2012年7月27日 星期五
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120727
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
182nd free dental clinic in the Philippines
Dr. Huang Jiahao”s needle operations
Handmade mandarin gowns in Taiwan
Coming up in today”s show, we join Tzu Chi volunteers and TIMA medical staff in the Philippines, as they hold a free dental clinic in the city of Las Pinas.
We meet Dr. Huang Jiahao(黃家豪) from Taichung, who combines western anatomy and Chinese acupuncture to treat his patients.
And, in our regular look at the island”s fading industries, we go to Taipei, to learn about the making of mandarin gown from Xu Rongyi(許榮一).
今天的提要,我們跟著菲律賓慈濟志工和人醫會志工,來到拉斯彬迎西市舉辦牙科義診,我們認識住台中的黃家豪,他結合西醫和中醫針灸 治療病患,接著,今天的台灣真情臉譜,帶各位到台北 認識旗袍師傅許榮一。
1. 菲182往診 182nd free dental clinic in the Philippines
2. 北京勘災 Survey the flooded area
3. 辛巴威建教室 Tzu Chi sends love from Taiwan
4. 現代華佗(3) Dr. Huang Jiahao”s needle operations
5. 馬楊金英環保 Determined volunteer in doing recycling
6. 馬幼兒農場 Learning about organic farming
7. 360旗袍 Handmade mandarin gowns in Taiwan
1.菲182往診 182nd free dental clinic in the Philippines
First up, in the Philippines, TIMA medical staff held their 182nd free dental clinic, on July 18, in cooperation with the local Persons with Disabilities organization. The dental mission provided treatments in tooth extration, teeth cleaning and filling, and served a total of 138 patients.
首先來到菲律賓,慈濟人醫會 在7月18日,舉辦第182次牙科往診,這次是與拉斯彬迎西市的殘障協會合作,為民眾拔牙、洗牙、補牙,共服務了138位病患。
2. 北京勘災 Survey the flooded area
As the recent torrential rain in China, caused severe flooding in Beijing, Tzu Chi volunteers went into the severely-damaged area of Fangshan (房山) District, to express their care to flood victims. After a quick survey, Tzu Chi volunteers set up a disaster relief center in the Beijing Tzu Chi Chapter to help victims through their times of need.
3.辛巴威建教室 Tzu Chi sends love from Taiwan
Recently, Tzu Chi volunteers from Taiwan and South Africa flew to Zimbabwe, to help assemble prefabricated classroom for a local elementary school. Currently, the students are learning in outdoor classrooms, and were often affected by weather conditions. Tzu Chi volunteers hope through their help that the students will have a better studying environment.
4. 現代華佗(3) Dr. Huang Jiahao”s needle operations
In our continuing series on the fusion of Chinese and Western medicine, we meet a former orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Huang Jiahao(黃家豪) in Taichung, who uses his knowledge of Western anatomy and Chinese acupuncture, to carry out what he calls needle operations. Using a specially designed needle, Dr. Huang frees up the tendons or muscles, thus returning free range of movement to the affected area. Here”s more.
5. 馬楊金英環保 Determined volunteer in doing recycling
In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, a cataract patient, Yang Jinying(楊金英) received Tzu Chi”s help and started to sort recyclables to reciprocate Tzu Chi”s love. Her commitment to recycling has inspired her employer and others to take part in safeguarding the planet.
6. 馬幼兒農場 Learning about organic farming
Staying in Malaysia, the Tzu Chi Kindergarten in Butterworth, has been experimenting with an organic farm to help students learn about organic farming at an early age. After a visit to the farm, the youngsters each left with a plant to take home and care for themselves.
7. 360旗袍 Handmade mandarin gowns in Taiwan
In the early days, during the 50s and 60s, the tight-fitting gown known as cheongsam, was very popular, and there were at least 10 or 20 stores in Taipei”s Hengyang (衡陽)Road. In our feature reports on Taiwan”s sunset trades, we meet 64-year-old Xu Rongyi(許榮一) who began learning the skills when he was 18. Today, with over 50 years of experience, the master is determined to pass on this culture to future generations.
