於是決定協助清理環境。
The Taichung(台中) Tzu Chi Hospital, Traditional Chinese Medicine Department, recently celebrated its 5th year anniversary. To mark the occasion, doctors and staff visited a care recipient, living in the Taiping (太平) District, to offer a checkup and lend a hand, in cleaning up the house. All together, five trucks worth of garbage was collected and thrown away.
Taipei(台北) Tzu Chi Hospital, recently published a report, on their work in the field of hemorrhoid surgery, in an international medical journal. Not only did they manage to achieve a 90 percent satisfaction rate, but chances of re-occurrence for patients were also extremely low.
Over last weekend, Tzu Chi volunteers from Taipei”s Xindian(新店) joined their counterparts in Hualien(花蓮) via satellite connection, in chanting the Earth Treasury Sutra. Apart from members of the public, patients from Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital also came to participate.
《 衲履足跡 》談修行 On Spiritual Cultivation
To gain wisdom and dharma, we must strive to get rid of bad habits and change our thoughts.
Only when we change our mindset, can we bring peace to our family, and make a difference in the world.
In Hong Kong, Tzu Chi volunteers held a charity sale to fundraise for the needy. Since Moon Festival is just around the corner, a local bakery donated vegetarian moon cakes for the charity sale. The volunteers also made detergent from fruit peels, that were donated by a fruit shop, in a local department store. Since the money will go towards charity, many local residents were eager to participate.
Recently, staff from the China Productivity Center in Taiwan, invited two scholars from Malaysia, to visit the Neihu(內湖) Tzu Chi Ground. After learning how environmental blankets are made from recycled bottles, the two scholars were amazed. They were also intrigued at the many senior volunteers, who are devoted to conservation work at the recycling station.
In Taiwan; to bring happiness and laughter to seniors, Taichung(台中) Tzu Chi volunteers pay regular visits to local nursing homes. As a part of their visit, the volunteers also give the seniors a massage service, to make them feel more at ease.
Around the world, there are many who are ill or physically challenged, yet face life with a never-say-quit attitude. (帶ROLL) Every year, the Chou Ta-Kuan (周大觀) Foundation, hands out the ”Love of Lives” awards to those who have shown courage and willpower in the face of difficulties or illness. Among the 19 winners this year, are Zhu Yuhao(朱禹豪), who loves playing guitar, despite being visually impaird, and Cai Zheyuan(蔡哲沅), a pianist who has been blind since birth and suffers from epilepsy. Recently, the 19 winners from around the world, arrived in Taiwan to share their lifestories, as they hope to encourage more people, to cherish their lives and realize their blessings.
全球有不少身心障礙者,努力不放棄度過難關,每年周大觀文教基金會,都會頒發生命希望獎章,給那些雖然有困難或病痛,但努力和有勇氣活下去的人,19位得獎者中,有雙眼全盲的吉他手朱禹豪,和全盲也患有癲顯的鋼琴家 蔡哲沅,最近19位來自全世界不同國家的得主,都來到台灣分享他們的故事,他們希望透過自己的故事,鼓勵更多人去熱愛生命。
Staying in Taiwan at the end of our program, we join Xindian(新店)Tzu Chi volunteers who invited students and parents from the Tzu Chi Parent-Child Workshop, to attend a vegetarian cooking class. The volunteers used colorful vegetables to make delicious vegetarian dishes; meanwhile, the children were also given the chance to make sweet sticky rice balls. That”s all the time we have for. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2012年9月17日 星期一
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120917
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today”s show, Tzu Chi volunteers in the US are holding a relief distribution in Washington, for nearly 1,000 victims of a forest fire.
●We return to Kinmen for our series on invading species, and see what the local government is doing to save their native wildlife.
●And, we have easy access to tap water, thanks to TWC”s inspection staff, who are working hard to ensure no water pipes are leaking.
