< Nanmadol dumps heavy rain >
< Cash aid for tsunami survivors >
< The end is just the beginning >
Coming up in the show, Typhoon Nanmadol makes its way through Taiwan, with flash rains triggering landslides. The army and volunteers are mobilized to flooded areas to deliver aid. Some 4,000 tsunami affected families in Ofunato City, in Japan”s Iwate Prefecture, receive consolation money, at the latest Tzu Chi distribution. And, as the sign language musical adaptation of the Water Repentance Text saw its final performance in Taiwan, we speak to the production team to understand the level of work that went into the project.
1. 南瑪都台東+恆春+烏日颱風關懷 Typhoon Nanmadol hits island
2. 艾琳慈濟 Hurricane Irene hits east coast
3. 大船渡市發放 Cash relief in Ofunato
4. 南三陸川井 Cash relief in Minamisanriku
5. 慈悅最末場 Curtain falls on Water Repentance
6. 彰懺拆台 Volunteers dismantle Changhua stage
7. 彰懺來賓 Good and great in Changhua
8. 彰懺大醫王 Water Repentance comes to an end
9. 歷史的今天 On this day, 30th of August.
10. 雪梨吳如玉 Working with immigrants in Syndey
END: 宜蘭靜思小築
1. 南瑪都台東+恆春+烏日颱風關懷 Typhoon Nanmadol hits island
Typhoon Nanmadol slammed into Dawu(大武) Township, in Taitung, southeast of Taiwan just after 4 o”clock on the morning of August 29th, bringing with it torrential rain and gale force winds. Before the tropical storm made its way north, Tzu Chi had already set up an emergency command center in central Taiwan, to organize and dispatch manpower and supplies where needed. As we went to air, Taiwan”s armed forces were on duty in inundated areas, sealing off damaged roads and rescuing those trapped by the storm. We go to Taitung first, where Typhoon Nanmadol made landfall.
2. 艾琳慈濟 Hurricane Irene hits east coast
While Typhoon Nanmadol was buffeting Taiwan, Hurricane Irene was creating havoc on the east coast of the United States. As the storm approached, US Tzu Chi volunteers kept in close contact with rescue units, and New York Chapter volunteers visited emergency shelters to plan for relief work. Though Irene was downgraded to a tropical storm, in New Jersey some houses were still submerged in water. Local Tzu Chi volunteers mobilized to help flood victims clean up their homes.
《 靜思語 》
Interact with our family members with the wisdom of a Bodhisattva; care for the world with the tolerance of a parent.
3. 大船渡市發放 Cash relief in Ofunato
It”s almost half a year after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, and Tzu Chi”s aid to Japan”s disaster areas continues. The latest cash relief distribution took place in Ofunato City of Iwate Prefecture. In two-days, volunteers handed out consolation money to about 4,000 families.
4. 南三陸川井 Cash relief in Minamisanriku
Staying on the topic of post-quake relief, but moving to Miyagi Prefecture, the fourth Tzu Chi Japan disaster relief team arrived in Minamisanriku over the weekend to hold a two-day cash distribution. 95 percent of the town was destroyed on March 11th by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami. In two days, 2,430 families received Tzu Chi”s aid. Volunteers were also pleasantly surprised to run into an old friend.
也是地震後的報導,不過鏡頭轉到宮城縣,慈濟東日本賑災第四梯次周末在南三陸町展開兩天的見舞金發放,3月11號9級地震引發的海嘯,毀損了9成5以上的城鎮,2天的發放幫助了2,430 戶家庭,志工也意外的遇到了老朋友。
《 衲履足跡 》
On Preaching Dharma
Focusing on where to preach the dharma, may not help people become enlightened. Instead, it is mort important to discipline oneself spiritually. Do rather than preach. Sincerity from within the heart to serve will have a more profound impact.
5. 慈悅最末場 Curtain falls on Water Repentance
The musical adaptation of the Water Repentance Text, that took some eight months to produce, concluded in Changhua over the weekend after 24 shows around Taiwan. The production team was made up of less than ten people, none of whom were trained in the art of theater; nonetheless, an unrelenting determination and team spirit ensured a very successful outcome. The stage production was also unique, in that almost every performance had a different set of supporting cast members, who numbered from around 1,000 to just over 2,000. In total, more than 30,000 Tzu Chi volunteers from all over Taiwan served as performers, bringing to life the ancient Buddhist scripture of the Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance and inspiring hundreds of thousands of viewers all over Taiwan.
6. 彰懺拆台 Volunteers dismantle Changhua stage
When the curtain fell on the last performance of Water Repentance in Changhua, and the audience drifted away from the stadium in central Taiwan, a group of Tzu Chi volunteers started working through the night to tidy up the arena, dismantle the stage, lighting and mats, and pack everything up in crates and bags.
