2012年1月27日 星期五
< Get back to nature in Shoushan Park >
< Lunar New Year for new immigrants >
< Bang on time - exploding puffed rice >
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in the show today, we have some ideas for Chinese New Year excursions in Taiwan. Try getting away from it all in Taiwan”s first nature park. How do new immigrant women celebrate Chinese New Year in Taiwan We meet a Vietnamese bride, to find out how she adjusted to the culture. And we take a trip down memory lane, to the childhood favorite of many elderly people in Taiwan - exploding puffed rice cakes.
1. 壽山獼猴過年
2. 動物行為豐富化
3. 蘇花守護者
4. 新移民過年
5. 福鼎聚福緣(四)--王松強
6. 視障能自立
7. 竹編葉寶蓮
8. 360爆米香(一)
9. 360米麩(二)
END: 本土中藥材
1. 壽山獼猴過年
If you can avoid the traffic and crowds, the fourth day of the Chinese New Year is a good time to go on a break. Shoushan National Natural Park, Taiwan”s first nature park, was opened on December 6 last year, in Kaohsiung City. There”s no doubt many more visitors than usual will make the most of the beautiful mountain trails during the New Year holidays. However, stricter regulations have been put into place to protect both the visitors and the wildlife. Apart from banning the feeding of the famous Formosan Rock Macaques that live on Shoushan, authorities went one step further to request visitors to not bring food into the park.
2. 動物行為豐富化
Another place for animal lovers to go during the Chinese New Year holiday would be the zoo, where feeding the animals is also banned. At Taipei Zoo, in Taiwan, feeding times are scheduled on a daily basis, and sometimes you will see the keepers making the animals work for their food. This isn”t for the entertainment of the visitors, but rather for the sake of the animals. The zookeepers use food to train their charges, which makes caring for them easier, and simulates life in the wild, so the captive creatures aren”t weakened by the safety and monotony of their caged lives.
3. 蘇花守護者
The beauty of Eastern Taiwan is a great attraction for many people over the Lunar New Year. With so many cars heading in the same direction, traffic congestion often plagues the coastal Suao-Hualien Highway, which is a narrow and sometimes hazardous road. One Hualien native, Mr. Lin Jiliang林紀良, has made it a habit to personally check the road conditions whenever he can. He puts his findings on the Internet for drivers to read. Mr. Lin”s non-profit service has become a valuable source of information.
《 靜思語 》
To worry every day about not having enough is to be a poor wealthy person.
4. 新移民過年
Some of Taiwan”s New Year traditions can be seen, in similar forms, in other Asian countries, as Ms. Chen Linfeng(陳琳鳳), a Vietnamese woman in Taiwan, can tell you. Having lived in Taiwan for 12 years, she now knows very well how both cultures celebrate the Lunar New Year, and still observes the Vietnamese way at home. We went to ask her how it is done.
台灣的過年習俗,在許多亞洲國家 都能看到類似的傳統,由越南搬到台灣的新移民陳琳鳳就能告訴你。嫁到台灣12年,不管是這裡或是越南家鄉,兩邊的年節文化都相當明瞭,過年時,琳鳳也會沿用越南的習俗,讓我們來看看。
5. 福鼎聚福緣(四)--王松強
Husband and wife volunteers, Wang Songqiang(王松強) and Liu Youmei(劉幼眉) from Fuding City in China”s Fujian Province have been busy helping plan Tzu Chi”s year-end blessing ceremony, as well as the recent series of aid distributions in the area. The couple has also set up a Water Repentance sutra reading group, for members of their community. Since October last year, they have been hosting weekly book club meetings at their home. Let”s take a look.
6. 視障能自立
Here in Taiwan, many blind people go into the massage therapy business. That”s the route that Ms. Lai Zhiwei from Taichung took, when she lost her eyesight three years ago. But after the joints in her hands started to deform, the visually-impaired woman hatched another plan, to sell tea eggs instead. Let”s see if she cracked the local market.
7. 竹編葉寶蓮
Nantou County”s Zhushan and Lugu, are the bamboo-growing centers of Taiwan. In our next story, we meet local resident Ye Baolian(葉寶蓮), who was the recent winner of Taiwan”s first Craft Award. The artist uses her weaving skills, to make beautiful and practical products from bamboo.
《 衲履足跡 》
On Laying the Path
One person paving the road will not get far, but with help from far and wide, the job can be done easily. We should appreciate, respect and love one another.
We should form good affinities, like farmers who plant and harvest, and turn a tree into a forest to provide shade for those in need.
8. 360爆米香(一)
Not so long ago, in traditional markets in Taiwan, you would hear the warning cry of the puffed rice seller, followed by a loud bang, that announced the latest batch of sweet and sticky puffed rice cakes, would be ready soon. Called pong-bi-phang in Taiwanese, these old-fashioned cakes used to be every child”s favorite. In today”s episode, of our series on vanishing trades in Taiwan, we open up the memory black box, and transport you back, to the heyday of exploding puffed rice.
9. 360米麩(二)
Another product that can be made from exploding puffed rice is rice bran. In our next story, we meet a young couple, who make rice bran in the traditional way - using an old artillery shell from World War II. When we went to meet them, they were still getting over the recent loss of the husband”s father, who founded the family business. The couple say, they are determined to continue the tradition, of making the purest rice bran in Taiwan.
END: 本土中藥材
On the east coast of Taiwan, the Hualien District Agricultural Research Station is helping local farmers switch to growing organic angelica, which is usually imported from abroad to make herbal medicine. The experts say, it will be good for the environment, good for the local economy, and good for people”s health. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. And enjoy what”s left of the Chinese New Year Holiday!
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