On August 13th, a forest fire devastated the state of Washington in the United States. The blaze started at a construction site, and was fueled by strong wind. After five days of containment, the fire was fully controlled, but in its wake, it destroyed almost 100 homes, leaving nearly 1,000 people homeless. Upon hearing of the disaster, Seattle Tzu Chi volunteers went to survey the disaster area and set up a relief distribution.
Moving to Malaysia, Tzu Chi volunteer in Klang, are preparing for their upcoming charity sale on the 17th of September, to fundraise for the construction of a new Jing Si Hall in Kualu Lumpur and Selangor. Volunteers first visited residents to inform them of the road closure during the event, in which they also handed out coupons for them to use at the sale. Later, 137 volunteers came together with residents to clean up the surrounding area, that brought everyone closer together.
Also in Malaysia, but in Penang, an elementary school student, Cai Shuming (蔡書銘) has kept up his vegetarian diet since the 7th lunar month blessing ceremony in 2010. In the past two years, he has convinced his family of five to join the meatless campaign, and even his grandmother has become an ambassador, in spreading the benefits of vegetarianism.
Prior to the end of the 7th Lunar month which falls on September 15th, last Saturday, Tzu Chi volunteers in Argentina, also held a blessing ceremony, to promote Tzu Chi”s philosophy. In attendance were 100 local residents, who were to there find out a bit more, about the auspicious month and the Chinese culture.
《 靜思語 》
With perseverance and courage, the roughest roads can become smooth.
Today, in our continuing series of feature reports on invading species in Taiwan, we return to Kinmen to see how the island, has been dealing with its Smooth cordgrass infestation. Using heavy machinery, the local government recently finished a four-year project, that helped clear 9 hectares of beachfront from the grips of the Smooth cordgrass, thus allowing the local wildlife to flourish once more. Let”s take a look.
《 衲履足跡 》談環保意識 On Environmental Awareness
Reducing carbon emission is a global movement that needs to be practiced in our daily lives.
The earth is a place where all human beings live. To prevent disasters from happening to our shared home, we must raise environmental awareness worldwide.
Water is an important part of our daily lives. We only have to turn on the tap to get water. But behind the easy access to tap water, are thousands of water pipes connected to each other underground. Today, we are meeting a group of hard working staff from the Taiwan Water Corporation, who carry out inspections for leaking pipes all year round. Some even refer these men as ”doctors” of the water pipes.
In Taiwan, next, we meet a previous award recipient of the ”Love of Lives” award of the Chou Ta Kuan Foundation, Qiu Boan(邱伯安), who at first, was born into a wealthy family. However, after his father passed away when he was just 13, life became very difficult. Luckily, he didn”t give up on studying, and today, he is not only a famous artist, but is also doing what he can, to help poor children continue their studies, including donating to the Chou Ta Kuan Foundation.
Staying in Taiwan, in Taichung”s Lishan (梨山), 86-year-old Mr. Lin lives in a remote area by himself. Having difficulties in moving about, the senior resident is unable to clean his house. As the poor living conditions have slowly affected his health, Tzu Chi volunteers recently paid him a visit to help clean up his home.
In China, the Suzhou Tzu Chi Ground will be establishing an exhibition hall very soon. The exhibition hall will feature Tzu Chi”s history and charity work around the globe. Recently Taiwan Tzu Chi volunteers arrived in Suzhou, not only to help setup the venue but also share their experiences with local volunteers.
To raise funds for the construction of a new Jing Si Hall in Malaysia, Tzu Chi volunteers from the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chapter, held charity fairs in 3 different elementary schools at the end of August. Participants and Tzu Chi members from all walks of life, all kindly donated what they could. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2012年9月14日 星期五
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120914
Commemorating the 911 tragedy
Invading marsh grass in Taiwan
Beitou”s unique delivery service
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today”s show, New York Tzu Chi volunteers in the United States are holding a blessing ceremony to commemorate the 911 victims.
In our continuing series on invading species in Taiwan, we learn how Smooth cordgrass is a great threat to our wetland ecosystems.