7. 彰懺來賓 Good and great in Changhua
The Sunday morning showing of the Buddhist sutra Water Repentance at the Changhua Stadium was performed by Tzu Chi volunteers from Changhua and Nantou. Changhua magistrate Mr. Zhuo Boyuan(卓伯源) and Nantou magistrate Ms. Li Chaoqing(李朝卿) both came to watch the performance. Apart from praising the epic performance, the two thanked Tzu Chi volunteers for their years of community service and care for vulnerable residents.
8. 彰懺大醫王 Water Repentance comes to an end
As Tzu Chi”s Water Repentance musical production came to an end on Sunday, Typhoon Nanmadol was approaching Taiwan. In our next story, we take you to the final show, where cast and audience members came together in a prayer that the typhoon would not seriously damage the island.
9. 歷史的今天 On this day, 30th of August.
1990 The passing of Qian Mu
Known as one of China”s greatest philosophers and historians, Qian Mu passed away on this day in 1990, at the age of 96. The scholar”s residence in Waishuangxi, Taipei, would later be open to the public, to commemorate his works.
1994 Sending love to Nepal
After 6 months of construction, a Da Ai village consisting of prefabricated houses for 800 households, built by the Tzu Chi Foundation for Nepal flood victims was finally complete. Tzu Chi volunteers from Taiwan traveled to Nepal on this day in 1994, to hand over the houses, and hold an aid distribution.
1999 East Timor independence
Once colonized by Portugal and later by Indonesia, a referendum was passed for East Timor to gain independence on this day in 1999. The country was formally established on May 20, 2002, becoming the 193rd independent nation.
10. 雪梨吳如玉 Working with immigrants in Syndey
Tzu Chi volunteer Wu Ruyu(吳如玉) has lived in Sydney, Australia for over 14 years. After seeing local volunteers canvassing for relief funds for the tsunami that devastated Southeast Asia in 2004, Ruyu was inspired to join Tzu Chi. Although a busy professional, Ruyu always manages to find time to join her Tzu Chi sisters and brothers in delivering food and supplies to their care recipients, many who come from different countries around the world.
END: 宜蘭靜思小築
Finally today, a new Jing Si Books and Cafe opened in Taiwan”s Yilan City, at the newly completed Tzu Chi Liaison Office. We join the opening ceremony at the bookstore as community residents flock in to take part in the festivities. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
< Cash aid for tsunami survivors >
< The end is just the beginning >
Coming up in the show, Typhoon Nanmadol makes its way through Taiwan, with flash rains triggering landslides. The army and volunteers are mobilized to flooded areas to deliver aid. Some 4,000 tsunami affected families in Ofunato City, in Japan”s Iwate Prefecture, receive consolation money, at the latest Tzu Chi distribution. And, as the sign language musical adaptation of the Water Repentance Text saw its final performance in Taiwan, we speak to the production team to understand the level of work that went into the project.
1. 南瑪都台東+恆春+烏日颱風關懷 Typhoon Nanmadol hits island
2. 艾琳慈濟 Hurricane Irene hits east coast
3. 大船渡市發放 Cash relief in Ofunato
4. 南三陸川井 Cash relief in Minamisanriku
5. 慈悅最末場 Curtain falls on Water Repentance
6. 彰懺拆台 Volunteers dismantle Changhua stage
7. 彰懺來賓 Good and great in Changhua
8. 彰懺大醫王 Water Repentance comes to an end
9. 歷史的今天 On this day, 30th of August.
10. 雪梨吳如玉 Working with immigrants in Syndey
END: 宜蘭靜思小築
1. 南瑪都台東+恆春+烏日颱風關懷 Typhoon Nanmadol hits island
Typhoon Nanmadol slammed into Dawu(大武) Township, in Taitung, southeast of Taiwan just after 4 o”clock on the morning of August 29th, bringing with it torrential rain and gale force winds. Before the tropical storm made its way north, Tzu Chi had already set up an emergency command center in central Taiwan, to organize and dispatch manpower and supplies where needed. As we went to air, Taiwan”s armed forces were on duty in inundated areas, sealing off damaged roads and rescuing those trapped by the storm. We go to Taitung first, where Typhoon Nanmadol made landfall.
2. 艾琳慈濟 Hurricane Irene hits east coast
While Typhoon Nanmadol was buffeting Taiwan, Hurricane Irene was creating havoc on the east coast of the United States. As the storm approached, US Tzu Chi volunteers kept in close contact with rescue units, and New York Chapter volunteers visited emergency shelters to plan for relief work. Though Irene was downgraded to a tropical storm, in New Jersey some houses were still submerged in water. Local Tzu Chi volunteers mobilized to help flood victims clean up their homes.