At the end of today”s program, we go to Northern California in the United States, and join the Chinese community in their annual sports day held last Sunday, July 22. Tzu Chi volunteers not only assisted in directing the traffic, but also set up an environmental stall to promote recycling concept. We will leave you with these images.
Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
節目最後,帶大家到美國,北加州灣區華僑界 7月22日舉行一年一度的華人運動會,慈濟志工除了協助指揮交通也設置攤位,推廣環保理念,帶你來看看。
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120726
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today”s show, Tzu Chi volunteers in the Philippines, is helping 15-year-old Rosemarie Lacro, a cataract patient, see the world again. In Taiwan, many hospitals now offer a Chinese-western joint medical service for patients who wish to seek treatment in both medical fields. And, we meet Peng Chunlin (彭春林) in Pingtung, to learn the beauty of embroidery needlework from the indigenous Rukai Tribe.
今天的題要,菲律賓慈濟志工,幫助罹患白內障15歲的蘿絲瑪莉重拾視力看世界,在台灣 許多醫院會提供中西聯合門診,讓嚴重的患者方便就醫,接著,帶各位認識一位住在屏東學習魯凱族織繡工藝的彭春林。
1. 菲少女白內障 Tzu Chi helps Filipino girl regain eyesight
2. 慈濟二手衣 Recognized for generosity
3. 吉祥月吉祥袋 Getting ready for Ghost month
4.現代華佗 Chinese-western joint medical clinics
5. 教育獎推薦 President Educational Award nominees
6.昆山親恩營 Filial Piety Children Summer Camp
7.教聯張珊瑚 Devoting herself in educational missions
8. 360魯凱織繡 The embroidery art of Rukai Tribe in Taiwan
1. 菲少女白內障 Tzu Chi helps Filipino girl regain eyesight
15-year-old Rosemarie Lacro, in the Philippines, became a cataract patient when she was just 9 months old. Her parents, being farmers, could not afford the expensive surgery. This year, in June, with help from the Manila Tzu Chi Free Clinic Center, Rosemarie was able to undergo surgery and see the world again.
2. 慈濟二手衣 Recognized for generosity
Before the kickoff of the 2012 London Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee presented Taiwan, with a special award in appreciation of its generous donations of second-hand clothes to people in distress. In Taiwan, second-hand clothes are collected by various charity organizations, taking Tzu Chi as an example, last year a total of 6 million kilos of second-hand clothes were collected. The clothes are later used to help the needy in various countries.
3. 吉祥月吉祥袋 Getting ready for Ghost month
As the 7th lunar month draws near, Tzu Chi volunteers around Taiwan are preparing for Tzu Chi”s annual blessing ceremonies. As part of these ceremonies, volunteers will hand out hand made charms to participants. Currently volunteers in Taichung, are working together to get 15,000 of these charms ready before the start of the lunar month.
農曆七月將近 全台的慈濟志工,展開吉祥感恩月活動,希望讓全台民眾接觸正知善法,感恩月的活動之一就是,志工會發放吉祥袋,台中北屯共修處的志工正積極趕工,希望趕在吉祥月前製作出一萬五千個吉祥袋。
4.現代華佗 Chinese-western joint medical clinics
Presently in Taiwan, patients can choose to see either Western or Chinese medical doctors. Since each have their strengths and weaknesses, for more serious conditions, people will often see both- which is a very time consuming process. Now, however, there are several hospitals in Taiwan, that offer, what is called Chinese-western joint medical treatment. In one visit, patients are seen by both a traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine doctor, who both offer treatment plans, according to their specialization. Here”s more.
現在台灣的病患可以選擇看西醫或是看中醫,由於中西醫各有優缺點,病情嚴重的話 ,民眾可能中西醫都看,看醫生可能是個耗時的過程,然而,現在有越來越多醫療院所,設有所謂的中西醫聯合門診,只要看一次門診就可以同時,接受中醫和西醫專業的治療,帶您來了解。
5. 教育獎推薦 President Educational Award nominees
In this year”s President Educational Award held by the Ministry of Education, 17 students in Taipei City were nominated. Some of the students are visually impaired or physically challenged, however, they did not give up on life, but instead faced the challenges with courage and bravery. They will be awarded on July 29th by President Ma Ying-Jeou.