And, a unique express delivery service in Taipei”s Beitou District, offers a variety of different services for local residents.
1.美911追思We will always remember
2.貴州助學簽約Signing contract with local government
3.貴州助學訪視Visiting scholarship recipients
4.蘇州義檢個案Safeguarding local residents health
5.入侵家園(3)Creeping onto Taiwan”s coasts
6.360限時專送Beitou”s unique delivery service
7.熱愛生命傑拉德Gerrard Gossens” passionate life
8.做麵包自立1900I have a dream
9.馬愛心月餅Moon cake charity sale
1.美911追思We will always remember
Eleven years ago, terrorists attacked the twin towers in New York City, destroying our sense of peace in the world. Today, the US government has reconstructed the site where the towers stood, into a memorial site and museum. Although many people died in the tragedy, the silver lining was the goodness of people everywhere that poured out in the aftermath of the event. To commemorate the day, the New York Tzu Chi Chapter held a blessing ceremony to honor the 911 victims.
11年前,恐怖份子攻擊了紐約兩座高樓,毀滅了人們的和平,今天,美國政府在發生事件的現場興建紀念公園,雖然許多人因為那事件過世,可是我們卻是看到許多人在這個事件發生後 ,展現出的善心,為了哀悼911事件,而慈濟紐約分會舉辦祈福會,紀念在911事件中罹難的人。
2.貴州助學簽約Signing contract with local government
In 1997, Tzu Chi volunteers in China established the poverty al-le-viation program, in Guizhou(貴州) Province, to help local residents live a better life. Before school starts, Tzu Chi volunteers from Guangdong(廣東) also arrived in Luodian(羅甸) County, to sign a scholarship program contract with the local government.
3.貴州助學訪視Visiting scholarship recipients
After signing the 2012 scholarship program contract, with Luodian”s(羅甸) educational unit in Guizhou(貴州) Province, Tzu Chi volunteers also visited needy students in the remote areas of Longping(龍坪) and Yanping(岩平) for a home visitation.
4.蘇州義檢個案Safeguarding local residents health
Staying in China; beginning September 9th, the newly established Suzhou(蘇州) Tzu Chi Health Promotion Center has been holding free check ups for their long term care recipients, seniors from local nursing homes and local residents. Here”s more.
5.入侵家園(3)Creeping onto Taiwan”s coasts
In the next report on our series on the invasive species in Taiwan, we travel to Kinmen, where we find the Smooth cord-grass. Perfectly adapted to the coastlines, the quick growing Smooth cord-grass has started to push out local fauna and its spread is now threatening our wetland ecosystems.
6.360限時專送Beitou”s unique delivery service
In Taiwan, Taipei”s Beitou(北投) District has a unique delivery service, that has been around for many decades. Whether it is paying an utility bill or catching the MRT, or even buying snacks in midnight or an emergency visit to the hospital, all you have to do, is call the express delivery service and let them know your needs. Let”s take a look.
7.熱愛生命傑拉德Gerrard Gossens” passionate life
At the 15 th annual Chou Ta Kuan(周大觀) Foundation ”Love of Lives” award ceremony, we meet one of this year”s awardee, Gerrard Gossens from Australia who is an adventurer. He surfs, runs, and pilot planes, all while being fully blind. Gossens lives by the philosophy of ”Success is a journey, not a destination”.
8.做麵包自立1900I have a dream
In Taiwan, 25-year-old Xiaoqian(小倩), who is slightly mentally challenged, has been working at the bakery opened by the Maria Social Welfare Foundation. She hopes in the future she can open a bakery on her own, and continue to make delicious pastries for her customers.
在台灣 25歲的小倩,是個輕度的智能障礙患者,她在瑪利亞基金會的烘焙班擔任烘培師,她希望在未來能開設自己的烘培坊,也繼續做好吃的西點麵包給客人食用。
9.馬愛心月餅Moon cake charity sale
In Malaysia, for the past nine years, Tzu Chi volunteers in the Malacca Chapter have been making charity moon cakes. This year, over 200 volunteers are coming together to make 32,000 moon cakes over a 10-day period. The money raised from the moon cakes will then be used to construct a new Tzu Chi office in southern Malaysia.