《 靜思語 》
Interact with our family members with the wisdom of a Bodhisattva; care for the world with the tolerance of a parent.
3. 大船渡市發放 Cash relief in Ofunato
It”s almost half a year after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, and Tzu Chi”s aid to Japan”s disaster areas continues. The latest cash relief distribution took place in Ofunato City of Iwate Prefecture. In two-days, volunteers handed out consolation money to about 4,000 families.
4. 南三陸川井 Cash relief in Minamisanriku
Staying on the topic of post-quake relief, but moving to Miyagi Prefecture, the fourth Tzu Chi Japan disaster relief team arrived in Minamisanriku over the weekend to hold a two-day cash distribution. 95 percent of the town was destroyed on March 11th by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami. In two days, 2,430 families received Tzu Chi”s aid. Volunteers were also pleasantly surprised to run into an old friend.
也是地震後的報導,不過鏡頭轉到宮城縣,慈濟東日本賑災第四梯次周末在南三陸町展開兩天的見舞金發放,3月11號9級地震引發的海嘯,毀損了9成5以上的城鎮,2天的發放幫助了2,430 戶家庭,志工也意外的遇到了老朋友。
《 衲履足跡 》
On Preaching Dharma
Focusing on where to preach the dharma, may not help people become enlightened. Instead, it is mort important to discipline oneself spiritually. Do rather than preach. Sincerity from within the heart to serve will have a more profound impact.
5. 慈悅最末場 Curtain falls on Water Repentance
The musical adaptation of the Water Repentance Text, that took some eight months to produce, concluded in Changhua over the weekend after 24 shows around Taiwan. The production team was made up of less than ten people, none of whom were trained in the art of theater; nonetheless, an unrelenting determination and team spirit ensured a very successful outcome. The stage production was also unique, in that almost every performance had a different set of supporting cast members, who numbered from around 1,000 to just over 2,000. In total, more than 30,000 Tzu Chi volunteers from all over Taiwan served as performers, bringing to life the ancient Buddhist scripture of the Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance and inspiring hundreds of thousands of viewers all over Taiwan.
6. 彰懺拆台 Volunteers dismantle Changhua stage
When the curtain fell on the last performance of Water Repentance in Changhua, and the audience drifted away from the stadium in central Taiwan, a group of Tzu Chi volunteers started working through the night to tidy up the arena, dismantle the stage, lighting and mats, and pack everything up in crates and bags.
7. 彰懺來賓 Good and great in Changhua
The Sunday morning showing of the Buddhist sutra Water Repentance at the Changhua Stadium was performed by Tzu Chi volunteers from Changhua and Nantou. Changhua magistrate Mr. Zhuo Boyuan(卓伯源) and Nantou magistrate Ms. Li Chaoqing(李朝卿) both came to watch the performance. Apart from praising the epic performance, the two thanked Tzu Chi volunteers for their years of community service and care for vulnerable residents.
8. 彰懺大醫王 Water Repentance comes to an end
As Tzu Chi”s Water Repentance musical production came to an end on Sunday, Typhoon Nanmadol was approaching Taiwan. In our next story, we take you to the final show, where cast and audience members came together in a prayer that the typhoon would not seriously damage the island.
9. 歷史的今天 On this day, 30th of August.
1990 The passing of Qian Mu
Known as one of China”s greatest philosophers and historians, Qian Mu passed away on this day in 1990, at the age of 96. The scholar”s residence in Waishuangxi, Taipei, would later be open to the public, to commemorate his works.
1994 Sending love to Nepal
After 6 months of construction, a Da Ai village consisting of prefabricated houses for 800 households, built by the Tzu Chi Foundation for Nepal flood victims was finally complete. Tzu Chi volunteers from Taiwan traveled to Nepal on this day in 1994, to hand over the houses, and hold an aid distribution.
1999 East Timor independence
Once colonized by Portugal and later by Indonesia, a referendum was passed for East Timor to gain independence on this day in 1999. The country was formally established on May 20, 2002, becoming the 193rd independent nation.
10. 雪梨吳如玉 Working with immigrants in Syndey
Tzu Chi volunteer Wu Ruyu(吳如玉) has lived in Sydney, Australia for over 14 years. After seeing local volunteers canvassing for relief funds for the tsunami that devastated Southeast Asia in 2004, Ruyu was inspired to join Tzu Chi. Although a busy professional, Ruyu always manages to find time to join her Tzu Chi sisters and brothers in delivering food and supplies to their care recipients, many who come from different countries around the world.
END: 宜蘭靜思小築
Finally today, a new Jing Si Books and Cafe opened in Taiwan”s Yilan City, at the newly completed Tzu Chi Liaison Office. We join the opening ceremony at the bookstore as community residents flock in to take part in the festivities. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.