今年教育部辦理的總統教育獎,台北市共有17名學生入選,有些眼睛看不見,有些行動不方便,可是他們都沒有放棄學習,反而更勇敢面對生命,帶給他們的挑戰,在7月29號 將會由馬總統,親自頒獎給獲獎的小朋友。
6.昆山親恩營 Filial Piety Children Summer Camp
The Tzu Chi Kunshan Grounds in China, held a Filial Piety Children Summer Camp from July 9 to 18. During the workshop, students learned sign language songs, went out to spread conservation ideals, and served tea to parents and bathed their feet. Let”s take a look.
在昆山慈濟環保教育園區,舉行親恩浩連天暑期夏令營活動,從7月9 日到 18日營裡活動包括,練習手語劇、上街宣導環保、為父母奉茶洗腳,一起來看看。
7.教聯張珊瑚 Devoting herself in educational missions
As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Tzu Chi Teachers Association this year, we meet one of the very first teacher, Zhang Shanhu (張珊瑚), who helped establish the group. Zhang met Tzu Chi after retirement and the wisdom she gained in the past 20 years, also gave her the strength to go on after her second son became a stroke patient earlier this year.
慶祝教聯會20周年,帶大家認識張珊瑚,成立慈濟教師聯誼會,她退休後認識了慈濟,20年來她獲得許多智慧,也給了她 在今年第二個兒子中風後有了正面的力量面對困境。
8. 360魯凱織繡 The embroidery art of Rukai Tribe in Taiwan
In Taiwan”s Rukai indigenous tribe, men are normally not allowed to take on needlework. However, in today”s feature reports on the island”s sunset industries, we meet Peng Chunlin(彭春林), a veterinarian who gave up his job to return to Pingtung to learn the art of embroidery. Today, the talented craftsman is not only incorporating traditional patterns onto other items, but is also passing on his knowledge and skills to his people.
Recently, over 200 teachers from 8 countries returned to Taiwan to participate in the annual Global Education Conference. After the seminar concluded in Hualien, participants next visited the Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital to gain a better understanding of the organization”s medical mission. We will leave you with these images.
Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120725
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today”s headlines, we see how Tzu Chi”s rice seeds program in Myanmar is helping over 6,600 farmers making ends meet. As Chinese medicine continues to be a popular choice of treatment in Taiwan, we learn about the meridian theory behind accupuncture. And, in our regular look at the island”s sunset industries, we go to Pingtung, to meet Shi Xiuju(施秀菊), who is making glass beads to preserve her culture.
1.緬甸福種計畫 Rice seeds program help Burmese farmers
2. 東莞和平訪視 Visiting the homes of students
3.東莞教師愛灑 Helping children go to school
4.教聯陳建銘 Teaching Jing Si Aphorisms
5.現代華佗 A popular choice of treatment: acupuncture
6.人醫愛接力 TIMA free clinic in Taichung
7.英慈技交流 Importance of recycling & vegetarianism
1.緬甸福種計畫 Rice seeds program help Burmese farmers
In 2008, after Typhoon Nargis swept through Myanmar, the country”s rice productions were affected. In 2010, Tzu Chi volunteers started a program to help improve famers” rice harvest and income, by providing them with quality rice seeds. Over a three-year period, the program has helped a total of 6,600 farmers.
2008年緬甸,因遭受納吉斯風災重創影響稻米的產量,從2010年起 慈濟志工推行「福種計畫」,希望透過發放優良的稻種,協助當地農民提高稻米生產量增加收入,三年來,已經有六千六百多戶農民得到慈濟的幫助。
2. 東莞和平訪視 Visiting the homes of students
For over ten years, volunteers from China”s Guangdong Province, have been traveling to Heping County to help deliver scholarship aid to students in need. Prior to handing out the tuition support, volunteers also carry out home visitations to better understand the living conditions of these children. On a recent home visit, a local school principal and teachers also joined in.