Staying in Malaysia at the end of our program; to promote the benefit of vegetarianism, Tzu Chi volunteers recently invited 100 local residents to enjoy a delicious meatless banquet at the Batu Pahat Tzu Chi Liaison Office. Volunteers also shared with participants, how their health condition has improved through the vegetarian diet. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120912
Tending to fire victims in the US
Concerns of non-native plants
Taiwan”s olfactory analyst
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today”s show, Tzu Chi volunteers in the United States are tending to victims of the recent Ponderosa Fire, in Northern California.
We start a new series of feature reports to learn how the growing non-native plants and vegetables in Taiwan, is a problem for our ecological system.
And, a group of olfactory analysts in New Taipei City, are ensuring our environment remains clean and refreshing.
今天的提要 美國慈濟志工
接著 新北市一群聞臭師
1.美森林火勘災Ponderosa fire relief assistance
2.澳伊普發放Relief distribution for flood victims
3.入侵家園(1)Where are the plants from?
4.蟲蟲危機(5)埋葬蟲The carrion beetle amid global warming
5.360聞臭師1900Olfactory analyst
6.天府瑰寶(2)川武侯祠Part of Three Kingdoms history
1.美森林火勘災Ponderosa fire relief assistance
In the United States, on August 18th, a fire caused by lightning spread through Te-ha-ma and Shas-ta County of Northern California. The Pon-de-ro-sa fire destroyed 27,626 acres of land. In total, 52 residential homes, 81 outbuildings and 7 people were injured. Local government set up a disaster relief center, and Tzu Chi volunteers from Northern California visited the disaster area on Sept 2nd, to show support and provide needed assistance.
2.澳伊普發放Relief distribution for flood victims
Moving to Australia, severe flooding devastated several communities in Queensland last year, including the city of Ipswich. Since then, Tzu Chi volunteers have carried out relief work to help flood victims recover. On September 2nd, with the assistance from local volunteers and councilors, Tzu Chi held a large-scale distribution in a shopping mall for care recipients. Upon reading the news of the distribution in the newspaper, many care recipients went to pick up their aid supplies, while even more people who had received help in the past, arrived with their filled bamboo coin bank.
3.入侵家園(1)Where are the plants from?
Have you ever questioned where the plants, fruits and vegetables you eat come from? In fact, many of the common vegetables we eat every day did not originate in Taiwan. For example, cabbage, water spinach, tomato, sweet potato and many more were actually all imported from other countries. These plants not native to Taiwan are called non-native plants and today, we start a new series of feature reports, to learn how these plants may cause problems in Taiwan”s ecological system. Here”s more.
4.蟲蟲危機(5)埋葬蟲The carrion beetle amid global warming
In our final report on the growing body of evidence, that global warming has already begun to have an effect on many species, we take a look at the one of nature”s many decomposers. Its name is the carrion beetle and, along with the better-known maggot, the beetle and its young will feed on rotting animal carcasses, thus helping nature clean up. Researchers are currently undertaking experiments, to discover just how increases in temperature will affect the beetle and its natural competitors. Although seemingly unconnected to our daily lives, the results can show how global warming, will perhaps affect humans” place, in the eco-system, and thus encourage more awareness of the dangers and changes, that global warming has in store on the horizon.
5.360聞臭師1900Olfactory analyst
As more and more people are becoming environmental conscious, we are also more aware of the pollution created in our surrounding environment, such as air pollution. Unpleasant smells not only influence our quality of living, but can also be detrimental to our planet. This is when a professional analyst comes in, to collect samples and assess the air quality. However, the seemingly simple job cannot be done by just anyone. Taking the staff at the Environmental Protection Department in New Taipei City as an example, on the day of the assessment, only those who are in good health, without makeup or have not smoked cigarettes or eaten any heavy food are allowed to carry out the analysis. Let”s take a look.
