Aid for flooded village
Karate rebuilds faith
The power of wise words
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in the show, Tzu Chi sends aid workers and emergency cash to a flooded village north of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
●A karate coach couple rebuilds the faith of youngsters who were affected by the 1999 Taiwan earthquake by teaching them martial art.
●Later, we meet one single mother and rice carving artist in Taiwan, who rediscovered the meaning of life with the help of Jing Si aphorisms.
●一隊空手道教練,在台灣921大地震後,透過教導年輕學子 空手道,幫助他們重建生活
1.馬印度村水災Flood relief in Kuang
2.賴索托供食Food for Hermana School
3.三芝義診 Sanzhi District free clinic
4.澎湖吉貝義診 Annual free clinic on Jibei Island
5.微笑站起(四) Every stroke a sign of hope
6.空手逆轉勝(一) Quake-area children kick to success
7.0921歷史的今天 On this day, the 21st of September.
8.米雕自助助人 Life story of a single mom
9.原民手創燈展 88 floods victims hard at work
1.馬印度村水災Flood relief in Kuang
In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived in the small town of Kuang to the north, which was recently flooded. The emergency cash and the love brought by the volunteers helped the flood victims understand that they won”t have to suffer alone.
2.賴索托供食Food for Hermana School
The huge donation of rice from the Taiwanese government is finding its way to needy communities all over the world, thanks to the help of volunteers on the ground. In Lesotho, volunteers not only made brunch with the rice for 340 children at the Hermana Primary School, but also decided to give the school 100kg of the grain every month.
3.三芝義診 Sanzhi District free clinic
Moving to Taiwan, TIMA medical staff regularly provide medical service to seniors who have trouble moving about. We follow northern TIMA members and volunteers on a trip to Sanzhi三芝 District where they made house calls and held a free clinic.
將鏡頭轉到台灣,人醫會經常到偏遠地區,關懷外出不便的老人家,提供醫療服務。我們跟著北部人醫會與志工,來到三芝地區,在當地進行居家探訪 以及舉辦義診。
4.澎湖吉貝義診 Annual free clinic on Jibei Island
Staying on the topic of TIMA team”s outreach, the northern Taiwan TIMA members also once again travelled by air and sea to reach Jibei Island, on the northern tip of the Penghu Archipelago, to hold the annual free clinic.
5.微笑站起(四) Every stroke a sign of hope
At the cash aid relief in Minamisanriku Town, in Japan”s quake affected Miyagi Prefecture, volunteers befriended Mr. and Mrs. Suzuki, who were both retired teachers. The March 11th disaster took away both their homes, and some loved ones. Now, though the Suzuki”s are barely getting by, they insisted on giving free calligraphy lessons for young disaster vicitms using Tzu Chi”s consolation cash.
6.空手逆轉勝(一) Quake-area children kick to success
On September 21, 1999, Taiwan was rocked by the 921 earthquake, with the epicenter in Nantou County. A karate coach couple from Taichung, Huang Taiji and wife Liao Delan decided to move to Nantou, to train disaster-area children. In the last 12 years, they have helped nearly 500 children learn to face up to their problems, by practicing the discipline of karate.
1999年,台灣九二一大地震,震央位置的南投縣,受創嚴重。有一對夫妻,黃泰吉與廖德蘭,兩人都是空手道教練,決定搬到災區為孩童進行心靈重建,12個寒暑過去了,國姓空手道隊,前後幫助將近500位學生,透過學習空手道 面對人生。
7.0921歷史的今天 On this day, the 21st of September.
1993 Tzu Chi Keelung Office
Inspired by Master Cheng Yen, Keelung resident, Lin Weiqiang donated his house to Tzu Chi. After six months of preparation, the Tzu Chi Keelung Office officially opened in the property on this day in 1993, marking the beginning of the NGO”s charity and conservation work in the area.
1999 921 Earthquake
At 1.47am, on this day in 1999, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck Jiji in Nantou County, central Taiwan, causing over 2,400 deaths, and 11,000 injuries. Tzu Chi volunteers around the globe mobilized for disaster relief work and raised funds to help disaster victims rebuild their houses, as well as schools in disaster areas.
2002 World Peace Day
A new resolution was passed by the United Nation”s General Assembly in September, 2001, to make the International Day of Peace, or World Peace Day, on the 21st of September, which came in to effect on this day in 2002. The absence of war and on-going peace is celebrated on World Peace Day.
1993年 啟發良知新道場 慈濟基隆聯絡處
1999年 九二一強震 台灣愛心大集合
在1999年的這一天,凌晨一點四十七分,在台灣中部南投集集,發生規模7.3 的大地震,造成2,400多人死亡,11,000人受傷,全球慈濟志工動員救災與募款,協助災民重建家園 並援建災區學校。
2002年 世界和平日 全球停火止干戈
在2001年九月的聯合國大會中,通過將世界和平日改為每年的9月21號,並在隔年 2002年的這一天執行,希望這天能夠停止戰爭、持續和平。
8.米雕自助助人 Life story of a single mom
Rice carving artist Chen Duanduan陳端端 was an orphan, who divorced at the age of 30 with two children left in her care. At one point, the financial burden of supporting her family was so much it nearly drove her to take her own life. Luckily, she came across Jing Si Aphorisms, which gave her the strength to go on and share her love with others.
9.原民手創燈展 88 floods victims hard at work
Still in Taiwan, at the Shanlin Da Ai Community, which houses displaced survivors of 2009”s 88 floods, residents are trying to support themselves by making handcrafts. Their handmade LED lanterns, which combine traditional Taiwanese designs and indigenous embroidery, are becoming quite popular in expos in China.
At the end of the show, five elementary schools in Taiwan”s Kaohsiung have set up toy libraries, which serve to help children learn the value of sharing and cherish their playthings. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.