3.東莞教師愛灑 Helping children go to school
Staying in China, at the latest scholarship award ceremony, long time Taiwanese volunteer Jiang Zhichao shared with the audience his thoughts and experiences. While at a later meeting, teachers shared how Tzu Chi and its educational missions have changes their life and the life of their students.
4.教聯陳建銘 Teaching Jing Si Aphorisms
Next, we meet a junior high school teacher, Chen Jianming(陳建銘) in Jiayi, Taiwan. Chen realized that he must teach his children to empathize with others before he can inspire the goodness in them, thus he started teaching Jing Si Aphorisms in his classes in 2005.
5.現代華佗 A popular choice of treatment: acupuncture
Western medicine is widely accepted in Taiwan, however, many seek alternative treatment in the Chinese medicine field. One of the most popular choices for many is acupuncture, in which doctors stimulate various energy points located on one of the body”s 12 meridians in order to cure energy imbalances, which are believed to lay behind most illnesses. Next, we look at the theories and methods, modern day acupuncturists use to treat sicknesses.
6.人醫愛接力 TIMA free clinic in Taichung
Over the past two years, TIMA medical staff and volunteers in Taichung City (台中市) carried out monthly free clinics for the homeless people. Volunteers also made house calls for those living in mountain areas and were unable to travel to the clinic site.
7.英慈技交流 Importance of recycling & vegetarianism
Recently, students and teachers from Tzu Chi College of Technology, visited London in the United Kingdom, for an international exchange based on vegetarianism and humanistic art. Through activities, the students promoted the benefits of vegetarianism and the importance of recycling to the local students.
8.360原民琉璃珠 Preserving the culture of glass beads
Ancient lazurite beads, clay pots and bronze swords are considered the three treasures of the Paiwan Tribe. However, there are no records on how to make the traditional jewelry which is a must have at tribal weddings. In our feature reports on Taiwan”s fading trades, we meet Shi Xiuju(施秀菊) from Pingtung, who had been researching ways to make these beads using different materials. Today, the talented woman not only is producing glass beads to preserve the tribe”s culture, but is also uniting the people in her tribe.
For this year”s summer break, Tzu Chi”s Education Mission Department organized a month long trip for its students, to travel to California of the US, from July 6 to August 5. We will leave you with these images.
Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
暑假期間 由台灣慈濟教育志業體學生,組成的「美國加州遊學營」,從7月6日到8月5日,帶你一起去看看。
2012年7月24日 星期二
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120724
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today”s headlines, Tzu Chi volunteers in the Philippines, are holding a rice distribution for 20,000 needy families. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Tzu Chi Teachers Association and Tzu Chings, members and Tzu Chings return to Hualien, to put on a musical performance. And, also in Taiwan, in Pingtung”s Manjhou (滿州) Township, Tzu Chi volunteers are visiting a senior resident, who”s house was damaged by the rain in June.
1.菲大米訪視 Rice distribution for the needy
2.印尼慈青環保 World wide ”Marathon Recycle Day”
3.教育20慶祝會 20th anniversary of Tzu Chi Teachers Association
4.教聯梁明義 The life story of Liang Mingyi
5.教育水懺意義 Uniting educational fields
6.海外看教聯 Tzu Chi Teachers Assocation
7.老屋防颱難 40-year-old house severely damaged
1.菲大米訪視 Rice distribution for the needy
We start today”s show in the Philippines, where Tzu Chi volunteers are carrying out a rice distribution, in the Rizal Province. The 20-kilo bag of rice, will help 20,000 needy families, through their times of need. And to reciprocate Tzu Chi”s love, the governor promised to invite residents, to join Tzu Chi”s recycling program.
2.印尼慈青環保 World wide ”Marathon Recycle Day”
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth Association, als kown as Tzu Chings, in Taiwan, Hualien Tzu Chings started a worldwide recycling day.We have previously brought you the events from Japan, England, and the United States. Now we join the event held in Indonesia, where Tzu Chings from different cities, took to the streets to clean up and promote recycling.