6.天府瑰寶(2)川武侯祠Part of Three Kingdoms history
Next in China”s Sichuan; Chengdu is a historical city, where the local Martial Marquis Memorial Temple Museum not only houses the burial grave of the emperor Liu Bei(劉備), but also honors Zhuge Liang(諸葛亮), Liu Bei”s (劉備) trusted military advisor. Let”s take a look at the history of the ”Three Kingdoms”.
We go to Thailand at the end of our program, and join Tzu Chi volunteers in Bangkok, as they held a tea gathering where over 50 local residents arrived to participate. Volunteers seized the opportunity to promote Tzu Chi”s ideals, as well as the benefits of vegetarianism. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120913
Helping fire victims in the Philippines
Invading non-native plants in Taiwan
Keeping Taiwan”s streets clean
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today”s show, Tzu Chi volunteers in the Philippines are tending to fire victims in Barangay Tumana of Marikina City.
We learn about the invading species of the ”mile-a-minute weed” from Central America, that is threatening our forests and mountains in Taiwan.
And, our streets and roads in Taiwan are clean and tidy, thanks to the hard work of cleaning squads from all around the island.
1.菲火災發放Fire burn down 25 houses
2.馬水災發放Flood survey & distribution
3.黎剎以工代賑Work relief program to clean up
4.薩爾瓦多義診Free clinic in Da Ai Village
5.入侵家園(2)A killer from Central America
6.天府瑰寶(3)川杜甫草堂Remembering poet Du Fu
7.360掃街員Keeping our streets clean
8.熱愛生命沈偉鴻” Love of Lives ” award
1.菲火災發放Fire burn down 25 houses
First up in the Philippines; on September 6th, Barangay Tumana of Marikina City, experienced a fire that burned down 25 houses and left 50 families homeless. The next day, volunteers immediately mobilized to conduct a disaster assessment, along with a relief distribution of daily necessities.
首先來看菲律賓,9月6日馬利僅那市的杜馬那里,發生大火 燒毀25間房屋,也造成50戶無家可歸,慈濟志工在火災後的隔天隨即前往勘災,並進行物資發放。
2.馬水災發放Flood survey & distribution
Staying on the topic of aid distribution, but moving to Malaysia, on September 4th, heavy rainfall in Sedang of Kuala Lumpur, caused the worst flooding in 6 decades, affecting 300 households. The Tzu Chi Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chapter soon mobilized volunteers to visit flood victims, and handed out relief items and emergency cash.
3.黎剎以工代賑Work relief program to clean up
Back to the Philippines, it has been more than a month, since the torrential rains in early August left a trail of destruction in the country, but the streets of San Ma-teo in Rizal Province, are still covered in mud and debris. When Tzu Chi volunteers heard of the situation, they decided to launch a three day work-relief program to help residents clean up their homes.
4.薩爾瓦多義診Free clinic in Da Ai Village
After holding a volunteer training workshop in Honduras, Tzu Chi volunteers from the United States, next traveled to El Salvador, for a free clinic at the local Da Ai Village. The event was held by TIMA and St. Mary Foundation, a local Christian charity organization, in which 8 medical staff and 40 volunteers provided medical services for 90 residents.
5.入侵家園(2)A killer from Central America
For staff at Taiwan”s Forestry Bureau, September marks the beginning of an annual fight against one of Taiwan”s most dangerous invasive plant species, the climbing hemp-weed, also known as the mile-a-minute vine. With its extra-ordinary fast growth rate and high reproductive success, the hardy vine, which is native to Central America, can suffocate forest or mountainsides. Although it is nearly impossible to completely stop the spreading of this invasive species, volunteers and staff do their best to lessen the destructive effects of the vine”s growth, in order to preserve local vegetation.
