2012年2月8日 星期三
DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines _20120208
NTU students help clean up Penghu
Filipino volunteers share at seminar
Taiwan”s triangle rush weaving revival
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show today, a group of students from Taiwan”s top university spend their vacation in Penghu, to help keep the beautiful islands clean.
●Volunteers from the Philippines share their rich experiences, over the last year, at an international seminar in Taiwan.
●And later in the show, we meet the old women of Yuanli, in Taiwan”s Miaoli County, who are leading a revival, in the traditional art of straw weaving.
How did you spend your Chinese New Year vacation A group of students from National Taiwan University used their winter break rather productively, by staying on the offshore island of Penghu, to organize camps for children from local fishing villages, and, at the same time, also promote conservation, by giving local communities custom-made recycling bins, to kick start a neighborhood recycling program.
Being a dialysis patient for nearly 24 years, did not stop Mr. Hong Yuanxing from Taiwan, staying on the Tzu Chi path. Mr. Hong”s advice is: ”don”t look at yourself as a patient, or else you will be unhappy.” While rehearsing for the Water Repentance sutra, due to his stiff joints, Hong often couldn”t bend his knees to kneel. He thought about quitting, but, gritted his teeth, saying: ”If I can still stand and walk, I mustn”t give up.”
長達二十四年的洗腎歲月,沒有擊垮洪源興做慈濟的決心,他說不要把自己當作病人,不然就會苦上加苦,參與入經藏的他 因為長年洗腎,始得膝蓋關節無法蹲跪,他曾一度想放棄,但是轉念,咬緊牙根,他告訴自己起碼可以站可以走,所以不可以放棄。
Ten years ago, Tzu Chi volunteer Lin Liyue from Taichung City lost her daughter to leukemia. She was devastated until one day she saw the Jing Si aphorism: ”You do not have the right to own your life, only the right to use it.”
《 靜思語 》
Love and cherish all the Earth”s resources with a heart of gratitude. A simple life is a life which lacks nothing.
As Tzu Chi”s overseas volunteer training seminar went into its 4th day, the delegation from the Philippines took to the stage, to share their experiences with their peers. Last year, the hard-working volunteers seized every opportunity to promote Tzu Chi”s missions, partner with local residents, and recruit new blood into the organization.
Over in Malaysia, the port city of Kelang has a large overseas Chinese population. Tzu Chi volunteers recently held a special Chinese New Year celebration at the local environmental station, for their care recipients.
Staying in Malaysia for our next story, we meet 63-year-old mother of nine, Nagamman Kannan. Four of her children have learning disabilities and live at home. Nagamman”s husband has passed away, so she supports the family alone, and has little time to clean the house. That”s why Tzu Chi volunteers decided to help the widow.
接下來來到馬來西亞吉隆坡,一位63歲的慈濟照顧戶 娜嘉瑪,她和其中四個心智障礙的孩子住在一起,先生往生後,一家人經濟更是陷入困境,沒有餘力管理家務,慈濟志工決定幫忙這位婦女。
Being there to help in difficult times, is something that benefits both the giver and the receiver. According to a recent survey of the happy people who do charity work in Taiwan, 19 percent volunteer their time, 39 percent donate money, while 44 percent help strangers. That ranks Taiwan 67th, out of 153 countries, on the World Giving Index. We went to meet some of Taiwan”s do-gooders.
能夠做好事 對人對自己都好,最近一份調查顯示,在台灣行善的人,有一成九當志工,三成九捐錢,四成四幫助陌生人,台灣在153個調查國家裡,總體行善指數,排名第六十七名,帶您認識一些台灣的善心人士。
《 衲履足跡 》談謙卑 On Humility
Merit comes from being able to exercise humility and courteousness.
Humility - which helps soften your edges and become more considerate of others - is the ultimate goal of self-cultivation.
Straw hats and bags are comfortable and attractive accessories, which are making a fashion comeback in Taiwan. Hats woven by hand with a local variety sedge grass, called ”triangle rush”, used to be hugely popular in the 1930s. The center of the cottage industry was Yuanli Township, in Miaoli County - where the local authorities have been reviving the tradition, with the help of some elderly women.
In our second story, on the triangle rush weavers of Yuanli, we meet another cultural ambassadors - 82-year-old Ms. Chen Hongshi. Like the seniors in our previous story, she also started weaving at a very young age, and has lost none of her enthusiasm for the traditional art.
Back to lantern festival celebrations at the end of the show, as Tzu Chi volunteers in Taiwan joined in the fun in the Xindian district of Taipei. Community volunteers organized a street party, with entertainment based on an environmental theme. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
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