3.教育20慶祝會 20th anniversary of Tzu Chi Teachers Association
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Tzu Chi Teachers Association and Tzu Chings, teachers and students from eight different countries took to the stage, to perform the Water Repentance Sutra. Through video clips, many also shared their stories, in hopes of encouraging more people, to devote themselves, to become role models for our society. Let”s take a look.
4.教聯梁明義 The life story of Liang Mingyi
Next, we meet Liang Mingyi(梁明義), an instructor at his school, who lost his mother to an overdose at 10. Liang and his older brother not only started smoking, but also involved themselves in gang fights. Luckily, Liang met his middle school teacher, Zhang Jingkun(張經昆) and came to a turning point in life.
5.教育水懺意義 Uniting educational fields
Both the Tzu Chi Teachers Association and Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth Association, were established 20 years ago. In the beginning, the two associations would hold individual conferences, to share their Tzu Chi experiences, which was not efficient in terms of human resources or information sharing. This year, under Master Cheng Yen”s guidance, the Global Annual Educational Conference was held in Hualien.
6.海外看教聯 Tzu Chi Teachers Assocation
The Tzu Chi Teachers Association, was founded in 1992, to promote to wisdom of Master Cheng Yen in schools. Over the past 20 years, the association has grown to 3,500 members with branches in different countries. Thanks to Master Cheng Yen and Jing Si Aphorisms, these teachers are able to bring the spirit of Tzu Chi, into children”s hearts and minds.
慈濟教師聯誼會在1992年成立,為了在學校推廣證嚴上人的智慧,過去20年來,教聯會成員增加到3500多位老師,分布在全球的國家,有鑑於 證嚴 上人的法和靜思語,這些老師可以將慈濟人文精神帶進孩子的心中。
7.老屋防颱難 40-year-old house severely damaged
In Manjhou (滿州) Township of Pingtung County, Mr. Jiang(江)”s house was severely damaged after heavy rainfall in June. The senior lives with his mentally challenged son, and the two have no means to repair their house or moving to another location. After hearing of their situation, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived on the scene, for a quick survey and hope to return soon, to provide further assistance.
8.馬幼兒義賣 Fundraising for dialysis and education centers
Tzu Chi kindergarten in Butterworth, Malaysia, recently held a charity fair, to raise funds for the construction of both dialysis and education centers to help those in need. During the fair, kindergarteners promoted sale items to fairgoers. Moved by their children”s efforts, parents showed their support, with concrete action.
At the end of the show, we go to the city of Burnaby in Canada, to join Tzu Chi volunteers in a Multicultural Festival, During the event, Tzu Chi volunteers shared with the participants, how plastic bottles, can actually be turn into blankets and clothes. Apart fromt the workshop, volunteers also put on a fashion show, with eco-friendly clothings. We will leave you with these images.
Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
節目最後,帶大家到加拿大本拿比社區,一年一度多元文化節登場,慈濟志工在現場 與大家分享,如何讓回收的寶特瓶變成衣服和毛毯,除了環保服裝秀很吸睛,還有來自各國團體表演。
2012年7月23日 星期一
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120723
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today”s headlines, Tzu Chi volunteers in Paraguay are distributing daily. necessities and blankets to help residents cope through the cold winter. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Tzu Chi Teachers Association, 1,500 teachers returnto Hualien for a global seminar. And, in our feature reports on Taiwan”s fading trades, we meet Hong Quanrui, (洪全瑞) in Pingtung, who is a talented shipbuilder.
1.巴拉圭發放 Bringing love and warmth to Paraguay
2. 巴生助學動員 2012 New Shoots Scholarship program
3.檳城助搬遷 Tzu Chi volunteers help relocate
4.教育年會開營 20th Birthday, TC Teachers Association
5. 教聯回顧 The history of TC Teachers Association
6. 教聯鄭春梅 Kaohsiung Tzu Chi Teachers Association
7. 360木造船藝 A legacy for future generations
END : 慈青義診行
1.巴拉圭發放 Bringing love and warmth to Paraguay
In Paraguay with daytime temperature only around five degrees Celsius, many local residents. are having trouble withstanding the cold. To help, on July 15th, Tzu Chi volunteers held an aid distribution at Ba-na-do Ta-cum-bu. This time, the volunteers distributed daily. necessities along with blankets, helping 100 senior residents and 27 households in total. To reciprocate Tzu Chi”s love, the seniors later donated money to their coin bank.