對農委會林務局來說,9月卻是對抗最危害台灣外來種植物- 小花蔓澤蘭的全國防治日,小花蔓澤蘭又稱一分鐘一英哩雜草,它有著驚人的繁殖力,這個強硬的藤蔓植物產於中南美洲,會覆蓋所有的植物和山頭,雖然幾乎無法阻止,外來種的擴張,志工和職員都在盡力破壞小花蔓澤蘭的蔓延,保護本地的蔬果。
6.天府瑰寶(3)川杜甫草堂Remembering poet Du Fu
Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu(杜甫) is recognized as one of the greatest Chinese poets of all time. His poetry profoundly portrayed the rise and fall of the Tang Dynasty. When the An-Shi(安史) Rebellion erupted, Du Fu fled to Chengdu(成都), where he built a cottage right by the Wanhua(浣花) Stream. His four-year residence there marked the peak of his artistic creation. To commemorate him, this residence, known as the Du Fu Thatched Cottage, was reconstructed according to the detailed descriptions found in his poems.
7.360掃街員Keeping our streets clean
In the recent years, many probably have noticed that the streets and roads in Taiwan are much cleaner and tidier than before. This is all thanks to the hard working efforts of the cleaning squads, from each and every town and township around the island. In our feature reports on the different trades in Taiwan, we meet 60-year-old Wu Zhijin(吳志瑾), who has been in the cleaning industry for over 14 years. Cleaning the streets is never easy as one has to put up with changes in weather, and also a high amount of back-breaking work. However, Wu Zhijin, who is an environmentalist herself, is happy to safeguard the planet through her work.
8.熱愛生命沈偉鴻” Love of Lives ” award
Each year, the Chou Ta Kuan(周大觀) Foundation in Taiwan, hand out the ”Love of Lives” award to those who overcome their physical disabilities and illness with bravery. Among this year”s awardee, Shen Weihong(沈偉鴻) from Malaysia, suffers from a rare disorder that makes standing difficult. When he was 14, however, he met a doctor that changed his life. Now, he is a lawyer and living life to the fullest.
The lifestory of Tzu Chi volunteer, Zhang Junxiang(張鈞翔), a passionate artist, has been turned into a Da Ai Drama. He was recently invited to share his experiences at the Jing Si Books and Cafe in Thailand, where many parents and their children arrived to participate. Zhang encouraged everyone to pursue their interest. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
2012年9月12日 星期三
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120911
Disaster survey for Isaac flood victims
China”s Chengdu, a city of abundance
Spreading of red fire ants in Taiwan
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today”s show, Tzu Chi volunteers in the United States are carrying out a disaster survey for flood victims of Hurricane Issac in Louisiana.
We go to the city of Chengdu(成都) in China, and see how the city is moving forward, after the Wenchuan(汶川) Earthquake in 2008.
In our feature reports on ”Insect Invasion” in Taiwan, we take a look at how the raising in temperature, poses a risk on the spreading of red fire ants.
1.艾薩克勘災Disaster survey for Isaac victims
In the United States, Hurricane Isaac left a trail of destruction in the state of Louisiana, with La Place City been one of the worst hit. Tzu Chi volunteers from Houston, Texas, met up with their counterparts in New Orleans, to carry out a disaster survey on September 5th.
2.越新芽發放Scholarship aid program
For the past three years, Tzu Chi volunteers in Vietnam, has been handing out scholarship, to needy students in Ho Chi Minh City. On August 26th, volunteers once again, handed out scholarships to poor students. This time the scholarship aid program, helped a total of 381 students.
3.職志承擔發放Relief distribution day
In Taiwan, the 24th day of every lunar month, is relief distribution day at the Jing Si Abode in Hualien. This time, the event was on a Sunday; therefore, many Tzu Chi Foundation staff, decided to give a helping hand. The volunteers on site, included Tzu Chi teachers, nurses, doctors and many more.
在台灣每個月農曆的24號,是靜思精舍例行的發放日,這個月的發放日在禮拜天,因此許多慈濟職工和志工參與,參與的包括老師 護士 醫生等。
4.天府瑰寶(1)四川之寶Land of abundance
The 512 Wenchuan(汶川) Earthquake devastated China”s Sichuan(四川) in 2008, however the city of Chengdu(成都), is moving forward, from the disaster. From its traditional old streets, to the Giant Panda research center, to archeological sites. Chengdu(成都) really is a city of a-bun-dance.
5.蘇早會義檢Suzhou Health Promotion Center
After 22 years of hard work, in promoting Tzu Chi”s philosophy and spreading the seeds of Great Love in China, the Suzhou(蘇州) Tzu Chi Health Promotion Center, was finally established last weekend. The medical staff received blessings from Master Cheng Yen and Tzu Chi volunteers.
6.墨爾本推素” Meatless week ” event
To celebrate the 7th lunar month as a month of auspiciousness, Tzu Chings in Melbourne, Australia started a ”meatless week” event. For a week, volunteers and Tzu Chings provided vegetarian lunchboxes to 232 local university students. Let”s take a look.
7.蟲蟲危機(4)紅火蟻Trying to stop the red fire ant
The red imported fire ant has become a major threat to ecological bio-diver-sity in Taiwan and has cost famers millions of dollars in crop losses. As scientists work to find ways, to control the spread of this species, many worry that the current increase in temperature, will only make it easier, for the ants to spread to previously not-colonized cooler mountain regions, thus threatening the high level of bio-diver-sity still found there.
8.另類記者(14)潘俞臻Media volunteer turn reporter
Next, we meet one media volunteer in Taiwan”s Tainan(台南), Pan Yuzhen(潘俞臻), who was originally a book-keeper. Pan joined the organization”s media work in 2004, and she became a reporter for Da Ai TV last year.
9.印薇薇助人Lung disease patient volunteers to teach
In Jakarta, Indonesia, a Muslim, Wi-wik Ha-sa-nah, volunteers to teach children, to read the Quran even though she suffers from a serious lung disease. Her friends reported her condition to Tzu Chi, which decided to help pay for her surgery. To reciprocate, Wi-wik saved money in the bamboo bank for donations.
印尼雅加達有位穆斯林-薇薇哈莎娜,義務教導社區的孩子 誦念可蘭經,即使她患有嚴重的肺病,在朋友的通報下,得到慈濟補助,能夠開刀治療,她以感恩的心投竹筒來回報。
At the end of the show, we go to Thailand, where Tzu Chi volunteers are promoting environmentalism in various communities. Volunteers held workshops at corporations, and setup recycling bins at shopping malls, in hopes of encouraging these stores to join the recycling efforts. . Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120910
Scholarships for needy students
Biting midges flourishing inland
The work of rehab bus driver
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today”s show, Tzu Chi volunteers in China are handing out scholarship support to needy students in Siyang(泗陽) of Jiangsu Province.
Global warming and the growing of Taiwan”s tourist industry, is resulting in the increasing number of biting midges all around the island.
And, we meet Liu Jianzhi(劉建智), the driver of a rehab bus, that helps the handicapped and wheelchair-bound get around.
1.泗陽春蕾前勘Tzu Chi”s tuition aid program
We start today”s program in China; college tuition fees cost around 945 USD every year, which is unaffordable for underpriviledge families living in remote areas, as their monthly income is only just some 157 USD. To help, Kunshan (昆山) Tzu Chi volunteers in Jiangsu (江蘇) Province, visited needy students living in Siyang (泗陽) to provide scholarship support. The kind gesture deeply moved many recipients and their families.
2.中正布展教育A successful event
In Taiwan, Tzu Chi”s auspicious month celebration successfully concluded on September 5th at the Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall. Yet the last day of the exhibition, still attracted many tourists who are currently in Taiwan for a holiday. Luckily, with help from the organization”s language team, these travellers gained a deeper understanding of Tzu Chi”s philosophy. To many of the passersby, the exhibition not only inspired them to look at the 7th lunar month differently, but also enriched their spirits.