位在南半球的巴拉圭,現在白天溫度僅有攝氏五度,許多居民難耐寒冷,7月15日慈濟志工前往邦尼亞都打倥部發放,這次發放毛毯和食物,總共幫助一百位獨居長者、二十七戶慈濟照顧戶,為了回饋慈濟的愛,長者也捐出零錢 表達感謝。
2. 巴生助學動員 2012 New Shoots Scholarship program
Tzu Chi”s New Shoots Scholarship program helps needy families send their children to school. This year, in Malaysia”s Klang, around 10,000 shifts of Tzu Chi volunteers, were mobilized in three short months, to visit the homes of the scholarship recipients to conduct evaluations, and help those in need continue on their education path.
3.檳城助搬遷 Tzu Chi volunteers help relocate
Also in Malaysia, a small apartment in Penang, was invaded by termites. Around 20 Tzu Chi volunteers and students from Tzu Chi College of Technology teamed up, to help the care recipients relocate to a new home. Thanks to Tzu Chi, the care recipients” future are looking bright.
4.教育年會開營 20th Birthday, TC Teachers Association
To mark the 20th anniversary of the Tzu Chi Teachers Association, nearly 1,500 teachers and Tzu Chings from 16 different countries returned to Hualien to attend the Global Annual Educational Conference, in hopes of absorbing both wisdom and dharma. At the opening ceremony, they also took to the stage to perform a section of the Water Repentance Sutra.
5. 教聯回顧 The history of TC Teachers Association
The establishment of the Tzu Chi Teachers Association dates back to 1990, when Taiwan”s stock market crashed causing disarray in society. At that time, Tzu Chi volunteer, Chen Meiyi(陳美羿), who was an elementary school teacher, met a taxi driver who had some quite negative impressions of teachers, and she was inspired to make a change. Chen decided to share Tzu Chi”s values and humanitarian spirit with teachers from around the island. Two years later, on July 23, 1992, the Tzu Chi Teachers Association was founded. Today, in celebration its 20th anniversary, we meet a few of the very first teachers that helped established the Association.
慈濟教聯會成立的因緣,要回到1990年而說起,當時台灣股市面臨泡沫化,社會動盪不安,慈濟志工 陳美羿 ,當時是國小老師,在搭計程車時碰到一位司機,對老師有強烈的偏見,於是陳美羿決定要做些改變,她決定要分享慈濟的價值與理念給全省的老師,兩年後,於1992年的7月23日,慈濟教師聯誼會正式成立了,如今 走入二十周年,我們來認識當時幾位,協助成立教聯會的老師。
6. 教聯鄭春梅 Kaohsiung Tzu Chi Teachers Association
Next, we meet Kaoshiung Tzu Chi Teachers Association member, Zheng Chunmei(鄭春梅), who has actively educated new immigrants at the Gangshan(岡山) Tzu Chi Grounds since 2004. To her students, Chumei is a mother figure, and Tzu Chi is their second home.
7. 360木造船藝 A legacy for future generations
In Pingtung”s Donggang(東港) Township lives Hong Quanrui(洪全瑞)---one of Taiwan”s foremost shipbuilders. Many of Taiwan”s modern day dragon boats have been designed and built by Hong, but his real claim to fame, are his model ships which range from a 2000 year old Roman galley, to a 17th century Swedish warship. Despite their popularity, the ships are not for sale, but have been loaned to the Donggang Museum, where Hong hopes to bring more tourists to Pingtung, and also preserve the art of wood shipbuilding for future generations.
END : 慈青義診行
We stay in Taiwan at the end of our program today, and join Tzu Chi volunteers, Tzu Chings, and TIMA medical staff as they visited senior residents living in the remote mountain areas in Miaoli, to provide medical treatments.
We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
節目最後,我們留在台灣,跟著慈濟志工、 慈青,慈濟醫療人員,在苗栗山上提供醫療。
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