3.德國吉祥月Vegetarian meals for everyone
Moving to Europe, in Germany”s Hamburg, Tzu Chi volunteers are celebrating the 7th lunar month in a special way. As traditions are different in the West, volunteers do not need to promote the message of no burning joss money, or replace animal offerings to ancestors with flowers and fruits. They instead came together to help those in need, by providing a vegetarian meal for the annual celebration of the Hamburg Christian Center. On the same day, volunteers also invited their members and local residents to take part in a blessing ceremony, where they encouraged participants to join the relief work for Italy”s quake victims, and prayed together for a world free of disaster.
鏡頭轉到歐洲德國漢堡,德國慈濟志工舉辦一個很不一樣的吉祥月祈福活動,在這裡,這個傳統日子中,因為不需要推廣不燒金紙,跟不殺生來祭拜祖先,他們卻是提供素食給基督教中心的慶祝,同一天,志工也邀請他們的會員和當地居民 一起參加祈福活動,也鼓勵大家參與義大利地震賑災活動,也誠心為災民祈禱。
4.蟲蟲危機(3)小黑蚊Biting midges across Taiwan
In our continuing series on insects in Taiwan, we take a look at another of Taiwan”s pests: the biting midge. Biting midges were seldom seen in Taiwan three decades ago, but with the growth of Taiwan”s tourist industry, unsuspecting tourists have brought these midges back with them, as they return home from their weekend trips to the countryside. As a result, the biting midge can now be found across Taiwan. However, as it favors a wet environment of 18-32 degrees Celsius, it remains more common in Taiwan”s warmer regions, but flourishes island wide, during Taiwan”s spring and summer months. As there is no effective pesticide against the midge, prevention and awareness is the key to stopping the spread of this unwanted guest.
5.360復康巴士駕駛Rehab bus driver, Liu Jianzhi
For most people, going out is quite simple, as we have a variety of transportation choices available, such as a taxi, bus or train. Nevertheless, for the handicapped, traveling to their destination is always a difficult task, not only because of the lack of wheelchair accessible structures in Taiwan, but also not many taxi drivers are willing to take these disabled passengers. Next, we meet Liu Jianzhi(劉建智), the driver of a rehab bus, which helps handicapped people get to their place of need. Liu”s daughter is a cerebral palsy sufferer and thus, the rehab bus was once the family”s way of getting around. It is also through his daughter”s condition, that Liu is able to empathize with all his passengers. Let”s take a look.
6.馬國真善美Overcoming languages barriers
Tzu Chi media volunteers from around the globe are all devoted, to recording the truth, goodness and beauty of Tzu Chi. Next, we meet Jiang Caihe (江財合), a Tzu Chi media volunteer from Malaysia, who has fought hard against language barriers, to get to where he is today. When coming across full English video editing softwares, he memorized keystroke placements. Or when facing the daunting task of typing out Chinese characters in pinyin, he enlisted his daughters to help out. All in all, his path to Tzu Chi”s media work was fated the day, he won a video camera in a raffle.
7.雪隆義賣會Fundraising for Jing Si Hall
Staying in Malaysia, but in Kuala Lumpur, local Tzu Chi volunteers have been raising funds for the new Jing Si Hall, on which construction began last September. This year, on the National Day of Malaysia, Tzu Chi volunteers held charity fairs in three elementary schools, and raised 1.6 million USD, all of which will go towards the construction of the Jing Si Hall in Kuala Lumpur.
In Taiwan”s Pingtung, Tzu Chi volunteers regularly visit care recipient, Mr. Wei, who has to care for his 90-year-old mother and two handicapped grandchildren. Mr. Wei has long been troubled by the bathroom in his house, which does not facilitate his needs in caring for his family. To help, volunteers renovated a wheelchair accessible bathroom for Mr. Wei. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
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